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'Pretty Little Liars' Producer Thanks Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Anonymous said...

A day with Adam Lambert - everyone has to just love the guy! Can't wait to see the show! It will be epic!

Anonymous said...

So glad that Adam was given this opportunity! I've never seen PLL but I can't wait to see Adam's episode! Wonder if he dressed up for Halloween! Yeah, must be because his band was all decked out and looking really hot!


Anonymous said...

True, true!! Lucy Hale (the actress that has a scene with Adam on PLL) tweeted yesterday that she "officially loves Adam Lambert". I would imagine in would be impossible to spend time with him and not LOVE him! :)

V Camilleri said...

Who wouldn't want to spend a day w ADAM ?

Anonymous said...

Since this was the filming of their Halloween show, do we have to wait til October to see it? I sure hope not.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure that we have to wait.

Anonymous said...

Sure wish that ADMIN would read the comments about the placement of the popular posts and the colors we have to strain our eyes to see. C'mon!!

Anonymous said...

Found this:

October 16: TV, US. Pretty Little Liars [airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on ABC Family] Adam will guest star in the Halloween special and perform two songs.


Anonymous said...

Any way we could get this tweet as a newspaper headline? Nationwide? :)))

Anonymous said...

That tweet probably goes out to LOTS of people who will now know how highly Adam is regarded. The word spreads in many ways. ANYONE who has worked with him loves him. This could open other doors for other TV shows. Great that this one has such a big audience! GO ADAM! Idol or not, you are OUR GUY!


Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted the you tube audio of his U.K. bonus track Map. I ordered the CD from U.K. Amazon because Map is one of my favorite songs. IDK Adam usually has a reason for his tweets. Wonder what he is thinking. Maybe to get more people to order the U.K. version?You can get it from Amazon HMV or U.K. itunes.

Anonymous said...

7: 04 the song is so good I imagine many people are asking him about it. I have the UK version also and this is my favorite of all the songs on TP. Last week was Chokehold. I want MAP on my iPod, I wonder if you can do this from Amazon UK?

Anonymous said...

Many people are purchasing the U.K. CD right now,saw on twitter. so if you want the two amazing bonus tracks By the Rules and Map it is worth it. I ordered mine from Amazon U.K. with my Amazon account and credit card and HMV is easy to order from too.

Anonymous said...

CHUM radio I believe in toronto Canada has a pick the hits survey. They just added NCOE to it. You just go to the radio site and can sign up. They will send you emails as to when you can do the survey. Since one is going on right now it would be a good time to do it,that is a big station in Canada and you don't have to be from Canada to do it. Show them how much we love NCOE!

Anonymous said...

For some reason I think this boy will help Adam to promote Tresspassing than any "backup vocals" attachements! Adam needs dancers but not vocals!

Anonymous said...

@7:23 I saw that video,very cool. Great dancer and a great representation of Adam's album!OT who else things Map should have been the first single. I know it can never be because it is the U.K. bonus track.But I love Runnin so much too.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:16 pm I tried to get Map and By the Rules for my MP3 from Amazon UK, no can do. So I just ordered the whole album! Don't know about Ipod.

Anonymous said...

@7:37 Ordering the whole Cd is great,only helps Adam with more sales for Trespassing. You did good!

Anonymous said...

Okay,ladies! Any news from Texas? Did Six Flags become six fireworks? Seriously, did anybody attend this show?

Magiclady said...

It seems that everyone that works with Adam loves him and always has good things to say!
I love their comments!

Anonymous said...

Just came back from my local Target and had to check if Adam's Trespassing is still visible and how many copies are there....well I was happy to see Trespassing was right in front in the Top Hits Section! Yay! There were only a few in his section so I bought a couple more copies to gift...each copy purchased helps Adam :)


Anonymous said...

@ 7:49..Number 1.....only if I get to the mailbox before my husband does, I've lost count of how many Trespassing albums I've bought! ^o^

Anonymous said...

I bought Trespassing UK Version from Amazon UK. You can use your regular Amazon account to purchase it. Go to this link:

Anonymous said...

Six Flags concert is tomorrow 7/26/2012.

Anonymous said...

Is there some rule a UK bonus track can't be a single in the US? They probably have so many different rules our heads would spin off. Hooked on MAP.

Anonymous said...

7:49 Adam & Co. were PLL's today.

Anonymous said...

Six Flags tomorrow and Winstar Casino on Friday night!

Anonymous said...

had to do one last check to see if any news about Adam and Idol. 1:48am here

Anonymous said...

I've read that UK cd's purchased here, do not count as sales. Is this true? Hope not.

HK fan said...

@7.16pm jul 25th
Do you mean you have the physical cd and want to put it on your ipod??
Just download the cd to you computer, then up load to your ipod.

I have the UK cd, really. really love Map.

@anon 10.52, the cds may be being delivered to the US, but they are being ordered in the UK, just make sure its from amazon, or HMV etc.I ordered Trespassing from the US, pretty sure that counts towards the US numbers.

Anonymous said...

Adam comes to Australia next month but only to Sydney, this is very disappointing to his many fans in Melbourne who can't manage to travel all the way to the Sydney Promo. Given that Melbourne has a number of radio stations too,surely it would benefit Adam to go and visit them, I know he did this last time when promoting his FYE album. I'm sure his Melbourne fans would really appreciate it as well many of us are feeling rather left out of things, why only Sydney?? Does Adam have any say in these things as a fan of his I'd really like to know or is it outside his control. I'm sure Melbourne radio stations would play more of Adam's music if he did put in an appearance down hear.

Anonymous said...

I love the UK bonus tracks on Trespassing,but given that I've already bought the other version I don't see why I should now have to buy another album just to hear the 2 extra tracks included on the UK version, although I love these songs, they should have been included on all versions of Trespassing from the beginning or perhaps it would be fairer to release them as singles now rather than forcing people to feel as if they have to know go and buy more copies, this is what I call taking people or fans for granted and not a good way of doing things.

Anonymous said...

US fans buying TSP from UK will account for US sales. I guess that's ok too cause want to high US sales no.

daydreamin said...

9h Ashley Benson ‏@AshBenzo
You're a doll @adamlambert. Had fun dancing with you :) x

daydreamin said...

She is Mona on PLL. Just said this on twitter:

Janel Parrish ‏@JMeilanixo
You guys I met Adam Lambert. My life is made.

Anonymous said...

MAP should be his next single or TRESPASSING. I saw Adam at Six Flags in MA he was so worth it. LOTS of fans and so much fun.!!!! (It was the first time I ever saw Adam that close-up. WOW! he's good lookin!!!!! I play MAP over and over. The cd is worth getting for sure!

Anonymous said...

Australian fans can now pre-order the UK version of the Trespassing album at Sanity online:

The CD is available from August 17.

Anonymous said...

@11:29 PM .... it's disappointing for Aussies who live in other parts of Australia, not just from Melbourne. However, perhaps time constraints limit Adam appearing in other Australian places. At least he is coming to Australia so we should be pleased about that.

Anonymous said...

^P.S. I don't live in Sydney either.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Adam has any say in his travel and appearance arrangements. Money and time concerns are arranged by management, they just point him in a directon and he goes. It must be incredibly tiring, no wonder the sunglasses. Hiding tired sleepless eyes I imagine.

A nice stay at home job would be appreciated I imagine. He was so happy being at home during the writing of Trespassing we despaired of ever getting him out and about again. Remember those long long soon-ish days?

Anonymous said...

I do understand the frustration of Adam not appearing close to all his fans homes, but I also suspect he cannot go if there is no work offered. Do not take his absence personally. Maybe Glamberts can suggest to local venues to book him.

Anonymous said...

@7:49 The show at Six Flags is tonight at 6. I am sure it will be explosive. I wish I could be there.

Anonymous said...

@11:46 It's a marketing scheme that labels use for promo and to get more sales. The artist doesn't have very much say in it (if any say at all). As executive producer Adam has the final say of what tracks he wants to use, but its his label that dictates how many he can release on an album in any given country. This is a perfectly normally practice (Every label does it), so I wouldn't take it personally. (: That's just what they call business.
I know it's frustrating if you want to have all the songs. Personally, I don't mind buying another CD because I'm actually putting together a little collection, but if you don't want multiple copies or if you can't afford to buy another CD you can just buy the MP3 versions individually for much cheaper. (:

Anonymous said...

who thinks cuckoo is gonna be a hit!

Anonymous said...

Great song, surely it will do well!

Anonymous said...

9:21 me, me. *note- only if it gets descent airtime tho.

Anonymous said...

Off subject but someone just came up to me and ask me if I knew that Sharon Osborne was a new judge on idol....what really.

Anonymous said...

well it is great to see that everyone finally relizes what an awesome guy adam is. i went to my fye and i saw that he was in the hits section as well. and that their were two cds left.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:17

That rumor is out there... that Sharon is in negotiations to leave AGT to judge on AI. No one has confirmed if it's true or not. She has made comments on her twitter and in an interview that makes you wonder though. Who knows?!

Anonymous said...

Well, Sharon is very entertaining and she's been part of the music biz for years as the wife of Ozzie. She's run a lot of his affairs. She's met Adam, too, and seems to enjoy him. And Kelly O. LOVES Adam! I could see Sharon and Adam on the AI panel. It's probably just a rumor about her though. Again, the suspense!


Anonymous said...

I doubt they would have two female judges on AI. Mariah being kind of a Diva would want to be the spotlight. Still keeping fingers and toes crossed for Adam.For the question about would Cuckoo be a hit. Yes I think its a great pop song if radio does play it. NCOE could have been a hit if radio had played it. So to me it is not always the song,but this stupid radio game which I don't understand at all!

Anonymous said...

I have heard less and less about Adam being considered for judge lately too.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:41 am====but you can't get the MP3's of Map and By the Rules just the US album =&=

Anonymous said...

Well I wish they would make up thier minds I'm gonna go cuckoo!!!...anon 10:17

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but in my opinion they don't like Adam to rule the truth in America:)

When he said he is not going to apologize for his action that's the end of it for them and it's really sad to see what is going on there.

The world is still behind Adam so I'm not worried anymore:)))

I'm just gonna enjoy what Adam will bring to the table for his fans indeed.


Anonymous said...

It might be kind of fun to see Mariah and Sharon go head to head, Sharon is a tough tootsie! =&=

Anonymous said...

I DO NOT think that Sharon Osborne will be a judge on Idol.I think she had an argument w/Howard Stern,& was just kidding about Idol..It may be about how much more Howard is making than's not fair,& I don't like him @ all..never have.She said it's not about the money,tho..just hope Fox announces very SOON who the male judge will be!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I just did it.

CHUMFM Canada's #1 station!

This Survey has NCOE on it!

It's easy to sign up and love NCOE!

Anonymous said...

@1:34 I did the CHUM radio survey. Very important. They were playing NCOE then stopped,so if they see enough people like it hopefully will start playing again. I am always perplexed by radio,such a game. If we are frustrated imagine Adam. He seems so happy and sure he is,but he does want a radio hit and certainly deserves it more than some of these crappy songs on the radio.BTW Six Flags in San Antonio is sold out,5,000 people there to hear Adam!

Anonymous said...

Sharon O said the reason she's leaving AGT is not the money. I think it's because they moved AGT from LA to NY just to accommodate Howard Stern. Sharon has to keep flying back and forth because she does THE TALK in LA. It's just too much for her. I don't think she is a possibility for IDOL.

Anonymous said...

I did the CHUM survey just now.Glad to hear that a big crowd will be there for Adam and gang tonight. Can't wait for news either way about Idol.PLEASE everyone do the CHUM survey.

Anonymous said...

Adam at Fiesta TExas.

Anonymous said...

@2:21PM and 3:07PM

I'm 3:04. Thanks so much! I hope more people participate in the survey. It doesn't take much time and fun. It would help NCOE which is now at No.3 at Decompte MusiquePlus which I keep on voting and have been pushing it to No.1 here.

Anonymous said...

RYAN SEACREST sat down with Today show host, Matt Lauer, for a few minutes this morning to talk about new American Idol judge, Mariah Carey.

“I actually called her last night and I said, ‘So welcome to the family. I said, ‘What are you going to be like on the show? She said, ‘You know how I am: I’m very honest. I say what I’m thinking.’ I said, ‘Great. You’ll fit right in.’”

Yes, because the panel has been known for it’s brutal honest since Simon Cowell left for the X Factor.

On the continual swirl of rumors regarding who could take a seat at the judges panel, Ryan says, “I’ve heard rumors of Brad Paisley, I’ve heard rumors of Pink, I’ve heard rumors about all kinds of people. And the way that it works is we read about the rumors and about an hour before it’s confirmed I get a call saying, ‘Guess who’s on the show.’”

Anonymous said...

if Adam was ever in contention to be a judge, I feel certain that it would have been nixed by Mariah..he would have upstaged her..and she ain't havin' any of that!!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's cut off and sandals at Six Flags ...I find this look very sexy too!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, have we forgotten about wanting Queen + Adam to perform here in the USA?

Anonymous said...

I saw this on another site. It's from Six Flags today in TX.

Anonymous said...

Six Flags concert was my first and over way to soon. What fun the crowd was and what fun was Adam. He looked stunning. Speaking of crowd. Every age from kids, to tweens to teenagers to young adults to the middle age bunch and to the seniors. All enjoying the experience.

Anonymous said...

Great review of the show:


Anonymous said...

This fan is uploading videos of SixFlags Fiesta Texas concert:

Anonymous said...

Ryan didn't mention the biggest rumor of all and that of Adam. His name must be out of the running. I think someone threw his name out there for shock value to begin with.

Anonymous said...

Updated Six Flags concert review with pictures and videos:

Anonymous said...

5:26 I haven't forgot and I signed two petitions.

Anonymous said...

Here's the petition link. Add your name and ask friends and relatives. PLEASE! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

thanks for all the Six Flags links Glamberts. You are all the best.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the videos so soon! Looks like it was a great show!