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The Sound Bath: Adam Lambert's London Showcase & Interview with Etty Payne

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Anonymous said...

Wow, cant believe I have just sat for an hour or more, listening to this I feel exhausted, feel like I was there.
I have heard this lady before when she broke down Adams voice and described everything he is able to do. As she is an operasinger, she does know what she is talking about.
At the end of the day they were two fan gurls, absolutely blown away by His masters voice as we are.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

JAK here...

@Jadam NZ........You stayed with it the whole hour? I salute you, I bailed out after about 15 minutes. No perserverance I guess. It is lovely to know he has such a wide variety of fans though. It still amazes me that in my old age I am able to talk to people all over the globe! I am truly an antique!

Anonymous said...

I've listened to these two before, and believe me, they adore Adam and say incredible things about his voice. They are not the most "exciting" talkers for sure, but they know a great voice when they hear it!

funbunn40 said...

I hung in there for the hour, identifying with their adoration and appreciating their intelligent, knowlegeable comments, Wishing I were there, but experiencing it vicariously thru' them was still gratifying! I was happy to know that the UK media appreciated Adam's performance and were able to see up close how truly phenomenal he is.

Anonymous said...

I stayed like @Jadam NZ for more than an hour listening the delight way that lady was talking about Adam. She really knows what she's saying.She makes a perfect description of Adam's technique and every single feeling she had listening to him.I think I shiver when she was talking about the way Adam looks at you when he's singing..WOW!!It really felt like I was there.Now I can't wait to see him live!!!even I'm not sure to survive!!!LOL!!

Lam-my I'm sure you downloaded it, right?


Anonymous said...

Yes JAK I did stay the hour didnt mean to was supposed to be doing my windows on my day off, so was happy to procrastinate. I am good at that.
Glad others stayed the hour it was actually worth it. I love how she was able to get up close and describe everything in detail.
DRG, you are right they werent the most excitable speakers, but the content made it worth while.
JAK again to you, I to am still amazed to be talking to people all over the world, just how diverse is our little community do you think, where are we from? How old (roughly) are we? One thing I am always curious about is the Administrators of this site, would love to know a bit about them.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

I wish we could watch it in Germany - unfortunately, the German performing rights society doesn't allow it :-( Still, thanks for this blog, though :-)

Anonymous said...

This fandom is indeed a broad spectrum of ages, attitudes, geography and musical opinion. This is a reflection of Adam himself. Many people who have interviewed Adam have mentioned the diversity of his fanbase. I can't think of another pop singer who attracts such a diverse cross-section of followers. It's a real phenomenon. I think there will be books written about Adam in the future, and his fanbase will be a fascinating topic. He's not a teenage heartthrob, though he has teen fan, for sure. He seems to be a "thinking person's" kind of star. His life brings up so much discussion of human rights and behavior, acceptance, and the definition of love in all its forms. This is why I love Adam and richness he has brought to my life.

tess4ADAM said...

Here's what I did. I clicked on the Ytube logo on this clip ... it took me to Ytube ... I typed in ... the soundbath Adam Lambert ... which took me to ALL the soundbath videos that are on Ytube ... filed them in My Documents ... now I have them ALL at my fingertips whenever I want to listen to them ... as long as Ytube doesn't remove them or something else. I saved a lot of ADAM's GNT videos that way too as well as AI8 performances. Just type in what you want & save them in your computer for FUTURE viewing!! Try it!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

lorraine said...

I, also, just finished listening to this hour plus program-couldn't turn it off. Hearing in such detail, the intricacies of Adam's voice through the words of two professional singers was fascinating. I loved the way one of them described Adam's eye contact with her during his performance. My one regret is that when I met Adam in SD, I was so overwhelmed when he walked over to me after his GNT outside Copley Symphony Hall- that I turned away as he signed his autograph for me.I just felt so numb and my daughter was squealing behind me with her camera "Oh,Mom, he's coming right over to you first!" I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't even look right at him-I don't know how else to explain it. {And I have never been one to go crazy over anyone...} SOOOO ,in my heart, I feel like I still have to see Adam again so I can just calmly and sweetly look into his beautiful eyes -and smile and say"Thank you,Adam.

Anonymous said...

@Jadam NZ I only got through your first post before I had to comment. I can't believe I just listened to that for an hour also. I was so entriqued, I wanted the whole world to hear what this women (womens) were saying about our adam! I just feel that when professionals all over the world are noticing the talent of Adam, it just has to catch on(I hope) if it doesn't (here in us) I will be so mad(if that's the word). I'm slowly mentioning adam at my new job with over 100 employees- No one has heard of him yet??? until I say WWFM singer and then they say oh ya- I have alot of work to do lol BTW that was a great 1 hour, I also feel like I was there


Anonymous said...

@Jadam NZ I only got through your first post before I had to comment. I can't believe I just listened to that for an hour also. I was so entriqued, I wanted the whole world to hear what this women (womens) were saying about our adam! I just feel that when professionals all over the world are noticing the talent of Adam, it just has to catch on(I hope) if it doesn't (here in us) I will be so mad(if that's the word). I'm slowly mentioning adam at my new job with over 100 employees- No one has heard of him yet??? until I say WWFM singer and then they say oh ya- I have alot of work to do lol BTW that was a great 1 hour, I also feel like I was there


Anonymous said...

sorry for double post, my computer is all messed up lately
