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Sauli Koskinen Posted A Shirtless Photo on Facebook

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 5, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, August 05, 2012

Adam's boyfriend, Sauli, just posted a shirtless picture of himself via Facebook. Sauli is currently on vacation with Adam! Maybe a shirtless Adam picture will pop up soon!

SOURCE: Sauli's Facebook


Anonymous said...

Please shave.

Anonymous said...

OK Glamtectives does that sky and clouds give you a clue to their whereabouts? lol

Anonymous said...

Col. Mustard sees some kind of ribbon on his upper chest area and possibly something on his back.

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks like a live human sculpture here...extremely artistic black/white photography. Yes very handsome if one of us crazies here gets to visit them at home, showing all that God bestowed on them...don't know which way to look...left, right, left again, no! :)

Anonymous said...

Taken by Adam prehaps? How beautiful Sauli looks thesedays.
Awesome picture.

Jadam NZ said...

Dont think you will see a shirtless Adam photo anytime soon. This is not his thing it seems. He is slim and model like but I dont think is sculptured and musclely.
Sauli looks lovely. Lucky lovely boys to have each other.

Anonymous said...

Adam HAS to take Sauli to Japan and Australia in August. He'll have an awesome time.

Magiclady said...

Sauli has always been a cutie, but Adam's sexiness is rubbing off on him lately, IMO

PS. don't shave

Anonymous said...

Not sure that is Sauli, his tat on his neck should be a rather pale butterfly. On his chest he has 2 blue lovebirds, Don't know what is on his chest in this pic, it's not in the right place. I think he is spoofing us. They like to get us going.Darn I think they just started a rumor, that's not Sauli. LOL

Anonymous said...

Beautiful piece of humanity! Sauli and ADAM are beautiful people indeed! I'm happy the two found each other. Wish them all the happiness.

Anonymous said...

I think it's Sauli with a lot of touch-ups on the picture as they always do in photos/magazines etc, so much so the real person may not resemble the picture.

Anonymous said...

what happened with Adam being AI judge? I just read where Nick Jonas is trying to get it now. How many judges are they going to have thia year more than contestants. Did they just use Adams name to start the interst in the show again? Adam would be the best judge that is not fair who ever started that about Adam if it is not true. I hope Adams name really is in the mix & hope he gets it if he wants the job.

Anonymous said...

10:58 The last I heard was in London and Adam said he hadn't been asked. He has not tweeted anything either way.

Anonymous said...

Yea! I thought Sauli had tatoos.

Maybe the boys are photo shopping.

Anonymous said...

I thought I read somewheres....Adam returned to Calif to sing and draw.....this was before Idol...I know he has an artistic eye. Has anyone read any thing about him drawing or painting?

Anonymous said...

OK let's see Adam and Sauli's are vacationing where there are clouds in the sky . . .hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Definitely not in a desert which is usually canopied by a cloudless! :)

daydreamin said...

Just found this about Adam/Queen and the Olympics apology to Glamberts :(

Date: August 5th, 2012 By: Peter Stavros
So today, I received an e-mail from the supposed “source” that has been feeding me information about the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. The source wanted to issue an apology to me for giving me the wrong info.

He got word from people that really don’t have any “inside” connection to organizers and nobody ever talked about Adam Lambert.

I want to apologize for writing a false article without re-checking with other sources like I should. I have taken journalism courses and what I did is a big no-no.

I never intended to do anything to just get hits. I would never do that and I really feel bad for this.

It was a mistake that shouldn’t have been and it was all my fault.

I hope that you accept my apology and keep on reading me. I really liked Adam’s concert last month here in Texas and I’m looking forward to his next tour.

Once again, I’m sorry and I hope to continue writing really good content with true information.

-Peter Stavros, Music Daily News & Celeb Daily News

link is here:

Anonymous said...

Aww, they are being nudists somewhere.

Anonymous said...

@12:04 Ha! I just had to laugh at
your comment! Brightend my day.

Anonymous said...

Oh,that's Sauli,alright.He's muscular,tho shorter & smaller boned than Adam..We don't really know when that pic was taken,but it looks very recently for sure.He's also very athletic and maybe could have been a gymnast or dancer from some other pix we've seen of him.Maybe they went to another island someplace that's very private.Maybe we'll know sometime this week.

Anonymous said...

Please vote some more on the Q102 Jingle Ball poll.I can't copy and paste here cause I'm on Firefox..please,somebody post it,or go to Q102 & search for Jingle Ball poll..thanks

Anonymous said...

I'm not really a fan of shirtless men .... haha!!!!! Great shot!! Not crazy about designer stubble & goatee beards. If you're gonna have a beard, have a real beard!!

Somehow I don't think we'll be seeing photos of a shirtless Adam any time soon .... but you never know!!

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the Q102 Jingle Ball poll:

Please vote for Adam! :)

Anonymous said...

I usually don't care much for facial hair on guys but on Adam and Sauli it looks hot! course anything they do is...

Anonymous said...

A thing of beauty is a joy forever
===yes that's Sauli, with tatooed left arm not showing. He has a beautiful physique. No there won't be a photo of Adam like that unless a snake in the grass papparazzi snaps one. Beautiful as Adam is, he has a very high waist and a soft tummy he covers up or in old photos corsets in. When he's on his recent health kicks he looks nice and slim, but if you are a muffin top you stay a muffin top. Personally I'm fond of muffins. =&=

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't really care how Sauli looks, I'm Adam's fan and he's the only one I'm interested in here or on any Adam links.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:58 PM
It had never occured to me, but I think you could be right. 'They' used Adam to create interest in the AI judge selection. Unfortunately I don't think they will actually let him be a judge, tho.

Anonymous said...

Lovely picture............

I'm a fan of everything that satisfy my taste!!:))

Where are you Mr. Rock God????



SG said...

Really nice pic,Sauli looks hot here. About Adam taking a pic like that, I better like thouse pics that we already had with Adam a little unbutton shirt or a low cut t shirt,the kind of thing that makes you wonder about the rest,about what you can not see...mistery..that neck-twister trying to see if you can see something else...;)

Catharine Sloper said...

Great picture! Adam is really lucky, seriously.

Yes, feeling like there is kind of a news draught about Adam.

Anonymous said...

Drake was hotter.:)

Anonymous said...

Drake was hotter.:)

Anonymous said...

have you noticed how often media uses Adam L in their titles, even if the rest of the article is still about something else. that kind of media attention is good, as it shows that there is still great interest. I wish negative commenters (7:04am) would just go away for good. this comment has no bearing on anything but pointing out your nasty personality.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....well it's safe to confess now that they are gone...I just drove them to the airport...Adam and Sauli spent their weekend here in Florida. Those are my clouds. I offered them a place to relax in complete privacy and shipped the Master away for a golf weekend so that Adam and Sauli could have the Master bedroom. They were perfect guests, just hung out by the pool, Sauli toasting in the sun and Adam on lounge covered head to toe. I put the colored filter on the pool light and they swam after was very quiet out there, but I didn't peek.

Other than the vile green bilge they concocted in my juicer it was a lovely visit. Mystery solved!

Sweet boys. :)

Anonymous said...

Well said JAK,

Lucky you!!:)) So what's your husband said about the couple??:)))

Interesting for sure he!he!

Because of these craziness I have decided to clean the house from top to bottom:))


Anonymous said...

JAK, you are a riot! That scenario will be running through my head all day! YUM! The photo of Sauli is lovely. He has physical beauty, but he also seems to be smart, level-headed and so kind. He has a natural way with people, just like Adam does.

I think Adam knows knows full well that his best feature is not his mid-section. He is slim, but not tight-muscled in that area. Just not his body type. BUT, his other attributes are so outstanding, that they compensate for anything else. I can live without seeing his mis-section. All the rest is a FEAST for the eyes.

DRG (voted some more on Q102!)

Anonymous said...

'Old photo's corsets in' Ha! Adam has a beautiful body and he sure isn't a 'muffin top'. So strange the things people come up with.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Kesha frolicking on the beach would be hot. shipping Keshbert

Anonymous said...

Mystery is sexier. Who cares about shirtless pics.

Anonymous said...

7:49 guuurl, you must not get out much, that picture left alot to the imagination.

Anonymous said...

Who does everyone think took the photo!

Anonymous said...

8:06 no question who took the photo. It was JAK. lol

Anonymous said...

You bet I did! :) Also took several of Adam for my scrapbook in the making! JAK

Anonymous said...

I think this photo was taken by a professional photographer. It's too "perfect" to be a random photo unless, of course, JAK is a professional photographer! ;-D

Forget Adam's midrift (if we can - ha!) and dream about his long, long, long legs!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this photo of Sauli was taken for a magazine.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:41 a.m. Adam wore high waist cinchers (corsets)for his 'middle'.

FYE video
Zodiac Show-Crawl Through Fire
and check out link (or easier still google Adam Lambert Album Art Shoot)

Muffin tops are also called Love Handles-! They don't bother me.
Sincerely- this is 4:52
The truth and nothing but the truth!

Anonymous said...

Seacrest has a new show coming on E something about The Jonah's.Hope that doesn't carry over to Idol.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how reliable this article is, but states that NEWS finally broke that ADAM will not be one of the AI judges. Here's a portion of the article:


“American Idol” phenom ADAM LAMBERT has certainly made a name for himself post reality show circuit. His fan base, Glamberts, is arguably the greatest fan base to ever support a musician. They’re definitely the craziest by far but hell, they support their guy through thick and thin.

Although the news finally broke that LAMBERT will not be one of new judges on the reality show that helped build his career, there were high hopes that the glittery alien would return to the series. With J.Lo and Steven Tyler exiting the series, fans looked to the magic of LAMBERT to return the show to glory. Even though AI did not get its wish, the singer created plenty of buzz for his second studio album, Trespassing.”

Read more:

Anonymous said...

someone may have hacked sauli's fb page, the tats dont match his original tats.
also dont really care what sauli does, i do have to admit sauli is making a killin off adam.
sneaky sneaky!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

this added 9:07 AM

(EDITOR'S CHANGE: It was not announced that Lambert will not be a judge of AI; rather this is the opinion of the author. Should be added: "do not believe him to be a judge of AI." Sorry!)

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 9:07 AM
yet another apology

Anonymous said...

@ 8:55, 4:52

I am glad there is another poster on this site that can recognize that Adam does not have to be "perfect" to be AMAZING and ADORED! (Heaven forbid you mention he has love handles.) Apparently some "fans" don't want Adam to be a real person. (Don't let their comments get to you.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks 9:16 (Editor)!

I also know for myself that it is only the writer's opinion but just wondered if there's been any news really which I could not find. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed!
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

For all the superlative traits that ADAM possess that I cannot find fault in him at all, any imperfection is welcome and proves he is only human after all.

Anonymous said...


You are too funny! I love reading your posts!! :)

By the way... doubt there will be any AI news until after the Olympics. They want all the media to be buzzing about them alone when they reveal the judging panel. My guess is everyone can take a break, relax and ignore all of the speculation and fake "insider" gossip until the Olympics are over. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

American Idol Met With Another Country Star for Judges’ Seat

The Country Vibe, the website that broke the Brad Paisley story, reports that American Idol honchos met with another country music star last week:

“We have also learned that another country star met with Idol executives last week. But there are pop stars being considered as well for the seat left vacant by Steven Tyler. Nick Jonas’ name was brought into the rumor mill mix last week. While the decision is still up in the air we hear an announcement could come as early as this week.”

Anonymous said...

off topic! why do most africa american hate adam.I dont understand (is it because hes gay).I know adam does needs a more disvere fanbase,in order to sell more albums!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....

......American Idol Judge Job......

Will he, won't he..
Should he....Let's see..
More exposure, that's for sure..
No way should he, that's manure!
Lots of money, there is no doubt..
We'll see him weekly comes the shout!!!
Heart pounding with anticipation..
This is a frustrating situation.
Torn two ways, I can see each side.
Read so much tripe I want to hide..
Rumors fly daily on each thread..
Giving me such an ache in the head.
A different story on every site..
They really are just so much shite!
One side would be swell
Other side says career death knell!
To tell the truth,fan though I am..
At this point I just don't give a damn!

Adam's path is in the hands of the universe ! He's magic, how can he fail to fulfill his destiny. We don't know what that will be, nor can we influence his future, agonizing over each step is a futile endeavor, I intend to just enjoy him and wish him well.

Anonymous said...

Carrie Underwood will be on NBC morning show on Wednesday in London . I bet they will announce Idol judges by tomorrow so Matt Lauer can ask her questions about new Idol judges. Hence creating tons of news buzz for the show. I hope Adam gets the Idol judge seat!

Anonymous said...

I didnt know african americans hated Adam, hell one of his best friends is black and gay, lol

Anonymous said...

10:37 I think you are a loose cannon.

Anonymous said...

I remember when someone asked him who was his first kissed then he said, "I was 14 and the young lady was 18" (Black young Lady). Her name was BJ:)

We all know that Adam has lots of black fans as well around the world:)

Not only in his country folks!


Anonymous said...

Adam's body is slim and attractive and I don't think he even has love handles, to tell you the truth. He works on his weight. But he doesn't have the body tightness of a gymnast or a weight-lifter or anything. He has the body of an average guy who keeps in shape. Remember, he's tall and has a big build.

JAK, I love your poem! You are so talented! I'm a limerick writer. I write for my family and friends. Maybe I'll try to do one about Adam.

African Americans, as a group, don't hate Adam. That's ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

@11:04 "loose cannon" wake up this is reality! most of my friends are african american,and they dont like him.

Anonymous said...

12:35 ok I believe you, see ya later.

Anonymous said...

GNT..some of Adam's 2-piece outfits were one piece....there were connected with black stretchy material (so it might look like a corset)Adam said they were made like this so shirt would not ride up and pants would stay put. He showed this in a backstage video.
Probably something he picked up from all those years performing on stage.

glitzylady said...

Adam is gorgeous and "real"...doesn't get any better than that...and a beautiful man/human being in the ways that truly count.

Anonymous said...

None of Adam's GNT costumes were corsets, he had slimmed down considerably by tour time. Did you check out above videos and link?

Why would I lie, I don't care about Adam's tummy, I married the best guy in the world and he has a high waist like Adam and very handy love handles.

I give up, I tried to tell everyone that Jessie J was set for Olympic ceremony with Queen and that didn't get through either.

I don't make up rumours nor spread them. JEEZ!

Anonymous said...

well GOD knows I have never seen or been with a more handsome man than Adam Lambert, I didn't think he created one until I seen Adam. I could only dream about knowing him personally but have been to several of his concerts believe me up close there is nothing imperfect about the man.

Anonymous said...

@12:35 p.m. And your African American friends make up a large percentage of the population of the country? Tens of thousands?

Anonymous said...

Adam is my kind of perfect.

Anonymous said...


So, if these African American are your friends, why ask here for the reason, why can't you get the answers yourself from the very mouth of your friends?

Anonymous said...

@ DRG.....JAK here..ooooo a fellow limerick writer! Do give. We need entertainment, rumors are getting thin, what will we do?

On my first trip to Ireland with my BFF we were going to be in Limerick the next night so tour guide asked us each to write a limerick to read at dinner. Once I get started I can't stop so kept reading one after another to my friend as she was trying to sleep.

About 1 a.m. she got up, came to my bed and covered my face with a pillow and said "if you don't shut up and lie quietly in bed, you'll wake up tomorrow and find you're dead!"

I threw the pillow at her and said "that's NOT a limerick!"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If Adam isn't on Idol I want have to watch it this year...Jonas & Myria will not bring it back.They think he will appeal to the teeny boppers, but thats crazy, he ain't Beiber.

Anonymous said...

@DRG.. LOL about Adam's mid-section.. Oh well, we cannot have it all.. Nice picture of Sauli ! Cheers, Axel

Anonymous said...

Looks like they are in Nirvana!
GORGEOUS photograph~

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a picture of Adam that was unsexy. To me he is the most devine male specimen! My favorite poses of Adam (so glad you asked!haha) - in a tank top, ala Queen, that highlights his slim waste and hips (ahemmmmmmmmmm!) AND, Adam doing his most impressive backbend (or even neck roll) Oh heck, how about on his knees backwards!YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm drooling now and panting!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a picture of Adam that was unsexy. To me he is the most devine male specimen! My favorite poses of Adam (so glad you asked!haha) - in a tank top, ala Queen, that highlights his slim waste and hips (ahemmmmmmmmmm!) AND, Adam doing his most impressive backbend (or even neck roll) Oh heck, how about on his knees backwards!YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm drooling now and panting!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My GOD~ if AI chooses Maria and that Jonas kid, it will be the WORST television viewing EVER! Such a boring two some. I will never bother to watch American Idol. Are they kidding?

Not worried about Adam. He has a great career and will continue to have so many opportunities come his way. As someone said, he is here to fulfill his destiny. Just loving watching him do this with such grace!
ALWAYS will be an Adam Lambert fan!
Forever and ever!

Anonymous said...

Sorry - got carried away I guess nanc

Anonymous said...

nacdruuu2, agree 200 % with everything you have said!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Funny about limericks. How many times have you been to Ireland?
Family from there? Mine too.

Anonymous said...

Adam has love handles .... what a load of bollocks!! He is a deliciously slender, almighty fine specimen of a hunk!!

Anonymous said...

He's a little hunky around the waist. If you have eyes you can see, yes a gorgeous hunk of man.

glitzylady said...

Vacay location Mystery solved:

Cabo!!! (Baja Mexico..)

Adam Lambert
Cabo was great! Nicely toasted.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:52 P.M........JAK here
I've been to Ireland 3 times, not nearly enough. It's enchanted.
Yes, my family arrived in the colonies in 1750, landed in Virginia and walked West. Ended up in Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri. Every generation sprouted lots of poets. Limericks are fun!

Anonymous said...

I have noticed a hunk on Adam & probably love handle but below the waist. ok going to bed now!

lorraine said...

All ye limerick ladies.....I lived in Ireland for 6 months when I was 12 years old. My mom took us out of school so she could go "home" and care for her ailing mom in County Mayo. We learned more than we could have ever learned in school and had to adjust practically overnight to life on a farm, living in a cottage -no running water or electricity. You can imagine the culture shock of going from Brooklyn,New York,to life in Ireland.I also stayed in Tipperary with my Aunt Kitty for awhile and traveled all over Ireland while there. Years later, I had the ultimate joy of visiting Ireland and traveling all over with my son {who was then 22.} Having been a 5th grade teacher for most of my career, one of my favorite lessons with my students was sharing limericks with them on St. Patrick's Day.The creative writing experience was made all the richer by my being able to share my childhood in Ireland as well as letting them know the origin and meaning of limericks in the pubs of Ireland.Those limerick writing days were some of the most joyful, funny and rewarding times in my classroom. Thanks for bringing back some very special memories.ERIN GO BRAGH!!{Ireland Forever!}
Gosh, you never know what sweet memories this Adam site can resurrect!!!

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine....JAK here
How wonderful! I've ached to spend time in Ireland more than a day or two here and there. My daughters and I even checked in to renting a cottage for a month, but we let the opportunity slide away.
But I too have wonderful memories.
Every morning I sit here with my Dublin map china cup and have my tea while I check out the Adam Network! Slainte!

Anonymous said...

WTF Adam is blond!

Anonymous said...

Sauli love`s him and make`s him happy!
i don`t know. get lost or something LOL

lorraine said...

@ JAK the scents and sites of Ireland do stay with you always. Descending into Shannon airport ,we saw shades of green I could never have imagined. I'm glad you have these memories to treasure as you read the latest about Adam each morning. Now I can visualize you sitting there with your special china cup from Dublin......

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