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Voice of Georgia contestants singing 'Time for Miracles' by Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 24, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, November 24, 2012

Skip to 5:55


Anonymous said...

Uhhh - a compliment that they liked the song enough to attempt it, but sadly, it was painful to hear. It's a great sweeping dramatic song and few singers can do it justice like Adam can. -o-

Anonymous said...

I really liked that they went for it . I would give them 5/10 stars, with Adam setting the bar at 10/10 stars. Bravo for attempting such a difficult and beautiful song by the hugely talented Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Adams songs are really beautiful and inspirational:)

Although it's not easy to sing, they really want to experience Adams music indeed!!:)


Anonymous said...

I think it might have been better for the lady singer to go it alone because there seems a bit of disconnect in some parts which didn't gel well. And they couldn't take the second surge of high register that Adam since I expected for that to happen, it suddenly fell flat for me; not that the lady's voice was flat, more like my expectation for her to take that second high note / register did not happen exactly where it should have; so it's a sort of let-down there. But all in, a very good attempt. Adam so far has not sung this live in his concerts...would love to hear him sing it on stage.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they ever heard the old saying sometimes less is more but it was nice they chose this song.The guy must listen to Joe Cocker a bit too much.

Anonymous said...

So difficult to sing TFM and Adam said he had to sing for his life because he was pushed very hard to take the extremely high register, which exactly is the climax of the song, to portray extreme drama of a terrible disaster. Strange, Adam's TFM song practically got swept under the carpet. Maybe Adam should sing this song again; people will relate to it a lot more, with all the recent extreme disasters.

Anonymous said...

OT: For all of you on twitter #top10GreastestVoices has been trending all day. Put your two cents in for Adam if you can. We all know he has the best voice and this is a good time to let others know also. I'm sure you can all guess who's dominating this trend however-

Anonymous said...

Okay, ladies. These kids did very good job and they have great voices. We know that nobody can sing it like Adam. And we must give them the credit that they perform one of the most difficult songs of the album.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was awful, flat notes all over the place. That is not a criticism of them personally, just of their singing on this song.

Anonymous said...

8:04 who? I can think of many singers who do not have good voices, lol.

Anonymous said...

Please VOTE for NCOE on Europa rank star Save ADAM in chart & get into top-40 of the year!

Anonymous said...

OT, but Go to FLECKING RECORDS and vote for Adam in this year's Flecking Records Awards of 2012.Last yr,he won all the male categories,if I'm not mistsken.Let's do it again!Sorry,but I don't have the exact url...BTW,I LOVE TFM,and nobody can sing it like Adam.It should have been a #1 hit!!

Anonymous said...

That was a train wreck.

Anonymous said...

Their voices are very harsh.

@9:38 PM
Which slot for Adam's name - left or right? Ditto for NCOE?

Anonymous said...

9:38 I went there and couldn't figure out where to vote for Adam.

Anonymous said...

@9:53 voted at Flecking. easy easy but I had trouble thinking of actors and actresses name.

Anonymous said...

@9:53PM Do you have the Flecking's link?

Anonymous said...

I found it very difficult to actually hear the two contestants sing because all I could hear was the guy ( with the sunglasses on his forehead). I don't think he ever stopped talking at all! TFM. Was always one of my very favorite Adam songs and I've always hoped he would sing it live one day. I know I'd have goosebumps all over while listening to him.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't like this performance.

I adore the clip for Time For Miracles. Adam is a fine actor as well as a brilliant singer. <3

HK fan said...

the link for voting on flecking records

when I voted yesterday, I just filled in the ones I didn't want to vote on with random letters. it still seemed to take my vote.

Anonymous said...

Adam has ruined my taste in music . . . .it seems no voice can compare to his . . . . maybe not ruined . . . upgraded . . . his voice is just so magical and I try to listen to others but I don't get that "feeling"

Anonymous said...

HK fan, I did the same thing on the Flecking poll. I wrote in Adam, of course, in all the appropriate categories. I filled in the other with either a random name or ramdom letters. It worked fine. Flecking has been very good to Adam. It would be great for him to get a great showing again this year.
6:28, I totally agree. Adam has raised my standards for singing quality so high that it's hard to enjoy other singers anymore. I do like some other singers, but the ones I THOUGHT were so great are not that good in comparison with Adam. I try to enjoy a variety of singers, but Adam is definately THE BEST.


Anonymous said...

@8:44- Justin bieber and one direction are trending for 10GreastestVoices. So sad what the kids have no clue about.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone translate what the judges thought? IMO she was much better, he realy struggled with those notes. Kudos for trying.

Anonymous said...

For the two to get the love from everyone, they just needed to reach for the mountaintop, where Adam rules benevolently.
He would have given them props for effort, too. Everyone was aware of how impossible the song was to tackle, and the "elephant in the room" that may have been lost in non-translation was Adam, the standard bearer for all that is good in song and heart. May that yet be known by all. atm

Anonymous said...

This was a good attempt, but no one can come close to Adam on this song, just love Time For Miracles and yes he also has the makings of a very good actor, I'd love to see him in a movie hopefully in the future, he'd be great. I enjoyed his short role in PLL recently just a pity he didn't play a larger part.

Anonymous said...

I'm with @Nov.22 3:22 AM on this.
I love (I mean LOVE!) this song and the video. If is it to hear it sung by someone else, let at least be in its original version. Something like this:
Or better yet:


Anonymous said...

I meant @Nov. 25, 3:22 AM

Anonymous said...

It was all over the place..if this is the battle round of the voice, nobody would even win.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that really hurt. Some of their notes were terrible.