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HollyscoopTV: Adam Lambert Gets Role On 'Glee'

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 11, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, July 11, 2013

VIA HollyscoopTV:

If you're not one of Adam Lambert's die hard fans, then you probably haven't heard much about him lately. Well, we're here to tell you he just got a great new gig on TV.


Anonymous said...

How about that. We glamberts already knew this.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts are the all seeing eye of Adam.

Anonymous said...

he should play a Broadway Star....

Anonymous said...

If he does play himself, then he will probably only be on a couple of shows. If they give him a role then he will be on more often. The reaction of people hearing this great news, have assumed he will have a starring role, I don't think so. But it is still great news any way, and takes him another step forward in his career.

Anonymous said...

Ok....ET can do a story on some fat dude but no mention of Adam on Glee........

Anonymous said...

They did mention Adam on the second half of ET, the show with Guiliana
Ransic, and showed his pic! It wasn't Guiliana, it was the guy who mentioned Adam getting a role on Glee, I watch all the entertainment

Anonymous said...

It was on E News true or a false. They will replay it. It was on at 6.00 central will replay 10.30 Texas central time. I think he will have a very nice part on the show. It Will most definitely help his career. According to SS is rep abroad there are more good things happening for Adam, said this was just the beginning! Sue

Anonymous said...

Why can't they use good pics of Adam? So happy for him but did not like these pics. They are not his best. He is the best.

Anonymous said...

Yep, glad to be called an Adam Lambert 'die-hard fan'!

Anonymous said...

Like that idea seening so Adam will be a Broadway sensation before too long anyway! Adam playing Adam would be the ultimate on Glee.

Anonymous said...

Now we have a little more Glambert perspective it appears Adam will work on a couple of the Glee shows which means Album #3 will still be underway along with other gigs.
Personally reckon this is the beginning in the rise of Adam's incredible fame. Adam works like crazy with such a passion and now so happy for him.

Anonymous said...

Don't even have to wonder how Adam will do on Glee. We all know he will raise the ratings and refresh the show with outstanding wonderment.

tea said...

If you can get interested in going to one more article, this one is very wordy about Adam and nicely written.

Anonymous said...

@6:03. I agree.

Anonymous said...


I agree as well. I personally like the 3 shots they used of him in the Celebified piece.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not just an episode or two. They are making it sound like it's an actual role for the season. I sure hope so! Can't wait for whatever the "other" news is.


Anonymous said...

@ tea.....JAK here.....thanks for the link. It was a nice write up and made me happy to see it was from a Christian Music site.

tea said...

@JAK You're welcome. I liked it for the very same reasons you did.

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard anything from Adam since the news about his role on Glee. Maybe he doesn't want to say anything until all details are finalized and he knows exactly the part he will be playing. I also hope it is more then 2 or 3 episodes, but I will take anything at this point just to see him on tv and also performing.

Anonymous said...

4:43 I am hoping for a nice recurring supporting role with a few good production numbers.

Anonymous said...

I think some people are making to big a deal over Shoshanna's :)

Anonymous said...

If so, just let us be happy, okay?

Anonymous said...

Glee Now, with that something, which only has Adam!! Talent and Seduction! Congratulations! HH

Anonymous said...

Shoshanna's :) are vague.