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Adam Lambert is #1 in Finland!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, May 29, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, May 29, 2010

As we reported last week, "Whataya Want From Me" was closing in on #1 in Finland, and this week it has!

WWFM is officially #1 on Finland´s Most Popular Chart, which is based on 14 radio stations´ playlists.


Credit: ailaah


Anonymous said...

congrats, Adam! More to come!

Anonymous said...

Great News for Adam!! and thanks Fin Fans for loving Adam
come on UK we are dragging behind BIG TIME in the Charts with FYE ...why i keep asking myself..i don't get it?
WWFM out in JULY if we want Adam to come see us again in the Autumn we must get his music higher in the charts,
from frustrated and sad Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing the GlamNation tour in Finland!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing the Glam Nation tour in United Kingdom too (*-*)

Anonymous said...


Almeda said...

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK - I am also frustrated that Adam hasn't been doing so well in the UK :(

But let's wait. Our time will come.

Anonymous said...

Good news. So happy for Adam

Hey Guys. Please call onight and tomorrow night at 1-800-669-1010 and request IIHY atOpen House Party.
You an call every weekend Sat and Sun 7 PM to Midnight and request a song. We need to push IIHY. Please call or emal at

Thanks, Gina

Anonymous said...

Is the 7 pm to midnight EST, PST ????
Streaming AOL Radio right now, Fresh 40, to rate IIHY. Join in everybody. Let's push IIHY up there!! Love you guys in Finland, Crotia also #1, way to go all you Adam fans in the universe!!! Louise

Anonymous said...

I am in Florida it's EST. O guess
you can also emai to requests@openhouseparty
or twitt @houseparty

How do I request on Aol ? Online?


Anonymous said...
Gina, above is link to AOL Radio - select fresh 40 and you can rate the songs. Only bad part is that there are a couple hours worth of songs so if you stream the link you can rate IIHY every couple of hours. Louise

Anonymous said...

Thanks my Finn "cousins" for loving our Adam. When I say our I don't mean America's, I mean the world's.

Liisa Heikkenen Walkema

Anonymous said...

wow! this is crazy, negative neil, as you said you want your brother to be big now he is cruising nicely eh!

Anonymous said...

hey folks just found this on twitter,
Did you know that Lane, Adam's personal assistant, has requested to stay with him. The assistant usually goes to next idol.
we said she was in love with Adam as much as we were lol

hi Almeda,thanks for some UK support,seems like all the airplay for FYE has you say our time UK will come
Loving That Lambert very much indeed,
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK