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New BTS Footage of Adam Lambert filming Pretty Little Liars Halloween Special!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 5, 2012

Posted at : Friday, October 05, 2012

Via GaleWhittington: NEW! BEHIND THE SCENES (BTS) footage of the Pretty Little LIars (PLL) Halloween Special featuring Adam Lambert, who can be seen in the small blue screens.


Anonymous said...

Mildly interesting......but it is a foot in the door for our boy.
From our computer screen to TV screen is an encouraging step...JAK

Anonymous said...

I found this very exciting. Loved the music - very Alfred Hitchcock.
Reminded me of North by Northwest.
My age is showing! Adam Lambert - a young Cary Grant?

Anonymous said...

quite interesting I love behind the scenes action. you never realize all that goes into making a program or even a mv. I saw Adam alot in the first screen. I hope all Glamberts are planning to watch this.I am skeered already.

Magiclady said...

I cannot wait to see him on this show! When I found out he was going to be on it, I watched whatever episodes were available on On Demand. The show is ok but def for a specific demographic. Lots of people watch this show. Great exposure for our guy!

Anonymous said...

This is great especially because the specific demographic is teenagers! If they get on board to buy his music and request, it will be great for Adam. Can't wait to watch it and so proud of all the things Adam has been doing lately. Like the Voice of China etc.

Anonymous said...

Hope this is one TV door that will open up to many others! Can't wait to see it.


Cheril said...

I love that Adam is on a show. I would love to see him as a character on Once Upon A Time. It's all about magic and who is more magical than Adam Lambert?? Cant wait to see PLL episode.

Cheril said...

Wish Brian May and Roger Taylor would write a rock opera and, of course, Adam Lambert would be the star! Dream big.

Anonymous said...

@ Cheril.....JAK here

I second both of your suggestions!