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Fan Made: 'We are Glamily' Tour Poster for Shanghai, China

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 2, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, March 02, 2013

VIA @@mlg621


Anonymous said...

That's not made by chinese fans is it?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The americans are gonna do the Helsinki poster too? Lmao

Anonymous said...

Yummy, yummy! Lucky fans.

And great job on the poster! Photoshop talent at work again. The only thing that doesn't need any photoshopping adjustments is Adam. WOW, nice.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I like this striking, attention-grabbing poster. The date with triple 3, adding up to a perfect 10 is interesting. Tommy is also handsomely portrayed with a dash of blond as highlight of the mostly darkened picture; artistic graphic portrayal. By the way, Tommy is a loyal, conscientious 'worker', talented musician; always there when Adam needs him, a reliable friend. He reads into Adam's singing and rhythm instinctively; they are a beautiful, in synch, musical duo. Glad to be seeing them in action on stage soon!


Anonymous said...

Unofficial poster is unofficial.

Anonymous said...

Monster poster - love it!!

Tommy looks about 15 in this photo. He's certainly a pretty boy and I mean that in the nicest possible way.

Anonymous said...

Tommy and his TP hair he is cool.

Anonymous said...

Picture of the venue:

Anonymous said...

Striking design and color....JAK

Anonymous said...

Where's the rest of the Glamily?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Beautiful Thank you . I'd love one of these for every concert.

Anonymous said...

I like this Tommy-thing too. It´s definetely glamily-poster. Adam is so natural.

Anonymous said...

Tommy kind of symbolises Glamily, i think...he has been part of glamily from the start. He gave the kiss in AMA.

daydreamin said...

This person has made many posters. You can check out their other posters here on twitpic:
Click H E R E

daydreamin said...

Oops, I forgot to mention that they are a graphic artist from Chicago it appears.

Anonymous said...

Tommy is looking amazing. Love how Adam gives him the opportunity to show the world just how incredible he shines. Love Adam and Tommy.

Anonymous said...

It has always been and still is, about Adam, and no one else.

He's the main man and it is his show, the rest of them are there to help him perform. They're not a band where everyone's got an equal status.

Naturally, they're very good friends, too. And I totally understand that some people like Tommy a lot. However, the way I see it, it's Brian London that contributes the most and without his performance the show would lack a lot of joy and genuine enthusiasm.

Anonymous said...

@12:57 AM, That's exactly what I was going to say, except you said it better. I just don't see how any of Adam's fans could actually be happy about that poster.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's poster made by a Tommy fan.

Official posters should portrait Adam only - or Adam and the whole band, dancers included.

Tommy may be a good musician and I am pretty convinced that he is a lovely person, but as a performer, he is very low key and I don't fancy the way he pines for Adam on stage. Not cool at all.

Anonymous said...

@12:57 EXACTLY!!! Absolutely 100 % !

Anonymous said...

Open your minds just a little wider, folks! Don't engage in small talk; terrible waste of time. The answers you're searching for are all embedded in your brain!


Anonymous said...

It's a great creative person's idea for WAG and extremely well done! So let's leave it at that!


Anonymous said...

mlg has made posters for every concert that Adam has ever given. She only includes Tommy occasionally and it it wrong to attribute any partisan views to her. You have to see all of her work to understand the broadness of her view. She uses pics from the previous concert on each poster and she asks permission of the photographers. She is a very creative and and puts a lot of positive energy into celebrating Adam.

Tommy is a solid member of the band and a dood friend of Adam. Sauli is a sweet boyfriend and a good friend of Adam.

One day, the people who spend all their times taking down either of these guys will look back and wonder WTF they were thinking. In the meanitme, most of us come here for the fun and the negativity is sending people to nicer places.

Anonymous said...

Actually it's not as difficult to design this poster as it appears to be. One just needs a graphic software and lots of Adam pictures...incorporate them into an encompassing whole with an attractive background; fine tune the layout with some contrasts and highlights...print; wallah! But I still give credit to the artist's composition, colour scheme, selection etc. And if he/she programmed his own graphic software for this purpose...that probably is the difficult / innovative part.


Anonymous said...

I'm an Adam fan and I'm totally fine with that poster.

2:03 - for most of Adam's fans it is ALL about Adam but they don't spend enough time thinking about Adam's band members or Sauli to get to the point of disliking them. They just take in stride the people he cares about.

Most of us don't give a hoot about adolescent fan wars over who Adam likes best, unless you bring your fight over here and spoil a perfectly good morning.

Anonymous said...

So Lam-my, can we count on you to create posters for the rest of the tour? from your posts, I think that you are a nice person your last post was uncharitable.
mlg has created a great body of work and Adam is aware of it.

We all love Adam but few of are talented AND dedicated enough to contribute so positively to extending Adam's online impact. We are very lucky that there are fans like mlg and lambosessesd and any number of dedicated bloggers and site managers who give up a lot in order to enhance our fan experience.

If we can give time to the nasty nutters attacking Tommy and Sauli, we should give thanks to the fans who enhance the glamily experience.

Shanghai vids are where it's at. That's another set of very dedicated and hardworking fans.

Anonymous said...

Hey open your mind just a little wider! Maybe a lot wider! What do you mean by me being "uncharitable"? I have credited the artist with being innovative and even pointed out that designing the software which she may have done is difficult. I have not in any way said I do not appreciate her art or poster! In fact if you scroll up, I said I like this striking poster. Goodness gracious...all one has to veer a little and you start twisting words and cramming them down by throat! Didn't Adam say: "Contrary opinions have become so unfashionable. When did this happen?" He also said: "I prefer folks with their own individual point of view and the balls to verbalise it." But in this case you simply ignore my praise for the artist whom I gave full credit to and twist my comment to suit your small mind. Or are you genuinely so low in your comprehension? Also if you repudiate someone's comment, have some decency to write your name!


HK fan said...

MLG has made well over a hundred amazing posters of all Adams concerts.
They would make a fantastic coffee table book.

Anonymous said...

Thanks daydreamin for the link to another GREAT poster. <3

Anonymous said...

Well said, Lam-my.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness! We still have open-minded people like you here...this place may not disintegrate after all. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I don't know who make these posters. Talc ladies like Tommy. It's ok if you do these type of posters for US gigs, but there are not enough interest elsewhere. Lol, it makes no sense to make a Adam&Tommy poster for a dozen or less fans if you understand what I mean. In Finland there is maybe one Adommyfan.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I forgot there are no US tour. LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh and Lam-my. It's nothing personal, just that it would be weird Adam did the show for a few people in the audience only. There were 8 hard core Tommy fans in Shanghai. I like that they met Tommy and everything. They seemed very understanding the show was not all about Adommy. That's why I wish these poster ladies would act like grown ups and do the same.

Anonymous said...

There's no need for the poster ladies to add fuel to a make believe love affair fire!!! I wonder what Adam's management thinks about about Tommy getting free publicity billings with their client? Seem like a law suit against those sweet little poster ladies when you get right down to it. If they want to do posters of Tommy by himself then that's a different story, but when they add Adam to the mix, then They're going into serious territory. In other words, They're f***ing with his career.

Anonymous said...

I'd say this poster reflects the poster ladies' own personal preference.

glitzylady said...

So are there some here who missed the point that this poster and so many others like them are FAN MADE and not "OFFICIAL" posters and as a result they can include whomever they wish in the posters? I think it's GREAT that they take the time and energy to do this...This "poster" is just but one of many..Love them all!

@Anon 9:14 AM
These are fan made. Why would you think there was any reason whatsoever for Adam or his management team to sue over this poster? I'm just curious: and it's a serious question to you. The individual pictures are out there, free for the taking. There is no f****** with Adam's career or anything quite so serious as that. The posters are made for fun. I think they're great. And since I have no skills in that area, I appreciate the efforts. Just because this one includes Tommy, is that your concern?? He's part of the band..should his face never be shown with Adam?? I'm 100% an Adam Lambert fan, and don't believe for a second in any of the "Adommy" delusional "stuff" but I've met Tommy several times here and there. He's a nice guy. No big deal that he's been included here.

Too much fuss in my opinion.... :))))

Anonymous said...

Yes, this poster is as soon forgotten as it goes down this page. Everyone else has already forgotten or they have never even seen this on the net. I checked and this poster was made by the Talc ladies and for some reason they have their interests on Tommy. Good for them.

Anonymous said...

@9:41 AM, No, Tommy's face should not be seen with Adam's! His face SHOULD be seen with the Band's. That's what he is a Band Member.

Anonymous said...

Tommy needs to get out of the band for a host of reasons. Wish Adam would quit the awful tats. Feel he will regret it.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, it's just a poster.
Love Adam's tats.

DRG (chill, everyone)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the things that some people here choose to get upset about.

glitzylady said...

@DRG 10:35 AM and @Anon 10:37 AM

Ditto...and ditto...

Anonymous said...

I'm in pretty good mood at the moment. I just don't like fans bossing around other fans what they should like. If you don't have the tour in the US don't try to spoil it from others who have it. Make a Tommy tour happen in the US if that is what YOU want.

Anonymous said...

Did you people bother to look at the other posters this person has done? Did you click on the @daydreamin link? There are posters with Ashley, Brian, etc, each one is different and quite striking and very good graphic design. If I were a young fan I would want to plaster my walls with them.

@ Lam my. If you had not begun your sentence with an implied insult "actually it's not as difficult to design this poster as it appears to be" then you would not have been called out for it. Whether you are aware or not you
frequently denigrate and praise in the same comment.
That seems condescending to some of us as well as your determination to always be right about even the smallest thing.

Actually graphic art is an art and it takes skill to do it well, it's not just a case of taking a bunch of photos and attaching them to a background. You need a discerning eye and artistic vision.

And no, I am not the one you assume is out to get you.
Just one of the many you manage to irritate, but I usually just keep my mouth shut. A wise policy with you.

Adamluv said...

Think the poster is cool. A fan can put in THEIR poster whatever THEY want. Haters, get over it! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I am aware graphic art is an art and a highly skilled one that requires talent and a discerning eye. I have done just a little on it and finds it not simple nor easy especially the designing and the inherent messages in graphic designs. My daughter works as a writer cum graphic designer for a firm. In my comment I was focusing on the design software which is key to making the numerous Adam posters. I've seen the others she has done; very high standard but with this particular software she can churn out many by switching the Adam photos around and adding different striking backgrounds...not implying any insults. I did credit her for her innovations and addressed her as artist! That to me is a huge acknowledgment in itself. My point about it not being as difficult to make these Adam photos, does not apply to graphic art per se nor the artist; but specifically to the software used. Open your mind of thinking wider and read wider into what someone actually says rather than jumping to your own narrowed-down conclusions. I have no intention of being condescending or having always to be right. If that is your opinion, fine but it's not my problem because I have no control of what people think of what I say/write here. There are on many occasions / comments I disagree with but I don't thumb them down, like what you are doing now; we all think differently. But I've no choice when people come right in front of me and say things in my face; so I have to explain from my angle. That does not constitute to being condescending nor always wanting to be right, just explaining my point of view which I have every right to do.


Anonymous said...

I still think you should write a name to your comment when you address a specific issue to another person. Shooting your personal opinions on another person from behind a curtain does not bode well for what you stand for, lacking in conviction; it also gives you the liberty to lash out because you can just forget about what you say and yet you have pronounced negative judgement on somebody, with no responsibility to what you have lashed out.


Anonymous said...

love love love this poster. I have seen many fan made posters since my days as a rabid AL fan and this is top shelf.

Anonymous said...


My name is Marlene - now what possible difference does that make. My opinion remains the same.

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you! Right now it may not make any difference but if you keep this name in all your comments without changing it or leaving it out for your own convenience, then a virtual presence of you will be felt here; and others will come to know or understand you better; including me. And as I've said what opinions other writers here, have of me is not my problem and my opinion regarding this stays too.


Anonymous said...

Marlene.....By the way, I like your name. It reminds me of the big fish, a marlin in the classic, The Old Man And The sea...It makes a difference already, for me anyway.
