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The Glee Project Official Music Video Featuring The Cast Singing "Mad World"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 4, 2011

Posted at : Monday, July 04, 2011


Anonymous said...


Newfie Duck said...

Nicely done,simple and to the point. Sometime people need to realize that LESS is MORE!

Anonymous said...

Heart Renching to think so many around us have to feel this way. It is a fact we must deal with and one we should consider when judging others. We are more alike than we are differant;so we should enbrace each other.
Love will heal the hearts of so many that have been harmed by the ignorance of hate. I am glad to see so many step up to the plate to raise awaremess.

Anonymous said...

It's boring???? NO, IT'S PERFECT!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it is great. This message need to be repeated often until everyone gets it. They did a nice job on the song. Judgemental people should think before saying hurtful things or excluding people, because they don't look a certain way. Treat others as you want to be treated, is my motto.


Anonymous said...

I liked it......though I was never bullied in my younger years I did suffer self inflicted shyness because I was so TALL. Being a girl 5'10" in 9th grade was agony! But by college at 5'11" and doing runway fashion modeling it didn't seem quite so bad! You might say I "grew" out of my shyness!!!!!JAK

Anonymous said...

Why is there always at least one narcicist in the crowd?

Anonymous said...

Good question

The Dark Side said...

This sounds a good deal like Adam's version, which is great! btw in case no one has noticed, Glee has taken over the world...which is fantastic if you are a Glee fan. If not, not so much Glee would be nice.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was heartfelt and beautiful, sweet voices.

Anonymous said...

Great version! I loved it

Anonymous said...

@ 12:27 PM

When you are planning to insult someone, it's

always more effective to spell the word

correctly. What you meant is NARCISSIST!

............You're welcome..............JAK

Anonymous said...

These kids did a beautiful job, getting their message across, which was the point. They also had very nice voices. Sometimes less is more, the focus being the message.I liked it and always support young people doing something constructive to make the world a better place. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

How beautiful is that! Brilliant! Time to wake up world and show love instead of hate! Heartfelt and awesomely done!

Anonymous said...

@11.45 ..and yes, this is a message for everyone in the entire world.

Anonymous said...

I think this kind of acceptance of others no matter how different they are has to be inducted and trained, from as young as possible; starting with the family, the school and other places of education. Remember how Princess Diana trained her two young boys; and definitely there are many other enlightened parents and teachers.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Very well done. One of the girls has a stunning voice but they all sounded great. As Glee is so popular, I hope the message will be warmly received around the world.

Anonymous said...

I love the irony in this. The narcissist in the crowd caught the incorrect spelling. HA HA