Remember the making of the Car Bonnet? It's done!
Filed Under (Others,The Fans ) by Admin on Sunday, March 24, 2013
Posted at : Sunday, March 24, 2013
Remember THIS? Well, it's complete now! Check out this amazing car!
VIA Karen Robinson (NZStiffy): @shoshannastone Check out this stunning @AdamLambert car tribute!! Amazing art!! Car belongs to fellow Kiwi @kazahn

VIA Karen Robinson (NZStiffy): @shoshannastone Check out this stunning @AdamLambert car tribute!! Amazing art!! Car belongs to fellow Kiwi @kazahn

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This is Freaking!!!!!!! EPIC!!!:)
You are really serious indeed!!!
I want to ride too!!!! Eeek:)
I hope Adam see this right away ha!ha!
I never say Freaking or EPIC, but I'm saying it now. You nailed it Canadian.
Have to admire his painting skills.
omg beautiful paint adam lambert face-very stylist and unque-love it.
omg beautiful paint adam lambert face-very stylist and unque-love it.
I am sure Adam would be a smooth ride!
Be sure and check out the license plate. :)
I'd be interested in Leila, Eber and Neal's reaction.
Crazy Kiwis, will have to keep my eyes open for it. I wonder where in NZ she is.
Jadam NZ be sure and get some pictures of it if you see it. So cool and different. A person with a mind of their own, I admire that.
Now that is what you call a fan! It would be hard keeping your eyes on the road and not looking at Adam's face...
Awesome,if that car was coming toward me I know I would get into an accident cause I would be staring at Adam's gorgeous face on the hood of that car!
2:46, No kidding! I couldn't have a car like that. I'd be driving all over with the hood up! lol
I would certainly give it a second look, third ect. Love this. What a conversation piece. Adam has to see this.
I wonder what is painted on the side.
I'm sure Adam will see this as it was tweeted to Shoshanna Stone from Karen Robinson (NZStiffy). I like Karen already. Hubs and I call it a stiffy too!
Love this Glambert! Some might say OTT but that's what makes life so much fun and interesting. . . . Adamluv
that's for sure Adamluv
that little kid in the picture is so cute, must be so proud of the car. If I had that car and took it out for a drive for sure a hail storm would come. LOL
What a fantastic paint job and great likeness! Wonder what Adam will think. Would love to see his face and hear his reaction! Now that's a fan!
Car is awesome of course ....I was thinking of a very naughty comment involving sitting on the hood and Adam's face ....but trying to let the hole in my filter mend....been getting me in ttrouble late lately....oh and to above poster.... smooth ride indeed....rose petal
@ rose petal.......I thought I had been quite subtle when I attempted to slip in the smooth ride........might have known you would catch it !!!!!......JAK :-)
I caught it alright ... you sly gal you....great minds and all... Lol... rose petal
Love it! Sue
Should be in the Entertainment News! to show Adam's devoted fans overseas how creative & crazy they r for Rock God Adam Lambert!!!
Or under " Just Fancy that" news, also on late night talk shows for headliners!
I think this is the first someone has their Fave Rock Superstar/Idol on their Hood/Bonnet:)
Good Job!!!
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