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Gay Guys Who Are Kinda Bi

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 5, 2012

Posted at : Friday, October 05, 2012

Via @spreckles: "Gay guys who are kinda bi" (Glamour Nov '12)- pic of Adam Lambert

Is Adam Lambert 'kinda bisexual'? free polls 


Anonymous said...

I think there should be a "You wish" catagory

Adamluv said...

Insulting question IMO

tess4ADAM said...

Hasn't ADAM already answered that question ENUFF??

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

It's none of our business......JAK

Anonymous said...

BTW...what KIND of photo are they not showing?....JAK again

Anonymous said...

I was going to write that there should be a box with "NO, but I wish he were" but I see someone already commented on that :)

Anonymous said...

Oh God, I think he's aid he has slept with a girl or 2. I also think he indicated, did not do it for him! I think he said it was fun, but he was less than thrilled about it. Adam is gay period , he likes gentlemen. Nothing wrong with that and none of these people's business, or mine for that matter! Love him just the way he is! sue

Anonymous said...

this is funny, keep em quessing Adam. I wonder who the others are.In Glamour magazine not too shabby.I can't get in picture either. Sometimes if I use Google Chrome instead of IE I get things in better, will try that.

Magiclady said...

Anon 5:53
Boy, you and me both! btw, I also wish I was 30 years younger too!

lorraine said...

When will this ridiculous question cease!!! Who else but Adam would know his own sexual preference? And-it's his own business and he didn't need to share his personal life with anyone. Yet, even after choosing to share it, he is still being dismissed as if he doesn't even know his own orientation. If this were not so disrespectful, it would just be ridiculous! Ignorance runs deep.

Anonymous said...

I agree Anon 5:53.
Such a dumb poll.

Now, is he attractive to straight folk? YES!

Anonymous said...

Here is the question:
Is Adam Lambert the sexiest and most talented man on the PLANET?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't vote or get a picture. So stupid anyway- maybe some are just wishing adam was bi- wishful thinking. I know, I know he is gorgeous and we all can't believe he is gay- I love him that way, and to me he is beyond sexy and because he is gay makes him more appealing!

Anonymous said...

Adam has stated many times yes he is gay. He did say he had some sexual experience with a girl or 2 but he loves men, well Sauli to be specific so what is the point of this poll. Love Adam just like he is!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't get the picture either, but I voted on the dumb poll. Adam is gay, period. He has said it many times. He's not bi. He has said that, too. His sexuality is so intriguing to so many people, much more so than with other gay celebrities. He has been asked more direct questions about it than any other gay celeb I can think of. He's been so open about it from the beginning, that people just naturally ask him about it. Like he says, he's an open book. BUT, after a while, it gets old. I've noticed that in recent months, he gets asked less and less about his sexuality. I hope it's getting to be old news.


Anonymous said...

just got in the picture. There is Sir EJ at a younger age. David Bowie with his wife and Billie Joe from Green Day and Adam. I don't think Bowie is gay or bi but what do I know.

Anonymous said...

@DRG- I agree- it's old news- but as new fans (hopefully) you have this sexy,gorgeous guy on the planet and they just can't believe it I guess. Keep them wondering, us fans know the truth and when they become fans they will know also. Does that make any sense?

Anonymous said...

Sir Elton John use to have beautiful wife. It was long time ago. David Bowie is bi. Don't know about Billie Joe.
Adam said that he is bi-curious long time ago on one of his interviews.

Anonymous said...

I think in saying bi-curious Adam wondered out loud what it would be like if he wasn't gay. It was just a cute and clever term he coined.

Anonymous said...

Appears to be another quickly researched story where they read the first Rolling Stone story and thats it. Glamour is capable of great journalism, don't know why this was a throw away to them.

Anonymous said...

I will swallow the ridiculousness of this article since it's in a popular current mag and if it gets Adam one step closer to People Mag's cover for their Sexiest Man Alive issue!! Come on People magazine... be brave, be progressive, be forward thinking... your popular cover is SEXIEST man alive, an Adam is that!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish if they were going to talk about Adam it would be something that really matters.

But I don't care if Adam is an Alien from another planet, I adore him!


Anonymous said...

these polls on 24/7 are alot of fun. This magazine article is fun too and they used a good picture!! Lighten up people.

Anonymous said...

Agree that at least they used good pic

Anonymous said...

He's a filthy bi. Shame on him for betraying the gay team. Only straight women are allowed to be bicurious with women. This whole man loving women thing is phony as fuck, men should just stick with men, and women should embrace women. Too bad girls are more likely to be bi than exclusively lesbian.