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Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh: Advance tickets for Pride in the Street with Adam Lambert end this Friday at 11:59pm

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 10, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 10, 2013

Source: Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh


Anonymous said...

got my tickets ages ago and ready to go.

Anonymous said...

I hope the attendance will be spectacular....I am contributing one niece who lives in Homestead who will def be there!....JAK

Now if anyone is nostalgic for a rave review by Lindsey Parker....I accidently came upon this written after the long ago New Years Eve performance. Lindsey has stayed true blue since the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Parker is a true Glambert. whoever is going to Pittsburgh Pride have a great time,can't wait to see videos.

Anonymous said...

Lindsy is true kindred Glambert all the way. Love her Adam articles. Hope we get some great vids from Pittsburgh!


Adamluv said...

LA Pride weekend just ended here in LA. Reports of over 400,000 people in WeHO. also that LA Pride was the first ever held in the nation. Didnt know that fact. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hey Any1,
Does any1 know if U can still get tickets 4 Pitts pride? I live 2 hrs away and sooooo want 2 go but I will b on my own no1 in my redneck town will go Where is every1 staying
Thanks so much 4 any info
Love and light, Dana

Anonymous said...

@3:27pm. Check out the following link for tickets on 6/15:

Anonymous said...

@3:27pm. For more info. check out the following link:

Anonymous said...

Dana, Yes you can still get tickets
by going to the following link or by calling 1-888-71-TICKETS. If you call, they will send you the tickets via mobile phone or email
and then you can print them. Quite a number of fans are staying at the Doubletree at One Bigelow Blvd
which is just a few blocks from where Adam will be performing. There is also a Glambassador Bash being held at the Doubletree on Sat the 15th from noon to four. If interested, email to make your reservatiopn (by the eleventh). The cost is $40.
I hope this was helpful for you and I hope to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Thank U people so much from the bottom of my heart I hope 2 meet U

Love and light, Dana

Anonymous said...

Dana,let me know what plans you make. I will be going to the bash. I will not be staying overnight at a hotel as I only live 30 miles outside of Pittsburgh. Maybe we can meet up somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Thank U so much I sure will working on the plans now Dana

Anonymous said...

Where in Piits do u live? Dana

Anonymous said...

Dana and Adele, just warning you about that lol psychic. She seems a little crazy. Like predicting the future from the hair in her shower drain crazy. Just be aware.

Anonymous said...

Did you buy your ticket yet? My friend purchased a ticket and cannot go to the concert now. So I have an extra ticket.
I live 30 miles north of Pitts near
Aliquippa. Where are you coming from?