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Another Picture from Last Night at the Marquee in NYC

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 21, 2013

Posted at : Friday, June 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

why are we looking at four pictures and only one has Adam in it?

Anonymous said...

OT - but I just saw that the one-of-a kind T-shirt Adam designed for the Shred of Hope campaign has a current bid of $2,075!!!! Wow! Sure glad there are some Adam fans with very deep pockets. Good for them!

Anonymous said...

There was certainly a high tech person or group that produced this film. Must have taken quite a while to edit it. Not my style at all, but I appreciate professional
work. I imagine that Adam love, love, loved it.

Anonymous said...

Guess I'm the only one who finds these pictures with the same facial expression pretty boring.

Similar poses one after another. No variety, only the guys and girls are different. I do realise the pics are for fans but how come there are so few club pics of Adam not posing for the camera but actually doing something, dancing, drinking, talking etc?

Anonymous said...

Amsterdam Announced As 2013 MTV EMA Host City! Being held at the Ziggo Dome 10.11.13

Adam Lambert has just been announced has a Presenter at the Ema 2013!

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the good news, 5:53 AM. ;)

Anonymous said...

They announced the city months ago. And I don't see anything aoything about adam. Doubt he'd be there

Anonymous said...

These pix are taken for the fans who are in the pix. They're taken by friends, etc. They're not professional pix, just snapshots that fans want. Sure, they look a lot alike, but if I was to ever meet Adam, I'd want a picture of myself with him just like one of these.

Hope the MTV EMA thing is true!


Anonymous said...

at 6:43 AM

If I saw Adam somewhere doing something I would most certainly take a few pics or vids and post them somewhere.
Have you ever seen any videoclips of Adam dancing at a club? There must be loads of people there with their iphones - so where are the videos?

Anonymous said...

6:57 so what are you getting at?

Anonymous said...

Spying on people having a private night out at a club is totally rude and uncool. And you would be asked to stop or leave

Anonymous said...

@7:50 Agreed!
The only exception is if Adam were being paid to be there.

Anonymous said...

why don't he let his guard down and let a woman have her way. what is the big deal? tee hee hee

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

at 7:50 AM

Of course it is rude and uncool but you cannot stop anyone doing that, can you? I've got no idea whether filming is legal or not in clubs but surely some people don't give a shit about regulations and you can always film someone without anyone noticing that.

Anonymous said...

@8:28 AM If that's your style, there's probably no stopping you.

Anonymous said...

Adam goes to these places knowing he's going to have his picture taken. He's not like "oh my God, someone is taking my picture!!! Oh, no!" He's there to be seen and to network.

Anonymous said...

8:28 again, what is your point?

Anonymous said...

No he is there to have fun. No one is paying him. He has said if you want a picture you must ask first. If someone took his pic without asking they would get thrown out. Thats why they have vip areas in clubs so people have privacy. its why adam goes to places like bootsy and evita because he knows the management will take care of him.

Anonymous said...

6:57 & 8:28
Well aren't you a nozy & unsensitive bastard!
Educate yourself, learn what's proper and what's not!!"

Anonymous said...

my goodness-every time i read these comments i get a little more upset. you people are really rude to each other. where is the love for Adam gone. just squabbling like Pack of rabid dogs. why can't you writers here be more positive. i hope Adam doesn't read all the garbage here.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:39 PM......JAK here.....I agree, somehow a dismal swamp of rudeness has appeared in the midst of formerly sunny fields of Adam appreciation. I came here long ago in my first flurry of excitement at discovering Adam.....I had chattered about him to an unresponsive family until they were beginning to question my sanity. When I found 24/7 I was overjoyed.......everyone was talking about Adam and I fit right in.

Now there is a bitterness that sours most of our threads and no one knows why or how to fight it and get our lightheartedness back.

I feel certain Adam stays far away from most of the blogs about him, but I imagine his family and friends may read them and are disgusted by the snarling. I don' t believe I say mean things about Adam, but since I sometimes say naughty things, I would probably be embarrassed if I actually thought he saw them.....I can only hope with his sense of humor he'd laugh.

Anonymous said...

My aunt is terminally negative and nasty and her only son is an emotional zombie and I can't help but blame her.

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER said anything negative about Adam, cause in my book there's nothing to be negative about. The man gives me so much every day!!!
If it's a slow day, no news or no new performances, there's tons of great material to listen to and watch over and over again, never gets old and always gives me SOOO much pleasure!!!

But I confess, I've slashed out to negative and rude commenters here, also answered to trolls, so I guess I'm just as bad as they... Sometimes you just can't ignore, cause they make you feel so write all this shit (we've seen here and elsewhere) about this particular, SPECIAL AND UNIQUE MAN seems somehow so TWISTED, you just wanna do your part to make it better... Naiive, I know, but that's how my dreidel spins, LOL!
I know Adam does not read these comments, but I'm sure he's seen and gotten so much of similar crap...Maybe all the negative and hate posters just can't stand to be around 'THE NEAR-PERFECTNESS OF ADAM F LAMBERT', makes them feel uncomfortable, annoyed, jealous and bitter. Don't know, don't understand. Cause me, I just bask in his GLITTERY AURA!

Anonymous said...

at 3:37 AM

Try not to flip your lid, it's not good for you. Read a book or do something else for a change, fangirling shouldn't be a religious state of mind, just some fun pastime.

Anonymous said...

You know nothing of my life, so stfu, had enough with your snarky attitude.
Go find some other site, you're no use to nobody here, you never post anything worth while to read about Adam anyhow.
Btw, I think you're a bitterbert, a bloke who does not know what to do with yr crush on Adam!!!
Put that in yr pipe and smoke it!