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Adam Lambert sings "Never Close Our Eyes" at Star 101.3 SF on 3/28/12

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, March 31, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, March 31, 2012


Anonymous said...

Again thank you for sharing this with us. But please you will be so happy when you play this back if you do not sing along and enjoy that beautiful voice of Adams

Anonymous said...

JAK here.............Okay....

Anonymous said...

must sing along-no apologies.

Anonymous said...

Hello there, my sister in fantasy!! Haven't heard your chirpy chirpy cheep cheep for quite a glitch? :)

Yea...Never Close Our Eyes...sound advice. Will be a hot single! I'd like to hear Adam sing this in a capella; that will be manna for the eardrums. :)

Anonymous said...

love the song love Adam .

Anonymous said...

Hello JAK glad to know you are okay...down there in Tampa area..I keep the Adam luv going in the northeast part of Florida

Anonymous said...

lambert fan in tampa saw him at rays game

HK fan said...

I love, love, love this song, and really hope its the next single. Love the words...

aww, I always feel a bit sorry for Tommy when he's put on a chair so much lower than Adams...

Anonymous said...

Hello, JAK! So glad to hear from you! I'm getting to love this song more, the more I hear it. Next single? Could be!
DRG (voting on VH1)

choons said...

wow - this song as next single would be so great - love it just like this - great guitar and best vocals ever - Adam just looks so cool and handsome and sexy and I'm-a gonna die now.

Anonymous said...

Hello JAK my dear:)))

We have missed you so much...

Now let's start the music indeed:))))

Cha! Cha!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I am torn between this song and Cuckoo. But the more I here NCOE the more I love it. Adam said the snippet we heard is not the finished product. He said it hits hard with the beat from Dr. Luke. Please don't let it drown out Adam's beautiful voice. Guess we'll know soon which will be the next single and sending positive energy that it becomes a huge hit for Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

@JAK Glad you are back! Missed seeing your posts here!

Anonymous said...

hey, do we get our FAULT magazine this Monday?

Anonymous said...

If Adam will release this song as a single it's gonna be a very big mistake!Another ballad about gay love:(

Anonymous said...

JAK here.........Gosh I feel like I've been elected Homecoming many nice "shout outs"! Gracias, Danke, Merci beaucoup!

The mysterious 24/7 blog virus got DELL-A. No threads to click on so I was shut out till I figured a way to send out "the batman signal" for help! It was answered and I am once again back in the fold.....though by a new and strange route. I see I am not alone, lots of the Glamily having site problems. Perhaps Admin. is away for a long weekend and Monday everything will be back to normal!

Anonymous said...

@3:51 PM Anon

I'm not a fan of people singing when Adam is singing. It's very inconsiderate. I only want to hear ADAM'S GORGEOUS VOICE.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm new on this blog.Can anybody explain me, please, what all of these interviews are about?Still didn't hear any of these songs on local radio:(

Anonymous said...

10:37 he is doing radio promos and these songs are on his new album Trespassing, they aren't single releases yet except BTIKM. The promo thing is winding down now.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 8:49PM .... HUH??? There's no reference nor innuendo to gay love in this song. The lyrics are all embracing and non-homophobic!

Anonymous said...

JAK at 8:59. Welcome back. My 24/7 blog site is not working either. I got panicky. I'm afraid it's shutting down or something. I got it back too (sort of) by another route: Google Reader feed and the comments by another feed. What is your route?

Anonymous said...

@10:54PM What does it mean "non-homophobic"?

daydreamin said...

Hey @JAK nice to see you found the "back door" again! I hope your medical issues are not serious. Thanks for the shoutout in the other post. So sweet of you as always! We have really missed your humor and wisdom here!

I was so fortunate to be at this wonderful performance and soooo happy that Adam sang this song for us. I am so loving this song more and more every time I hear it. I totally think this is a great song that is radio ready. The others are terrific too and have a great beat and they make you want to dance like Adam says! Adam has a tough choice but I think he already knows what the next single is going to be. I can't wait till he sings whatever it is on American Idol in May!!
Here is a couple of snippet of an interview at a different radio station that I thought was so much fun that may have been missed that were a lot of fun and very interesting:

daydreamin said...

Oops, one more from Alice 97.3 that I came across that was fun:

She also has some other links to the San Jose 106.5 interviews that may not have all been brought here while you are over at youtube watching these.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:49 PM
Really?? This is a gorgeous song and is about LOVE of all types..and quite honestly LOVE is LOVE: Gay, straight, whatever. It is universal. I'm so sorry, but your labeling this song as "gay", is way off base. The song was written by Bruno Mars for heavens sake!! And sung beautifully by Adam Lambert. It's a beautiful love song for everyone. I think its up to Adam what he releases and his next single. And his label. Having heard Adam sing NCOE in Portland live last Sunday, I can tell you it is one amazing song...and everyone in the venue was raving about sung by Adam. Not to mention people all over the world loved it as well. The Bing Lounge youtube video has 52,000 views so far..And here is the BING Lounge Official HD video version (same video, clearer picture)..worth another look as it was very professionally done..Excellent sound and video.

Anonymous said...

OT- does anyone know if "//" is a legitimate way to get votes into vh1 for top20 count?
If so there seems to be no limit, and no need for facebook or twitter acount. Is this too good to be true?
Please advise!!

Anonymous said...

No matter what song Adam decides to release as the next single, if it does not get radio play and Adam performing it on major tv shows, it might not be the big hit that we are all wishing he will have. I still have not heard BTIKM on the NYC station I listen to and he did a promo there about a month ago. I just don't get it. Katy Perry and others, all less talented than Adam, have their new releases played immediately ad nauseum it seems. Yet Adam has to claw and fight his way for any radio recognition. I hope once he appears on AI performing the new single, that it will help help gain the fame and success that he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

I am one of the lucky ones who has not been having trouble with this site. I'm so relieved. I rely on it every day to keep my sanity (or to make me insane, either way,)

As for Adam's next single, NCOE is not my absolute favorite, but if the connection with Bruno will help put it in the public eye, then I say, GO FOR IT! This could be the breath-through strategy that he so sorely needs. BTIKM has done fine, but not great. NCOE could be the perfect segue into the release of Trespassing. I LOVE Trespassing(the song) and Cuckoo, etc., but the sales strategy points to NCOE, IMO.

DRG (voting on VH1)

Anonymous said...

JAK here........because of the difficulty I am having with this site I have no list of threads on right side of screen. Therefore I don't know what the bottom thread on the list is. Could someone tell me the title of last thread ? And is this thread the top of the list? I assume it is. Nothing new posted since this one?

This is very frustrating :(

Anonymous said...


Non-homophobic means not homophobic.

Anonymous said...

Topmost thread...this one we are now at.

Following 3 threads below:
Adam Lambert Visits Amazon (Seattle)

Breakfast With Adam Lambert, Fox and Goose, Sacramento

Adam Lambert Interview Hot 103.5 FM Sacramento (audio)


Anonymous said...

Above 4 threads posted, March 31 2012 to date.


Anonymous said...

I have a confession to make I really hate Adams talent and to all of you adoring him,is so lameeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!


Oooops!!! APRIL FOOLS!!!!:))))

Anonymous said...


Adam interviewed in Finnish LIV tv channel (March 31. 2012), it's a rather long one...but, hey, it's Sunday...Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

@ 5:45, I do not know very much about the music business, but my guess is this is how it works: Most of a super successful music artist’s sales( I’m talking platinum albums) come from the casual listener or the casual fan. And for the casual fan, the SONG comes first and then interest for the ARTIST follows(sometimes, sometimes not). You guys are more than casual fans of Adam. I believe that has skewed your perception of his recent songs. I’m more of a casual fan of Adam’s, and I have to be honest and say that BTIKM is not a great, catchy song. It is not one of Claude Kelly’s better ones. It was not the best choice for a first single in my opinion. The other ones I’ve heard are better, but they don’t sound very original. Maybe whatever “powers that be” in the radio industry will like them better – or at least enough to give them a chance. But you have to know that the casual radio listener (who is not a super fan) does not care if the singer is a good person or not, whether the singer is gorgeous or not(unless they are a teenage girl) whether the singer has struggled hard for years in the music business or not, whether the singer is gay or straight. They don’t even care if the singer is the best singer in the world or not. Sure, they may appreciate a great voice, but the main selling point is the song, period. In my opinion, Adam has a much better voice than Adele or GaGa, but he has not had their level of success because the songs are not as good. I’ve heard some Adam fans admit that when they first heard BTIKM, they were not blown away by it, but the more they listened to it, it began to grow on them. For the average listener, if a song does not grab them the first time, some will not give it a second listen. Ask yourself this: if BTIKM was sung by any other singer, would you be listening to it over and over, or watching it on YouTube over and over just to give it more hits? Would you be voting for it over and over on on VH1?

I heard a song on the radio just recently by someone I’d never heard of – Gotye. I don’t know anything about him. I liked the song, so I bought it. It’s just my guess, but I believe that’s how a singer or a song becomes successful.

Anonymous said...


Just popped here for a few minutes, have to go AGAIN, *naughty swearword*!

Will be back to read more in a couple of hours!

GGD Gal, in a hurry

Anonymous said...

I agree with you!

Anonymous said...

GREAT guitar playing and INCREDIBLE vocals !!! This song will be a MEGA hit - I love it !!!

Anonymous said...

JAK...I get the threads on feedreader "AdamLambert24/7". There is a separate feed titled "Comments on AdamLambert 24/7". They are up to the minute and you can read past comments too. That's the way I'm leaving this comment. You can find it by clicking the " Subscribe (Atom)"
at the very bottom of the regular 24/7 comments. You know..where the "NewerPosts" and "OlderPosts" arrows are. Hope this helps anyone who can't get them the old way. It's kind of inconvenient but they are clearer (easier to read). Glam4Lamb

Anonymous said...

10:16, I understand what you're saying, and a lot of it makes sense. BUT, when you say that some of Adam's new songs are not very original, I have to make this point. The airwaves are full of successful songs that sound exactly like a bunch of other songs. What's so original about that? I hear songs that sound so much alike by the same singer or by a different singer with the same sound. Originalithy doesn't seem to have much to do with it, IMO. I agree that ANY song has to grab the listerers, whether it's original or not. Some do, some don't. I don't think Adam's new songs are any less original than anyone else's out there. It's just a fact that if you've had a hit or two, your new songs will automatically be played even if they're not original. Adam's breakthrough song is just around the corner, I think. (And you're right, too, in saying that casual listeners don't really care about voice quality. Sad but true.)

Anonymous said...

Adam has said several times that the reason they released BTIKM as the first single was that it re-introduced him to people who hadn't heard from him since the last album (not passionate fans like us). So, he went with BTIKM, as it did sound a bit like WWFM. He's a smart business man and seemed to feel this was the right decision. I'm sure the next single will be a 'kick-ass' dance song, which will hopefully bring him even more success. Here's hopin' ....

Shiggles said...

@JAK glad to see your tag back here. That means you're well even if you have computer problems. I'd love to throw mine out the window sometimes.

Anonymous said...

10:16 your comment sounds vaquely familiar have you perhaps posted peices and parts of it already? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

BTIKM #17 from 20 on HAC. and #33 on Ryan Seacrest top 40 HAC first week it has been on. request request request, nicely, like we are. lol

Anonymous said...

Darest I say I was a casual fan turned into a lunatic after I went to a GNL with my Aunt?

Anonymous said...

@April 1, 2012 10:16 AM

What's this nonsense about Adam's songs not being original? There is NO OTHER ARTIST whom I've heard in the music industry releasing songs similar to his. I too buy songs that I LOVE, not merely because I'm a fan of that particular artist. I loved BTIKM on 1st listen and I've grown to love it even more since. Sure there are a few songs of Adam's that I don't love but if someone says they love every song that an artist has ever released, then that is questionable. I know the song of Gotye's that you're referring to. He's had great success with it and it's an OK song but it doesn't grab me. Furthermore, I would NEVER buy an album because I love just one song. I prefer to hear snippets of the other songs first before I leap in and buy a whole album.

There is a lot of "junk" being played on radio stations today, as well as songs that sound the same as others. All Katy Perry's songs that I've heard have the same beat which becomes tedious very quickly. I like a couple of her songs but not enough to buy a whole album of hers. Ditto Lady Gaga.

If BTIKM had been released by someone else and I happened to love it as much as I love Adam's version, sure I would buy it. I'm not a snob with regards to music. I buy songs that I love, not because I love the artist, and I just happen to be a fan of most of Adam's music.

To each their own.

HK fan said...

@ anon 10.16
I would have to disagree with your main point that its all about the song and not the singer as to what gets played on the radio, if that were true, then half the songs that are played on top 40 radio wouldn't get airplay (Nicki minaj anyone) as they are utter crap. Its definitely who you are that counts. Katy Perry and Gaga's songs are not terribly original, they all follow the same formats (not knocking them, I listen to them both a lot), they get played straight away because of who they are, not because of the song. Adam is a platinum selling artist (has sold 1.2m in the US, don't know why he never gets certified though), but for some reason the suits at the radio stations have got something against him (mm, wonder what that could be).All the dj's seem to love him, and quite a few have stated that if it was up to them they would play him, but its not their decision. BTIKM is a great song, my favourite of his singles, even my husband likes it and he is far from an Adam fan, it fits totally on radio today. And you can see from the itune bumps it got from his appearances on Leno and Ellen that people will buy it if only they got a chance to hear it.

and @ mar31 8.49pm
NCOE is not a song about gay love, have you actually listened to the lyrics, they are beautiful and universal. Plus its not a slow ballad, the album version is actually a dance song with a great beat.

glitzylady said...

Radio is run at least partly by "radio politics"..I've heard it directly from the mouths of DJ's....and recently one in particular who shall remain a venue I was recently at to hear Adam sing (promo stop)..Very nice DJ said (privately) that he really likes BTIKM but he is not authorized to play it..unless given permission from "above". They've played it, but not often...Its as frustrating for the DJ as it is for us. However, there are some stations that ARE playing it just depends on where you live. And I have to say I do like a lot of the pop music out there, but do get so tired of hearing the same old/same old..every hour on the hour.


I was in Target in the music department, looking for the soundtrack for "The Hunger Games" (some good music on there..I have a wide range of musical tastes: I like it if its good music) because I saw the movie last night, and liked many of the songs..(Adam needs to get a song or two on a major motion picture soundtrack..that would be awesome!). ANYWAY, what did I hear but ADAM singing BTIKM, so I ran over to a flat screen monitor set up in the department, and low and behold, there was the Music Video for BTIKM, and Adam, in all his Dark and Light glory! YAY!!! Advertising Trespassing CD coming out May 15th..along with Bruno Mars, and a couple of other major songs/albums...So THERE!!! I kept browsing and I kept running back over to watch!! A very exciting and proud moment...So its happening...we just have to be a little patient, and I'm not good at "patient" when it comes to Adam ..but will try.. ; ))

daydreamin said...

@Glitzylady, I've run into the exact same situation with my local station.

How cool that you saw the video on Target!! I bet you wanted to shout to everyone to come watch it, right?!!

glitzylady said...

Yes I did! And its a good thing no one was in a direct line between me and the video monitor...I literally RAN to it..several times!

Anonymous said...

I think @10:16 AM makes some very valuable points and is entitled to her/his opinion without it being labeled "nonsense." Adam needs more than one big hit for him to reach the status of Katy Perry, Gaga, Bruno Mars, even Beiber. It didn't happen with his last CD but perhaps it will with "Trespassing." And it is the NEW and CASUAL listener being hooked by one or more of these new songs that could push him onto that higher success level. What is killing him and me is NO or MINIMAL radio play!!! Still waiting for BTIKM in Texas.........


Anonymous said...

GL Thanks for your post. I was in Target a few days ago and thought I heard BTIKM but thought I was only hallucinating, now I know I wasn't. lol I am going there in a few hours so I will check it out some more.

Anonymous said...

Who really knows if it is the singer or the song(the lyrics, the beat) that is the main reason a new song is played on the radio. I would guess it is both. I don't know much about the music industry, but so much of Katy Perry, Gaga, Minaj is formulatic...same beat, not much to the performer's voice, auto-tuned, etc. and then some crazy video to sell it to the younger demographic crowd. I don't know if Adam will ever reach the megastar status that we as his fans want for him, but he will have longevity and sustainability in the music business. He can do it all with that voice during a live performance and someday I would like to see him on the Broadway stage in a new production or some revival. I just hope he does not become discouraged if TRESPASSING does not do as well as we all hope it will. I love the songs I have heard from it so far with Cuckoo being my favorite. These songs mean something to Adam and hopefully will get radio play. Otherwise, Adam will still be fighting to be recognized for his musical abilities, the best in the business today as far as I am concerned.

Anonymous said...

Sitting in the diner this morning for breakfast, I heard WWFM in the background. But I have not heard BTIKM at all in this NYC listening area. And even did some promos at a few of those stations, great interviews, but nothing. So go figure it out. It is disappointing and I hope whatever his next single will be, that it is radio friendly and gets him more recognition than he seems to be getting now. They say the sophomore album is very important, so I want it to be very successful for Adam as he plans his tour for it.