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Video: Adam Lambert Meeting Fans in China

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 24, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, November 24, 2012


Anonymous said...

This is not new

Anonymous said...

@ALambertFrance: Vote For ADAM LAMBERT as Fave Artist in this FB Poll by

Click here to vote:

Anonymous said...

OT: Adam, please go read all the incredible comments under your song RUNNIN' on Youtube. I hope that whoever decides on the next single will take into account the almost 700,000 YT views for Runnin and your global fans wish to see it as a next single. That song is absolutely perfect. It has an amazing message, a very strong melody and riff and YOUR out of this world voice. PLEASE ADAM!!!

Anonymous said...

9:58 do you really think there will be a next single? You have to have radio play for singles that start at home and his singles get practically no air play to speak of and Runnin is a bonus song.Keep working on his chosen single TP please.

Anonymous said...

@10 :20 Have to agree with probably no next single and I tend to be an optimist. Was hoping so much TP would be a hit single it's soooo good! but after 2 single that didn't make it,hard to get radio to play a third. Not a huge fan of NCOE,but it fit radio very well.I do think that RCA should release another single outside the U.S. with big promo since that's where Adam is getting played and appreciated. Runnin,because it is a bonus track will not be the one and it is one of my favorites. Hopefully Adam will include it when he does his tour.

Anonymous said...

11 more days till grammys nominations are announced! If adam does not get nominated this year then its the end.

Anonymous said...

12:01 The end of what?

Anonymous said...

Don't be so dramatic. Many successful musicians have never been nominated and yet have had long careers. Chill.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is if Justin Beiber gets nominated for a grammy, I'll lose all respect for grammys like all the other award shows. Just venting!

Anonymous said...

What I would like to see is the music video for Trespassing; if the first two singles are any indication then I'm sure Adam and his team could come up with another interesting video. Please keep requesting Trespassing on your local stations.

Also, hoping for Grammy and tour announcements!


Anonymous said...

@12:20PM Listen, RCA deff knew about all of albums which been released by the most popular artists in Music Industry for now.However, they agreed to release Trespassing last May. So, I never expected that Adam will get any noms. I am sure that Adam & RCA relise it. But Adam popularity around the world grows up. NCOE was nominated in England. Many Eroupian countries have Trespassing and NCOE on charts. Until RCA will reject to release more new singles and more new video we can't expect Adam will get more popularity in US. He knew what is he doing three years ago. So, Adam doesn't have to complain about lack of radioplays or music video views or noms. A lot of American Idol's are doing good without any noms and big hits.

Anonymous said...

The problem is Adam is in a class all of his own, he's way above any current artists and too unique for mainstream. Radio has it's format and makes it so hard for people like Adam with real talent to be heard. I truly hope he is recognised and rewarded and pray for a Grammy nomination. There's something very wrong with the music industry today, I remember a time when new artists were given a fair go to prove themselves but it no longer seems to be the case. I just hope Adam keeps touring his live concerts are amazing, just look at the reception he received in SA, people love him, I find this whole thing to be so frustrating.

Anonymous said...

@1:30PM There are the great receptions in many countries. However, how about sales? Sales numbers are very poor:( 50,000 sales in SA sense May! I wasn't impressed by this number at all.

Adamluv said...

@12:25 - guess you didnt get the memo that you cant express a dislike for another artist on this site per the anonymous comment police! LOL. You can say all sorts of mean things about Nicki Minaj but hands off the Bieber. BTW, agree with you! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@2:15PM What about Beib? I will always call him dwarf:D

Anonymous said...

What's impeding the sale of Trespassing is the profanity. I have several copies of the CD, but I have to be very cautious when and where I play it. However, it still should receive a Grammy for Best Album, and Adam should get one for Best Pop Singer.

Anonymous said...

there is not much profanity in TP, certainly not compared to lots of other music out there today. i still think that bogus album that came out when TP was supposed to come out derailed plans in timing. but- so glad adam has alot of international shows coming up!

Anonymous said...

Love the black and yellow striped trespassing tie. I wonder where they got that. Maybe someone made it. Probely see Adam pulling it together with a outfit of his. He has such good taste.

Anonymous said...

1:54 Adams "Trespassing CD is doing great in SA. Where the population is small. Gold in SA is 50,000 units sold. In Us where the population is huge gold is 500,000...

Anonymous said...

3:12 Profanity? What the fuck????? lol

Anonymous said...

@4:55 That was funny! Lots more profanity on other CD's by so many other artists. I know we can't look back and say what if,but RCA did not properly roll out the album and the U.S. owners of many radio stations are very conservative homophobes. It is what it is and I am very happy Adam is doing great internationally. The U.S. will eventually realize what they are missing!!!

Anonymous said...

10:20 -- Working on the single????!!! Who else in the top 40 singers NEEDS to work for their singles to be played on radio? Come on, no matter how much you request his songs on radio, the right winged/religious execs running top 40 radio won't play Adam's music in the US. Since I'm not from the US, I am pleading my case for the rest of the world that DOES play Adam's music.

Anonymous said...

1:30 -- You're kidding right?? 50,000 copies in South Africa is ENORMOUS? Who are you people?

glitzylady said...

I would much prefer that Adam win a Grammy over the Beibs any day of the week. I'm still hoping for a nomination for Best Pop Album..or Best Album. The Grammys often honor more than just sales and radio play..Hoping they recognize TRESPASSING, the album as the true gem that it is....

Anonymous said...

I'm with ya glitzylady

Anonymous said...

This is the wrong place to say this, but here goes. You simply have to accept the fact that some-many-people just don't like Adam or his music. I happen to be beyond crazy about him, but family members and friends who love music just don't see what I see or hear what I hear. They listen politely and then say, it's okay, but I wouldn't buy it! There is no question of the cause being homophobic, my circle of family and friends are all liberals who are pushing for equal rights.

Like I don't like Beyonce, Underwood, Beiber, Michael Buble',
Timberlake, Daugherty, etc. They just don't like Adam. I think they are missing out but they are allowed to dislike what they will, as I am. I'd rather have a root canal than watch or listen to Madonna or Britney. -o-

Anonymous said...

If there is any justice at all, Grammy will recognize Trespassing for it is critically acclaimed by reviewers.
And Grammy acknowledges ADAM's vocal performance with a nomination.
Oh, I hope our prayers are heard!

Anonymous said...

Agree with 6:28pm

Also Adam's so dam UNIQUE!!!
I love his voice from day 1 of Idol, then came looks, charisma, intelligent interviews, fashion style, Adam's got it all!!! I said to my family " boy! this kid's gonna win, he has got the "IT" factor, Star material!, I truly believe back home here in " good old USA ", being religious or not, they are afraid to push Adam & give him more TV time. Kind of like how MJ started, many criticied MJ that he's a freak, etc... but what a talented musician/performer!
Just saying........

I'm happy Adam's performing & loved world wide not just in USA!:):):)

Anonymous said...


I also wonder when I hear or read other people say they like ADAM but don't like his songs.
Maybe the wailing is new to them in pop but will fit in rock and that's what they expect from him.
I don't really know.


Anonymous said...

MTV Style: BEST DRESSED Dudes OF 2012

ADAM LAMBERT, Kanye, and 1D are all in the running.

Please VOTE here:

Anonymous said...

Catch @AdamLambert on @muchmore this Sunday 10pmET for an interview with @mattawells from InSixty.

Watch a preview here

Anonymous said...


@nilerodgers: @adamlambert Hey ADAM! A Big Yo from Las Vegas!

‏@adamlambert: @nilerodgers YO!!

@nilerodgers: @adamlambert Some of my best friends live in HK. Are you gigging? Where, when?

@nilerodgers: @adamlambert If you’re going to be there long I know the dopest custom tailors. Insane Saville Row quality suits.

Anonymous said...

@AdamLambertRUAB: WE NEED A GLAM_POWER! PLZ! VOTE for #NCOE on Europa_plus – rank star Save ADAM in chart & get into top-40 of the year!

Anonymous said...

@6:28PM You are hilarious! I mean the last part of your comment. You are right and many people don't like Adam, some of them because of voice, some of them because AMA, some of them because they are homophobics. But many people hate Freddie or don't have idea who is FM. I don't like MJ (guilty) or Madonna. But I agree that all of them are geniuses. So, if somebody doesn't like Adam Lambert it doesn't mean that he isn't talented. One day most of these people will agree that Adam Lambert is King of Pop of our time and JB is just dwarf whose real fans are little girls.

Anonymous said...

I do believe that if Adam had settled in the rock genre he would be much more successful today. You notice that most successful singers today - Taylor Swift - Beiber - Katy Perry, etc. Sing the same type of song over and over. Sometimes you can't tell a new song from the last one and the singers have a very limited range.
But - if you like one of their songs you pretty much buy each new one to come out. Plus automatic radio play. Originality is not valued, nor variety.

Adam's albums are sort of all over the place - which I like and appreciate - but they don't sell like they should when you consider his excellent voice.

I've always had this kind of sick feeling that when Adam's first album came out at the same time Susan Boyles did and she sold so many - covers - in an excellent but emotionless voice copying the original artist - that if Adam had done a cover album it would have soared. All the Idol fans who loved the covers he did on that show would have bought albums like crazy. I still think they would.
Is This Love and many others would have a rebirth.-o-

Anonymous said...

Of course I know he's not going to do it. -o-

Anonymous said...

On 2009 Adam didn't sell as many albums as Susan B only because of AMA.

Anonymous said...

We can write here and analyze/rationalize all we want about the reasons we think Adam has not been successful with his album or singles from it and all the reasons why people don't like Adam or his music. And to some extent whatever has been said here from all the various bloggers is probably true....unfortunately. Adam is in a league of his own and there is no one quite like him in music today with something to say in his songs. As fans, we only want the best for him and continue with our love and support, but that just doesn't seem to be enough at least here at home. He has become an international superstar because they accept him and his talent unconditionally. He may never achieve the acclaim that an Elvis or MJ has, but I believe Adam will have longevity in the music business and the fans he has today will continue to support and follow him throughout his career.

Anonymous said...

7:31, Yes.


Anonymous said...

@7:31PM You are absolutely correct.

Anonymous said...

@7:31- funny I just happened to watch a documentrary on Elvis on Netflix last night. No one excepted him either at first- t.v, radio ect (so out of the normal stasis quo leaque) However, he just kept getting bigger and bigger with the masses until well the rest is history. My point is, I see so much in Adam, like Elvis just decades later! The similarities are undeniable.

HK fan said...

@anon 3.12pm
There's really not much swearing in Trespassing compared to other albums. Take Maroon5, payphone has about 8 shits and 8 fucks in one song, hasn't stopped that selling.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any similarities between the two except for the possible fact that they upset the morals of the time. Preachers in the pulpit claimed Elvis was the Anti-Christ and today we have the One Million Moms who fear Adam will warp their kids sexual identity. Ignorance never dies.

Anonymous said...

I salute as to how Simon Cowell marketed Susan Boyle because we were traveling to a few countries then and I would see posters of Boyle while nothing of ADAM.
And selling Boyle through QVC, like what they're doing with Scotty McCreery's Christmas album, was a genius move by Simon.

Adamluv said...

@HK - had to laugh at your numbers 8 and 8!! And in TP the use of the word f*** wasnt even used in a sexual way rather in a "dont give a damn" meaning. Remember Enrique Iglesias song from last year "Tonite I"m F******You"? Now that had a sexual connotation! And really does anyone have a problem with the word "ass"? Makes me shake my head in disbelief! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I much prefer Adam singing his own songs rather than covers. In fact, I'm always disappointed when he sings covers at his concerts instead of singing his own songs, (even though his cover versions are always great) becauseI think it's a wasted opportunity for Adam to promote his own songs.

Anonymous said...

I'll take Adam every day over Elvis.

daydreamin said...

@Adamluv I had no idea Enrique's song had that in it. P!ink is another of soooooo many as well as Maroon 5 etc that consistantly have swear words in their songs. Personally, I don't understand why they feel the need to put swear words in their songs.

I too hope Adam will sing Runnin' at his performances. I loved Pick U Up also and was sad he never sang it in concert. He really ought to.

Anonymous said...

This Chinese lady knotting a Trespassing tie around Adam's neck is such a warm gesture of welcome and acceptance of Adam, and Adam's music talents. I think how certain kinds of music appeal to listeners depend a lot on gender, age, their background knowledge, music taste, maturity, exposure etc. And Adam being gay, also plays a huge part in whether his songs / voice / music are being accepted. Since a huge proportion of the pop culture following is young girls, it is a significant factor because young girls basically love the music of perceived or projected, macho / sexy guys not gay guys. It's a natural inclination, nothing wrong. So young pop-stars like Justin Bieber exactly fit the bill. I actually admire Bieber's achievements and ability to capture such a huge slice of the pop music lucrative pie; and only at 18; very impressive. At a quick glance on tv, sometimes at a certain angle, he gives me the impression of Adam's good looks; delivery-wise, definitely, no. As to whether Adam is going to be as huge as Elvis, MJ or answer is a definite yes! Isn't he a worldwide superstar, even now...all it takes is one super breakthrough and he'll shoot right up there with the big three mentioned. If a pop-star like PSY can grab world attention with one breakthrough, I don't see why Adam can't achieve a lot more than that. Strategic marketing and business connections certainly have a lot to do with it too.

Anonymous said...

omg if Adam filled 5 stadiums a month you guys would be hashing over an empty seat.

Anonymous said...

You have to remember population when it comes to sales to put everything into perspective. The US sales need to pick up pronto.
Don't worry about the world, they have it together when it comes to Adam!

Anonymous said...

Many new artists struggle to get their music out there and it can take time for people to learn about them or even take time to appreciate their talent. Even going back as far as the 60's music, for example the Beatles, the teens of the day loved them but parents couldn't understand why, especially during the hippie era with the drugs and remember John and Yoko. Over time though their music and talent was all that counted, who would have thought that Paul McCartney would receive the title Sir Paul McCartney, so anything is possible, finally the world recognised the great contribution they made. Adam just has to keep working hard, I truly believe that his career has only just begun and he will not only be around for a long time but will be remembered as one of the greats of the music industry.

glitzylady said...

I'm personally happy with whatever Adam wants to do music-wise: his own music, covers of other musician's songs.., whatever, as long as continues to sing and perform. And as long as I can hear and see him sing. AND as long as HE'S happy with what he's doing. I don't presume to tell him what's "best" for him or what I think he should do. I think he's doing a pretty fabulous job making his own unique way in the world of music. He isn't for everyone: Not everyone is going to "get" him or love him or his music. But perhaps someday they will. And I suspect he's okay with that.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new here, people still making assumptions about an industry they really know nothing about and thinking they know better what Adam should do. You can't compare Adam to Elvis, it has nothing to do with today's radio - you can't even compare it to radio ten years ago. Plenty of artists struggle to get on radio because it is all about money. The music industry is changing. Everybody I work with has an ipod or listens to Spotify or both. How many of you are streaming Trespassing every day? Adam's choice of the type of music to make is up to him and how to market him is up to him and the professionals he works with. My job as a fan is to request his song at my local stations and to stream the song.

Anonymous said...

2:33AM No there's nothing new here, What's up with you if people want to compare Adam with Elvis that's up to them and who are you to say otherwise. You make out as if you know more than others but I'm sure there's an awful lot you don't know either. Fans come in all age groups and appreciate Adam in there own way and they don't need you or anyone else to tell them how to be Adam's fan. You say people make assumptions about an industry they really know nothing about, well what's wrong with sharing your knowledge, rather than making assumptions yourself, I agree a lot has changed over the years, it would be nice if you could keep us up to date instead of putting others down.

Anonymous said...

It's really to early to say what the future holds for Adam, but I say anything is possible, he's come a long way in only 3 years, who would have thought after idol he would receive a Grammy nomination, I wish him greatness because I believe he is worthy of it.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs a hit and it seems he wont get it.

Anonymous said...

We should be happy that we get to enjoy the amazing talent that Adam possesses. His music has given me countless hours of pleasure as well as his concerts, interviews and TV appearances. I don't think he is going to disappear and we have many new adventures to look forward to. Enjoy it all and stop the negative press!


Anonymous said...

Adams sales are way down and I agree he does need a hit, sadly I don't think his management have done a good job marketing his new album, and how can you have a tour without the funds if sales are down, why are RCA holding back on a Trespassing video? As far as concerts that we all enjoy and love the fact is they all require funding.

Anonymous said...

A video for Trespassing has run out of time. They need to choose another song, make the video first and release video and single at the same time. I think it should be Runnin, Underneath, Take Back, By the Rules or Map. What possible difference does it make if it's a bonus song, they are making a single. Something new, something different is called for now, not a song that has been being performed for months!

Naturally I am speaking from my vast experience in the music business! LOL... I can barely hold together the tune to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!......JAK

Anonymous said...


Agree that video and single should be released simultaneously.
About bonus song, I read that Katy Perry's Part of Me was a bonus song or not included in her album but was released as a single.
Why can't ADAM do the same?


glitzylady said...

I love all of those songs too!! And all but one are indeed bonus songs..Adam said a while back that "bonus songs can't be singles" in reply to numerous requests for "Runnin" (one of my absolute favorites on the Deluxe Album) to be a single. I don't understand that either, but I assume that he knows the reason. Darn it!!! I sure wish I knew more about the music business too. In hindsight, and completely uneducated wishful thinking on my part here, I wish Adam (and his label) had perhaps saved the bonus songs (and perhaps a few more unreleased songs) for an EP, much like Lady Gaga put out after "The Fame" CD. The "Fame Monster" EP CD did very well, and more singles came from it...But oh well. With the "politics" of the music industry these days, the "demographics" of Top 40 etc., who knows if that would have helped. I also understand that Adam most likely did not include the Bonus songs as the main body of work of Trespassing because they perhaps didn't "fit" the feel or the story of the main CD. (Another thing I really don't get is why there was a Standard and a Deluxe album. But again, I'm out of the loop on that knowledge as well: One of the MANY things..). That was apparently the same reason that Gaga released the tracks on the Fame Monster separately: She said the second set of songs didn't "fit" the first CD. Several of the new songs were released as singles and were big hits, including "Bad Romance" and "Telephone". So, I guess its complicated...and there are certain "rules" that I don't exactly understand as a music consumer AND lover of Adam's music... Ultimately, we'll see what happens next in this amazing journey with Adam! Never a dull moment, that's for sure : ))))))

Anonymous said...

I think the title song of the album Trespassing should have been introduced first, followed by Runnin or Take Back, then By the Rules or Map. Plus release them one after another along with a video for each without any delays. This is how it seems to work for other artists who all seem to be doing well, of course they don't come anywhere close to Adam's talent. I don't think the music industry is interested in promoting new talent it's just a money making machine who seem to cater to bubble gum pop for tweens and teenagers.

Anonymous said...

Just out of interest I might try and do some research on the modern music industry, my son tells me that the artists themselves don't get to choose the songs that are played it's all up to the recording comany.

I was reading and article about Phillip Phillips, who won AI and has a good voice and love for country music, however his recording company are insisting that he puts out pop/rock which is not really his style, making it very hard to show off his talent if forced to perform to a genre he feels uncomfortable with, the article went on to say that artists who come from AI are not given the same opportunities as others.

Anonymous said...

Yes I think he will get more releases of not in US he will abroad! There been only three people who have been world wide from Idol, you know who they are and Adam one of them. underwood sales well here nothing abroad, maybe a little in England! So she sales well here Adam sales much better in the huge world, he is doing great abroad. Clarkson sales US and abroad but not so great in Asia where Adam is quite big! Sales are sales wherever they come from. I think The Diva thing that no one even seem to mention, will show case his enormous talent! Do think that will really help his sales proto as you are all saying, he doing concerts and promo's abroad more because he is big abroad! I think that will help the sales a lot! His world wide appeal will keep him in this business for years, he does get good radio play just about every where but here! When last time you heard a new Madonna song do well in America, she still does well. Last time saw a chart in Japan Adam Lambert was at the top of radio play! He can make a good living and probably satisfy a record liable with his world appeal! Somebody regonized his talent he hosting and performing basically his own show on dec. 16 on vh1. Which I expect will give a good boost to his album! Also let many more people see his talent, in the USA! I was so happy and grateful for this opportunity for Adam, no one has mentioned it, hope you at least support and watch Adam. ad is a very bust working artist, who has a number of concerts on schedule next year and expect more named! If USA never gets it tough for them because the rest of the world appreciate him and gets him! He happy and he working has more concerts next year ans sure more will be named! His so called awful management got him this great opportunity on VH1. Do no under estimate how good opportunity this is. It will lead to more tv and more jobs like this that wiil lead to sales, here USA. Heard WDYWFM yesterday Houston! He just keeps playing sold out audiances abroad, then will come back and do his big VH1 show after doing a big ashian award show, does not sound like a failure to me! So tired of negativity, honestly gets you no where! He working and paying the bills, and doing well if you ash me!

Anonymous said...

I don't see Diva's show giving Adam a huge boost. I am afraid , like me, many people never heard of it, do not watch vh1 and therefore will not see it. Also never heard of PLL. Do you think Adam's music appeals to a lot of teens in USA? He's middle-aged to them. I would imagine few adults watch these shows I only know about them through this site. He must get on the tv networks that will give him the exposure he needs. ABC NBC CBS, is RCA trying to get him booked on the late night shows? Or daytime talk shows? Radio seems a lost cause.
A Broadway show would help. -o-

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:45 PM
Just a couple of comments: Many teens DO like Adam, the ones that know about him. But you're right, he isn't on the average teen's radar here in the US. The teen and preteen in my family adore Adam, have been to a live concert, and think he's amazing. He just doesn't get the exposure that he needs: Yet. Although you ARE correct: he's a little older than Beiber, One Direction, The Wanted, etc.. But not THAT much older. He has many teen and preteen fans in other countries and the US should be no different. Except that he is fairly invisible here to that age group. The daytime and late night time shows you mentioned will not get him the exposure he needs for the teen audiences, in my opinion. He needs prime time network exposure, award show exposure, etc. And radio play even tho that isn't how teens get their music these days, for the most part. But it would help to get him on the award shows, etc. And the name recognition.. As to your comment about Pretty Little Liars: That show has a large following among the teens and young adult age groups, and those who saw him on PLL WERE impressed. I saw a vast amount of tweets on twitter to that effect, of those who either were not aware of him, or had only heard something about him associated with Idol. As for the VH1 Divas show..It has a fairly large viewership as well, from what I hear. I had personally never watched it, so point taken, but someone I work with watches it every year. So my point is this: Every little bit helps. A Broadway play would be fabulous, but again, perhaps not helpful to the teen audience/demographic. (But if he ever does one of those, I'm THERE!!!) So I think in Adam's case, slow and steady wins the race. He's building his overseas career and I honestly do think he will break out in a big way here in the US too. Fingers crossed...

Anonymous said...

With Adam's type of innovation, he'll probably beat it up or jazz it up, throw in some hip hop or even rap it his own style and wallah! A hit! lol! Ahh maybe he'll be able to get the teens too! lol! I don't believe you can't hold together the tune Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. lol! This is the first English song I was taught or was it Ba Ba Black / White!

Anonymous said...

I don't see Adam's audience as being teens, I think the audience for his music is adults. His songs with the exception of a few fun songs for dancing, are introspective. Chokehold, Underneath, Nirvana, Take Back, etc. They can and do speak to people with more life experience, but who still like to kick up their heels to the dance tunes as well. Teens mostly like froth, don't think about the meanings behind the words, just what's most recent, au courant, has a good beat. They are eager for each new release, gobble it up and then are ready for the next and the next and they have the money. That's generalizing I know, some teens are 'deep'. I hate the term POP, to me it screams temporary diversion. Many of Adam's songs will be relevant 20 years from now. Loving someone who you know is not good for you...
can a relationship be recaptured if it's possible to take back words said in anger...many people would find a red river of screams if they explored below the surface they show the world...and the search for a place of peace to take your loved one and seek refuge. There must be a way to showcase this music so it has a chance to last.

I am right in the middle of the age when everything was better in the 'old days'....well not everything, but I think I'm on pretty safe ground saying that there were TV shows that showcased adult music in prime time. New adult music, not the covers on talent shows. Where is that place for Adam's music to be heard?

I seem a bit frustrated don't I?
Hopefully it will pass.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Yea Adam's songs seem a bit deep for teens who prefer not to dig so deep. They just want to let loose, probably too much of those deep stuff they would have gotten from their Moms already. lol! But I love teenagers, they're simple, sooo young, all cares thrown to the wind and so vibrant, ever ready to take up a challenge. And it's really sad when that most precious time of their life can be so viciously robbed from them too often enough; for greed and other horrible reasons. Well, Adam too, missed a huge part of that wonderful period of his life; but as if God heard and knew; and I think now Adam might have been able to let go of that. Not only let go, but help others who have faced being let down a lot, to have the strength to pick up again. :)

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Аlthough many of those prοducеrs and bearing distributors ԁeal
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Ιn measurеԁ toneѕ, ӏ hіѕsed,
“I think you’d better leave. Usually, the рrinciρle foг ρicking the grеase is as fоlloωs:
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Without them, thеse buildings might remаin гigid, аnd are mоre
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