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Adam Lambert Is An Inspiration!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, June 22, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, June 22, 2013


tea said...

Adam's smile is very infectious and calming.

Anonymous said...

Let's give this video bunch of hits:

Let's make it to one million view counts.

Watch the whole video. Press F5 to refresh and watch it again or let it run in the background.

tea said...

@5:15 Does a person have to be signed in to youtube to bring up the count?

Anonymous said...

Adam makes me smile too...he is a true inspiration..need more of him..he needs to start a clothing line, sunglasses, jackets, etc. this is where he will make tons of money...needs to get that 3rd album out soon too...I want him to be so very successful..I love him so

Anonymous said...

@tea. Good question. I don't think so. But I'm always logged in on youtube cause I have gmail. Google your question see if you find any legit answer and share your finding with us.

Anonymous said...

just watched a good part of Madonna's MDNA Tour on EPIX...Monte Pittman is her lead guitarist..makes me sad and mad that he is no longer with Adam as he is truly a gifted performer...I hope that one day soon Adam will have a show like hers, filled to the rafters with screaming fans and over the top production...he is far more talented than she and deserves the same level of success, etc.

Anonymous said...

If "the eyes are the window to the soul", Adam's smile with the most gorgeous eyes sings with music to "calm the savage breast". It is only logical that our hearts spring with joy when we hear his voice in the mall, at the supermarket, in the bus,(notice I didn't say radio) when we're down or least expect it...I, viscerally attuned to Adam, smile always.
In public places, I can't drool like Pavlov's dog in conditioned response to his voice or his smile, his movements, his words. Physiological and magical response, both. So, Ms. Italian Glambert, I know what you mean and I empathize. atm

Unknown said...

Aw I could hav the worst clinical depression and he will make me happy ;)

Anonymous said...

Adam makes me smile also. If I just want to hear him perform any song from his albums, I'll just pick out some videos I have saved in my favorites and sit and watch them. WWFM is still my favorite. I just happened to watch the repeat of AGT tonight with the last contestant, that male singer who sounded so much like John Mayer and there in the background was Adam's song "Time for Miracles" as the show ended. That put a smile on my face after listening to this kid's sad sorry about his parents and the terrible life he had before music came into it and his dad gave up alcohol. It is great to read/hear that Adam Lambert and his music have been an inspiration to so many people.

Anonymous said...

yeah watch Angie and Adam duet and get it up to one million alot of the others are way over a million done that same night. I am kind of surprised everybody is not signed in to uTube already.

Anonymous said...

Just watched the video again to give it another count. It's pure quality vocals, not just a diva scream-fest. It's not a novelty act, either. It's just great singing. Maybe that's why it doesn't have a million views yet. Viewers flock to the novelty and the diva duos. Adam is sublime and high quality. Keep giving it views!


Anonymous said...

You don't have to be "signed in" to YouTube. You just go to YouTube and type in what you want. Or click on the link. There's no signing in. Let's get those views!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I'm sure that smile is what brought so many back week after week during Season 8. There was something boyish, friendly, eager and at the same time the smoking hot potential that was exhibited on occasion was a
delicious 'come on' all at the same time. When it was officially announced, by Adam himself, that his interests lie elsewhere, it didn't matter a bit........He is that unattainable
dream, a fantasy that women keep tucked away in their brain, in their heart and it brings them joy.

I will now sing To Dream The Impossible Dream........just kidding........but you can hum it if you wish!

Anonymous said...

you have to be signed into YouTube to make comments or have your own channel or make playlists. Views will count w/o opening an account. It is fun to have an account tho.

Anonymous said...

JAK you never cease to crack me up.

Anonymous said...

@ Adam Jacko - Thank you for losing the all caps belligerent tone and rough language in your last couple threads. It's much nicer to chat with you on a friendly basis.
I agree Adam can help me on a depressed day too.

And @ JAK - I appreciate your confession to being the one who planted the mark on Adam's neck, your full story of the incident was perfectly understandable. : ))))))))

Anonymous said...

And hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Oh so sweet and inspiring story. Adam would be pleased, he makes such a great impression on others.

Anonymous said...

just watched Angie and Adam duet again. I loved seeing it again, they seem to have a genuine good chemistry going on in that song.

Anonymous said...

When I'm down or upset, I go to my computer and play any number of Adam videos and interviews and it always makes me feel better. I call it my "Adam Therapy" ... and it works!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:03 - I also just watched part of Madonna's MDNA tour on EPIX and had the same reaction as you re: Monte - sad and mad. I too certainly hope that someday Adam will have the budget to put on that kind of a show. In the meantime, I'll just be happy to see him in person when I can ... like July 2 in San Diego!

Anonymous said...

Glamberts will never make Adam a YouTube sensation. What we need is my little ten year old neice, she will watch the same Taylor Swift video over and over til I could scream. LOL

funbunn40 said...

Every time I watch Titanium on YT the # of views never changes. I also pushed the like icon the first time I viewed it and it remains green and I'm unable to "like " again. I can comment, but wish my subsequent views could be counted. I sign in automatically thru' Google, unless that makes a difference and I can only be counted one time. Any suggestions? I'm still tech challenged! Everything Adam makes me smile.

funbunn40 said...

@ JAK, Ditto!

Anonymous said...

Yes, we can only "Like" once unfortunately. I think the number of views catches up eventually.

Anonymous said...

the likes are in real time one per account after refreshing the page, the views tally every so often. the thumbs up and down are in real time too after the page is refreshed. I think it may take a few thumbs up or down before the actual thumb shows up. you have to F5 or use refresh symbol for a view to count, don't use replay. ok let's get A&A duet up to a million.

Anonymous said...

The Adam and Angie duet on AI was the best part of the show. I also watch it when I need an Adam "fix". Collabos/duets seem to be the in thing in music now, even with some strange pairings...Nelly and Florida Georgia Line, Blake Shelton and Christin A for example. So why isn't Adam recording a duet/collabo with someone? He is such an amazing vocal talent and should be swooped up by some artist to perform together. A great combination would certainly get radio play.

Anonymous said...

I'm also puzzled as to why Adam isn't getting some duets. Other singers know how good he is to sing with. Hope it does happen.


Anonymous said...

If you want to give his videos more views, open up more windows and play at the same time. I usually do 5 at a time. Just make sure you mute 4 of the windows or it may drive you crazy and then keep refreshing each screen. You can get alot of views in this way in a short amount of time.

Anonymous said...

I've watched Adam and Angie several times today, even have it in my favorites to watch a lot. So how come the number of views doesn't go up on my computer?

Anonymous said...

JAK, love your description of Adam's allure on AI. It's a combinatin of the tangible and the intangible. That boyishness along with the sexy undercurrent. I couldn't take my eyes off him for months. And still can't. I guess I missed your hickey story. LOL.

adam needs a hit single and a hit album to do a hit tour. Period. All that being said, I will always be a fan and will always support him. I'm hooked for life.


Anonymous said...

@7:44 Youtube doesn't update the views everytime it is watched. It updates after so many views or a certain time frame from what I have observed.

Anonymous said...

Who needs church when we have Adam Lambert, he is God himself, that's why is is worshipped, and loved so much. Adam has the power to cure all ills, he should start his own crusade he'd have many followers willing to lay down their life for him, lol.

Anonymous said...

Who needs church when we have Adam Lambert, he is God himself, that's why is is worshipped, and loved so much. Adam has the power to cure all ills, he should start his own crusade he'd have many followers willing to lay down their life for him, lol.

Anonymous said...

I forgot that you do have to sign in to comment on YouTube. Thanks for the reminder. DRG

Anonymous said...

DRG you have to go several threads to read JAK's hickey story and how she planted it. The thread title begins with: LATEST PICTURES. on 6/21. It's worth the trip.

Anonymous said...

"have to go BACK several threads"

Anonymous said...

I found your hickey story, JAK! Thanks, 8:10, for leading me back to it. JAK, you dirty girl! You saw your opportunity and you took it! Love you description of his smell. So many people mention that when they talk about meeting him. He must smell divine. I wonder if he put your "incident" in his diary. LOL. I'll bet you were a real doozy in charm school!


Jadam said...

Just signed into Youtube so I can "Like" and comment. After all this time I have finally done it.

HK fan said...

remember you have to refresh the page before viewing again, if you just press replay it will only count as one view.

Anonymous said...

@DRG.....JAK here.....I was a perfect lady when I graduated Charm School.....white wrist length gloves.....
Only cross your legs at ankles and turn knees to one side, rise without pushing yourself up with your hands, proper table settings, proper use of flatware, thank you notes written on plain white cards, always address elders and people of authority as Sir and Ma'am. Never laugh loudly in public. Walk with spine and head erect, stand with one foot crossed slightly in front of other and your weight on back made you look slimmer (you know the beauty queen pose)....etc. etc. I was perfectly
behaved, the epitome of a well raised 50's young woman for 4 hours every Saturday all summer and impeccable lady at all Cotillion balls. Where our escorts were students from Florida Military Academy in full dress
parade uniform. At the time, strangely enough, it seemed quite retrospect it was
hilarious. However I do write very nice thank you notes!
And I still use sir and ma'am though it's getting harder to find anyone who is my elder!!! Once sir and ma'am is drilled into you it's hard to drop...........LOL

In other words during my youth dinosaurs still roamed the earth.

Anonymous said...

Happens to me all the time.

tess4ADAM said...

@JAK ... I was a 50's teen also ... however .. not as prim & proper as you .. I'm afraid. I was more the ELVIS rebel at that time .. DA (duck's a$$) haircut ... my mom cried when I cam back from the beauty parlor after having my waist length locks shorn .. but it grew back & I grew up & raised a family but sad to say the rebel in me never went away. Maybe that's why I adore ADAM along with his many other attributes ... I identify with his NO BS attitude. BUT his soft side melts my heart too. AH! Youth ... why must it fade so quickly? Now I'm going to be a GREAT Grandma ... first one ... I feel so blessed ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM...JAK here...I was very proper and well behaved, followed all my parents rules (they made sense to me). I was a dreamer, a reader and a writer. I was in speech and drama clubs and wrote and directed school plays.
I didn't cuss, smoke, drink or break curfew...didn't want to. In my high school annual under my name they wrote "serene and sophisticated." My friends nearly died laughing, they knew how silly I was and I would go to almost any lengths for a laugh. But, except for my circle of friends, to the rest of the world I was extremely shy. And stayed that way for many years, having children and then teaching children loosened me up, but I didn't become brave and semi-bold till I was in my 50's and each decade I become more outrageous.....I like the new me!
I've discovered that mild naughtiness bubbles up inside me and makes me feel happy.

Anonymous said...

P.S. JAK again....congratulations on the prospect of being a great grandmother. That's my fondest dream, but things don't look promising. My only g'son is 25 or 12, depending on how you look at it. The Transformers Attraction and ride opened this week at Universal and he got to be part of the army who fought the robots this time, took a leap off a 30 ft. building, drove a stunt car and triggered an explosion then ran like hell....he loved all of it, but the best part was chatting with Steven Speilberg, his hero.
I think it's going to be a long time before he has a child...he's having too much fun being a child.