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Christina Aguilera Thanks Adam Lambert on Twitter

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam seems to love Christina's music so much. I wish they could sing together as it would mean so much to Adam. Now that they've actually met - come on Christina - DO IT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice that Christina responded to Adam. Wish Adam could duet with her too.

Anonymous said...

her album is severely disappointing!!
why adam why??

Anonymous said...

Hi could someone tell me when Adam and Christina met? thanks

Anonymous said...

Opening act done. Adam starting soon.S.A. sooo lucky!

Anonymous said...

Well, at least Xtina responded. She has ignored Adam, if you ask me. He really admires her voice. I wish they would get to do a duet together. Two powerhouses!
Yay! The SA concert is in full swing! Can't wait for the videos.


Anonymous said...

@10:26AM - I think Adam tweeted about finally meeting Christina. Maybe there was a picture posted here at a club or Adam was out to dinner. Can't say for sure - I'm on information overload! Sorry I can't be more specific! I'm pretty sure someone here will remember!

Anonymous said...

Adam just happened to run into XTina one evening in a restaurant. They introduced themselves and had a small chat. But she never responded to one of his tweets until now.

Anonymous said...

damn the love fest cont between these two:)) so nice to see two divaesque type entertainers show each other sweet sappy love. makes me all warm and gooey inside:)) awwwwwww

daydreamin said...

FINALLY Adam seems to be starting to hear from some of the celebs. Maybe the PLL thing put him on the map for them (so to speak).

Anonymous said...

I can't help but be a BitterBert over this. Adam has tweeted accolades to Christina so many times without a response from her until now. What is aggravating is that Katy Perry, GaGa and MANY others who Adam pimps on Twitter do not respond, nor return the favor by praising Adam. I gotta admit, I have no use for an artist who cannot tweet a simple thank you to Adam. They need to realize there is a 140 character limit on Twitter but they don't have to use them all. "Thank you" is a mere nine character response.

Anonymous said...

Quit being bitter, it's not attractive or useful!

Anonymous said...

@9:91 I so totally agree with you especially re: Xtina. She seems to think she is above all the rest of her peers.