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Longer Version: ADAM LAMBERT Talks with Lance Bass & Friends

Filed Under () by Admin on Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Via GaleChester: Includes Pre-Adam Berting by Pretty Little Liars’ Lyndsey Shaw. Recorded from the Dirty Pop with Lance Bass Show on OUTQ (Channel 108) via SyriusXM Radio with special guest ADAM LAMBERT. Edited for Adam's Parts Ony. Taped 10-27-12 at The True Blood Lot in Hollywood CA during the Halloweenie Benefit. Aired 10-31-12.



Anonymous said...

Penguins in South Africa? That was new to me, but it seems it's true. Never too old to learn something new!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween to All !! It seems like Adam and Sauli had much fun at that party.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the most fun interview ever, esp. when he's got people he can be fun with and be loose with. These guys had a lot of fun talking together. I LOVE Adam's voice so much, singing or talking! Like honey from a hive.


daydreamin said...

He sounds like he is having a blast. He sure isn't admitting to insuring his voice. He didn't deny it. I am sure Adam likes Halloween more than ever because he really can disquise himself and hopefully not be bombarded with camera's for a change.

Adam, I think you come out of the shower and GLOW! Loved Adam's imitation of Sauli! Those guys were really drooling over Adam. Hope he enjoyed that back rub.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, you just beat me to it, but I was just going to add that I loved when Adam imitated Sauli. I'll bet those two have great banter together. Adam is a real tease and it sounds like Sauli is, too. What a perfect pair. I'd love to be fly on the wall....


Anonymous said...

Yes being sort of coy about the voice insurance,but I believe it is insured or he would have said no,well if it isn't his voice should be. It is priceless IMO!Cute imitation of Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Haha two 8:09's me the anon and DRG typing away at the same time. DRG, always love your posts!

Anonymous said...

I hope one day Adam will more from this to NZ or Japan or England. Even Canada doesn't like Adam any more as used to be. What is going on?

Anonymous said...

I think Adam must agree that it was his choice in this life. And better if he will forget about any awards just enjoy his worldwide popularity and save some many for next album. I don't think RCA will support any new single and deff never ever will agree to release new album. OMG, Adam! What did you do to yourself?!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of priceless, just a note of caution.....from JAK

Do NOT!!! go to Kirklands, Home Goods and Pier 1 all on the same day ! Especially with your shopaholic daughter! Wonderful bad things happen and it takes 4 trips to unload the car!

I had a really great Halloween. All treats! This is my way of celebrating. :)))

Anonymous said...

Adam will be Adam, love him or leave him. He makes his choices, you make yours. We cannot change him to suit our expectations and his future is out of our hands and rests upon his decisions. I will enjoy his beautiful voice as long as I can and let him live his life.
I hope he will be both happy and successful but it is not in my power to affect that, meanwhile, since it's midnight, I will tuck myself in bed with my ears being treated to Adam's music......JAK

Anonymous said...

NICE good to hear it all this time.No more gloom and doom,ok,anom.@ 8:45pm??...Adam will be making a new video he said,I asume for the song Trespassing..So wouldn't you say that RCA is STILL SUPPORTING BB??I do.Please stop posting your kind of downer posts.I just can't believe some troll's posts..Please leave this fan site if you don't believe in,or support Adam.

tess4ADAM said...

@8:45 PM ... Pray tell!! WHERE do you get your convoluded information about ADAM's career?? Do you think RCA is only in the USA?? They are all over the world & ADAM is loved Globally so there will definitely be another single & album!! Geez!! What a wet blanket!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@JAK I am very selfish person. Because I want Adam will stay with us for long time and give me chance to enojoy his brilliant voice and performances till rest of my life. Just don't want him to finish his carrier so soon. But this f.............US Music Industry makes the numbers. And as far as Adam doesn't have any numbers(Billboards,Itunes,radio stations,awards)he doesn't have enough money for trips, singles, music videos, and good management.

Anonymous said...

Please let’s help ADAM and request Trespassing here: (also NCOE here)
Request Line: 1-800-242-0100??

Vote on Canadian stations:?(once a day)

Write in Adam Lambert Trespassing:

1-866-553-2020 press #1 & leave message requesting @adamlambert #Trespassing @SiriusXM 20 on 20!

VOTE repeatedly for ADAM & Trespassing for People’s Choice Awards:



glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:42 PM
Jumping into the conversation here : ) I agree with you: I'm selfish too! Can never get enough of Adam, his personality, his voice, his music.. But here's the thing: We have no idea what's going on behind the scenes in Adam's career. Who knows what's next on the horizon for Adam, and for us as fans. Yes, it would be nice if the US was a little more on board with Adam's music. I truly do not get the lack of radio play here. But we fans also know that he's been doing many shows that pay him something as well..and apparently very well.. There are the Queen shows this past summer for instance. I suspect he was very well paid. Not to mention the stellar opportunity for Adam, to front an iconic band. Its not just about "numbers" and awards. For Adam, as he has said, its also about performing his music in front of an audience, something he loves to do, and at which he excels. He's done some gigs that reportedly paid him very well and I mean VERY WELL. So pretty sure his label and his management are happy with him. And guessing he DOES have money for trips, videos, singles..and good management. He hasn't been home twiddling his thumbs this year. At all. He's been incredibly busy. He's unique. He follows his own current interests in music. He put out a fantastic album (2 fantastic albums in reality..).. which has been praised by those who know music, not just us fans. And he is so special. I'm planning on Adam and his career being around for a very long time. And being successful. Very successful. We need to celebrate his successes, of which there are many, and keep moving forward. Thats what Adam is doing. The rest will come with time. I have absolutely no doubt.

daydreamin said...

@JAK I LOOOOOOVE Home Goods and Pier 1. I think if your daughter and I ever met, we'd be in real trouble. Probably 8 trips to and from the car LOL!

Anonymous said...

I just voted on all those links and now I am off to PCA to vote.

daydreamin said...

Sauli and Reyna tonight:
Click HERE

glitzylady said...

Whoa!! Sauli!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you glitzylady for your last comment. I get so sick of reading how poor Adam is & how he is not doing well.I don't know what people expect of him.I love him he is doing great why not enjoy him.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting such a positive point of view about Adam. I couldn't have said those things nearly as well as you so I appreciate your opinions very much. The trolls here really get me depressed and worried about Adam....of course that was their tear him down. I feel soooo much better after reading your post and I completely agree with your points. Thanks again.


daydreamin said...

People's Choice votes end this Friday!!!

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks fantastic. About Reyna. Can she wearing something else except this casual big booooobs outfit?It doesn't seem very Halloweenish. It just her everyday booby dress. Please, don't tell me that this poor thing can't afford to buy something do cover her body.
Wondering what did Adam wear tonight?

Anonymous said...

OMG!Sauli. your are so cute. Please stay away from this girl. She can kill you using one of her boobs

Anonymous said...

Please everybody vote on People's Choice Awards. It is easy just voting for Album and male artist. Copy and paste the links on this thread.

Anonymous said...

Aww...I love the playfulness and joy Adam and Sauli have:) Perfect match!

Anonymous said...

Adam has a few nos. a no. 1 album this year, a no. 3 one the first album. He had 3 no. 1's on this album, in America it was no. 1 in all categories, he currently has a no. 1 dance tune with trespassing for sales hot dance tunes on American billboard! Nevet close our eyes, went to 6, on dance club billboard.WWFM, no. 10 here, if I had you was a pretty good hit, WWFM was a smash hit, still being played world wide! First album went platinum here and abroad! It did go platinum here this yr. and abroad in 2010! WWFM, was on top 40, about 13, 14 months still in top 10 of all Idol songs. Adam has had many no. 1 world wide, with second album and Never Clise our eyed, trespassing doing well. he had charted all over the world a feat only three Idol's have achieved! it may be a bit rough here, right now, but still has a no. 1 dance tune right now. Adam excels as a live performer and obviously in dance club songs! Which he and RCa and management profit by! He has said there are suprises comming he cannot reveal yet, do believe since this no. 1 dance billboard achievement which is nothing to sneeze at, a video is comming, he mentioned in interview! Everyone has ups and downs, Adam had had 10 American billboard nos. and Ton's worldwide! all his stuff charts world wide! His one problem is American radio world wide in nearly every country, except here he played a bunch! no one can hardly control the DJ's in clubs, so he doing great there, they love Adam music! for Adam performing for his fan's is his love, trust me this not Adam last album. RCA and management, will target countries Adam is the biggest, and can have biggest concerts, we may suffer there, but he will do fine! I agree with Glizy Lady, you are on target girl, thank you! This downer stuff if crap, yes he had trouble with radio here maybe Canada, world wide most places play hell out of Adam! That will keep him alive for year's. He also has numerous other talents, theatre, singing, acting, make up artist, fashion, to name a few! All this gloom is bull, if he had to depend on America may have a problem, even tho he has had many successes here in three years. Adam goes on a nice trip each year, but this year took quick one, he was very busy.Afam was supportive of Kris Allen, do atop blaming him for his problem,s, or any other dropped Idol! If he ever parts with RCA trust me this hugely talented guy will survive, but do not think that will happen soon. Afam has said there are up's and downs in this business,his joy is live entertaining and slway's will be! Your crap is not appreciated here go away! By the way I wish I could afford over 10,000 dollars a month rent, in the hollywood hills, sure he will get that home when time is right!! I own my home, but certainly not anything like Afam lives in. stop this nonsense, Afam has had many successes, and will go where he is most appreciated wouldn't you !that is Adam not Afam, sorry! If he just had US may have problem, ever tho he had had many successes here, and 4 no. 1 bill boards! Still very young artist! He had many more that that world wide, he popular world wide, that ate him apart from most idols, yes at this point more popular abroad,but at this point a no. 1 dance tune! Adam just need more exposure here, will be getting lots abroad! Adam making good money, trust me sales a lot of merchandise, he has same management Katy perry, sure not cheap. I have a big feeling good thing are comming for Adam. Adam was so kind and supportive of K. Allen, so knock off your lies! All this downer crap is bull, there are wonderful supportive people here, but some of you are not fan's, saying all this untrue bull then saying great fans, with fan's, trolls like this he needs no enemies. tommy crays and idol who been dropped, stop trashing Adam, he did nothing,negative to them. He works hard, and mines his business!! Sorry mistakes!

Anonymous said...

Glizy Lady I wish I could, explain myself ad well as you! Everything you say I Agee with. I wrote above, I make mistakes because of hand problems , but I do not explain myself like you do, thank you!! I just get so angry, at some of this bull, you are more level headed, I admire you! Sue

daydreamin said...

I don't know what this is all about, but Lyndsay Parker tweeted this a short time ago:
LĂżndsey Parker ‏@lyndseyparker
Goodnight all. Heads up, gonna have some exciting Idol news for you in morning...

Wonder if it has anything to do with Adam? She is a HUGE fan of his. (Fingers crossed for good news)

daydreamin said...

Vote here-ENDS FRIDAY (type his name/"Trespassing" (for album) in "Other"!:


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear idol news hope it is something great about Adam, he has said there are suprises, he old not reveal yet, few days ago!! Sorry for big space in between post, do not know why! Please post the Lysey news when know! That was he had some suprise he was not ready to reveal yet! Hope it's good New's about Adam!!

Anonymous said...

daydreamin lol yeah prob Ryan Seacrest got the other Kardashians jobs on Idol, X Factor wasn't enough.

Anonymous said...

it is nothing about Adam I guarantee you.

Anonymous said...

I always think he had a face jobs, he looks different in many ways, than the IDOL year, of course, he is older, but soooo good looking, and a great singer!

glitzylady said...

@Sue 12:21 PM
Oh, thanks Sue!! We all have our own ways of saying what we need to say. Adam just inspires us in so many ways, and it's often very hard to express in just a few words. I admire your passion so much. I hope you feel better soon as I know you haven't been feeling well. Take care. >>Hugs<<

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:49 PM
So true! Enjoying Adam is always a good thing! And SO easy to do...

@CT 10:56 PM
Thanks...I get a little frustrated sometimes too. But then all things considered, he's doing so well. I can't wait to see what he's up to next...Also hoping he's doing it somewhere close to where I live : ))) (One can dream...)

glitzylady said...

Yep, penguins in South Africa. They are small, extremely cute, and pretty tame...with a very loud voice! I was in South Africa in 2007 for 3+ weeks and among other things, visited Boulders Beach near Cape Town, where the African Penguin, also known as the Jackass Penguin, live. I found this video that someone filmed at the beach with views of the penguins. Since this was taken in 2006, could be some of these little guys are the same ones I "met"
when I was there.

From Wikipedia:

"The African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus), also known as the Black-footed Penguin is a species of penguin, confined to southern African waters. It is also widely known as the "Jackass" Penguin for its donkey-like bray.."

By the way, wish I was going back to SA, for a concert or two... : ))

glitzylady said...

Annnnndddd....a new Adam and Sauli Halloween Night picture, along with Adam's mom, Leila.

The accompanying tweet:

Adam LambertVerified
Take Yo mama out tonight!!

glitzylady said...

Sam Sparro, Adam and Sauli

Halloween Party...

Anonymous said...

@ 8:41 PM,

That's your opinion but FYI information Adam is our adopted son here......

He is important and giving recognition than in his own country!!!

So watch out dear:))


Anonymous said...

There has been talk about a benefit concert for the hurricane victims.If it comes off,it would be nice for Adam to volunteer for that.I hope he can.Everybody,please vote hard for the PCAs and the radio stations.There ARE stations in the US that are playing Adam's music now.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Yeah...what Glitzy said!

Anonymous said...

I too love to hear Adam sing, talk..just to listen to his voice. and to look at him is just the finishing touch...great things ahead for sure..he is awesome

Anonymous said...

Why all the gloom and doom from some people? Adam has incredibly strong/ supportive fans and as a group we have been able to help push Adam's music to the top. A #3 and a #1 album for his first two albums is not too shabby. I honestly think he will have longevity because he has an amazing voice and he is such a great performer. I also think he will branch into small and big screen projects at some point.

And I'm so happy to be along for the ride.......


Anonymous said...

Has this been posted anywhere on 24/7 yet?

Kinda cool!

Anonymous said...

The Idol thing was an article by Lynsey Parker on Yahoo homepage about P2 album being released earllier than expected and about the songs on it.

Anonymous said...

6:50 Kinda cool? very cool !! thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

I have so much I want to respond to here!

First, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, glitzlady and sue for picking me up when the nay-sayers here push me down. You both say the same positive things in your own special way. Sue, I know you have hand problems that affect your typing, but you always speak from the heart and love Adam as much as we all do. glitzlady, you are so eloquent and RIGHT ON with your truth and positivity. You always read my mind.

It appears that Adam will not be one of those album-every-year, tour-every-year kind of guys. There is nothing traditional about him. This is why most of us love him so. Some of the most respected singers and bands did not follow a traditional path in their careers. They didn't always top the charts, but were often "re-discovered" later on by the general public who then gave them the accolades they always deserved. Meanwhile, the core fanbase was always there suppporting them. This could be Adam's path. I don't see RCA dropping him. He's doing too well, U.S. support or not. He will branch into other things as well, I think. Marketing, fashion, other media, acting, social issues. He's not going away, that's for sure. He's made his mark in significant ways. A few here keep believing that unless he is always at the top of the charts, he must be failing. Not so. His path is more diverse. I feel the frustration when he is not on the big talk shows or the awards shows with other often less talented singers. But that's reality, and he knows it. Meanwhile, he's living his life and working hard. I'm sticking around, because the best is yet to come! His recognition will come.

BTW, Sauli looks incredibly hot in his cop costume. Talk about bone structure!

SNARK ALERT! I imagine P2's album will do well. I wonder if he will SOLO HEADLINE HIS OWN TOUR THROUGHOUT THE U.S. AND THE WORLD IN SUPPORT OF HIS FIRST ALBUM LIKE YOU-KNOW-WHO DID? We'll see. Maybe he won't need to. I hate it when I feel a snark coming on and sometimes I can't resist. So ashamed. LOL

Another BTW: I pray that ONCE, just ONCE, we get a pic of Adam and Sauli sneaking a smooch. Sweet dreams!


Anonymous said...

All I have to say is bless you DRG, maybe I can get through that without type mistake! Does anyone know about what Lynsey Parker was talking about? Sue

Anonymous said...

I agree with DRG, the best is yet to come! I truly believe Adam will be around for a very long time, and will become a "Music Icon". I am looking forward to enjoying his music for a very, very long time.


Anonymous said...

I agree with DRG and NKlovesAdam also...Adam is a truly special talent and I`m sure he`s going to be around for a long time...I think his voice is unique...nobody else currently has a voice that powerful and pure...and wow what a vocal range, not to mention his skills as a lyricist:)

Anonymous said...

8.00 & 8.27,please,
do not get Adam in more trouble, than he
does it by himself.

Anonymous said...

My I ask what the hell you are talking about, we love Adam certainly doing nothing to get him in trouble! If you are talking about wanting to see little smooch, DRG talkIng about, would'nt that just be terrible to see 2 people that love each other, give a little peck kiss in public, there not a thing wrong with that, they do it non stop on cable and regular tv. but just god forbid a real gay man, that loved his partner does, it! There nothing wrong with it at all, DRG was just being lite hearted and kidding, lightened up! 12.27. That's loves his pardner, correction!! Sue

daydreamin said...

@DRG I too am a member of the "eternal optomist" club though I do get frustrated with all these yahoo's on the radio (over and over and over and over...same songs!) With Adam's personality and talent, how could this not happen? He really is one in a million.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:06 pm In answer to your comment about the picture of Reyna and Sauli, I asked my husband to look at the picture. And read him your comment about death by boobs.
He said "She's got a cute face and every man's dream is DEATH BY BOOBS!

Anonymous said...

As I said on the other thread, Sauli needs to be careful, 'cause if he falls into that cleavage, he may never find his way out.


Anonymous said...

Nor want to. Gay guys like boobs.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea the devastation of the storm damage done in Northeast. I've been watching it all day, thank God for Federal Govt.
assistance, there is no way the states hit could recover under Romneys formerly stated plan, let states and private parties handle it. I saw sections of New Jersey where I lived as a kid almost unrecognizable, covered in beach sand blocks and blocks from the shore. These storms are getting more frequent and are changing our coastline. I used to ride that roller coaster twisted and lying in the sea now. Fema has a qualified leader now and a cooperative man in the White House and governor Christie of N.J. looks at the point of collapse. So sad and mighty the power of nature.
I've phoned in the Red Cross donation number, I urge everyone to do so.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:19 PM
The pictures of the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Sandy are so shocking. It must be so difficult for you to see the pictures of your former home.

Thank you so much for the reminder to make contributions to the Red Cross if one is able to do so. I live all the way across the country in WA State. My local power company is sending a large crew to help restore power and power lines to areas in New Jersy and New York City. Its a wonderful thing to see when the entire country pulls together to help each other in times like this. Hoping this spirit of unity and helping each other will continue. I visited Newark and NYC just exactly one year ago. I loved the area and the experience and it makes it real and personal for me as well in just a very small way. Healing thoughts go out to the people on the East Coast who continue to be affected...

glitzylady said...

Ooops! Meant Anon at 9:13 PM

Anonymous said...

New York is a fascinating place, but those of us in the city are having to face the fact that these storms are going to be more frequent as weather patterns change. The mayor has endorsed President Obama as our best chance at working with the scientists who study these changes. NYC is vulnerable as are all coastal cities.

Charles said...

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