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Adam Lambert: "Join me"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, June 20, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

It is the Friend Movement's fundraising campaign. You can donate as little as one dollar. There are also four Adam autographed cd packages left to claim with a donation. Also items from Tim Gunn and LeAnn Rimes, watches, bumper stickers, etc. Go check it out.

Anonymous said...

I will join in this cause as I always proud of Adam and all the work he does....rose petal

Anonymous said...

ok I just donated for the cause, the second Adam Lambert signed cd is going to me. Gotta run my husband is chasing me around the kitchen with a net. lol The goal is $99,000 and under $5,000 raised so far with 17 days to go. I get obsessed with these campaigns I'll be checking every few hours to see how it is going.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!!!! my husband just doesn't ask anymore's better for both of us... Lol...rose petal

tea said...

@2:10 Excellent! and Congratulations!
Good for you for contributing and getting the album.

Just what is this album "American Idol Fan Favorite Adam Lambert's CD"?

Anonymous said...

3:01 I have no idea what album it is, I better go check. Glad you thought of that.

Anonymous said...

after going back in there I still don't know what album it is. I'll be surprised, maybe it is TP !! They raised $5.00 more since I was in there last.

tea said...

darn, I was hoping you could find out. I don't know where to click for the info either. I'd like to see the watch, too.

Anonymous said...

I donated.

Anonymous said...

3:42, use the link in the first comment. I didn't see any pics of the watch, just a description.

Anonymous said...

If you are in the donating mode, you can bid on the Adam designed shirt at Shred of Hope to benefit the Ali Forney Center of homeless LGBTQ youth. No surprise, Adam's shirt currently is going for the most. 6 days of bidding left.

Anonymous said...

up to $5618.00 now and another Adam Lambert cd gone.

Anonymous said...

Only 2 CDs left

tea said...

@2:10 PM
It's probably not to late to go in and put your name on your contribution if your having 2nd thoughts. It's just fine to take credit for it.

Anonymous said...

new total $7270 and 16 days left.