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Adam Lambert Tweets About "Lay Me Down"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Anonymous said...

It's a done deal Adam.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait


Anonymous said...

AMERICAN IDOL Faces Judges Decision:
The JLo or JHud Diva Dilemma

Show insiders tell TheWrap that indecision among the newly appointed executive producers have caused plans to shift several times on the Fox competition.

“According to The Wrap, Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban and are strong contenders amidst indecision and disagreement amongst the new American Idol executive produces over who should sit at the judges panel.

• Former judge Jennifer Lopez is in negotiations to return to the Fox singing competition, but the producers don’t want to pay the high salary she commanded when she sat on the panel in season 10 and 11. She was reportedly paid around 15 million.

• If producers come to an agreement with Jlo, then Jennifer Hudson is probably out. The season 3 alum had struck a deal with producers to join the panel at about 4-5.5 million, but her contract was never finalized.

• The all-alum panel fell apart when the producers could not get Kelly Clarkson.

• Producers are still leaning towards a 3 person panel. One female and two males is their preference.

• The panel will likely consist of Jennifer Lopez (IF they come to a salary agreement) or Jennifer Hudson. Keith Urban is set to return for a second year. And Will.i.Am, who is currently in negotiations..

The disagreement is between Idol creator, Simon Fuller and his new producers Jesse Ignjatovic and Evan Prager, former Swedish “Idol” producer Per Blankens for FremantleMedia and Fox’s David Hill.
Blankens wants to hire the biggest possible celebrities to fill the panel. FOX is more interested in a balanced panel, rather than spending for Divas.” By MJ

Read more:

Anonymous said...


Glee Season 5 begins production on August 5, a week later than originally scheduled, due to the untimely and tragic death of its star, Cory Monteith.

Of course, at this point, so much is in flux, as the show producers struggle with how to write out the beloved lead character, Finn.

A reprieve of sorts: The first two episodes, a two-part Beatles’ tribute, was written back in May and will go ahead as planned, with some modifications. Episode 3 will deal with the death of Finn and serve as a tribute to Cory.
Glee will then go on an extended hiatus.
So far, the show is planning to cast 5 roles, to either “replace or augment” three earlier parts, reported by TV Line.
In addition to, or in place of African-American McKinley newbie Ruby, and twentysomethings Julie (cute and quirky) and Ryan (a female guitar player).

Here’s a rundown of the roles. The first 3 are recurring. The last two are smaller roles.

• Roderick Easton – A talented theatrical fortysomething with a big ego.
• Jim Elliott – A handsome, smart academic in his mid-40s or 50s.
• Jurgen – Also in his mid 40s or 50s who is either German or Austrian, possessing a definite accent.
• A not gender-specific school board member
• “Nerdy Girl” age 18ish, probably a McKinley student, with only a single line of dialogue.

The new characters are for older actors, probably headed to the New York World. Details are sketchy now, but I’m sure more will be revealed in the coming weeks." by MJ

Anonymous said...

ok I think Adam will be Roderick.

Anonymous said...

All three new recurring roles = males, one fortysomething and 2 in their mid 40s or 50s... Whaaat?!!! How is that gonna bring new young fans to the show?!? And Adam a fortysomething?!?? Me no likey these scenerios!!!
just venting

glitzylady said...

Guessing none of those are Adam's role..........

Anonymous said...

Runours Rumours Rumours!/as for preordering avicii lay me down.already did that(were you sleeping before?)

Anonymous said...

With an Idol panel of Lopez, Keith and, I'm not watching. AI
will never learn, no matter what producers come on board. Same old, same old blablabla. Very sad news.
I'm looking forward to Glee, none of the new roles mentioned seemed meant for Adam. I'm sure they'll come up with a good part for our star Adam.
Good Night,(insomnia)lol

Anonymous said...

IF Roderick Easton could be a thirty something plus character then I say that's ADAM!

Anonymous said...

did everybody preorder Avicii's album TRUE? git goin.

Jadam NZ said...

Yep all done, have preorderd.
None of those roles seem like Adam. Maybe the older Roderick, hence the beard. Who know so many rumours.

Jadam NZ said...

Yuk to the Idol judges, so boring both of them Idol needs new blood.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and let's all try n preorder this album.let's not just support him by admiring his voice and looks.let's buy anything adam lambert features or produces.he needs that financial support too

Anonymous said...


We just wait for the final unveiling...


Anonymous said...

YES ! love the song

Anonymous said...

I preordered-re Idol-I would love to see Selena Gomez.Adam(of course)Will I AM and Keith Urban.Hope Idol doesn't go back to the same old same old. Iwould still like to see an all alum panel. I'd pick Adam,Kris Allen, JHud,Kelli Pickler

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jennifer Lopez .... American Idol will turn up its toes for good.

Anonymous said...

R E L A X, people (re Am Idol).
Ain't nothing you/we can do about it.
Speculation only increases pointless!

Anonymous said...

Done deal. Hope we get a single out of this album. Noticed Lay me down is long song 5 min which seems unusual.

Anonymous said...

If AI sticks to the same old types they will be a dead show before they start. Not going to sweat it tho what will be will be. Out of our hands unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

I saw this info on another blog:
If it does become a single see below:

Q3 recommendation for US purchases: The single purchase matters the most. If you love Avicii, buy the album.
But if you want to support Adam, save some money to buy the single when it is released and plan ahead so your single purchase counts for the charts.
You can pre-order/buy the album on Amazon (US), and then buy the single on iTunes (US) and both will count.
If you buy the album on iTunes (US), a future single purchase will not count unless you gift it to someone in the US.
If you purchase outside the US or ship outside the US it will not count.


Anonymous said...

1:59. Agree 100%. Not enough to ohh and ahh about his looks etc let's support him buying whatever his name is on.

Anonymous said...

So it looks less and less that Adam will be a judge on the IDOL panel. In the early stages I thought he had a good chance, but as time went on and all these other names were rumored, Adam no longer seemed a possibility to me. JLO quit the show after two seasons and now she wants to come back for all those millions. Come on. Use the money to help the winning contestants(maybe top three in developing their music careers. I like Keith but he had to put up with the Nicki and Mariah fiasco. crazy about him as a performer, singer at all. Oh well. The show should be about the contestants and hopefully there will be a talented and interesting group this year or this may be the end of the show if viewership keeps on declining.

Anonymous said...

I think we can pretty much 'hang it in our wall locker' regarding Adam and AI..NOT gonna happen..I am wondering what his role may be on Glee..the new roles detailed do not sound anything like Adam..this could fall thru too, in that Adam may just have a very small and limited air time with the Glee gig..again, we will know soon enough...and do you think they need an 'extended hiatus' after the third episode..I mean all the actors have had more than enough time to mourn the loss of Cory..not to be insensitive, but delaying the show after the tribute episode is just ridiculous in my opinion..

Anonymous said...

get some better song choices for idol no ballads

Anonymous said...

You can pre-order Avicci's album with Adam's song Lay Me Down:

Anonymous said...

JLo is worth $250 the hell does she 'need' another $20 mil to judge AI..but, bet your last dollar, they WILL pay her that amount..cause they are IDIOTS!! sickening

Anonymous said...

6:37, the hiatus is due to two things. A hiatus was already planned due to football and now they also plan to figure out the next direction for the show without a major character. But since you don't run or write a tv show you wouldn't really know what is ridiculous, would you?

Anonymous said...

and to think..our sweet Adam would not require even a fraction of that amount and would be l0 million times better...

Anonymous said...

@7:31 - I was referring to the cast needing an extended hiatus in order to mourn..I had not read anything about nice..I AM a nice person!

Anonymous said...

Lets get over all the gloom. At this point I think they need Adam as well as he them, Glee. I believe he will have a decent part. RM said joining the cast.Lea M., And others very excited then the tragedy. Whenever they finally start back I believe Adam roll be on it. Announced Adam has not mentioned others. Whenever finally start back after shows, I believe Adam will have a good role.looking forward to his Vegas show.

Anonymous said...

Glee was always planned to have a split schedule this year. A few episodes in the fall and then return next spring and summer. Fox wants to,have year round programming. The Corey thing cut the number of episodes in the fall down to only 3, but the long break was already planned.

Anonymous said...

7:34, you were the one not being nice saying they have had plenty of time to grieve. You then said needing more time is ridiculous without knowing all the facts. If you are so nice try being a little more sensitive to the loss of the cast and crew of Glee. You seeing Adam a couple of weeks sooner is less important than what they are dealing with.

Anonymous said...

Listen, my entire family has passed and I only got two days off from work to go to funeral, grieve (still grieving)..everybody has to die and life has to go on..but I appreciate 7:42 explaining that the hiatus was already planned..that does make sense then..It is always sad when someone dies before their time,and esp. when that death could have been avoided..very sad..I only hope that others in the throes of drug addiction will rethink their situation and make a stronger resolve to get clean and live..

Anonymous said...

I'll buy the single.

Anonymous said...

I really dig the new song, it would make a good single.

Anonymous said...

Lay Me Down reminds me of Adam singing Live The Life by J Scott G. It has a very similar sound to it. I just hope Adam gets his name mentioned in association with this song, I noticed one you-tube vid which said featuring Nile Rodgers but no mention of Adam.

I also heard an Australian radio host mention Lay Me Down, he also mentioned Adam's name along with Nile and Avicii, he's declared it to be a SMASH HIT.

Anonymous said...

7:58, since you only got two days nobody should get more than you? One might think you would have more compassion for others going through what you went through. The business I work for closed the doors for the entire day of the funeral of a coworker. Who knows how much business they lost that day but it showed compassion and respect for a dear coworker we were all grieving for.

Anonymous said...

Having problem pre-ordering the album with Adam's song on it!LOL I never had any problem in the past!
Will keep trying,

Anonymous said...

8:33 ooooh I like your last paragraph the best.

Anonymous said...

9:19 AM
I think I can understand where 7:58 is coming from, I myself was only allowed a single day off when my father died. It was a very hard time losing him but I know he would have wanted me to continue on living my life and you soon realise that life is meant for the living whether we like it or not, losing my dad helped appreciate just how precious life is and how it should also be something to celebrate. I also think the death of Cory was tragic but agree with 7:58 that it was also preventable which to my way of thinking makes it all the more tragic. I'd urge anyone on drugs to seek the help they need to overcome their dangerous addiction before it's too late. There's a lot of good help available for those who want to stop taking risks with their lives.

Anonymous said...

9:22 where are you trying to preorder it from? iTunes was very easy for me but I couldn't find it on Amazon to preorder.

Anonymous said...

I was looking on Amazon to order, but I'll try i-tunes. Thanx,

Anonymous said...

Tired of the rat race? Drug your self to death and be honored and glorified.

Anonymous said...

Avicii's True album is no. 62 overall on iTunes and no. 1 on iTunes Dance category. If you haven't preordered the album, you can get it here:

Anonymous said...

Time and time again, we hear about people dying from drug overdoses, especially amongst celebrities, if it's that hard to be famous where you need these things to keep you going then what's the point, I'm so glad to see that Adam has the sense not to go down this path.

Anonymous said...


That so good to hear, a radio host saying it is a smash hit! Thanks for telling us, good news for Adam.


Anonymous said...

@7:58 A.M., I like your post. Very sensible and well stated.

Anonymous said...

Fans LOVE Adam Lambert & Avicii’s ‘Lay Me Down’ – Do you? (LISTEN)

Anonymous said...

May be it's not in the stars for Adam to be on Idol. This might be a blessing. If the show continues to slide down, I wouldn't want Adam's name connected with it's failure. Since it has been going downhill for a few years now, I don't know if anyone can bring it back up, unless Simon and Paula came back with Adam, but that will not happen. I think AI should fade away gracefully. Adam is not counting on it to further his career, he has many irons in the fire right now, that are coming to fruition.

Anonymous said...

11:07 AM
You may like to know that I just found out some more news about 'Lay Me Down', apparently the Australian 'Herald Sun' newspaper has a write up about Nile Rogers how he is a legend and all the hits he has help to make for other artists over the years. It gives a big mention to the new 'Lay Me Down' number and best of all there Adam gets a mention for his vocals on the track. I think this could easily be a world wide hit there seems to be a huge buzz about it not only in Europe but Australia as well.

Anonymous said...

On adamtopia people were suggesting to pre order the Avicci album on Amazon and wait to order Lay Me Down just the Adam's track when the album comes out on itunes,especially if it becomes the next single. If you order the whole album on itunes then ordering Lay Me down later won't count unless you gift it. Just want Lay Me Down to chart really high,I think Avicci has enough fans that will buy his whole album and chart it high. I want to do what's best for Adam.

Anonymous said...


Good advice on preordering Avicii's True on Amazon and wait for LMD, Adam's track to purchase as a single from iTunes allowing more attention to go to that specific track.


coloforadam said...

,,,,,and then I see on an E scroll that Justin B's childish song "Baby" is highest selling song EVER!!! PLEEEEZE! Just listen to Adam's studio version of Whole Lotta Love where he growls out the word BABY, nine times in succession. Then see if you are able to speak ..... for about 10 minutes!

SO, SO Glad To Be An Adult

glitzylady said...

Adam just tweeted: (It's Throwback Thursday on Twitter)

Adam LambertVerified account

Anonymous said...

From Someone at FOX TCA today:

Brad Bessey ‏@BradBessey
To clarify: @adamlambert and/or @IAMJHUD are STILL possible. @JLo is 95% done & @KeithUrban is confirmed @AmericanIdol @omgInsider

Anonymous said...

@BradBessey: From @FOXTV honcho re: @AmericanIdol @KeithUrban locked @jlo talks confirmed @adamlambert @JenniferHud rumors 'hold water' @omgInsider

Anonymous said...

@BradBessey: In with U! “@saweetmaryc: @BradBessey @AmericanIdol Fresh & New. Adam Lambert on the judging panel please. Lets get the ratings up!!!”

Seems repoters want Adam on the AI judging panel.

Anonymous said...

@BradBessey: In with U! “@saweetmaryc: @BradBessey @AmericanIdol Fresh & New. Adam Lambert on the judging panel please. Lets get the ratings up!!!”

Seems repoters want Adam on the AI judging panel.

Anonymous said...

@BradBessey: In with U! “@saweetmaryc: @BradBessey @AmericanIdol Fresh & New. Adam Lambert on the judging panel please. Lets get the ratings up!!!”

Seems repoters want Adam on the AI judging panel.

Anonymous said...

@BradBessey: In with U! “@saweetmaryc: @BradBessey @AmericanIdol Fresh & New. Adam Lambert on the judging panel please. Lets get the ratings up!!!”

Seems repoters want Adam on the AI judging panel.

Anonymous said...

adam the only person who wants to do idol without asking

Anonymous said...

Ugh! Seems like JLo will get the spot and I'm sure she will push for judges other than Adam and/or Hudson. Third judge more likely Ugh again!

Anonymous said...

Adam is news reporters' dream interviewee. Adam was and still is live walking advertiser for American Idol. Whereas the other ones are more on the show to promote themselves and their own careers. They don't give a rat a** about future of the show or help the contestants. Adam does and if he is a judge he will care about the show and how well the contestants will do on the show and afterwards. If AI can't see this then their broken ship will sink sooner than later.

glitzylady said...

From the executive producer of OMG! Insider (and an Adam Lambert fan himself...) just now......

Brad Bessey ‏@BradBessey
Brace yourselves my @adamlambert friends. I just heard from a VERY INSIDE source @AmericanIdol judges: @JLo @KeithUrban & @iamwill @FOXTV

Anonymous said...

who cares what happens, one of the new judges isn't going to be Adam. I would rather have JHUD than Jlo.

Anonymous said...

Michael Slezak ‏@michaelslezaktv

Exclusive footage of JLo preparing to return to Season 13 of American Idol:

LOL! That video pretty much says it all! Bye bye AI!

Anonymous said...

I guess noting worthy of news break for AI. Just the same old thing with not much of shattering news break. Moving along in relief that I won't be wasting my time watching anyone of the talent shows. I found my Idol already. ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT!

Anonymous said...

@JarettSays: Adam Lambert #Idol judge conversations seem to have stalled, according to Reilly. #TCAs13

@kms15423: @JarettSays Did Reilly say "stalled" or "hold some water"

@JarettSays: @kms15423 neither. he said there were scheduling conflicts with Lambert & J. Hudson that led them to look at other options, in so many words

@JarettSays: #Idol story updated w/ Lambert quote: "There were availability issues in trying to line up what felt right." - Reilly

Anonymous said...

Mind readers and naysayers again. Always so negative about everybody. Why always so negative?

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Is that really Adam's own quote?can 't even imagine how that must make Adam feel...wanting this gig for so long and then there's an "availability issue"? Must be the Glee gig or other projects.

If this is the reason Adam will not be a judge this season it's easier to swallow but if they just pass him over for "bigger" names I'd be heartsick.


Anonymous said...

LMFAO! And I don't mean the band but this tweet:

Ahh man! Adam isn't doing Idol? Damn. That was the only way to expand his fan base to the 50+ crowd, which has been sorely lacking

Anonymous said...

A little sarcasm Katie?

Anonymous said...

So glad Adam isn't going to take over the 'sinking ship' of AI.

Anonymous said...

LOVE 'Lay Me Down' Awesome Adam party stuff that will hit the dancefloor.
Nile is a wonderment.

Anonymous said...

The scheduling problem was Kelly clarkson not being available for an all alum panel. And the new producers saying they wanted bigger names.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Just letting you know, that's an early draft of the lyrics you've posted there from before we had audio of the full song. We've now updated them although we're still struggling to agree/understand a few of the words so its still a work in progress LOL. You can find updates at ‎ or at


August 1, 2013 at 10:36 PM