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The 2012 NewNowNext Awards on Logo Featuring Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, April 2, 2012

Posted at : Monday, April 02, 2012


daydreamin said...

Adam tweeted this:

Watching the Voice- Christina looks so beautiful tonight. dat mug is dusted :) gorgeous.

Anyone know what he means by that last part?

daydreamin said...

BC Jean tweeted "If I were a boy...I'd probably be gay".

Adam replied: "haha, yea, you probably would be

then next tweet says:

"A really hot one".

funbunn40 said...

@ Daydreamin, Maybe he means he likes her makeup? Bet he's glad to be home after all the promos. He sounded a little punchy from lack of sleep at a few of them. Tommy needs to build up his stamina to keep up the pace. He was having a hard time staying awake! lol

daydreamin said...

funbunn40, that's what I thought too. I was so glad the show was a new day so she could take off that black sparkly shower head she's had on the past few weeks. She looked really pretty tonight like Adam said.

Adam, you are such a tease!

Good to see your comments again @funbunn40!

funbunn40 said...

Hope Adam sings Never Close Your Eyes. It's so beautiful and really shows off his voice. Hope Perez won't be his usual snarky self with any remarks about Adam. I doubt Adam will give him the time of day. So glad he will be performing on NNN and hopefully soon on Idol.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Adam ,having to stay awake for the aerly radio promos & drinking 5hr energy drink to stay AWAKE to sing for us :)

I guess Tommy must not have his energy drink:) poor kitty:):):)

Anonymous said...

is this the awards show Adam introduced Robyn at last year?

Anonymous said...


Hello everyone. I'm not a Glambert, but I like Adam very much if you should know. This guy is/could be the greatest thing happened to music in decades and I respect him dearly for that immense talent.

Now the reason I'm here writing you this msg is that I just recently listened to his now very famous snippets and let me tell you they are AMAZING. I asked one of my Glambert friends and she told me that I can communicate with you guys here better than anywhere else.

Listen, you guys are powerful everyone knows that. If you want to know what you Glamberts can do for your guy to be up there where you think he deserves to be, let me tell you we non-glamberts who admire his voice don't care what he wears, what he looks like or EVEN WHAT HE SINGS! We fell in love with a Lambert who was confident and didn't give a s*** what anyone thought. He'd go up there on the stage every night on that crappy show and for 5 minutes he'd turn it into a spectacular event. And the greatest thing about it was that he didn't 'try'. He was original, risk taking, true to himself and daring while not offending anyone.

After that award show which I don't remember what it was and it's backlashes he took a few steps back which was actually quite good. He did the same thing I think when he sang Cash's Ring of Fire on the show and the next time toned things down on the unplugged performance cos some people thought his rendition was too much which of course wasn't. But him toning down was the perfect solution to keep the both parties hanging there. Then again he immediately went back and forth and very cleverly took the audience in his own hands with his bold choices. After the award show though I think he stepped back a little too far. I saw some footage of his concerts and his performances and saw that he was his old self and maybe even better BUT JUST IN THE EYES OF HIS FANS. In the public eye and by that I mean those who are not ignorant or homophobe but those who aren't simply glamberts,he was just 'too' safe. Cos it is not just Glamberts and non-Glamberts. It is you Galmberts, we fans (not as diehards as you are), Neutrals, and then others who all compile in the non-Glamberts group. So he has tons of potential!

Long story short, I don't care about the past. Maybe it even was a very good strategy to step back that much as it is a very harsh business and he is an utterly smart guy but NOW I think we non-galmberts need to see his entertaining, fearless and unapologetic side again while he keeps everyone satisfied and while he stays true to himself: Balance. Of course this is only if we want him to become the megastar he deserves to be since he already is very successful and famous among his fans and the music people.

Rest in the next comment...

Anonymous said...

Ok I know saying these things for a 26 year old guy may seem a little cheesy but I think Lambert was at his best in the live performance of 'Play that Funky Music' on AI. I mean this song is one of the corniest songs I have ever heard (although I love it). But he turned it into such an amazing pop-rock piece that it was unbelievable! The vocals, the music, his sexy yet classy dance moves, his control and his appearance just was screaming "the next musical legend"!!! I know he had amazing performances all along the show but this was particularly his element; the song wasn't entirely rock which he seems to like mixtures more himself, it completely showcased his vocal abilities, and he didn't worry about anyone liking it or not cos he was having so much fun!

Anyway Glamberts, encourage your guy to be what he wants and what he likes but keep it about his music and his passion; not our tastes and standards. He is/can be much much more than that. He is a standout kind of performer who may need or may not need dancers on stage BUT doesn't necessarily need to be dancing along with them the entire time cos his moves are much more original and exciting for us. He doesn't need to go with the current musical flow and style cause whatever song he touches turns into a masterpiece. He doesn't need to impress people because he's very likeable as he is! I mean his Queen performance on MTV... WOW!!!

I really like to see him do this kind of 'all in my control' performances like Whole lotta love and powerful performances very soon with his killer songs like Trespassing (Which I thought was FANTASTIC for a new single) and Fever, or Down the rabbit hole (ROCK MASTERPIECE), Voodoo and so many others... I remember my now ex-girlfriend really hating him. She one time saw his Ring of Fire, Born to be wild and Whole lotta Love performances and said: "If you were that much macho and in control of me in bed as he is on stage holding that mic doing his own thing, I'd marry you in a heartbeat!" I heard ever since she'd become an avid Galmbert, she also is interested in women now. :) He just needs to 1.grab the mic and be fully in control, 2. play his unique technics on vocals and 3. HAVE FUN!

I needed to say all of these things to you after this long time after the AI show which got me so interested in him and I hope you can get this guy up there where he belongs.

I also salute and respect you guys tremendously for your remarkable support for your idol and wish you get your reward by seeing him succeed 'more'.

Tnx for your patience;

Anonymous said...

tommy always look so boring and sleepy....its not good for adam....whats wrong with him???i do think and hope that adam will fing a good gitarist for the next tour...tommy is cute and thats it..

Anonymous said...

Love the picture they used of Adam in the NNNA clip. He's gonna kill it on stage!

Anonymous said...

the thing is... the more I watch/follow... the more i realize Adam is almost always in control, which in and of itself is so dang sexy. talent beyond...

Anonymous said...

Castiele @5:12, unfortunately, not everyone out there sees all of those great things in Adam. Some people just don't get him. But why should glamberts care? If they love him and his voice, that should be enough. They shouldn't care so much if he has mega success or not. Maybe one day he will, maybe he won't. For their on "faith in Adam's" sake, I don't think that they should build up expectations that might not happen. I buy the Adam music that I like. I don't care if anyone else does or not. To each his own.

Anonymous said...

I love the man and performer that ADAM is

Anonymous said...

Out of subject. BTIKM got about 4,977,000. And 5,000 of these views were added just in 10min. They update this number twice in have an hour.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant 4,971,200 views

Arta Arias said...

@ Casitele > Castiele thank you so much for taking so much time to share your thoughts with us. It was really interesting for me to know what 'others' think of him.

If I have to be a true Glambert I'd say, I don't care what others think. I love him as the way he is. :))
But if I'm going to be a bit more rational I'd say your insights might actually be very well true. I remember right after AI, during the AI tour and after he came out in the rolling stone, the compilation of the thoughts and comments on Adam was the same you're saying in your comments.

Right back then his coming out was an explosion in the news and although everyone knew, they were all kinda hyped about the news! But no one actually cared because they were so mesmerized and so transfixed on him as an "out of this world" performer that they didn't give a thing about his personal life. They just wanted to see him sing live and that was actually the key to one the AI's tours that summer.

All that being said, I know he is going a little bit mainstream and maybe a little bit similar to other artists out there but the fact is he HAS TO do so in order to be able to have it his own way in the future. Unfortunately right now everything is scaled upon the sales and he is trying to maintain that stability as he has stated himself repeatedly these past months while promoting his album.

So I say let's give him a little more time to do his thing and see how it works out. Right now there's nothing he needs more than us supporting his new album and new sound.

Thanks again for your honest thoughts and insights again. It was a complete refreshment of my memory of how I first got to know Adam and you were almost completely on point with your analysis of how he became the star he is. I'm glad you liked the new music also AND REMEMBER A LITTLE BIT OF TIME AND LOTS OF SUPPORT IF YOU REALLY LIKE HIM... ;)

Tnx again.

Anonymous said...

there was really a lot of insight in that post Castiele. really good.

Anonymous said...

I'll be right back everyone I have to get my hip boots on.

Anonymous said...

9:09 ha ha me too, having a hard time wading through all this bs. lol

Anonymous said...

Can't believe that just one hour ago BTIKM had 4,971,200 but now it is 4,963,000!!! Isn't it very strange?

Anonymous said...

I was at The Utube BTIKM site 20 min ago and it had 4,966,775 views and that is what it has right now.

fefa said...

ahhhhh!! only 6 days 11 hours and 40 minutes to goo!! im so exited 'cause im finally going to see him on tv! every performance he has ever done ive had to watch it on youtube! i didnt watch him on idol, neither the AMA, leno , ellen, not even the EMA!! uughhh i cant miss this! lol adam blow us away so people now who! :)
BTW i love kelly! and she loves adam! adam get ur best clothes out there so u can be best dressed of the night!lol and sing amazing!! (u always do)
PS:do any of u guyz know if he is going to sing the new single? I know he will sing the new single on idol but what about the NNN? thankz!

Anne Marie said...

Thank you administrator, for taking the ad off that was covering the posts. But now it is black on black. I just vaguely click in the general direction where I think the posts are. Thank you in advance for fixing it. :)

Anonymous said...

I think we all need to appreciate what Adam has done, is doing and will do to create more exciting performances for us, his fans.

This new less glam more funk look is very current, hip and he looks fantastic. He is and will always be Adam Lambert.
Who cares about anyone's sexuality.
Some knew, some didnt. Does it matter? The music matters, thats what he's in the biz for. Not for fans to be all up in his love life.
Thats creepy. He shouldnt even indulge in that topic with fans.
Personal is personal, his music is our business, nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Anyone hear about Bruno Mars coming out as gay?

Anonymous said...

I heard RUMORS from Gay Community in Hawaii that Bruno Mars is gay ???? Hmmm... he's still a great singer! so who cares! his fans may be shock!

Anonymous said...

I heard RUMORS from Gay Community in Hawaii that Bruno Mars is gay ???? Hmmm... he's still a great singer! so who cares! his fans may be shock!

Anonymous said...

@11:39 I read that about Bruno,suppose it is probably a rumor but who knows.All I can say is Adam is bravest man for being so honest about who he is. Yes it makes him unfortunately have to work that much harder which is so unfair with the immense talent he has!If the Bruno gay thing is true he has already made it and probably won't hurt him. Don't think his fans will disappear. At least I hope not. Bruno is very talented especially as a song writer.

Anonymous said...

I would hope Bruno's fans wouldnt disappear. Fan loyalty.

Just as I would hope Adams fans wouldnt disappear if he chooses to do some fish for dinner. Go out on a limb, the wild side, in the right mood, as long as there's a connection. All that matters

Love is a burnin thing !!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bruno Mars is very talented Adam likes him his music as a person & writer what I don't understand why this is even brought up on Adams site if Bruno is gay what bad timing & bad judgement to even say that WHAT DIFFERECNCE does it make its like ok here we go again you people brag about Adam then tear down his freinds like complaing about Tommy that is Adams freind they are good together why be negative. Please leave Bruno alone he does not owe any one any thing about his personal life I hope it gets dropped right now why start a bunch of crap if he is good for him what ever makes him happy.

Anonymous said...


I felt so good reading your complimentary comments about Adam. Coming from a person who is a "non-Glambert" it 's great to see that you can appreciate his amazing talent. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I just want Adam to be happy in life and attain the success he desires.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam introduced Robyn on this show last year. I hope he performs Trespassing.I LOVE BLIKM, and i hate to say it but i think it may have reached its peak. Please Adam perform Trepassing!!!!!

Anonymous said...

seriously doubt that Bruno Mars is gay..just a silly rumour...I think that Justin, Taylor and even Gaga pale in comparison to Adam Lambert..and yet they are the ones making ridiculous amounts of money..they could all retire and never been seen or heard of again before they reach 30..maybe our Adam will never reach their star status when it comes to fame..but I feel that he will stay in the race til the end and be entertaining us for as long as he lives...

Anonymous said...

@12:29 p.m.

You seem to harp on the same topic in many of your posts. Why are you so eager and interested in Adam branching out and pursuing sex with females? He seems to be pretty happy. BTW "fish" is derogatory.

Anonymous said...

david bowie-freddie merury elvis presley and michael jackson-same animal zodiac sign like adam lambert-gfited (voice wise) as an aquarian born adma lambert is loveable-likeable-born famous bec. of his bierthyear sign plus his aqaurian sign a world likeable sign a san aqaurian born now we fans knows this. for life famous and long time great singer no one else. LAMBERT.

Anonymous said...

Just read on an AO thread that the new single will be announced tomorrow or Thursday. Adam will be singing it on the NNN Awards show. Also, it said Adam will be doing more promo in June in the UK, just before the UK release of Trespassing which will now be July 2, I believe. In my opinion, this is a good marketing strategy. Adam needs UK support big-time. The Queen show in Moscow is June 30. I think he can use that show as a marketing tool to hype interest. Lots of UK people are crazy Queen fans and are interested in Adam's concert with them, wherever it takes place. This would add to the hype for Adam just before the release of Trespassing in the UK.
Of course, this is just my guess, but it kinda makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Video performances and pictures of Adam yesterday at 104.3MYfm radio station in L.A.:

Anonymous said...

If anyone thinks the word fish is derogatory, you should relax.
You do not know the sisters very well and by that you probably dont know who I"m talking about either.
The word can be used in a postive way. Hey girl look at you, you're looking fish tonight !!!!
I've used the word a plenty and that wasnt me. So who are you to say the comment is one in the same.

Using google to get into sites can give different ip addresses, even so, more than 1 person can use a computer so its difficult to narrow.
Dont worry , be happy. Accept comments as everyone has them.

Anonymous said...

Just wow! He is such a great singer and need I say gorgeous too.

Anonymous said...

2:59 it's because she is sexually insecure and immature and likes to hear herself talk. No personality and a chronic bore, doesn't matter how many times she wrote it, once is enough.

daydreamin said...

Adam Interviewed in Swedish MAGAZINE:

Adam Lambert, Man of the month, Swedish SOLO Magazine no.4 2012
Posted on mars 31, 2012

Man of the Month

Adam Lambert: I cry so damn easily.

About Adam
Age: 30
Lives: Los Angeles
Boyfriend: Yes
Current: The new album “Trespassing”

He has stopped wondering what we want from him. Maybe because the answer is obvious? (Music!) SOLO met Adam Lambert and talked about love and happiness.

Congratulations Adam, you are Man of the Month in SOLO!
- Haha, ooh, thank you! That’s very flattering. I can be your gay best friend, why not?

Do you see yourself as a sexy guy?
- No. I like looking good and feeling handsome. After Idol there were a lot of girls who said very nice things to and about me, and I answered “Really?”. I’ve never seen myself as a good-looking guy.

Why not?
- I don’t know. I didn’t have that much success when it came to love when I grew up. It’s hard looking in the mirror and feeling satisfied with what you see when you don’t get any good feedback from the outside world.

So you weren’t “the shit” when you were in school?
- No! No, no, no, no, no! I was a real geek, overweight with bad skin. I never thought I would get to where I am today.

How is this album different from your last one?
- It is a lot more honest, and is more about things that I’ve gone through myself. It really is “my” album, my baby. The sound is different as well, a bit more towards the sounds of Michael Jackson and Prince than previously. When it comes to the content, it’s about being an outsider but being proud of it. The darker parts are about the effects of that, about how lonely and insecure it can feel.

You and I actually met two years ago. What have you learnt over these past years?
- I’ve learned a lot about myself and what I need to be happy. For a very long time I thought the only thing I needed to be happy was the kind of career I have now, but that’s not how you create happiness. Happiness has to come from the inside, or else it will eat you up.

Have you managed to find that inside happiness then?
- Yes. I have a better balance between my work and my private life now, and a part of the happiness I feel now comes from the fact that I am the source of my material. It feels more honest now.

Has it been two good years?
- Yes! Two wonderful years. I have grown, come to terms with myself and learnt a great deal about relationships.

For example..?
- How hard, yet rewarding it is to find someone who likes you as much as you like them, haha.

Are you in a relationship now?
- Yes. And I am very much in love.

You have turned 30 now…
- Mhm. Last week.

Oh, congratulations! Any angst over ageing?
- No. The advantage of being 20 is that you experience a lot for the first time and you never feel that way again, and it is beautiful. Also, I was skinnier, haha, and that was nice. But I understand more and am more clever now.

Did you celebrate by partying like a rock star?
- No. I had a quiet dinner with friends.

That sounds very grown-up.
- I was in a grown-up mood. I think I am so ready to get this album out, that feels like it will be my party.

You look quite tough, with the black hair and the make-up…
- What make-up? What are you talking about?

- I have attitude. I am a nice guy, but I can get agitated about things.

Such as?
- Injustice. Double standards. Dishonesty. Limitations. The opposite of things that I value.

What makes you cry?
- I cry like a baby at movies. I am a real wimp. I cry so damn easily, even if the the movie isn’t very good. If there’s a tiny bit of sentimentality then the tears come.

So if you watch “Extreme Home Makeover”..?
- No. That’s the limit.

Have you had time to see more of Sweden this time around?
- No. I would have loved to have time here, I’ve heard you have great shopping here in Stockholm. That’s how I explore cities, through shopping.

original article by Johanna Frölander
translation by @HellOnHighHeels

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the Sweedish mag post.
It's funny to hear/read Adam saying he doesn't think his a good looking guy!! HAhahah!! Maybe back when he was in high school or something but look at him now!!He can't be more hot!and about crying with sweet!(I always cry too...)but I can't see thouse beautiful eyes crying...the video of WWFM...the moment when he's crying...poor bb....


Anonymous said...

10:26 Get a life, please. You and others cant take the heat,
when others differ from your opinions.

Must be one of the overweight older women who are so miserable they have to say things like this to make yourself feel better.

funbunn40 said...

@castiele, Welcome to 24/7! I agreed with much of your comments, but Adam still has to play the game to a certain extent to broaden his fan base, many of whom were attracted to him on Idol and then disappeared after the AMA performance or had trouble with the glitter and glam. Elton John,Bowie,Madonna,MJ,Gaga and many entertainers early in their career dressed and acted flamboyantly and gradually found their level and then the focus was on the music. They still didn't lose their individuality and Adam won't either. He will always be the fun loving liberal that loves to play dress up,explore,be impulsive and let the music come thru' his soul. I think he has found his balance and has grown and experienced alot in the past two years, adjusting to fame with all of it's warts. He is and always will be a free spirit and his own man IMHO, but he's also grown up and is savvy and smart. He's well traveled and has paid his entertainment dues. He will go on surprising and exciting us. Note the leopard pants making another appearance! I hope you will continue to enjoy his talents and stay tuned! He has a lot of male fans and I like hearing their perspective. Feel free to tune into and chat with us too! :}