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A Cute Meet and Greet from Japan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 3, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, March 03, 2013


daydreamin said...

New interview:
Click H E R E

Anonymous said...

Cute :)

Anonymous said...

Adorable, Asian fans giving bearhugsto Adam:):):)

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Adam, so far so good in your eastern whirlwind concert tour. Mmm coming closer and closer to my turn...ooooh! My daughter just flew back to accompany me to the Adam concert, just arrived right at this moment, hot from airport. From what I gather, the SingBerts are staging a rousing airport welcome, not sure, but they always do that. The first visit was a real let-down. The SingBerts were chanting Adam...Adam and he didn't come out from the arrival hall; the over zealous security people whisked him away by the backdoor. lol! But he heard about that and responded the next day that he didn't know about the welcome party. Oh this time they'll be out in full force wearing their self-designed Trespassing t-shirts, probably.


Anonymous said...

Lucky you, Lam-my! We're looking forward to hearing all about it!

I love the bear hugs Adam gets. I want to give him one, too. :)

Anonymous said...

I do feel lucky a little more this time; I've already written an Adam concert poem entitled Trespassing Experiential, based on the videos seen so far, good quality. Now after the concert I would be able to know the disparity, that is one written based on videos, which I've already done, compare that with my actual experience. I feel the difference will be very wide and deep. I will update or make the necessary changes. My curiosity regarding the disparity will be satisfied. I hope all those who have seen the concert will also give 'live' reports to compare and contrast. But the topmost importance is definitely simply to hear Adam sing. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Oh Lam-my, I hope you get the best airport M&G of all! Singberts deserve it.

Anonymous said...

I won't be with the Singberts; they are too fierce, young so I'll be going to the Star Theatre with my daughter who is also high-spirited, robust but she's only a recruit. lol! I can't keep up with those fiery Singberts; they chant Adam Adam Adam...whole airport can hear lol! Perhaps not, our airport is huge lol! Don't have that kind of energy anymore; used to be helluva feisty once upon a time. lol! But I feel very elated when I see them so excited. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Cute interview snippet. I hope we get to hear the whole thing at some point.

That cute fan is doing EXACTLY what so many of us dream of doing: Throwing our arms around that luscious body and just HUGGING it! She is living one of my many Adam fantasies. Someday, maybe!

Lam-my, Can't wait for your concert report and all your interesting comments! I envy you so much!


Anonymous said...

DRG.....Thank you! You're a very appreciative person.
