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New Picture: Adam Lambert with Chinese fan

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, November 26, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 26, 2012

Via @ScorpioBert


Anonymous said...

Adam looks very sexy with no make up. Well he looks sexy anyway,this is so natural!

Leilani Alaoha said...

Yes, very handsome looking Adam indeed with the 5 o'clock shadow:)

HK fan said...

Bet he;s not walking round in a t-shirt today, shitty weather here, Its been raining for days and has gfone really cold. Down to 15 today, it was 28c just over a week ago.
I know that doesn't sound cold to most people, and it does get colder here too, but HK houses are not built for cold weather, they're concrete blocks with no heating and no insulation, often when the weather changes it feels colder inside than out.....

Anonymous said...

He looks sweet and innocent in this photo!