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Adam Lambert has cancelled all media interviews for tomorrow because he feels uncomfortable!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 2, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, December 02, 2012


Anonymous said...

OOH, baby! Get better soon. You've got a show next Saturday. Bet you're exhausted and need to get home for a while.

Just checked out the vids from Hennessey. Fantabulous!!!


Anonymous said...

I felt this coming because he had been running all around the place for a few weeks, non stop! Not even superman can take all this!

Get better soon, adam!

Anonymous said...

Bound to happen when traveling so much, working so hard and being around the public a lot.

Rest and feel better soon Adam.

Anonymous said...

It's expected because of non stop appearances and he is exhausted....

Bundle up and rest Adam dear:)


Anonymous said...

Adam has been going non stop. That cat walk was moving and read the building rotated, so maybe he just feels a bit ill from that. but hope he feels better. Imagine he performed on fire even not feeling 100%!!!

Anonymous said...

Poor guy - he's been looking really tired lately, even tho he put on terrific performances. Does he get to come home now that he's done with the Shanghai gig?? Sure do hope so. He needs rest and some TLC from Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhh,these other glamberts are right.I sure hope you can get well soon & can get back to LA, and maybe Sauli can help nurse you back to so need some much needed rest.

Anonymous said...

@ anom. at 9:58AM,We must have been typing at the same time,as we said almost the same thing..poor Adam,please GET that rest asap.

Anonymous said...

Several on here had mentioned he was looking very tired and they were correct. I hope he doesn't have a bug or something now.

Anonymous said...

adam please get some rest baby

glitzylady said...

Here's a video that I hope Adam sees (I think he will because I and a lot of other fans have tweeted it to him..) It was made by a group of Chinese Glamberts as a tribute to Adam and Trespassing..and its REALLY good!

"Glambert Blossom Rouge covers Trespassing"

Anonymous said...

Adam is not a baby. He is resting, because he cancelled the interviews.

Anonymous said...

I just tweeted to Adam #getwellAdam

Anonymous said...

GL that was a very good fan video I hope many will watch it.

glitzylady said...

Adam and Aurea singing a duet at Hennessy..WOW!

Anonymous said...

Wow! glitzylady - thanks for that video! That was a major production and I loved the guy rapping. Adam def. needs to see this one. Maybe it'll make him feel a bit better -

glitzylady said...

Shoshanna Stone just said on Twitter she would be sure that Adam sees that fabulous fan video made by the Chinese fans..THAT should help to make him feel better...

Anonymous said...

He must be exhausted, and without appropriate rest runs the risk of burn-out, a serious condition that can take months to recover from. He's done the sensible thing and I hope he can get back home soon to rest, I admire his work ethic, but it's been extremely hectic.

Anonymous said...

We all realize what a hard worker Adam is and how he always gives 100% of himself for every performance big or small. It's got to take it's toll though. Hope he recovers quickly before his flight home. He rarely cancels interviews. Has he ever had to cancel performances?

I sure hope he's 100% be fore his next group of gigs especially hosting the Vh1 Divas!


Anonymous said...

At one point in the performance Adam grabbed the rail and went to his knees. Made me wonder if it was part of the performance, or weather it was a dizzy spell. It was an awkward move... I guest we will find out later....

funbunn40 said...

I'm surprised that Adam hasn't been sick more. He lives a healthy lifestyle, but jet lag, all of this travel and maybe different diets eventually will take it's toll. Adam has a terrific work ethic and keeps a grueling pace. I'm sure he hated to cancel any interviews and disappoint media and fans. Hopefully he may be able to make up some of the interviews, as I know the fans wanted so much to see him. China has been wonderful to Adam and the Hennessy concert fans gave Adam a great welcome. Hope he gets rest and TLC.

Anonymous said...

rest rest rest This China tour has been a great ride I hate to see it come to an end.

Anonymous said...

I'm not super excited about the VH1divas special or whatever. I only like Kelly Rowland, if she is there..

Anonymous said...

I miss China already.

Anonymous said...

10:57 She is suppose to be there I like her too!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has the Cyndi Lauper show on Sat. Dec. 8. He needs to get well quick. GET HOME and get some sleep. The Jingle Ball is coming up on De. 14 and then the Diva show on the 16th. He's gotta be healthy! Too bad about the interviews. Everybody wanted them to happen.


funbunn40 said...

@Glitzylady, For some reason I can't get these two videos. Any suggestions? I also have touble getting any that start with tco. Thanks, btw for all of your links to keep us happy and in the loop!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady 10:35
Thank you for the AYGGMYl link! OMG! That was HOT HOT HOT.....THUD. Adam the RockGod.


Anonymous said...

Well it might be too bad about the interviews, but placing demands on Adam doesn't help him, I'm sure he himself is disappointed. I saw a photo of Adam after his GNT tour and he looked incredibly burnt out, I'd say that's why he took his time getting his next album together TP.
I'd much prefer to see Adam happy and well than tired and burn out because of selfish fans. He needs some time out and nothing is more important than his health and well being.

Anonymous said...

That's probably why he took that week in Hong Kong, to rest up and not be adding to the jet lag.

Anonymous said...

Is THE GLAMILY BAND going to be on the VH1 diva special? I don't think the VH1 advertised the band, lol.

Anonymous said...

Although Adam took a week off in HK, it may not have been enough, plus he may be feeling uncomfortable due to all the criticism over his tattoo, his new hairstyle, his beard. This could cause him to feel as though what ever he does it's never good enough, just like his signature song 'What Do You Want From Me'. If people truly love him then that love should be unconditional. Love the man for his music and inner beauty, rather than drooling over him as some sex object. What ever way Adam chooses to groom himself is totally his business.

Anonymous said...

Been away for a few days. Did fans criticize Adam's tattoo? Kradam, Bradam, Adommy fans or Idolberts? I've only seen people telling they like it. I like it too, although I don't like tattoos much.

Anonymous said...

Well said 11:39

Anonymous said...

11:39 am...I would think Adam needs more than a week off to recharge batteries...I know I would. But when it comes to feeling uncomfortable about criticism...Adam has inner strength, he`s in a loving relationship and is loved by his family and friends...and he most certainly has the brains not to go over these "conversations" here where everybody speculates about everything. He knows how to protect himself and the ones he loves:)

Anonymous said...

Am not surprised - watched the live stream this morning and I remember thinking he didn't look well at all - really tired. Hopefully all he needs is rest.

glitzylady said...

I seriously doubt Adam is feeling uncomfortable about any criticism re the tattoo, his (gorgeous) facial hair..etc.. (Most of the fans I follow on twitter..and I follow a both..or have the good sense not to tweet him directly with their opinions..) He is feeling ill because he's sick..apparently. He is a seasoned professional who speaks of "putting his force fields UP" when confronted with random criticism of anything so minor (in the whole scheme of things..) as his new tattoo or facial hair..or even more serious things like his sexuality. So no way would he cancel interviews because of something like that.

I would assume (but don't know for sure obviously) is that he is sick in bed and trying to rest and heal..and possibly his voice is needing a rest, due to illness and/or overuse..He's had to do that before this a few times. He has had excellent vocal coaching over the years and knows how to take care of himself and his voice. Interviews could further strain or damage his vocal cords, as happened to Adele last year..And that could be tragic..

And to the poster who suggested fans are demanding things of Adam by being perhaps simply being disappointed at his having to skip interviews or appearances: I think we are always SO excited to have the opportunity to hear and see Adam speak, but we always understand when he needs to rest. We are passionate about Adam but we are also very very concerned about his health and happiness. No "demands"...

Anonymous said...

I know Tommy's fans didn't like Adam's performances in China though. I wonder if Tommy liked China.

Adamluv said...

Considering what Adam has had to put up with in the past and still today regarding his sexual orientation, negative comments about his tattoos, make-up, clothes, hair, and so on must be no big deal! And @12:13 - your comments about Tommys fans are getting very tiresome. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Why didn't Tommy's fans like China? This makes little sense. Difficult to do so much traveling, performing, interviews in such a sort amount of time. Hope he is just worn out and not sick. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Who cares what some entitled Tommy fans might think.

Adam made a great impression and has gotten many new fans.

I hope he gets some rest now - his shcdeule is not so grueling durng the next weeks. And hopefully he will be able to get some holidays with Sauli in Bali. A wonderful island with great resorts.

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, you attacking me is getting tiresome. Tommy's fans didn't like the performances in China. What is wrong with telling the truth? They should know that Tommy also benefits from these big performances abroad, even though Tommy is not as much in the limelight as when they perform in the USA.

Anonymous said...

12:33 pm...totally agree with you! The show is about Adam...nobody else... even though he has a very talented band! so couldn`t care less what Tommy fans think about Adam`s show... He needs rest and boyfriend time with Sauli:)

Leilani Aloha said...

Ok Glamberts, let's all send Good Vibrations to Adam To get well & safe trip home to rest & be with his " siipa"
with lots of TLC needed:)
Adam always says " sleep" & " tea" is key to all good ENERGY he needs to perform!!!
Rest well & be well soon Adam!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady 12:10 PM. In the first paragraph of your post, I agree that Adam is a seasoned professional, however I remember when I made a comment about Adam's new hair color when he first went from being dark to blonde that I preferred the darker color, at the same time I addressed this in such a way as not to offend Adam, I also stated that Adam looks great with both color's and how I love his way of changing things up. You didn't waste any time telling me off, and you also pointed out very strongly how Adam feels very hurt when fans criticise him, I was put back in my place very quickly, the fact that I made my opinion in a polite manner didn't seem to count for much.

Well glitzylady, that's a real contradiction on your part, you say one thing and mean another. Of course I notice if criticism's come from people who use this site regularly you tend to keep quiet no matter how rude those comments may be, so this tells me that you also hold double standards, and make allowances for long time fans over new ones. This is hardly fair on new fans coming to this site, everyone deserves to be treated on equal terms.

I stand firm on my previous post, as some of the comments presented here this last week towards Adam have been extremely rude and hurtful with no regard for Adam whatsoever. Yes he is a seasoned professional, but he is also highly intelligent, and I'm sure he has a way of knowing what is being said behind his back.
From Anon. 11:39 AM

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why he has to do more interviews. Didn't he do mass press interview the other day at Henessey and one with China's national T.V. news CCTV? That's good enough in my book. Everything else is just a propaganda for other minor news outlets that are looking for hits or readers.

Put it to rest please. Adam needs to rest his vocal chords for his upcoming shows here in US.

Anonymous said...

Haven't bought the ticket to Helsinki concert yet. The reason is that I'm confused. Does Adam like fans who don't care about Tommy? I don't hate Tommy, but I also don't care where he stands on the stage really. Preferably not attached to Adam the whole time.

glitzylady said...

Shoshanna just tweeted that Adam is "Okay" so good to know.

Anonymous said...

That duet he did was absolutely wonderful, the girl was very good and Adam was beyond fabulous. I believe one of my favorite Adam performances. The vodeo I saw from the gather channel was great but the sound was down, hard to hear. All this Tommy fan stuff is getting tiresome, the important thing is Adam fans loved it. Tommy is a true friend of Adam and a great musician, the band sounded great. However without Adam we would. Or know Tommy, Adam has more or less has given Tommy any fame he got. Adam did a great job in china, gained many more fans, right now Adam is becoming a huge star in Asia, As good as I think that band is stating to be without Adam Lambert they are just another band! I do think the band and Adam are meshing so well. Ow! The Tommy fanatic's can stuff it, and yes I am a Adam Lambert fanatic and damn proud of it! Adam did. It cancel any interview because of any potential criticism, he I am sure not feeling well, he needs to take care of himself he got a lot of stuff on his plate. For as the Diva thing, I am looking so forward to it, I do not give a rats ass about anyone but Adam, period. I am rely sick, with aches all that junk. It lost my voice all together, just came back from my daughters, it would be so bad for Adam if that happens it is going around all this stuff, he really needs to rest his voice. Mine goes completely out and comes back a bit with. No talkiing, my family is happy about that, what I trying to say is with so much strain on his voice he needs rest, he has so much on his plate. Adam. O fool he knows how to take care of his self, I not good at that! Get better Adam and take care, we love you!! Correction that was Adam is No fool. Also correction without Adam we would maybe not know Tommy at all! I love Tommy he a great guy it's his so called fans that are not helping Tommy image by putting down his boss and friend, Adam was amaizing in hong kong and every where else period.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the interview info is a bit "lost in translation". Adam did have some Shanghai interviews. Maybe his appearance at the MAMA's generated a flurrie of new interview requests and they declined, citing illness or fatigue.

Most likely, Adam wants to get home and ready himself for the next concert, less than a week away.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:07 PM
Yikes! Let me say, first of all, this: It would help a HUGE amount if you would select a nickname for this site so that I have some sort of clue as to who you are so that I might go back and see what you said, as well as what I replied to you. Obviously my words hurt your feelings and I'd truly like to see what happened, and perhaps we can get off on a better foot, so to speak. I also do not play favorites based on new versus old posters. I have no agenda except to support and flail for Adam. I have no idea who is who if no names are used. Its so much easier to know who said what .....I "own" my comments here and elsewhere which is not always a pleasant you can see!

I very often don't respond to comments made here. Because either someone has responded or I don't feel the need to say anything. I find it interesting that you would think I should respond to every negative thing said here. I don't have the time or energy in reality! I also find it interesting that you would pick me out, considering what you said about all of the "rude" comments made here lately. :((

I stand by everything I said re Adam and his professional attitude..etc..above. I also have the right to an opinion on this site, as do you. Please show me the post where I attacked you. I don't make it a point to attack people. But certainly reserve the right to disagree.

You and I both agree that Adam is highly intelligent and is also aware of the negative comments out there in the blogosphere and on twitter. But I am rather taken aback by your comment to me. I certainly apologize if my previous comment to you was critical in light of the fact that your comment to Adam was polite and respectful.

Adam is a lovely human being and deserves all the love and respect he can get from his fans.. here and elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Hey! Folks!!!

Adam for sure is not avoiding anything or uncomfortable because of any criticism about his hair or tattoo...

C'mon now who are these idiots thinking about nonsense ha????

Adam can stand to face whatever throw on him..... If he isn't feeling well so be it and leave it alone....

For good not sake some peoples imagination here are totally sucks!!!


glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:07 PM
One more thing: I don't think what I said was contradictory at all. Adam is human like the rest of us. He has said publicly that negative comments that he reads in blogs, in comment column, on twitter, DO get to him from time to time. But what I ALSO said above was that he is a professional who would not let that sort of thing (negative comments about his hair or tattoo, etc..) stop him from going forward with his life, professional or private. And it would most certainly NOT cause him to cancel interviews..I think you "heard me too soon" and then chose to use that as an opportunity to say what you needed to say. Which I understand and appreciate.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not, by nature , an early riser, and some of these signings and radio promos are held at crack of dawn. Adam gets up at crack of noon, if possible. LOL

Anonymous said...

I think this isn't humanly possible to have as many interviews as Adam has. Same questions all the time about his childhood, AI, some of them ask about AMA, and nobody asked so far about future plans:(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Grasshopper when will you ever learn ?

Anonymous said...

I think the whole thing got lost in translation. Broken English, you all!

As the @3:36PM indicated that Adam is home, probably he was asked to do interviews but he said that he can't do it cause of his schedule flying back home. He can do interviews on the phone always and as usual the ask him the same boring questions over and over. Why should he or we be worried about interviews. If it was a show then that's another story. Adam has never missed any performance shows. Now has he?

Put it to rest please.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I doubt Adam gets his feelings hurt by such trivial things as fans disliking his hair, makeup, clothes, scruff or tattoos.
He's a big boy.

I've been astonished that his health has remained so good. Can you imagine all the germs he is exposed to? He shakes hands and hugs and is touched by so many different people at appearances and performances. I'd be bathing in Purell....I learned my lesson as a kindergarten teacher, all those adorable little germ factories were touching me for hours a day and I was constantly getting sick....until my doctor said "never touch your face, especially mouth or eyes with your hands while at school..scrub up after each class leaves your office." I'm still super germ conscious, scrub up before eating in a restaurant and after.....touching salt and pepper shakers, ketchup bottles, ugh!

I'm sure Adam is tired, even with days off, living in hotel rooms (another great source of germs) for weeks is exhausting. I'm sure some time at home will be a luxury for him. I hope he is well and rested before he has to head out again.

glitzylady said...

Just wanted to make sure you know I don't think that either..its the big shit that gets to Adam from time to time..which we won't go into here. I do suspect that he gets a little tired of the negative commentary re the small stuff. and he does address it from time to time..But he is indeed a big boy and he does what he wishes. And I love that about him. Now I'm going to stop talking about this. Next time I'm just going to talk about the weather I think!! LOL! Much safer.

daydreamin said...

@JAK I have roughly 600 students coming through my library every 7 days. Imagine all the germs on all those books. It's amazing I am rarely sick!

Anonymous said...

Use a gosh dang TAG on this site people, it helps readers get a sense of YOU! And not in a way so as to favor long-timers vs. new-timers (though I suppose that happens here and there IMHO), but just so as to allow fellow readers to file away or "bank" a sense of you and apply it when reading something, a comment, that requires deeper thought than the typical fun Flail posts.

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady.....JAK here

Please NO! don't bring up the weather! You know our tendencies to squabble over everything.....we'll be in a 'storm' of controversy over global warming in no time....the natural causes army vs the man made army will be snarling at each other and ripping each other asunder! (I've always wanted to use that word...did I spell it right?)

I'm sure we could get a John Wayne style bar (blog) fight going over the cause of the glaciers melting away. Whatever the cause I may have gulf front property before I die...beaches are being swallowed.
Let's just stick to Adam...ahh Adam, the gift that keeps on giving!

@ daydreamin....I'm surprised you've realize that now I'm going to sanitize all the books my husband brings home from his book trading store!....JAK

@ 6:26 A.M. I agree with your comment, tags are useful and I am grateful for them....It helps a lot in my case, I try to remember to use mine. Some of my comments untagged would suggest a mental instability...but with my tag on them people understand it's just my frequent warped sense of least I hope they understand...........JAK

Shiggles said...

@6:26 I'm laughing my a$$ off right now with your rant about using tags and then you leave...anonymous. How funny. I love your sense of humor.

"Anonymous said...
Use a gosh dang TAG on this site people, it helps readers get a sense of YOU! And not in a way so as to favor long-timers vs. new-timers (though I suppose that happens here and there IMHO), but just so as to allow fellow readers to file away or "bank" a sense of you and apply it when reading something, a comment, that requires deeper thought than the typical fun Flail posts.

December 3, 2012 6:26 AM"

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