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New Vine Video!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, June 22, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, June 22, 2013


Anonymous said...

say what? those vines drive me Cuckoo.

Anonymous said...

Can't understand what they're saying. Plus I couldn't figure out a way to stop it! Ah well, looks like Adam is having fun.

Anonymous said...

This is the first Adam video I have no clue what it is about. But his expressions are weird as usual and well it's anybody's guess what message he's sending out this time. lol! The title for this video should have in chemistry, basketry, this one is nothingtry. lol! Hmm, I can write about nothing for a change. lol! But it's quite refreshing. It won't spark any quarrels at least because there's nothing to dig your claws into. lol! Yea Adam, this way there's less of a chance for venom-spewing too. And it keeps the nothingtry minds stuck in limbo. lol! Hey, looks like I'm making some headway even writing about nothing. Yea I read that you are an inspiration...even on nothingtry? lol!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like they are waiting to go into a building, like maybe a movie. Actually I have no idea, but saw a tiny bit of a door or something.. Don't even know if he is still in NY.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is there anyone else unable to watch these Vine video's?

Anonymous said...

It's the name of the play they are seeing.

Anne Marie said...

On Danny Blu twitter he said that he is meeting Adam Lambert tomorrow. Danny Blu is a pop artist in NY. I guess a lot of Glamberts have seen the twitter.

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam, it's somethingtry...not nothingtry. lol!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, so impressed by your imagination and spunk. No matter your POV, I am nevertheless glad you're out there, as I am a faithful comment reader of all Adam. I get the feeling that you are "e pluribus unum", your output and commitment is so enormous. atm

Anonymous said...

Danny blu is a nobody., wannabe pop artist

Anonymous said...

Well at least we have someone new to slam, LOL. I don't know anything about him, but I guess Adam knows him from somewhere. Adam is still searching for ideas and inspiration for his next album.

Anonymous said...

Well if it's a play, there will most likely be an after party, gosh that would be a new experience for Adam, hahahahah

Anonymous said...

Hey, my dear atm! I enjoy reading all your ruminations and subtleties as well. Okay now, I got to look up "e pluribus unum". Whoa! atm, that's quite an honour from you! So happy. So writing nothingtry not only shields me but even elicits an honour. lol! Thanks atm!


Anonymous said...

I have a hard time getting into these vines and keeks. I have a keek account but haven't been there for a while.

Anonymous said...

10:44 I have a hard time liking them too. The last Keek Adam did was maybe Feb. when he did the beautiful cover of Rihanna's Stay. well 36 sec of it. lol

Anonymous said...

10 31
I doubt adam knows him at all. This guy just graduated, he is prob a waiter and adam has a brunch reservation.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Eden video from a few years ago

Anonymous said...

thanks you guys I could have cared less who Danny was now you have my curiosity up. lol poor kid might just be a nice fun person.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Eden were at the theatre together because on Adam Official site he sent out another vine (different one) about their intermission and they were at the bar. And, @9:28 PM, anytime you want to stop or freeze a vine, just left click quickly and let go and it will stop.

Anonymous said...

Adam is always interesting! I wonder what play they were seeing? Were the names they kept repeating main characters in the play I wonder?


Anonymous said...

Oh, ok, I saw the other Vine Eden posted at Intermission and it showed a Tee Shirt for sale in the lobby with those 4 names. guess it was the name of the play. Adam and Eden sure looked cute didn't they?

Adam's having fun and that's a good thing.


Anonymous said...

Weird but whatever. lol

Anonymous said...

kind of cute now that I know what they were saying.

HK fan said...

no you're not the only one, I seem to be able to view about 1 in 12.....
The names they are saying is the title of the play they are seeing...have never heard of it though.

Anonymous said...

If you read Adam's TWEET here, it's obvious they are going to the theatre and if you google those names they are saying you get e.g. a youtube vid about the play.

This is esp. for those thinking Adam does not do anything but party... Everything he's been to see while in NY is called culture - and according to scientific studies ANY kind of cultural activities are good for you and make you live longer & happier!!!

I'm sure he is getting inspired and influenced by other artists' and performers' work and that can only mean good things for his own artistry and future music & performances.

And partying with friends afterwards, mingling and networking, esp. in NY, is in my book cultural exchange at its best and part of Adam's 'job description'!

My only wish is if only I could be in Adam's circle of friends to see and experience it all with him every now and then... LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if I can use your argument to convince my mom at this late date that the nights I spent at clubs, concerts and bars in my twenties was soaking up culture - instead of just getting soaked? Though I also went to the theater - local production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show
by university drama department.

Probably not - she considers culture, art museums, classic books, Bach, Vivaldi, Ravel and Borodin, Greek Mythology, The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. She
had already taught me all that by the time I was 18 - the blessing or curse of having a teacher for a mother.

Thanks mom! -o-

Anonymous said...

3:39 like 2:59 said ANY kind of culture helps you live longer and happier. Go for it. lol

Anonymous said...

I wrote ANY kind of culture.
Your mom had a narrow vision on culture.
Get your own, widen your horizons, no boundaries...that's what I was taught and what I've continued teaching to myself.
Diversity, hurray!

Ps. When we go to see a movie or play or concert with friends, we usually go to a restaurant, a bar afterwards, to discuss what we just saw and continue to have a good time, not to get hammered. Why waste a high created by this cultural experience (whatever it happens to be) and just go home to sleep...or to sit at your computer bitching to people who know how to have fun, lol!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:15
Thank you!
3:39 & 4:29

Anonymous said...

Vanya --- Chekhov --- Hello!

Anonymous said...

I actuallly know the play they were going to see. It's the one with Sigourney Weaver called Masha, Vanya,.......and Spike. I can't remember the third character name. Billy Magnusson is in it as Spike, Weaver's boyfriend. From previous pictures seen on this blogsite, Adam was seen with Magnusson and friends at a club in NYC. Magnusson used to be on a soap; that's how I recognized him and then saw a clip from the play during Tony Awards week. I think this is good detective work on my part. All this useless information running around in my head.

Anonymous said...

OK, I figured out the third character's name. It is Sonya. Listen carefully and then you will hear all four character names. I am not sure if the play won any Tony awards. I guess that is something I will have to check to add to those other bits of useless information I carry with me.

Anonymous said...

Just go to youtube, put the name of the play (= the four names you can hear on the vine, also a youtube version is available) and voila! You have plenty of info and vids of the play.

Vanya is played by "Frazier Crane's brother Niles', lol. With the beard I almost did not recognize him... He's one of my all time favorites! :)))

Anonymous said...

I have trouble viewing Vines and Keeks, too. Sometimes they work, but usually not. It's good when they can be posted in a different format for those like me. Well, Adam will be going to Orlando for the next show. I'll be at the San Diego show and I assume it'll be the whole band, back-ups and dancers. Hope so! New music, Adam. New music.


Anonymous said...

@11:07, thank you for the video of Adam and Eden singing way back when. I did see that before but had forgotten about it. Love the end when the girl wants to know who the guy is that is singing. Too funny! You know she knows now.

Anonymous said...

Adam stop behaving like a teenager and get to work on your next album. That's an order!! Werk!!! Otherwise you won't have enough money to keep partying, you'll end up broke, lose your fans and have to move out of your lovely Condo back into a run down old dump, you might even end up having to sell your lovely BMW, and what about those beautiful sunglasses you just bought, you'll have to settle for cheap and nasty ones, not very cool Adam, so get moving if you want to keep building on what you've already have or risk losing it all for ever.

Anonymous said...

Adam stop behaving like a teenager and get to work on your next album. That's an order!! Werk!!! Otherwise you won't have enough money to keep partying, you'll end up broke, lose your fans and have to move out of your lovely Condo back into a run down old dump, you might even end up having to sell your lovely BMW, and what about those beautiful sunglasses you just bought, you'll have to settle for cheap and nasty ones, not very cool Adam, so get moving if you want to keep building on what you've already have or risk losing it all for ever.

Anonymous said...

to 8:03AM- Very strong advice for Adam in your comments. And maybe I might just agree with you. I do want new music from Adam, but also understand that he loves the theater, has many friends in NYC and obviously likes to party. Hopefully he is not overextending himself financially since he knows what's it's like to be a poor, struggling singer. With the music scene today dominated by hip hop, boy groups and very young performers all who get radio play and sell those concert tickets, Adam has to produce something amazing in the third album or he might just never achieve that superstar status that his fans want for him here in the US. And I don't necesssarily want to see him just performing at State Fairs or entertainment parks either.

Anonymous said...

I found that oddly sexy. I guess it was the lowering of the voice?

Anonymous said...

Adam i'm sure is very aware of his financial standings.
He'll work on his next music baby when he see's fit, in the meantime, let him mingle enjoy and delve into anything damm thing he wants to.

tish tish to some fans who feel the need to repremend him.

tea said...

I have no advice for Adam. It's all I can do to take care of myself. Adam is my pleasure time.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said "you can't rush the art or the music". And he knows what he is doing- just maybe he doesn't want or need to be superfamous (in USA)-less is enough.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, get rid of the gum.

Anonymous said...

Here is the play they went to see (which is the names they are saying in the vine.)