American Idol Executive Producer Ken Warwick on Adam Lambert
Filed Under (American Idol,news ) by Admin on Monday, April 12, 2010
Posted at : Monday, April 12, 2010

Michael Slezak of Entertainment Weekly interviewed Ken Warwick today and here's the Adam part.
Brilliant! Okay, so how are you feeling about the show overall? There’s obviously been criticism that season 9 got off to a sleepy start. Do you think having Adam Lambert come in this week is going to shake things up and infuse the show with that added bit of drama that he generally manages to bring to the screen?
I sincerely hope so. Because the guy is an incredible talent, and he had an incredible following. And it kind of upsets me that at the moment he’s not doing quite as well… [Pauses.] I don’t know what possessed him to do what he did at the AMAs, but he’s still struggling to live it down. And everybody says to me every week, ‘When are you gonna bring back Adam?’ They want to see him as he was. And hopefully we’re gonna do that for him this week, and we can start putting him back firmly where he belongs, as a major star. Because the guy is an incredible talent. He genuinely is. And it kind of breaks my heart to see someone with that much talent struggle a bit. So hopefully we can do back for him as he can do for us.
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Seems like you want to finish this show before it ends....what a way of thinking ....With these type of comments you are doing more harm than good to anyone at this show....why don't you find another job, just proved you are not good at this one!!!!!!!!
Soooo? AMA trick paid off!
Adam is a PR genious!
Anon 12:21
What the heck is your problem? Season 8 had amazing talent from the top 3. This year, not so much. What is it you want Ken Warwick to say? Should he equivocate and tell everyone that the show is better than last year? Or should he say that the talent is just coming into its own and everything will be fine? Have you been watching the program this year?
What American Idol is doing by bring Adam back is a win win win situation.
1. Adam will give good and honest advice to the contestants and they will be better for it and might change their performances to benefit themselves.
2. The ratings, which have been much lower this season are going to skyrocket simply in anticipation of Adam being there.
3. Adam will again be seen by the Idol audience that adored him who might have turned away from him after the AMA's and he more than likely will have a boost in record sales.
Mr. Warwick is doing his job which is to see that American Idol remains the top rated show on television. Kudos to him for recognizing Adam's talent and being innovative enough to bring him back as a mentor and a guest artist.
You are also forgetting that Paula left and Simon has announced that he is not returning to the show which has created a whole new dynamic this year. Lots of people turned away for just those two reasons. These reasons, in and of themselves, do not justify the poorer quality of the contestants, however.
Bottom line, millions of viewers will tune in simply to see and hear Adam if only to assuage their own curiosity.
THIS bitch. Ugh. Unbelievable BS.
this post sums up my thoughts:
Yeah, yeah you are right about the win-win but the problem with the Ken Warwick interview is that he through cold water on his own show AND on Adam...talked about Adam as though he is a failing has been trying to find his way back in. And then he suggests that the failing program needs Adam and visa verse. What kind of PR is all that pity-talk. I think maybe the ole guy wants Adam to be an "appeal to the masses pop singer" with that sensational voice and his beauty. But Adam is something completely different from any star we've ever seen. I personally think he'll be on radio, stage AND screen doing unique stuff. He hasn't failed; he's just gotten started.
"Struggle"?!?! Are you freaking kidding me?! :O
Yes, he didn't fulfill the dreams of millions to be a puppet and do whatever everyone wants him to do but "struggle"?! I don't think so...
Listen; I'm not trying to defend what he did on a certain - now forgotten - awards show. But I'm not trying to open the old subject anew either! Something has happened, things have been said, judgements and discussions have been going on... But it's done! It's in the past now! It's not like he wounded, hurt or "beaten some woman" for goodness' sake!
I'm not a fan of his AMA performance either, I think he could have had a "classier" start but hey, that's just "my" opinion and he wasn't/isn't/won't be entitled to do exactly what we like him to do! Let's not forget people how really things were before it was this "commercial circus"! A certain artist would perform "his/her" type of art, then if you liked them you'd be their fans and if you didn't, you wouldn't follow their works! Not the other way around...
Now for the "struggle" part. It's not even necessary to count his now "countless!!!" achievements in such short period of time that he's been performing as a signed artist. Because everybody knows by now his Gold, Platinum and Multi Platinum stats saleswise and the awards and polls his conquered, is there even any doubts about them? He's even Time-Magazine's 4th most influential person in 2010 and one of 2009's 10 most fascinating people! I know he has the most devoted fans and they power vote for him in any poll but that IS my point! What is he doing to his fans -let's even assume not millions but hundreds of them- to make them so obsessed?! Sold-out shows in CANADA in 10 minutes?! 1000+ fans greeting him in airports in Singapore, Japan and Australia?! Hit shows and sales in Europe?! but in USA... Yes. he didn't sell as much as some expected in the long run because of certain factors (although is in the best selling artist area in many charts!) but he did make a "change". And I think, with all do respect my American friends and fellow Glamberts, Americans despite aaaalll the efforts and slogans are scared of change...
Adam Lambert is not yet a "Rock God" (he can be if "he" wants), is not a super-megastar in his country (he IS called a "megastar" everywhere else), he is not the most powerfull celebrity in hollywood ( he IS the most daring), he is not the bestselling artist of all time ( he's album covers quality more than quantity) and... he is not everyone's cup of coffee ( he is his fans' cup of honesty and originality). But... can he become all of those? YES, HE CAN. Is there anyone else who can become all of that in today's music industry? If yes, can they exceed from 2-3 people?!!! DON'T WE OWE THIS TO OURSELVES TO CHERISH AND APPRECIATE THE POTENTIALS WE HAVE?! It's about the talent people, TALENT. Which is not an exclusive god-given factor that only touches certain people's lives. It's something we all have in the same amount BUT it's something that a few people like Adam Lambert "dare" to nurture...
Don't mourn Michael Jackson, Elvis, Freddie Mercury, Nat King Cole... when you don't want to help create another legend just by believing in them and showing them the way. Or maybe don't; because the minute they rise to their extreme, you get tired of them and beat them down. We all remember the miserable life The King of Pop lived in his last years, right?
Adam Lambert is a true talent and is deserved to be respected. At least because he can make his own dreams come true and we... we sit here talking about Paris Hilton's underwear color last night in the club and a long forgotten Adam Lambert's AMA performance behind these fake identities while there are people who dare to voice their wrong or right opinions, who dare to exist, who dare to be more than a once-lived-forgetable being on the planet and... while there's a universe out there to be conquered and dreams to fulfill, but can WE Adamly "Dare"? If we can't, let us at least be Adamly "Honest".
Sorry for the English.
Arta Arias
..."as he was"?...The WORLD is in love with who ADAM is right now!...He is an international star
adored by countries ALL over the none of this makes sense at all...and how strange AI needs ADAM to soar those failing ratings for the show this week....and desperately
so!!!!!!....that truly does'nt fit a 'struggling
to live it down' statement!....Can it be we are trying right before Idol to cause such a stir that ratings circle the planet and head out into the universe this week?.....Because if anyone can do it, it will be ADAM! Comment: 12:59 Adam is a PR genius....and the AMA'S which totally
caused an uproar in the U.S. nevertheless stole the whole darn show that night right from under so called superstars feet! It was brilliantly awesome! ADAM, whatever this is all about we love you....never change for one moment...Hit the U.K. like a fireball and come back to Australia soon!.....This has all got to be a promotional move..and it will work...and if it benefits our GLITTER GOD ...'it ain't that deep!'...Let the glitter fall!
That guy up at the top of this article (sorry can't remember his name, can't be bothered to go up and look because he is basically full of BS). Adam isn't struggling, far from it, it is Idol that is struggling, it is Idol that needs Adam not the other way around. What a load of crap spilling from this guy's mouth. I'm with Jill, Adam's AMA performance was one spectaculr show, I loved every second of his performance, America really needs to drag itself (obviously kicking and screaming) into the 21st century.
I blame the state of American Idol squarely on the judges that chose the most boring lot of contestants that have ever been on the Idol stage (Crystal excluded). The rest of them just about send me to sleep each week, I keep watching because I think, it has to get better, one of them is going to DO SOMETHING besides just stand and sing a song for goodness sake, but no, each week, they come out and stand like puppets and then once they have finished they go back to their corners until someone winds them up for the next week's performance, but the blame really rests on the three judges that chose them and now they expect Adam to come along and show them how it is supposed to be done. They should have watched his performances from last season just to see what they should be doing, perhaps if they had they wouldn't be in the sorry state they are in now.
Adam is the most talented performer the world has seen in a long time, he is magic but can he perform miracles with just a short time with each Idol, I don't know, but I do know one thing, this week I won't be bored to tears because my eyes will be firmly fixed on Adam.
Dianne, New Zealand
This man should never have given any interviewer the opportunity to shed light on his opinions.
"I don’t know what possessed him to do what he did at the AMAs, but he’s still struggling to live it down."
Seriously? What 'possessed' Adam was the sweet and innocent thought that most viewers wouldn't be upset because they're as open-minded as he is.
That he is 'struggling to live it down' isn't Adam's fault: HE is over it. Unfortunately for him the more narrow-minded people can't get over themselves. Seems to me Warwick believes the AMA was a big and offending mistake as well... not cool.
Warwicks comment wasn't "bad". He did praise Adam of his talent and he did practically admit that this year's show isn't as interesting. That's all good. His comment only confirmed what Adam has been saying all along. Show-biz is run by white middle age men with rather (as we see) traditional and close-minded views. Warwick's disappointed that Adam isn't more "mainstream" and "easy". Thank the Universe for us, that he isn't.
Heh, this little piece of interview has caused a lot of waah! and woe. "Why Adam gets a special treatment when others wont! It's not fair! Waah!"
anyway, I think that Warwick's problem was that he didn't realize that he wasn't talking to an industry insider but to the press when he said what he said. IT's really unprofessional to talk about a tv-show or an artist not reaching the producers' expections.
Warwick's honesty is to be commended. No sense saying AI and Adam are doing great, especially when Adam himself has admitted to receiving and accepting bad (but well intended) advice on which direction to go after AI. His appearances on AI this week will help him adjust his course, and no, not to go back to being a pop idol, but to clean his slate and renew interest.
Anyone on Warwick's side, sorry about your life.
So you want Adam to 'go back'? To be a neutered, heteronormal, 'family-friendly' performer? I don't even know how you can call yourselves Ada, fans, honestly.
Warwick's ratings are sinking. He NEEDS Adam. What. a. little. bitch.
Warwick's comment are ridiculous! Adam just realeased his music at the end of November! The music is new and I hope Adam stays true to himself and dosen't listen to this crap. Whattaya Want from Him! Sold OUT concerts -mega fan following and above all of this he is calm and works really hard to get the music out. AMA's BULL-many in theWORLD thought the performance was great. I agree with anon 3:35-THANK THE UNIVERSE
Adam is the artist he is!
Sorry, but these AI people are always a**h*les.
The AUDACITY of this dude to think Adam needs a shot in the arm from them at this point?????? Adam always did more for Idol than they did for him or ever will.
The worst thing that happened to him was NOT the AMA's but signing with 19 Entertainment. He's doing amazingly well but would be MILES ahead of where he is if they allowed him (for one) the budget he needs to have a decent concert tour this summer. 19 always does a hal-assed job of promotion. Adam is doing well because of Adam. Not because of 19 OR Idol (one and the same).
I could go on and on but I haven't even finished my coffee.
I'm going to watch Adam this week and skip the rest of their LAME Season 9!!!! What a bunch of mini-minds.
It was very unproffessional. He threw Adam off the bus because of his failing show. With a few exceptions they are all stoic talent Weather they can sing or not . They are NOT performers. Our Adam is and he has IT. He made a statement in an interview once that he doesn't have the money for big fancy shows? Maybe 19 is holding him back.
I'm watching tonight just for Adam. So far I wouldn't buy any one of this years AI albums.
To me it sounds as if according to Warwick Adam is 'struggling" based on his CD sales. I guess he was expecting a Susan Boyle phenomenon. The guy is ignorant and needs to educate himself about the growing popularity of Adam before he speaks. Adam's CD will be around for a long time and as Adam releases each new single over the months he will be fine. I still believe that most of the people who watched Idol last year expected Adam to do cover songs on his album and that was the main reason some people turned away. His album is very different than what is popular these days and I might add, much better. You go Adam. Your fans are growing each day.
Yes, when they need someone to pull this awful season out of the rating gutter, they bring in the struggling Adam Lambert. Great Logic!!!
....oh yeah and then his jerk makes it seem like IDOL is doing Adam a favor....ugh.
WOW!here we go again...blah,blah,blah. I didn't see anything wrong with Warwick comments. Personally, it's true - "Adam is an incredible talent" and with regards to the AMAs,Warwick may not have used the right phrasing, however, the point he made is that the AMAs brought Adam some considerable grief from the American people (like it or not) it's quite evident and he has had an uphill struggle to get back on track. For those of us who are avid fans, it doesn't matter, nonetheless, it's a big world out there which Adam needs in his corner. I would be willing to bet that if his AMA performance had been different, his sales would have reflected it (not saying that his sales aren't good just saying that they would have skyrocketed). Before you jump aboard me I, for one, enjoyed the AMA performance and found nothing wrong with it. Realistically though, it did create damage control for Adam and his team, but again, only in the USA. It's quite evident that the world outside the states have no problem embracing Adam and everything that is him. I enjoy supporting Adam and his career because he is so talented but also because of his charisma, articulate outspokenness and being true to himself. I believe he is doing very well (considering what he has had to overcome),he will be around for a long time and, in particular, forces people to think about life's issues and become more open-minded. Slow and steady wins the race!
And yes, looking forward to this week's Idol - only because of Adam. This year's show lacks lustre and excitement in every possible way from the contestants to the judges.
Viewer from Canada!
Warwick did give ADAM a compliment albeit a left-handed one. Perhaps in his eyes ADAM is struggling because of the 'bad' press he has gotten over the AMA(s). He is one of TPTB who expect everybody who comes off his show to be contoversy-FREE ... no bad press ... no brouhaha from a relatively unknown ... maybe he's referring to the ABC/FCC/Liberty Council BS. Who knows? Maybe he knows more than we do because he is behind those HUGE doors where all the decisions are made. I disagree with him and so do a lot of us BUT we're not 'in the loop' like he is. He could be referring to the lack of airplay ADAM got in the beginning. In that respect ... ADAM is struggling ... look how hard it is for his fans to make requests just to hear his music on the radio. It's like walking on EGGSHELLS!!
WANT the chance TO "RESPOND" to Ken Warwick??? Hit him in the pocketbook and don't watch IDOL after this week. Message sent and received.
I don't like the tone of this interview, either. Although I was disappointed with Adam's AMA performance, mainly because the vocals weren't flawless like they usually are. And who knows - all the resulting press might have been good in the long -run since it kept Adam's in the press. I don't know what this producer defines as struggling. Two covers on Rolling Stone (US and Japan), countless magazine articles and photos, two appearances on Leno, guest on Oprah, the list goes on and on. And I really don't see Adam struggling with airplay - he's at 13 on Pop, and top ten in AC, and climbing the charts internationally. I think some people expected too much, but I certainly think Adam is doing fine, working hard like everyone else in the music industry.
SNORT!Ya know, the thing about Adam was that whether it was the AMAs or TMZ or Perez Hilton there was only ever going to be a matter of time before there were new images of Adam pushed up on some dude 'cos that's what he does and I (we) love him for it! This guy should just admit he needs BIG, GAY, DUDE-KISSING Adam Lambert to help the ratings on his "family centric" show.
Let's face it ... ADAM was bound to have to work harder than others on AI because of his orientation even WITHOUT the AMA BS. America is not ready to unconditionally accept & embrace GAY entertainers ... that's why most of them don't say anything UNTIL they are established & have their following. I just read that California won some other 'battle' against the GLBT regarding some law so it's an uphill battle for any of them in that state. Maybe that's the 'struggle' Warwick was referring to. BUT he should be concerned about keeping AI on the air because all interest in that show has become negative or critical at best. I hope the ratings go THROUGH THE ROOF this week proving that AI is the one in NEED not ADAM!!!
I wish people would get a better prospective on the AMA's, the only thing I found wanting was his vocals, He really needed to sing it better as for the rest (as per Ellen) if people are upset about his sexually charged performance they should be upset with all sexually charged performances. Now can we can on with Adam's career which in my opinion is doing just fine. He isn't looking to please everybody because then he isn't doing art and he is an artist.
oh dear poor Adam. i am sure they've told him all this privately, but its pretty unporfessional to say it to the press. v humiliating for the poor boy.
i agree with Anon above, slow and steady wins the race. he's doing fine now and he'll do v well in the long run i'm sure. Europe loves him already - contraversial here equals sales.
It's clear that Warwick is referring to Idol Adam vs Post Idol Adam...they are two different people! Idol Adam did covers of (already) famous music and was hip but really tried to walk the Idol walk and talk.Those fans are the one's who were insulted that he did not continue to be Idol Adam and regurgitate the same old image and music.
Post Idol Adam is who he really IS and the AMA performance etc.,came out of his artist psyche and creativity which he will not apologize for and I agree with him on that one. He is refreshing and his talent now is even bigger and better than on Idol. A pity that small minded people cannot grasp his genius and that he is living his truth, which makes him a better artist.
Idol wanted another Carrie Underwood who has a talented voice,sells CDs like crazy, gets awards, and looks and behaves like Miss America. She doesn't ruffle feathers and to kids and soccer mom's, she is a squeaky clean role model.
Adam is also a role model but only enlightened people can see that for now.
Adam is not struggling at all - as far as the rest of the world is concerned. Singapore loves Adam and we can't wait for him to come back here! We queued for hours in the hot sun and rain just to get a glimpse of him and his autograph. We want Adam!!!!
this producer dont know know how to acccess adam or judge struggling what happen to double platinum-gold and platinum for adam is that struggling?stupid producer warwick.he doesnt know that adam got a high sales?everything maybe one low? a world wide super star? first time ever happen in ai-idol//overseas crazy about adam namely; sweeden netherland-finland-even egypt peru africa;scothland;uk;amsterdam and etc. amd aisan countries namely; japaenses/austrlia singapore/phils as well malysia sinapore/vietnam and indonesia;;this producer doesnt know whats going on on adam s world now?all over the world now pretty soon all of them aisan and euroepan countries.adam born famous and popular and hes a good human being i clal hom mr. perfectionist.(is in his birthyear chart(popular and famous)a great leader too.wish we have a president like him same attittude.
(commnet from the phsychic lady)
Warwick is right. Adam had the world in the palm of his hand and could have left Susan Boyle in his dust if he had chosen a route other than what he did at AMA.
I think the essence of what he is saying is true, when it comes to the American public unfortunately. Sadly, a good percentage of people here only "know" Adam from the fallout after the AMA's, all the media crap, the pictures, the commentaries. Those of us who love him for who he is and have followed him realize he is far more than that one performance. It will take time for the rest of America to catch on and hopefully he will be given that chance. If you think about it, all of his appearances after that have not been on prime time, just morning or later at night really. I for one have been to three of his live performances, most recently Fantasy Springs and Vancouver, both fantastic, and would follow him anywhere :-) but in truth, all the negative stuff has had an effect and that is what the producer was saying (not that I liked hearing him say it). Many of us "enlightened" people in America do get Adam, but many do not or haven't really had the opportunity to observe his true talent and his sweet and loving nature. After his performance at River Rock, I posted on my Facebook page that I had just seen his concert, to which one friend responded with "Well, I guess I'm not as PROGRESSIVE as you" , a thinly veiled comment meaning "So I guess you are going to hell" or something like that. I'll be in good company then! On a happy note, so looking forward to seeing him on Idol tonight.
If Adam was struggling, he wouldn't be travelling around the world. And having a hit single worldwide. WWFM is a hit single. I'm not delusional.
Know it's not popular with this group, but Warwick is correct. Adam screwed up on that AMA performance. Did he do anything wrong in a larger sense? Probably not, but it was stupid thing to do that in this country with such a huge viewing audience. I love Adam but was in shock after seeing his panic and discomfort. He did panic after he fell and right before he grabbed Tommy. He was just trying too hard to be outrageous. Following the AMA, Adam has made all the right moves in all the right places (sry RT) and has emerged as a star. But it does make you wonder what it could have been. He would have left SUBO in his tracks. He's doing fine, but it could have/would have been so much better. Now he has to prove himself every time. I'm not talking about the crowd on this site. We are addicts and like a puppy dog, love our master regardless. I'm talking about the rest of the country. And yes, I know he's doing well internationally, but what it could have been.... Subo is also a huge international star with her ultra conservative style. Adam's CD should have already been platium with his talent and the incredible songs. As much as we Adam fans hate to admit it, it did turn away thousands--if not millions--of fans. It had nothing to do with sexuality. It was his pompousness.
I agree with 7:08. That AMA performance DID affect his public debut and sales. That's why he hasn't been as far up on the charts as he should have been and also why his first single went nowhere in the U.S. and is why they quickly brought out WWFM as if it were the debut single. Adam WAS unnerved by the fallout, even though he SAYS he wouldn't change a thing. Yes, he's still a phenom, but his star would have shot through the roof back in November if it weren't for the fallout from that AMA performance. His album should have gone platinum in the U.S. by now and it hasn't. I look at the non-talents who have hit the top of Billboard and sales charts and just shake my head in dismay.
hey people if everyone doesn't start (today) voting for adam at the time 100 poll, he may slip to # 5..............VOTE!!!!!!!!!
LOL no, Adam wouldn't have outsold Susan Boyle no matter what happened. She's a phenomenon which has nothing to do with music. I won't even attempt to discuss anything else regarding her, but talent wise she dosn't deserve half of the success. In my country she became famous instantly, since her first audition and she still has enormous following, unfortunately. To this day, very few people here even know who Adam Lambert is, let alone like his music. It has nothing to do with AMAs. I guess it will all change after all the promotion Adam's doing in Europe in the weeks to come.
Anyways, Adam's coming out also turned away lots of "fans" so does it mean he shouldn't have done it? Of course not. I'd rather see him being himself than being a heteronormative puppet in some producer's hands. He's doing amazing for now, it can only get better, so chill out, guys. I can't believe we're still talking about it after almost 5 months.
To 8:12, we're talking about it since Mr. Warwick --the subject of this conversation-- brought it up!!! The fallout has nothing to do with his being gay. We all knew he was gay from the start. It has to do with the AMA performance that was frankly poorly done in all respects. That's the subject of this section, so please don't tell us to chill out.
Who has a crystal ball to say whether or not the AMAs helped or hurt Adam? It's past and who cares at this point. I am sure being gay has effected him in one way or another too. Personally I think AI is a stepping stone and a hindrance. A lot of people don't like singers that come off of that program (including me).
AI needs Adam more than Adam needs AI and this guy is shooting himself in the foot---he is having Adam on to help out Adam----YAAH, other way around idiot and he knows it.
Agree with 8:25. AI is really slow this year. I have no interest, haven't voted, don't intend to, haven't downloaded anything. Really boring. You're so right. This is about Adam helping AI, not the other way around.
warwick is talking crap... Adam is not struggling at all!! i believe Adam will be more successful in the years to come!!! just look at how hard at work he is - promoting his new album all around the world!!
anon 8:08 - Adam is now #5... been voting for him since the poll started!! pls ppl VOTE for Adam!! i want him to top this!!!
Adam NEVER bores us-no matter if it's a performance and interview-how he dresses-his dancing(oh that is special)-his SINCERE nteraction with fans and I could go on and on...... I probably will not tune into the AMA's again because just like IDOL Adam has set a new standard "FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT! some get it some don't and that's ok because I REALLY want to get a good set to a concert or 2 or 3(they seem to sell out so fast.)Luv you Adam Lambert- sa
I didnt know he's struggling. His album went Gold in USA, Platinum in Canada, Gold in Singapore already! And his current single is doing really great, its gonna be Platinum soon in USA and its Double Platinum in Canada. I think he's doing great.
Those are crap coming out of his mouth. Adam is a success. Haters to the left!!!
What BS! It's not even a just a quid pro quo situation! It's all about RATINGS and they DESPERATELY NEED ADAM!!! Ok, so he'll get a sales bump too, but to suggest they're helping out a struggling artist is ridiculous!
Correct Anon 9:06! I’ll take it a step further – they need someone behind-the-scenes to show these contestants how to compete on AI and make themselves interesting so people will shell out $$ this summer to see them. Adam's role is legit! Because although some of them are talented no one wants to pay to watch unseasoned performers cut their teeth.
I can't believe Ken Warwick's comments about Adam. Adam is a success not only here but in Canada and internationally. He set the bar so high last season on IDOL that no one can even come close to those performances. I couldn't wait for each new week to see what Adam would sing and how he would look. He never disappointed. This season is a total bore with contestants who overall lack talent, personality, and energy. AI does need Adam to boost the ratings, but I think he genuinely can provide some insight into the process as one who has been through it successfully. He is not a struggling artist and any hint at that is outrageous. Can't wait to see him perform on Wednesday night's show. I know it will be something special for everyone in the studio audience and at home.
I really do not know where these comments are coming from. He acts like Adam is not doing well at all. Then why have him on the show. Every magazine in the world has had Adam on it's cover or inside at one time. The AMA was not Adams finest moment however 99% of the planet has moved on but this dude. How rude and condensending are these remarks. Totally rude in my book. I am sure that Adam is on the show because of Simon Fuller and Simon Cowell because they think out of the box and support Adam in everyway. As far as the AMA they advertised Adams proformance each night as if it "was" going to be outragous and then when it was they turned on him like a step child. Thank Goodness for Simon Fuller and 19 and RCA..I hope they will protect this new artist now and not let that happen again. Let him just sing and entertain please...get off the gay kick, and all the racial crap that goes with it and look at what has gone on TV way before Adam AMA performance. It is clear that that really was nothing new.Emimem talked about rape and murder and we embrase that the whole night was an utter outrage not just Adams performance. Enough Cherry picking folks..look in the mirror.
this old guy was just speaking his opinion. nothing was meant to offend. no harm done because us fans who follow adam know he is doing well no matter how you look at it.
there bringing Adam on the show to try and save it!!!!and they will for two more days!!!!!(Adam's two days)!!! then it's in the dog house again!!!! the show is boring without ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ADAM!!!!!
waoh!!! its getting heavy on this thread,
Hi Everyone,i live in the UK and altough this news affects you more in the US,
I just want to Say That since Adams US Album release and Adam's Amazing International Tour,(how can this guy say Adam is Struggling!!!
i know the American press NEVER report on anything Postive about Adam,
but we in Europe are So Loving Adam and are following every step Adam takes thanks to this Wonderful 24/7 site,
Adam is getting alot of Press,Radio Plays and TV Chart Show Plays,and we can't wait for Adam Album Release on 3 may and FYE single released on april 26, the UK will love him,
why does America walk around in their narrowminded little world with Blinkers on?
Adam will be a Massive Star in Europe its only a matter of time!!!then America may just wake up and take notice of the Superstar that Adam ALREADY IS, love to all glamberts everywhere xxx
I think Warwicks comments were said because he didn't know how to answer the question on AI not doing so well and having Adam on will bring up ratings. He basically tried to turn it around and make it sound like they were just having him on the save his career. What a jerk, I am sure when he got back to his office his phone was ringing off the hook from Adam's mgmt and 19 recordings giving him hell. As far as I know Warwick has nothing to do with Adam's mgmt or career. I think its only Simon Fuller who is part of the management team and he must have had a few choice words to say to Warwick. How do you invite Adam to mentor and sing on AI and then make such a stupid comment, beats me.
guys stop debating and vote for Adam on Time 100!
Poland Loves Adam
He's got that out of the way, and he was going go there at some point anyway.
"What possessed him to do what he did at the AMAS?"
He ain't struggling... u wanna noe who's struggling?! YOU ARE! Ha... this season's American Idol proves it Adam going on tonite will kick the ratings in the behind!
wait:::STRUGGLING????!!!! since when has adam been struggling? he seems to be a very, very busy boy!! WTF is this guy talking about?
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