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Adam Lambert interview in Finland 03/31/2012 [tv rip]

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, April 1, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, April 01, 2012

Enjoy 22 minutes of Adam <3


Anonymous said...

I think this is the best interview I have heard. Very from the heart and honest. He wants this album to bring people together in unity. He truly comes from a place of heart. Now if only the world will listen with theirs.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.........I agree completely. Excellent interview to introduce people to Adam who may not know a lot about him. The personal things are revealing and the clips of his music give examples of his performances. Since it was a televised interview it may have encouraged viewers to want to hear more from this young man. We know how special he is, but we want to widen that fan base.
An interview like this....might do that!

Anonymous said...

I agree with both of you. Such a great interview. I can't find any words to describe this man. I simply love him. Amazing person.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and relaxed interview. Love how the interviewer just let Adam talk. He is amazing and honest and well there are just no words for how he makes me feel. I know you all get it!

Magiclady said...

I cannot believe what a great interview this is! I hope many people see this as it is imo one of the best he's ever given. I really do love Adam and cannot get enough of him or his music!

Anonymous said...

This interview will become even more second time 04/04/2012.
05/05/2012 Adam will still interview a different TV channel - the same / new - I do not know. Greetings from Finland.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize this was televised. I think that's great! So many more people seeing Adam and what a fascinating, honest, just plain nice person he is! I also liked the clips of the videos. I loved it when the interviewer said that Finland is in love with him. Love his comments about Sauli. I wish them years of happiness together.

Anonymous said...

Question: What is it about this guy that makes me love him so much?

Answer: Everything.

Anonymous said...

Agree with everyone who has already commented. What a wonderful interview! Once again, Adam is so articulate, honest and truly does wear his heart on his sleeve. His hope to inspire people, which is so important to him, always inspires me. Even tho he faces so much adversity and hate, he remains positive and hopeful. What an amazing man with so many gifts.

V Camilleri said...

Yes indeed very relaxed fun to listen to interview. I am so looking forward to some new inspiring music and yes a concert. I personally love the new look. Love his mouth and lips. Beautiful man :)

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful spirit he has. wonderful interview. he is very honest and articulate. love the answers about Sauli. Sauli is a lucky man and Adam is lucky as well. wish them both happiness and love for many years. i have been married for 52 years and know how hard it is to find the right one.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:04 p.m............JAK here

Congratulations....52 years is a good long stretch. I'm thinking there must have been a bumper crop of good guys around in the late 1950s and early 60s. The 20 year old I married in 1957 has turned out to have been a really good choice! At a recent high school reunion I noticed that most of us couples of ancient vintage still held hands! Awwwwwwwwwww........

Anonymous said...

that was the most amazing interview I have ever watched. Adam moves me like no other. The last thing he said about unity of the human spirit was so true. He will win a Grammy with this CD mark my word!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful interview.. it's always a joy listening to Adam talking ...What a wonderful man..I love everything about this amazing man.... can't wait for his Deluxe CD...God bless Adam.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree it was a wonderful interview, really enjoyed it. If shown on TV should get him a lot more exposure, tho I'm sure most in Finland know who he is.
OT The recent posts on my PC are still not appearing I was away for the weekend and it was sure hard to catch up.Is something being done or whats the story. It is really user unfriendly at the moment.
Jadfam. NZ

Anonymous said...

Adam a Beautiful Old Sou!!!

Anonymous said...

Rakistan Adam, Rakistan!

Anonymous said...

I also agree with everyone- I thought this was one of adam's most down to earth honest, gorgeous (looking BTW) interviews. I felt he was talking straight from his heart in your living room or something. Adam really is smart and just keeps getting better and better in everyway! So happy this was televised. Speaking of, aren't we finally going to see him perform on april 9th on new-next-awards ( I think that's the name? Keeping premium cable station just for that right now!


HK fan said...

Saw this yesterday. Agree with everyone, looks stunning, and talks from the heart. Could listen to him all day.........actually, pretty much do!!!!!

lorraine said...

Adam comes across as a man who is content with himself, and his personal integrity shines through in this interview,as well as in so many others. i feel blessed to live at this time,for so many reasons; one of them is sharing time,space and music with this incredible young man who touches me so deeply.

funbunn40 said...

All of you get the positive energy and genuineness of Adam. He just has it all. We like him as a human being. He embodies all that we respect and find attractive. There are many talented artists but Adam has that special connection and animal magnetism that applies to all, regardless of age,sex,etc. He's exciting and incredibly sexy and handsome. His passion and ease of interpreting a song is like being bathed in warm chocolate. His smile and playful nature makes us smile and warms our heart. He is that one person that can affect us physically and emotionally just by the sight of him. Never in my life have I spent so much time following a person's life. I was too busy living my own, but Adam is just too powerful and exciting to ignore. No use fighting it. I'm a forever Glambert! I told my kids that if I won the lottery I would open a retirement home/resort/spa for elderly Glamberts, contracting Adam for private performances and hug fests. It's fun to dream! This interview was so relaxed and shows the audience how smart, personable and just plain nice Adam is in a foreign setting. He's confident and comfortable with all that treat him respectfully. Another great interview.

Anonymous said...


Reserve a place for me in the retirement home / resort / spa for Glamberts

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

From Barcelona
How is SG...haven't heard from her and Fefa for quite a while. Is her computer giving her problems or is she still grieving over the Sonisphere cancellation? :)

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40............JAK here...

Please do consider that Time For Miracles home...for aging Glamberts. Just think, a place where we could talk about Adam and his lovelife and career all day without facing eyerolling and hearing mutters...
"Mom has gone round the her rocker...completely crackers...get a net...she's Cuckoo"... The crazy train is ready to roll..."all aboard".

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Funbunn. You can sign me up for your retirement home. Another reason why we all all enthralled is that Adam tells us its all right for us to dance, party and be generally silly no matter what our age. Others may look at us like we are "Cuckoo" and tell us we should act our age, but he encourages us to have fun!

Anonymous said...

I love all of you here and count me in in that retirement home. What a blast it would be! LOL!

fefa said...

Here I am! i've been really busy with school work!! OMG i have missed so many threads! so i took my time to see each and everyone lol

'bout this interview.....i thought it was so awesome! i love his way of talking is really cohesive lol BTW i couldn't help.myself noticing the way he had his legs lol it was soo sexy (he is always sexy lol) the sauli answers were really really happy because he is content right now! :)

i was a little dissapointed with some comments on previous threads.....some of u guyz are really stressed out!! this album is going to be amazing! give it a chance! remember that we are fans that follow him everyday so the success looks slower.....theres still people out there that doesnt now adam has a new cd coming! actually yesterday one of my friends said "FEFA i have super news for u! lambert has a new video and its called BTIKM!" and im like what? lol adam released the track in december boy! lol we just need to give time! i now is hard but please keep this amazing site with positives!

who knows....maybe adam reads this blog...(that would be so awesome :D) and what if he sees one of those bad threads?? nooo! ....i think that the least he needs is that some of his own fans say he is not gonna make it or just the fact that some start fighting with the trolls....u guyz now adam doent like that... im also sad BTIKM didnt gave that huge impact (for me it did) but we need to stay positive and together! remember adam wants us united! well thats just my opinion.....luv u glamily! xD

Anonymous said...

Lately many of the glamily could not post here so looks like you're okay but SG may have some difficulty getting back in. You sound really sensible, yea, concentrate on your own work. Your friend calls him Lambert, cute. Thank you for the prompt reply. :)

HK fan said...

Have got the evening to myself, so just watched this again....I'm so happy now:)

Anonymous said...


SG here,

Too many things to say but not too much time. I've been really busy trying to get my money back from the festival things...grrr...not too succesfull but...
Real live also got on the way, too many thing to do for the future.
Lately I'm in contact with the Glamily on twitter or by mail,( some of them from here)the contact is more direct and nobody complains about chatting... here sometimes seems to be too much negativity that makes me feel bad sometimes, I know there are really nice people too that I'm REALLY glad to meet!! I really miss the stories we write (by parts) with you & JAK, I really love/miss thouse moments!! I'll try to find more time to post here.btw, as always LOVE the interview!LONG LONGS!!!!


Anonymous said...

Very very nice interview and I like the pinewood and little wooden ducks in the room.

Regarding BTIKM not doing so well, I'm not sure if that's really true; it has been used as a soundtrack for a German film. Adam would have gotten a tidy little sum from that.

Anonymous said...

Hey, so you're okay, no computer glitch. Don't take it to heart about people's complaints; I don't, obstinate like Adam. But so far I find this place conducive to writing. Thank you for the prompt reply and feeling bad you have to try to retrieve your money. :)

Anonymous said...


HEY! I miss you! I promise to be here more often!!
About the computer problems, well, I can't find the lates post eather! It takes more time but I try!I hope a story come soon....;)


Anonymous said...

I remember talking to you about Sonisphere and then said it would be sexciting if Adam parachuted down. But added it might not be a good idea, because he could be blown elsewhere. See what happens when I say strange things...blown elsewhere...SG, I heard they may come up with a plan B but not likely I think. :)

Anonymous said...

What a smiling-from-ear-to-ear, feel good, great interview! Adam sure knows how to articulate exactly what he means to convey, which is all of honest, mature, and endearing--unexpected, coming from such a young man. Because we fans are so used to seeing so much beauty from him, we can get past the stunned ogling to really let sink the power of his profound words toward the end of this piece. I especially like that he wants us to be not like him, but like what we want to be, our best selves. With such a humble, self-confidence, I defy any of his detractors to come away from this interview and be able to resist his magnetic charms.

Adam is like the hearth in a home, the center of comfort and the source of light, heat, and joy, to which we come when things get cold and dreary. atm

Anonymous said...

Hey, another long-lost friend. As I was reading your piece, my mind conjures a peaceful loving person and so familiar. Then when I finally see your humbly written signature, I smiled and said yeah, she is the one who writes like that. And yes, I particularly like what Adam says about not be him but be yourself. He says that often even way back two years ago; and that's why he makes a really fine mentor. :)

daydreamin said...

@funbunn40...put me on the list!

@JAK I loved your post!

@atm good to hear from you again! Lovin' your beautiful writing!

mimi said...

That is, without a doubt, the very BEST interview that I have ever seen with Adam. He gives us such an insight into who he is as a man. glad that he shared with us (the fans)!!! He is a very warm and loving person--even if he is a "control freak". Adam should have a world wide hit with this new album---hope those that have not heard him sing will listen to these songs!

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