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The Latest Information on Adam Lambert's New Tattoo!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 26, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 26, 2012

Via @glam_alidol


Anonymous said...

Now I'll be curious as to the significance of Adam's new tattoo!

Anonymous said...

comon just show us the dang thing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, I've seen the symbol displayed as carrying water or pouring water from an urn, but never saw water coming from a woman's mouth....puzzling.....JAK

Anonymous said...

It's obviously the water bearer, January's zodiac.

Anonymous said...

There is some info on twitter. Somebody said that the size of this tattoo 25cm which is 10". I don't believe that the size of the dart can be 10" even if this is Chinese or Korean dart!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant Ninja dart. Any how, it seems that Adam will have sleeve tattoo very soon:(

Anonymous said...

JAK, must be a bulimic Aquarius symbol!

Anonymous said...

The ninja dart tattoo was supposedly was Tommy got. And I agree that I think Adam's tattoo is some version of Aquarius, the water bearer. He seems to always choose a tattoo that has a personal meaning to him, so this one certainly makes sense.

Am so excited about the possibility of Adam's Grammy nomination! Just hope it becomes a reality -- he sooo deserves it!

Anonymous said...

"Water from woman's mouth"
Gotta be Adam's birth sign " AQUARIUS" :)
Also we are coming to the "Age Of Aquarius" this 12/2012!!!
Yes, Adam's very deep:) & thoughtful, always has to have a meaning for him in life!
Smart guy 2:)

Anonymous said...

When Adam was in Singapore, they had a short clip of him at the sea-front and he sort of pointed in the direction of a very tall merlion spouting water from its mouth...quite a Singapore iconic artistic structure, head of a lion with body and tail of a fish.The spouting is from the lion's mouth, into the sea. But not what has been described, as a woman depiction. Could have influenced his choice...maybe, and the tattooist's depiction; in line with Aquarius sign. :)

glitzylady said...

I've heard..and seen...a possibility for Adam's tattoo..based on a Hans Haveron art design (Adam's friend who designed the artwork upon which Adam's Key tat is based). Someone passed it around on twitter. The picture is rather interesting..No idea if it has anything to do with anything tho...Looks nothing like the standard Aquarius-type "Water Bearer" graphic..In the case of the Hans Haveron artwork, there is a rather simply drawn woman's head/face..with bubbles of water flowing UPWARD from her mouth..Only speculation of course..

Anonymous said...

'This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius'!

Anonymous said...

JAK here............Well, fellow detectives, I have not solved the new tatt case, but I do know what Adam's key tatt unlocks.......the wisdom of the Universe! In the Hans Haveron painting which Adam purchased, we saw it sometime back on this site...the Universe is a giant eye at top of painting. The eye has a keyhole pupil and at bottom of painting are two children holding the key. There is a female figure protecting the children. Quite a lovely story goes along with it.

So, the new tatt remains a mystery.....couldn't find any ref to a woman with bubbles......yet!

Isn't it fun being an Adamaholic?

HK fan said...

This is the Hans Everon painting Glitzylady mentioned

Anonymous said...

I need to see it first before I speculate:)


Anonymous said...

I guess Adam will reveal the new tatt in due course .... right now would be excellent! lol

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I don't know...wouldn't they be air bubbles since she appears to be underwater? Picture is a little indistinct to have good solid definition for a tatt....we do amuse ourselves with endless, speculative fantasy don't we? Well. some of us do, anyway.

What's that lyric from Take Back? "We know how to talk it into the ground".
I plead guilty! :))

Anonymous said...

Love all the speculation about the new tat. I agree that it's got to be an Aquarius thing for his birthday. JAK, I like your theory, too. We'll see the tat in time. I know we all have differing opinions on tats, but truthfully, I find them very sexy on Adam.

Grammy nom, Grammy nom, Grammy nom!I'm hoping, praying, making sacrifices to the gods that Adam gets a nom.


Anonymous said...

@6:45 im praying too.adam need this so bad!

Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC: I saw Adam's VH1 DIVAS commercial on TV this morning! I was so thrilled to see him on TV and he was soooo cute! It was the one where he is choosing the microphone that was just right and then he SANG
and shook everything up! He's so adorable, but then we know that!

Anonymous said...

Pagans here? Why not pray to the true God? Send shivers through my spine . . . making sacrifices to the gods???

Anonymous said...

Love how idealistic Adam is. So ... Let's see the water nymph Adam before we all drown in spectulation.Lols The Dark Side

glitzylady said...

NEW TAT HERE: In a nutshell: Figure with Rams horns, and water pouring from mouth...Adam explains below..

Adam LambertVerified
New Ink

Very elaborate design...Beautiful, very large, takes up whole shoulder/upper arm..

Pic of Adam and tattoo artist..with tattoo in progress:

Adam LambertVerified
Gabe: the Artist, the Gentleman.

More tweets from Adam explaining symbolism:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
It represents my Astrological Birth Chart, along with Pagan, Buddhist, and Greco- Roman Archetypes related to balance and the life cycle.

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
My chart is AQUARIUS Sun, Libra Rising, Aries Moon. All three are represented.

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
Another shot

Anonymous said...

9:56 - and of course YOU know who the true god is, right? Typical religious nut!

Anonymous said...

12:34 - when you're hit with heaven's wrath or in the midst of chastisement, you would pray but it would be too late for you never sought Him. From religious nut.

Anonymous said...

4:48 - bullshit! Shouldnt you be over on the Westboro Church site? Your kind of people.

Anonymous said...

12:34, 5:53 pagan? atheist? satanist?

Anonymous said...

11:20 homophobe? racist? republican?