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NEW PICTURE: Brian May Hanging Out With Adam Lambert's Friends

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 11, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, July 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Yea Glee, rope in Dr Brian and Roger; the three musketeers never fail on the runway and on stage; bang wham bam they'll sweep you off your feet with Adam leading the way and Dr Brian chasing after him...father and godson team. lol!


Anonymous said...

is this a new picture??

Anonymous said...

Hope it is an old pic. TJ does not belong in the company of a great like Brian May. Anyway, for some reason it is posted. Just AL please Spotlight on the solo act star!

Anonymous said...

Must be old based on Tommy's hair color. But cool for them to get to meet such an icon.

Anonymous said...

Brian May is amazing. Anyone that gets to be in his presence should be honored. Loved Queenbert so much.

glitzylady said...

Brian May was recently very complimentary to Tommy. Seems like Dr. May would know a thing or two about guitar playing expertise. Imagine how honored Tommy must have felt. Interesting picture for sure..

HK fan said...

yeh, looks old judging by Tommys hairstyle and colour.

Anonymous said...

10:20pm ... Why the rudness? I'm sure Tommy felt very flattered to meet Brian. It might be YOUR company Dr. May would disaprove of.

Anonymous said...

10:57pm is me, xo laura

Anonymous said...

Geez, sorry guys. I think I was just a bit rude, myself. Off to bed.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

10:57 I am sure TJR is honored. My point. He doesn't even deserve to be in the presence of Brian May. He is a negative on Adam's career esp since Nov 2009. TJ is the worst thing that ever happened to Adam. How dare you say that BM wouldn't want to be in my presence. You are very rude and frankly, I am right about this. And BTW, No TJ on Glee! YES! So happy about that. SOLO act Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 11:37

you are the only one who is rude here... There's no need to insult enyone, stop now before it gets ugly! It has been so nice and peaceful here lately so any of us shouldn't start fighting.


Anonymous said...

You are a nasty Glambert, the likes of which give Glamberts a bad name.

Anonymous said...

Respect Adams friends!!!!

They are not like other star friends who posted rude pictures or videos!!

Ignore if you don't like it!!


Anonymous said...

Enough of the Tommy dissing! Darn it all because you obviously don't know the guy. Show Tommy Joe some respect. Adam has some awesome friends and Tommy is one of them.

Anonymous said...

You guys are so funny when it comes to Adam's so called friends. Adam will hopefully have a dif band after Glee!

Anonymous said...

Stop pestering & bashin Tommy! Totally unnecessary & SOOOOO kindergarden-ish!!!

WHY are some people ALWAYS so black & white, rude and clueless??? Educate yourselves!!!

When will you get that when you diss ANY of the people in Adam's circle of Glamily, friends, band members, co-workers, YOU DISS ADAM!!!

And the same people have the audacity to mock people who e.g. say that they LOVE Adam AND they love Tommy Joe and Sauli and whoever else they've gotten to know as Adam fans and thanks to Adam. LISTEN to Adam's message of LOVE & celebrating diversity!

Anonymous said...

Nice Pic - but would love to hear more from Adam! He must be very busy and happy!......nancdruuu2

jt said...

There is an Adam fan who actually hates TJR and she post photos with TJR cut out and videos where TJR is doing his solos and turns camera away. One of the videos from China when TJR was doing his solo of Stay she wasn't expecting Adam to introduce him and turned her camera out to the audience it was very obvious. Don't know what her problem is but she seems to think only Adam should be in photos and videos. Not saying this is her but there are some crazy fans who think this way. If we know Adam and have followed him from first days of AI we know he is very loyal to his friends and he does think of TJR as a friend and not just his employee.

Anonymous said...

The hating on Tommy started with the kissing and that was Adam's idea. Quit solely blaming Tommy, he should have said "no" and Adam shouldn't have started it in the first place. Poor choice of action on both their parts, give it up, push it to the back of your mind and go on from now.
Everyone makes a poor decision from time to time.
Let it go.

Anonymous said...

With Adam sometimes his poor decisions costs him a lot and it takes him tons of struggle to overcome the costly outcomes.

Anonymous said...

What's with the Tommy hate? Adam seems to have had the hots for TJR. Adam did his thing at the AMA. Tommy didn't do it. Adam did it. In case you forgot go back and look at the AMC video. Adam ate his face. Who could really blame him?

Anonymous said...

Oooh, the anticipation of what Adam will be doing with Queen is killing me. This is a really great week. The world is reacting so positively, and so many more people will see Adam's talents on Glee. The cred value just jumped a mile high.

I like Tommy.


Anonymous said...

I am not dissing Tommy or anyone else, but when was Brian even with them. I thought Adam went to UK for rehearsals and stuff. I had never heard that he came here, or was that in the UK? Did Tommy and Dannielle go to the Queen shows?

jt said...

Tommy was invited to Adams Queen concert in London and met Dr. May and they have stayed in touch. Dr. May also complimented Tommy on his guitar solos.

Anonymous said...

@9:06am. You must be new. Adam performed with Queen last year. Six huge concerts in Europe. Kiev, Moscow, Warclaw, and 3 in London. All sold out concerts. Adam's family and friends went to London shows. Tommy is one of Adam's best friend and his band guitarist. Tommy met Dr. Brian May in London last year. This pic. was taken by Adam's best friend, Danielle, and she posted it on her Instagram yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Most of you people don't seem to know that TJR and Brian May are friends - they often tweet each other. Also Dr May has been known to come to LA on occasion to attend conventions, etc. in connection with his other projects (not music). At that time, he gets together with his LA friends.

HK fan said...

I don't see what wrong with that person not filming Tommy....its not a big deal. I don't dislike Tommy, in fact I rarely think of him at all, he's just part of the band (although I do think he's a good guitar player, and a great friend to Adam), But I certainly don't have a problem with an Adam fan just filming Adam, I'd rather watch that one than a video that keeps panning away to other band members..

Anonymous said...

I love you hk fan for comment.TJR is Nothing but a band member,I seriously get irritated by so called fans of his.please spotlight on ADAM LAMBERT please.Bite me if you will,TJR caused a lot of damage to Adam's career and its all Adam's fault

Anonymous said...

9:06, this is from one of Brian May's visits to the US.

Anonymous said...

your comment is just stupid, especially the last sentence. tjr has not caused anything, stupid fanatic fans of his have.
there are Adam fans who also love/like Tommy, and who found their interaction on stage (kissing etc) fun, sexy & hot - and part of the show! loosen and lighten up, might do good for your sex life, lol