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New Picture: Adam Lambert with a fan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 12, 2012

Posted at : Friday, October 12, 2012

Via @shadylane19


Anonymous said...

Hi Honey...

Anonymous said...

And people wonder why we adore him....duh...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Is Australia particularly band friendly area or why does Adam invite people to come to see his Glamily Band?

leilani Aloha said...

Sweet sweet gorgeous Adam!!!:)
looking healthy, handsome & fabulous by the day!!!

Hmmmmmm, love to see Adam happy, singing, travelling & climbing to the top daily, enjoying his life & bringing love, peace & happiness to all glamberts around the Globe!

Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

On another thread, I said that Wikipedia should change Adam's pic. MY BAD!! PLEASE DON'T. I love that pic with the blue in his hair. I was referring to another pic that comes up when you google the name Adam Lambert. Anyway, no problemo!

Anonymous said...

He is too adorable for words!


Anonymous said...

@ NKlovesAdam........JAK here

How about the word 'splendiferous' ?

He def is splendid and glorious!