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More Pictures of Adam Lambert at Moonlight Rollerway

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, July 21, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, July 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam looks great.

Anonymous said...

Yup, Adam sure looks yummy!!!:)
Nice side burns!

Anonymous said...

Is that George I see surrounded by the Adam and Terrance.

Anonymous said...

Photo #2 is my fave. :-)

Anonymous said...

The guy in last photo needs a bra.

Anonymous said...

What a hunk of a guy he is!!

Anonymous said...

Just black space for me.

sheila said...

I hate instagram. These pics cannot be printed from the site!!!! Please print normal photos.

Anonymous said...

@4:51 why?

Anonymous said...

Yep, Adam's attracting more so called manly type guys lately. Must be the Melvin.

Anonymous said...

I've been able to access these pix on Adamtopia. They post them differently, apparently. For those of you like me who are having trouble, try Adamtopia and go to News and Information. It worked for me.

Adam sure had a good time and this club. Lots of sexy ANIMALS!!!


Anonymous said...

The pics are jpgs, I don't know why some of you can't see them.

Anonymous said...

My mystery is why can't I get any link with "" ?
Anyone know?......JAK

Anonymous said...

All I see is Black nothing. When someone posts a link to instagram I get a page that wants me to join instagram and to more annoy me I cannot back out of it. Grrrrr.


Anonymous said...

George K from Fashion Police looking good.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a lot of gay friends and fans. I love looking at him just being Adam. I wouldn't expect anything else. I think its' cute! :)