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New Picture From World War Z Premiere, June 17, 2013

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, June 22, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, June 22, 2013

VIA wal



Anonymous said...

The picture doesn't look proportioned. Most be the angle of the picture. Adams legs look so small, and his head big. Do you see where I am coming from?

Anonymous said...

It's a picture, it's fine, at least you know why all pics aren't professional quality. Good for the Adam fan having this opportunity. I'm sure Adam was glad to do it.

Anonymous said...

It seems to have been taken from an odd angle. Adam looks yummy anyway.

Anonymous said...

Adam you are cute any proportion they take of you. Love Adam so much. Picture could of been taken in a rush. I see what you mean throw..

Anonymous said...

Love those shoes, patented leather, so shinny.

Anonymous said...

keep your eye on those bootiful shades Adam.

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder about The New F Word campaign.

Anonymous said...

9:19 I went there after your post and got the tee. I was going to just donate but I liked that shirt. Adam's singed cd is sold out. Many good things are left though.

Anonymous said...

@10:04 AM good for you and thanks for letting me know my post didn't fall by the way side.

Anonymous said...

Soooo quiet here...
The Finns must really be in the middle of their Midsummer festivities...LOL!

Anonymous said...

Sauli's Instagram:
Two new pics, one where Sauli is having fun w Danielle and another girl, the other with Sauli in 'running mode' looking good and w a beautiful background...

Where is Adam?!
No tweets in over 2 days, no new pics?!!!

Anonymous said...

In NY having some work done on his face?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's working on his music

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link 9:19

Anonymous said...

We have had tweets from people who saw him out in NYC yesterday and today. He is just hanging out probably

HK fan said...

for those wondering what Adam might be up to...

Danny Blu ‏@DannyBluMusic 30m
Gunna be in the same room with @adamlambert tomorrow… I hope the universe can handle all of the eyeliner

his profile

NYC-based industrial pop artist. Get into the gospel of blu.
New York City

Anonymous said...

I'm almost certain that Adam doesn't want his every move in NYC to be recorded in some way through social media. He does need time to himself also. Mostly we get pics of him at night when he is out socializing. Hope he had a great time in the city reconnecting with old friends and making some new ones also. And maybe, just maybe, there was some talk in there about a third album and music for it.

Unknown said...

Adam has been twitter absent because he is obviously busy and If he is staying longer he is 99.9% working on music

Anonymous said...

Lol he is just killing time until he needs to go to Orlando for
His concert next week

Anonymous said...

yes get rested up for Orlando Adam I'll be seeing ya soon. Your Pittsburgh videos made me do it. You can tell us what is up your sleeve with Queen, we won't breathe a word to anyone. he hee

Anonymous said...

I'm willing to guess that he is meeting with someone about new music, not just hanging out. But then, I'm an optimist.
Can't wait for Orlando and San Diego!


Anonymous said...

@DRG.......That's what this blog needs more optimists!
Too many pessimistic comments bring us all down. I myself tend to be a pessimist, but I try to cover it with a layer of cheerfulness. Sometimes it works. :-) ........JAK

Anonymous said...

There a certain pessimistic person that post nothing but those kind of comments on here, that I pay little attention to. I think we know who it is. Do not think he is killing time at all. Adam gonna do many things we will not know about until he wants us to. I think we know Adam not just all fun and games. He has worked hard the past four years cannot wait to see what gonna go on with Queen. There no need for down statements there will be good things in Adam's future.

Anonymous said...

1:39 - Most contributors to this blog, for bad or good, are proficient in English. When things are slow down, it won't be due to the national holiday of a non-English-speaking country. Furthermore, any cracks about any one nationality are uncalled for, unless your intent is unpleasant, which of course it is........

All over North America it is prom weekend, not to mention a big weekend for weddings and graduations. That is the main reason for the slowdown.

In general, Finns are as polite or more polite than most nationalities. Finland managed one of Adam's biggest audiences on the last tour. His first appearance there in 2010 filled an entire shopping mall. Mocking any fan base is not helpful to Adam.

P.S. I am Canadian, not Finnish.