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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 14, 2013

Posted at : Friday, June 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

WHAT is this?

tea said...

Should be latest second to last. Here's the latest (maybe)

Band practice ya'll.

Is that Tommy? I thought someone posted he wasn't going to Philadelphia.

Anonymous said...

Toddrick Hall was on Idol. He went pretty far, top 8 maybe. Adam gave a shout out to him during competition via twitter I think (around top 13 time I think). I don't know, but think there was a knowledge of each other from LA from years back.

Anonymous said...

It's like a "webisode" sort of deal I think 2:36pm

Anonymous said...

2:36, it's a spoof of Mean Girls.

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
Band practice ya'll.

It's the whole band. Guess we will be surprised with back up singers and dancers.

Anonymous said...

@tea 2:48pm (or anyone)

Is that Ashley D in the vine video? Definitely is Tommy... but is that Ashley D??

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's Ashley and Tommy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fans

I just saw this link posted on ALL

Somehow I never saw this before. I'm probably the only one :), but just in case I thought I would post it :)


HK fan said...

I saw that again yesterday MGF for the first time in a long time. So cute, he looked so hot here too. Loved the little looks when they both realised what they said about liking BJ's....definitely made me chuckle. daughters year 5and 6 teacher was called MR BJ....don't think the kids got the connection though....

Anonymous said...

Thanks, MGF. I had not seen that before and I thought I had seen them all (so far).

He's so sweet and honest.


choons said...

This is hilarious!! Love it. Have to watch it a couple more times to hear/get it all -

Anonymous said...

I just don't have the patience for this stuff.

Anonymous said...

at 11:01 PM

Me neither. I guess Adam does not think he is a bit too old for this kind of teenage stuff.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a teen or 20's something and I think it is hilarious. It is a social commentary satire sort of thing. Quite well done actually, and the production value is pretty high end, impressive.

Anonymous said...

I can do without seeing this really.

Adamluv said...

LMFAO at this video!!!!!! Even had the KKK involved! . . . Adamluv