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Adam Lambert interview with 107.9 The End, Sacramento Part 2

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, April 2, 2012

Posted at : Monday, April 02, 2012

Date: 3.27.12

If you missed Part 1, watch below first!


Anonymous said...

oh no I think I am becoming addicted to all these interviews. It seems like he has run into many nice people in his travels.

Anonymous said...

Just love Adam's personality as much as his voice!He is so charming, intelligent and funny. How can one man have so many wonderful attributes!

Anonymous said...

A really upbeat and natural interview, this is the best kind to bring out Adam's comic theatric caricature. He's very cute, like pressing down his cap and imitating someone at the mall. He actually can be a really entertaining stand-up comedian. If he makes his first movie, it should be something like that, about everyday quirky happenings interwoven into a heartfelt plot. The first producer who is game to hire him in a movie will undoubtedly rake in a sizable bonanza. :)

daydreamin said...

Awesome interview as usual "Sammy Joe"!!

He is just so respectful of other fans and their feelings. He's amazing!

@Lam-my...I like it!

daydreamin said...

Adam had a photoshoot today with those leopard pants:

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert, you make us fans so happy. So talented and cute.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else have a question, someone different. he is so funny he has a knack of getting a good point across.

Anonymous said...

Adam does entertain us in so many ways,no wonder we love him so much!