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Adam Lambert Live Performances at 104.3MYfm

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Adam Lambert stopped by the MYstage @ 104.3 MYFM in Los Angeles to give an exclusive performances ""Trespassing", "Never Close Our Eyes", "What Do You Want From Me" and "Better Than I Know Myself".... from his upcoming album 'Trespassing' that gets released May 15th.


"Never Close Our Eyes"

"Better Than I Know Myself"

"What Do You Want From Me"


HK fan said...

Really enjoyed these, I love NCOE, its my new favourite. I wish Isaac had gone along on the whole promo tour, the songs do sound better with his little box.

Anonymous said...

Loved the performance! Adam looking so gorgeous and natural. My fav was Trespassing but now it's NCOEs!


Anonymous said...

Let's go and get ready to FUNK PEOPLE!!!

There's no stopping now!!!!

This young man is a killer BEAST INDEED!!

I'm really excited to shake my boots now baby!!! HOT! HOT! Adam!!!! VOICE!!


Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT Interview will air tomorrow sometime between these hours:

6am to 10am, April 4, "Valentine In The Morning", 104.3 MYfm Los Angeles

Anonymous said...

Holy Shit I needed to hear the frikkin' awesomeness of NCOE.
NOBODY sings this way live in a small studio. Isaac was so much fun to watch with his intense focus on Adam. Tommy is sounded better and better and acoustic guitar.
Adam is home and getting the loving he so deserves and we can all hear and feel it!!!!!!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Outrageous vocals and emotion.BTIKM sounded the best I have heard it.
NCOE is my favorite to date.

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam wrapped his promotion tour few says ago. Unfortunately it didn't bring a lot of success. Adam still didn't released new single and music video. which is ............not good.
Good luck, Adam. You deff didn't care about your future carrier. But you enjoy of sounds of your voice and sounds of voices your paranoic fanatics. Where are your real friends, family, management? I think you out of your mind, Adam, for 2 and half years. Such a long time. I don't think any rehab will help you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, oh, oh, hell the intonation on the word awake in NCOE is heart stoppingly beautiful. I think now this needs to be the next single everyone seems to love it. Although we have only heard the accoustic version right thru, I think it will still be beautiful on the album.
Isaac was intrigueing me the way he was watching Adam so intently, probably cause Adam changes things up all the time, did you see him look over at Tommy near the end of the song as if to say WTF.
Please hurry up May 15th I so want everyone to see how special this young man is as we do.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

Anon 7.13.
What the hang are you banging on about.????

Anonymous said...

7:13 hey, I think I hear JB and FM calling you in the distance you old bag.

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:13 pm What is going on? Are you just mean spirited or just a toll? Oh I have the answer BOTH! Why haters have to hate is beyond me. If I do not like an artist I never go to sites and say mean things. I just wanted to say I thought these performances today were outstanding vocals like no other. Wow Adam is sounding better and better (if that is possible) as he sing these songs on his promotional tour. I think in my opinion that "Never Close My Eyes" and "Trespassing" are going to me grammy nominated hits. People have to keep in mind a song does not have to be a pop hit on the top 10 to have staying power. Look at WDFM; I still hear it on the radio everyday. Adam has a huge fan base and staying power. I wish everyone would chill and quick expecting so much to fast...All good things happen to those who wait.This album is stellar like Chris Browns last matter what negative press or what ever he held his own on his talent and music.I am not even a fan of his(Chris) and I can see that.Mark my work all the haters in the closet aren't going to stop this "Crazy Train" NEVER

Anonymous said...

Trespassing is a hot track. it should be a single. Adam can wail on that song.

Anonymous said...

oh, dry up

Anonymous said...

Adam is looking so good here and NCOE is my new favorite,but I still like Cuckoo just as well. It is going to be a tough choice for which song from the album will be the next single. They all sound terrific in the acoustic version so imagine the final take from the album. Those comments from anon @7:13 are riduculous and obviously from someone who doesn't know what he/she is talking about. Can't wait for May 15th to hear TRESPASSING in its entirety.

fefa said...

aahhh love his eyebrows!!! they're so expresiv e and beautiful and ahhhh!!! i love them all it really doesn't bother me the song he releases next (even though is important i know) but anyway i think NCOE is amazingly beautiful! :) i love how adam makes me act lije a little girl but on the same time it makes me feel like ai was a grown woman! lol making me notice every detail of him lol i think im going to take that cold shower away from SG and use it for myself haha the man getz me going! ooppss dont want to get inapropiate so im shuting up now ! xD

Anonymous said...

JAK here.........when you can sing like that...wear leopard pants whenever you want honey!

Anonymous said...

I still get a smile on my face whenever I hear WWFM on the radio, in a store somewhere, in an office, diner or watching Adam perform it on these promo visits. I just love listening to that song. I think that will be his signature song no matter how many albums he has or singles he releases. It put him on the charts and got his name out there after AI. The man is just so amazingly talented and you can't stop looking at him esp. now with his fresher, more casual appearance.

Anonymous said...

Amazing vocals,my jaw drops more and more each time Adam performs. Who can sing like that live!!! Was rooting for Cuckoo but getting on the NCOE train for the next single. Will be hard to choose,but hopefully we find out soon! Wait till Adam is on idol, those judges better give him a standing ovation!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Never Close Our Eyes is a "safe" song for Adam to release next. It's OK but I LOVE the other new songs including Better Than I Know Myself.

Anonymous said...

@7:21PM Who is FM? Did you mean "Freddie Mercury"?!If yes, shame on you

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a magic wand to make certain blabbering fools and their troll-y gibberish disappear.

Anonymous said...

@7:13/@7:58 I 100% agree with @7:21PM. Just get out of Adam's fan sites and find yourself another celeb. to cheer about. Adam is doing just fine. If you don't know Adam got bunch of spring and summer concerts this year and he will be doing Queen concert in Russia. Tons of promo tour in UK soon. Just go away!

Shiggles said...

Anon @ 7:59

I always carry an extra magic wand for times like these...I'll lend it to you. Actually, just keep it in case of an emergency.

Shiggles said...

Anon @ 7:59

I always carry an extra magic wand for times like these...I'll lend it to you. Actually, just keep it in case of an emergency.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to listen to Adam's interview tomorrow morning between 6AM-10AM US Pacific on 104.3MYfm here:

lorraine said...

Well, I never did get to see Adam at his radio promo in San Diego at radio 103.7- in spite of all the calling for passes for a week, writing to the station, making endless contacts here in SD etc. I guess it wasn't meant to be. My daughter and I drove by the Birch Theater,{remember I said it was only a few blocks from her house}just to see where he would be. But I didn't go down there on the day of his appearance-it would have been too sad for me to see all the "winners" going in with their passes.
SOOO-today, when I went downtown- like I usually do on Tuesdays, to watch my darling 4 year-old grandson,my daughter and I decided to take a stroll over to the Hard Rock Cafe where Adam's cage outfit that he wore when he sang Beth on the AI finale was on display in the window. {He donated the outfit,including those amazing boots,following Idol}. My daughter said,"Mom, stand in front of Adam's outfit and I'll take your picture."So that's exactly what I did. And although I'd rather have my picture taken with Adam wearing whatever he felt like at any time or place, somehow this eased the disappointment a little-and made me feel like a winner because my daughter said I was!Maybe someday, Adam......

Anonymous said...

8:53 thanks for your wonderful story!! Going to that HRC is on my bucket list too! Sorry you couldn't get those tickets to the radio promo. I hope his outfit is not in the sun.

Anonymous said...

I loved all the songs. I can't wait for Adam to be on idol! Excited for whatever he sings cause I love them all. Back for round 20 of drooling over that voice and person.

Anonymous said...

So, what do you think, ladies? Which song is going to be next single, "Tresspassing" or NCOE?I hope it will be Tresspassing. We need some fireworks on radiostations! Tresspassing is Adam's Another bites of dust! Go for it, Adam

Anonymous said...

im for life adam lambert fns so my family overseas and my frinds from europe.

Anonymous said...

Everyone: Let's all remember that the louder the haters are means the more successful a singer is. They can't stand it. Tough on them. Go Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Please remember to vote for Adam on Vh1 Top 20 Countdown.... Thanks

Anonymous said...

It's a close fight between Trespassing and NCOE, to be the next single; but these are definitely chart toppers. I somehow have a little more inclination towards Trespassing...the rhythmic conga/bongo drums; and Adam's feel into the song seems a little more dominant. It also has some bluesy/jazzy tone and allows Adam's voice to wander and explore a bit more than NCOE. So bottom-line, I'd like Trespassing to be the next single. MYfm has an almost perfect sound system which makes these two songs the more enjoyable and Adam's singing the more soaring. :)

daydreamin said...

Oh Lorraine I am so sorry. I feel the sadness in your words. What a sweet daughter you have there. You are a winner in my eyes and someday soon I believe you will see Adam. He visits his Dad occasionally there in SD. Maybe you will run into him quite by accident and be able to have a great conversation with him without PR people hurrying things along. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!

lorraine said...

@9:02 You're welcome-I just HAD to share my story-and I do believe in "Hope springs eternal,and I'll get to hug Adam someday...."
And-by the way, Adam's outfit is indoors in the lobby of the HRC-behind glass. Along the hallway are amazing black and white photos {mural size} of rock legends-Stones, Janis Joplin, Beatles,Springsteen etc Also Elvis and Dylan---

lorraine said...

@ daydreamin thank you for your kind words. Yes, It's hard to hide the sadness {I'm actually tearing up as I write this-but I am so blessed to have a sweetheart of a daughter--} and I also do feel so fortunate to have people like you in my life to share this little journey we are on.And I'm truly happy that you were able to meet Adam and hear his beautiful voice in such an amazing setting.Adam's dad frequents a bar where he participates in poetry readings in SD.I have never looked up exactly where it is, but I don't want to enter stalker territory. I just love Adam and he makes me so happy. It will happen some day, if it is meant to be.You are a very dear soul. Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Bloody brilliant! ADAM just owns everything he sings to perfection!
Love the grit and attitude in 'Trespassing'! ADAM is the mastermind of music with vocals that stir and melt to the very core! Darn bloody brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Yea yea..."grit and attitude" spot on! That was exactly what I felt in Trespassing. :)

daydreamin said...

Lorraine it will happen for you! You are such a fan and you are so close to him. It's just a matter of WHEN! Are you on twitter so you can get info the fastest on where he could b at any given time? It's pretty easy!

That is so cool that you saw Adam's clothes that he wore when singing Beth on AI! That's on my list if I ever get down that way. I am sending you a big virtual hug. I hope you feel it!

Anonymous said...

Yea yea yea... "melt to the very core...Darn bloody brilliant!!" :)

Anonymous said...

I would luv to see "NCOE" released next, and sung at the NewNextNow Awards (this Monday on Logo Network), and then on Idol! It's so "radio friendly", and I think it being a Bruno Mars song will help it get airplay. Then, I would luv "Cuckoo" to be released! It's the perfect Summertime fun song!

Oh, but I luv them all!! And his voice has never sounded better! And he looks so gorgeous! And I could go on and on! One day, I too hope to get an "Adam Hug" (sigh)!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

Adam's Voice Amazing Again & Again!!!
He looks so so handsome!
Gorgeous close up!!!
Some angels he looks like young Elvis!!!

Love love his VOICE!!!

Anonymous said...

As much as I love love love Cuckoo and Trespassing and Naked Love, I too agree for NCOE to be Adam's next single cause Adam can kill it on NNN and Idol. After NCOE, Cuckoo should be Adam's next single before he goes to his overseas promo tour and concerts. Adam will be really busy for the next few months to promote his album.

As fans the least we can do is to buy his album and gift it to others to make it move on top of the charts. I have pre-ordered six Trespassing albums and I intend to buy more when it is released.

For those of you naysayers who are on Adam's fan sites all the time and being entertained by Adam's news 24/7, buy his album cause you'll be entertained more for free. At least pay for the free entertainment that you are getting from Adam's true fans. Otherwise, just go away.

Anonymous said...

Well, it won't be long before Adam releases and sings his new single. Have a feeling it will be NCOE because it won't raise any eyebrows but I'd prefer it to be one of his other new songs. I'm a hugh fan of Naked Love and I so hope he releases it as a single at some stage. The melody is wonderful and it's such a feel good song and so radio friendly.

HK fan said...

@adamluvr in Tx
I have a strong feeling you'll get your wish, I reckon the next single will be NCOE, followed by Cuckoo 3rd.

Anonymous said...

I think it will be NCOE. I really love the acoustic version of BTIKM. The finished version on cd has too much production. the constant cloppedy-clop bugs me. I also like 1 of the remixes. The one Adam tweeted out with the LA dance studio choreography to it. Naked love is amazing and 'm sure there are a lot more awesome tracks on the cd. Can't wait to purchase multiple copies. VOTE Vh1 countdown!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

These videos are to die for...I just love all of them..beyond words...Adam is so talented and gorgeous to look at...oh my..

Anonymous said...

7:13 PM,

Don't you ever! ever! leave this site my dear...!!!! We need people like u that full of idiotic nonesense with zero brain that give us more entertainment to read. You are so damn pathetic asshole!!!:))))

Oooops! did I say something to offend you???

Oh! No! I'm so bad!!! Just go on and go on my dear....


Anonymous said...

I think these videos as a collective are the best!!!! They just sound and look so good. I am a adamolic I never want to dry out he is the best drug ever. Mo OZ fan

Anonymous said...

I think these videos as a collective are the best!!!! They just sound and look so good. I am a adamolic I never want to dry out he is the best drug ever. Mo OZ fan

Anonymous said...

NCOE should be new single-such a wonderful song. these videos are by far some of the best he has ever done. the sound was so clear and his voice is to die for. go baby!

Anonymous said...

NCOE is a good song and match for him vocally. He seems very comfortable with a song like this and can tweak it when he sings it live. So, far it's the best of the bunch.

Anonymous said...

These are all amazing. Now on the NCOE team for the next single. Like someone said it's only going to help to have a Bruno Mars connection. A lot of artists are helped by good connections. As we all know Adam should not even need that with his talent, but like he said radio politics are tricky. Then bring on Cuckoo for the third single!

Anonymous said...


Dear, your music knoledge is pretty remarkable. I like the conga/bango/bluesy/jazzy thing! Try to say it like it's just one word and it sound really good!:)
I love Trespassing too, I still can be seated & listen to it at the samer time!and probably is gonna be a hit, BUT I think the lyrics maybe are "too much" for radio stations and some idiotic/brainless/closed minds.I'm sure if the same song was singing by some other singer, nothing will happend but with Adam we all know that the most insignifican thing is use "against" him as an excuse for not playing his music.Remenber he had to censured himself in some radio stations while he was singing Cuckoo for a simple FUCK!! LOL!!!
So that's why I thing better play "save" and go with NCYE, is a very good song, catchy, nice bit and Bruno connection(lol!! that sound like a movie! Adam Lambert starring: Bruno Connection!! in a theater next to you!!)I really like all the song that I heard but as Adam said maybe the next single is one that we still haven't heard yet! well, only few days waiting!!
btw..."our" girl fefa may need some church basement therapy soon!!LOL!!


Anonymous said...

I agree Adam is a drug (in aGOOD way). I can't stop watching him or searching for stuff on internet. Going to the Kiss 108 concert. It will be great! Hope he wears something totally newsworthy and HOT!

Anonymous said...

This comment is for my good friend P:

that man is one KNOWING mutha fricka


Anonymous said...

these vocals/vids, I'm speechless

glitzylady said...

As always: Beautiful and amazing!

I think Never Close Our Eyes will probably be the next single..Its a gorgeous song, with or without the Bruno Mars connection. Most people won't know that it was written by Bruno Mars: they'll just love it...My fanboy hubby and I listened to these last night and for what its worth, he likes all the songs (and I love the way he smiles when Adam sings..), but he preferred NCOE over Trespassing (but just by a little bit: he's a little more objective re things Adam than I am!!)..Ever since I heard Adam sing NCOE live and in person at the Bing Lounge, I've thought it would be a good choice for the next single. But I'll go with whatever he chooses, obviously. The songs from this new album are just that good...I love them all...Seriously...So bring 'em on, one by one! YAY!!

Gotta get ready for work now..wondering if we'll know by the end of the day..Hope so!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 7:25, I know you love Adam, but please do not convince yourself that NCOE and Trespassin will win grammys. You might be disappointed. They are ok songs at best. Of course I know none of this for sure, but my guess is the next single will NOT be Trespassin. It will be NCOE, Naked Love or a song we've never heard before at all. When are they announcing the new single? Tomorrow? My name is Abby and if I'm wrong, you all can come back here and say so. I'm that sure.

The reason I told one of the above posters to NOT start counting the grammys just yet is because it puts too much pressure on Adam and might possibly cause you disappointment. Just tryin to be real. - Abby

Anonymous said...

NCOE should be the next single, because it is safer. THEN, Adam can blow the roof off with an edgier, riskier song like Trespassing or Cuckoo. I hate it that Adam still needs to be "safe" in order to be accepted. I can't WAIT for the time (soon, I hope!) when he can come out with one of his blazing, edgy songs and show his true colors without fear of rejection. One step at a time. NCOE is a good song, and if it's Adam's best strategy right now, so be it. I'm waiting for the likes of Naked Love, etc. (I LOVE Naked Love! Fabulous hook.) I'm on the edge of my seat about all this news!

Anonymous said...


I can't wait for the "no need o be save" times too!! I hope it come sooon!!


Anonymous said...

I meant "no need TO be save":)


glitzylady said...

Actually, got a little ahead of myself..meant to say "I wonder if we'll know by the end of the day tomorrow (Thurs) ..after the taping of NNN awards.." Just excited! : )))

Anonymous said...

Wow! Only had time to hear Trespassing (or should'nt it be called 'NO Trespassing')?

How GREAT this sound was. Tommy is steadily improving on guitar and does a good job when it's ONLY him, but do LOVE the sound when Isaac is there with the box drum!!

THis, or something on this line should be the next single and realeased to GREAT fanfare... We need to twitter blast or whatever way possible to contact RCA and everyone involved. Whatever gets released it better be ubeat, danceable like this, fun, and NOT romantic yet, and better be released with GREAT promotion.

Can't wait hear the restof this set!

Anonymous said...

I really do not like NCOE. I have absolutely great respect for Bruno Mars as a songwriter. I love his songs' simplistic and singable melody. You can just imagine him singing with a ukelele with most of his melodic songs. But NCOE melody is so far the worst of all Mars' composition. I just don't understand why this was given to Adam. Maybe it's a reject from Bruno. No matter how beautifully Adam sings it, I simply cannot like it.

Anonymous said...

My problem with NCOE is that, to me, it represents Adam having to turn to someone else more currently successful in order to get a hit. That just rubs me the wrong way. If NCOE had been written by a different song writer, I wouldn't feel so strongly about this. I can imagine people saying, "Oh, Adam can't write a hit himself so he has to depend on Bruno." I'm ok with Bruno, but I'm not a big fan. He's ok. That's why I've been saying that if NCOE is the best for Adam market-wise, then so be it, but I want him to be recognized for his OWN writing talent as well. I want to see a third single definately be one of Adam's new riskier songs, Cuckoo, Trespassing, etc.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's interview on 104.3MYfm in about 45 minutes. Just got mentioned on the radio. Listen here:

Anonymous said...

agree with 7:40am - BTIKM was 'safer' so why would RCA go with back-to-back safe songs. And since Adam co-wrote on most songs, why not put out one that he co-wrote since folks were very enthusiastic about all of them before NCOE even came along.

Anonymous said...

Interview at 8:30AM US Pacific Time

Anonymous said...

7.40 - Each to their own. I like NCOE I can see where your coming from however, I am happy with whatever. It would have been nice if the next single was one that he wrote but we don't make the decisions and all the snippets I've heard sound great to me roll on May 15 can hardly contain myself! - Mo OZ fan

Anonymous said...

@ 7:29, I'm not crazy about it either. I mean, it's ok, but I'm also thinking that if Bruno Mars thinks it's single worthy, why is he giving it to someone else? He's not stupid. I'm changing my above prediction. Now I'm thinking it will be Naked Love or some song we haven't heard yet. - Abby

Anonymous said...

I like when he crosses his legs when he sings "I'll show you what is cold".

fefa said...

lolol! really? church basement therapy?? i must really need it lol! :)
i so agree with u.....when a another celebrity does something it doesnt seem to matter but when adam does it everyone jumps at him! they just wabt to sunk him and they wont be able to do so! lol im also waiting for give us something crazy :3! something that will kick everyones but and say "here i am! im back and u will know about me wether u like it or not! u will not only know me but u will luv me"! lol im really exited! also loved ur movie idea haha

guyz dont worry im really positive every song will be released at the right time.....and some one said that brubo wasnt stupid 'cause he knew thaat NCOE will be a hit.....well i wouldnt be that sure 'cause p!nk didnt use WWFM and is adams grammy nominated song....thatz just my opinion though i respect everyone elses :)

Anonymous said...

Adam's interview in about 5 minutes:

fefa said...

oopps meant that NCOE wouldnt make a hit.....and sorry for all the grammatical errors :/ lol im a mess today :)

Anonymous said...

A fan's M&G recap at 104.3:

Anonymous said...

Adam's interview:

Anonymous said...

WWFM has a beautiful melody compared to NCOE. You know it the first time you listen to it. But NCOE, I keep trying to like it, listening to it a few times, it just fails.

Glitzylady said...

Don't get me wrong..I would love WHATEVER Adam and his label decide to put out there as his next single because ALL of the songs/snippets we have heard are excellent. I like Naked Love and Chokehold too.. I just REALLY want him to have the best chance for him to get radio play so his new album is HEARD. I think Trespassing would be a great and logical choice too, because it would intro the album and get the title out there.. I have faith that the "right" choice will be made, whatever it is...

Anonymous said...

Didn't Bruno gave Forget You to Ceelo and Billionaire also? These two songs are just fantastic and Bruno chose others to do them. But NCOE is not good as these two.

MiMi said...

We all know Adam can sing anything and make it better. I do think NEVER CLOSE YOUR EYES is one of the best vocals I have ever heard in my life. I am hoping CUCKOO is the next single, but they are all great.

Glitzylady said...

...and Naked Love is my new "Guilty Pleasure" ; ))))

Anonymous said...

Adam needs a sports psychology to help him with his intimidation from people in music industry, fans, and audience. Sports psychologists help rookies in basketball, football, etc. to handle sport industry, fans, and audience expectations so they can concentrate on their sport ability.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs something like MJ"s Billie Jean and he will be unstoppable even haters will eat their own vomit. No need for a sports psychology, just a song that will catapult him to a dizzying success.
On first listen, no one, I mean no one can deny, it is a HIT!

Glitzylady said...

...and Naked Love is my new "Guilty Pleasure" ; ))))

Anonymous said...

Amazing!! his prodigious singing ability "THANK YOU Adam"

Anonymous said...

I think NCOE is an amazing song and will be a hit whenever it is released. I was so glad to hear these fantastic videos today. I lost my work place in a tornado last year , since then we have been in the first of 3 phases of structures on our way to.
a new building in 2015. Today I went on a tour of new home til 2015, it's nothing like what I had hoped and I realized then I will not be getting my old job back I was hoping for ,at least not for 3 more years I'm trying to be up beat but it was a huge blow . Seeing these videos took my mind off things, fell bad complaining others lost so much more but still having a hard time .

Anonymous said...

ADAM MUST BE HOME because he is GLOWING . .must have gotten some good lovin...

Anonymous said...

Vocals are outstanding and those sexy eyes.....

Anonymous said...

Hi folks,
Contrary to what I'm reading here, I don't think Trespassing OR Cuckoo are risky, I think they're PERFECT... RADIO hits. Unfortunately I really think whatever Adam releases next HAS to be ASEXUAL & non romantic in ANY way. He needs at least TWO SMASH non- romantic GIGANTIC R A D I O hits. NCOE, though Adam's vocal live is AMAZING... is VERY risky BECAUSE it be taken as ROMANTIC and the listening ignorant public will be thinking he'd prefer a guy... instead of just listening to the song and the great vocal and appreciating it. Another thing I question-- doesn't the recorded version sound totally different than his amazing live version?

Don't know WHAT RCA is thinking, and I can only hold my breath and hope whatever new people he hired KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH HIM and how BEST to PROMOTE him. My thinking is he needs something like 'Party Rock', or 'Mr Saxobeat', or something that's just a fun song to blast o the radio AND a blast on the dance floor and NOT conjure up any romantic images to. Even ADAM knew to take the sexual romance out of BTIKM... his vision for the VIDEO is AWESOME, and well done!
I'm SICK the song isn't heard that much on the radio---
but We'll know soon... whatever they release, I hope it's the smash that gets Adam ON the radio and on TV so people can SEE and HEAR just how fabulous he is and what they've been missing!

Anonymous said...

Hey, good, you're back regularly and yes totally agree, our gal Fefa needs a lot of basement psychology! She keeps harping about LLs! But the way she's going, maybe she needs an intervention! Yea what you mention about safe songs is true but they can easily be miscontrued too, sometimes depending on just a pronoun or any insignificant word like the one you mentioned. But with other singers some 'unsafe' songs are okay; it's what Adam has been hitting out about double standards. So in that sense, no song is absolutely safe for Adam when people are so overly on the alert to pounce. Now we know, why Adam is such a fighter, he probably has to be to keep himself sane. But somehow, I have great faith he'll one day be very very huge simply because there's really no one to beat him. LOL!!! SG, don't forget to tell Fefa the password if she's attending the church basement otherwise they may not let her in, underaged! LOL! :)

Glitzylady said...

I think that Adam and his label will go for the WISE choice not the SAFE choice, based on market research and feedback from the radio promos, both the DJs, Program Managers, and also fans and non-fans...and twitter etc etc..

One of the things that we know about Adam's music is that there is something for everyone. I also think it would be a good idea to put out something we can "shake our asses to" and Adam said recently the single would be exactly I'm not going to worry about it. Whatever it is will be awesome...

lorraine said...

@daydreamin-yes,I do feel your hug-and send you a big one right back xoxo

Anonymous said...

I think it's kind of sad that Adam has to be so careful of pronouns and double meanings, etc., when other singers just sing lots of graphically sexual stuff and it's all just accepted. That's the price he is paying for honesty.

I think the new album contains songs that will emerge as hits, simply because they are so good. We haven't even heard them yet, but they won't be ignored. I know we're agonizing over the next single, but there will other singles off the album. I realize that the order of "single release" is important, but it's not in our hands. Hope the announcement is tomorrow!

DRG (still voting on VH1. Are you?)

Anonymous said...

Yea everything comes with a price tag, some heftier than others. In Adam's case, his huge God-given talent, combined with his hard work, is worth every cent the price tag; even he admits that. :)

glitzylady said...

I was at work all day today (it really does get in the way of my Adam fan-girling sometimes...) so could just make a few quick comments. I've read all the comments and its interesting how all over the place our preferences, recommendations, advice, and opinions are regarding what Adam's new single should be.. And this may be it: TRESPASSING

I just saw this on Twitter: Sounds like Trespassing is the single..if that's indeed true..seems like the word is that he would sing the new single for NNN and Idol. So, we'll see what might be announced...

David Wild
‏ @Wildaboutmusic
Watching #AdamLambert reheasrse. The title track of his new album is very cool -- Queen meets MJ.


Anonymous said...

I agree, whatever the single, it should not be romantic at all. I have many friends who can't get past the, "but he is singing about a guy" vibe. These people think he is a great singer, and could buy a non romantic single, but not a romantic one. Sad I know but probably true for a lot of people. Fortunately, trespassing and Cuckoo are available.

Lora said...

I watched a video of Adam the other day where he asks for water, Tommy hands him some and then Tommy drinks from the same water bottle. I think it was a recent video, but I'm not sure. Does anyone remember seeing it? I thought I saved it, but now I can't find it.

funbunn40 said...

Never Close Our Eyes is my #1 fave now. These videos are heart stopping! Love his smoldering profile! Love this word that was used in an interview. It so aptly describes Adam!Just love everything about him! I can't imagine the cd being better than these acoustic performances. I really like Adam up close and personal with little distraction. He's all I want to see and hear!

funbunn40 said...

@ Lorraine, I think you will have another opportunity to see Adam. I know how disappointed you must be, but you are in a good place for future sightings!What a great daughter you have!Seeing his Kiss outfit had to be so special, just knowing he was actually inside of it had to be rewarding and the platform shoes he wore actually belonged to him. Wish I lived in California. Odds in NC aren't that plentiful for Adam sightings! :)

lorraine said...

Thank you for your encouraging words. I'm very touched by your kindness-and the beautiful words of support I feel on this site. A few months after Adam was on AI, I responded to a woman named Jeanette who said she had recorded some of Adam's pre idol songs. Long story short-without knowing who I was, she made a CD for me and mailed it to me. I treasure it to this day. She wanted nothing in return-just to know how thrilled I was to get those songs!
Just you wait-one day you will see Adam too. I really believe that with all my heart.

Anonymous said...

Adam sang Trespassing during NNN award rehearsal! Does it mean ...

Anonymous said...


I'm soo tired that Adam has to fight agains this stupid double standards.As you said there are other singers that can sing anything and make any kind of video and nothing happens!!Yesterday I was watching videos on tv, some of them,really violence,sometimes the lyrics had many diff meanings but nothing happens..Is NOT fair!! I don't know...Maybe with Trespassing as a second single he will blow ppl minds!!I remember years ago when singers like Prince and Madonna used to sing "scandalous" songs just to get attention,as I not fair...


Anonymous said...

Yea I get what you mean but I don't know, I don't feel so badly for Adam because he really has been blessed with a huge amount of God-given talents which helps him overcome all the atrocities he encounters. Also his positive attitude, love and strength will see him through and take him to his rightful place. Yea, agree, it has not been fair for Adam, but maybe that's why the world loves him; a kind of compensation. :)

Anonymous said...


I know someday SOON he will be in the place he deserve!Cause he's the best!!but I'm really bad at waiting...:(


Anonymous said...