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Recent Adam Lambert Tweets

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

Are these comments or clues?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Slash!!

Anonymous said...

What the hell is a buck moon?

Anonymous said...

Slash!!:) Collaboration for the 3rd album maybe??? I wish and I hope it will happen...

I can't really wait for the Rock Album!!!


glitzylady said...

Full Moon Names (Native American)

"Historically, the Native Americans who lived in the area that is now the northern and eastern United States kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to the recurring full Moons.

Each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred.

These names, and some variations, were used by the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior.

The Native American names below are linked to the months in the Gregorian calendar to which they are most closely associated."

Full Buck Moon in July:

"Bucks (deer, etc..) begin to grow new antlers at this time. This full Moon was also known as the Thunder Moon, because thunderstorms are so frequent during this month."

From Old Farmers Almanac:

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I love your intelligence and knowledge and how you educate us on various topics!
Thank You!

glitzylady said...

And one more tweet from Adam:

Adam LambertVerified account
Hahahahhah hilarious

"Mod Carousel, a Seattle based boylesque troupe, does a sexy parody of Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines music video."

Robin Thicke "Blurred Lines" Sexy Boys Parody by Mod Carousel

"Mod Carousel, a Seattle based boylesque troupe, does a sexy parody of Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines music video."

Their statement:

"It's our opinion that most attempts to show female objectification in the media by swapping the genders serve more to ridicule the male body than to highlight the extent to which women get objectified and do everyone a disservice. We made this video specifically to show a spectrum of sexuality as well as present both women and men in a positive light, one where objectifying men is more than alright and where women can be strong and sexy without negative repercussions"

Download link for mp3:

Anonymous said...

I ditto that anon 11:48

Thank you glitzylady for continually helping us understand the sometimes cryptic messages from Adam as well as plain, old things we just don't know! I appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes a waning moon is just a waning moon and happy bday is just happy bday.

glitzylady said...

Thanks @Anon 11:48 AM and @CT

I'm a good google-er :))

It's really Adam that teaches us many things...moon names being but only one of those. Another reason we love and respect him.. He keeps us guessing and wondering, as in when Simon Cowell said "WHAT was THAT??!!" after "Ring of Fire" on Idol. We KNEW then we were in for a very WILD RIDE! AND as Adam said at the beginning of Idol "I will surprise you"...and he's kept his SPADES!

Anonymous said...

There is this thing called google and it says a waning moon is the decreasing size moon after a full moon.

Anonymous said...

This last full moon was in the news because the full moon coincided with the moon being at one of it's nearest points to Earth. It's called a supermoon. June's full moon was also a supermoon and was a little closer to Earth than in July.

glitzylady said...

Slightly Off Topic but very interesting..and explains a lot: Why we have such a hard time getting those "Hot Tickets" to concerts ie iHeart Radio Festival in Las Vegas with Queen and Adam Lambert for instance:

"Why you can't get tickets to the hottest concerts"
USA Today July 2, 2013

Text and video:
"Video: If you’ve ever tried to buy tickets to a favorite artist’s concert only to find it sold out almost immediately, you are not alone. NBC’s Jeff Rossen reports on how up to 77 percent or more of the tickets to the hottest concerts are being reserved for special groups before sales open to the public."

Complete article here:

VERY interesting.....and I totally believe it...

Anonymous said...

Is it a common practice in the US that grown-up men send happy birthday messages to each other and celebrate their birthdays big time with their mates at restaurants?

Anonymous said...

1:32 I don't know, Ask Amy.

Jadam NZ said...

We saw that amazing moon to the other night. When I read Adams tweet yesterday I thought that is what he meant, so googled it.
We are way over here in NZ so were a bit ahead of you guys,seeing that beautiful moon.

Anonymous said...

His latest tweet - ugh. Hilarious - not. But to each his own. I think some things he shouldn't tweet. K everyone, get on my case for forming an opinion. If it isn't 100% positive, here it comes. I just think if he wants a broader audience, then...

Anonymous said...

Don't know Adam means by his Buck Moon tweet. I know he's into astrology, and it might have something to do with that. It could be about a-STRON-omy, but I don't how much Adam is into that! Another Adam mystery tweet. That article about ticket sales is really infuriating. So unfair to the average fan.


glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:19 PM
You have the right to your opinion. No one should jump all over you. As Adam loves to say: "It ain't that deep..". I do however love the parody of the Blurred Lines video. The Mod Carousel group were making a point with the video... And its funny to be honest... Have you seen the original Robin Thicke vid? Not so sure I loved that particular vid, to be completely honest, its not for everyone certainly, but I do like the song Blurred Lines a lot. Very fun and catchy. It's on my iPod... So if you haven't seen the original, check it out on You Tube. This parody will make a whole lot more sense. Maybe...

Also in my opinion, Adam is not going to get into any trouble with this tweet. :)))

glitzylady said...

Did you happen to see the explanation of Buck Moon I posted at 11:34 AM?

As for Adam's never completely knows with him! Could be the Native American name for the July full moon (in this case the waning July Supermoon)..or who knows what else!!!! I'm just going with the one I posted.. :)))))))))

Anonymous said...

A couple of my friends posted pics of the full moon on facebook because it was so huge and beautiful. I assume Adam was just commenting on the same thing. I don't get why fans think everything from Adam is secret code.

Anonymous said...

@2:19. I do understand your point. It is certainly not without merit. However, in my very humble opinion, it seems to me that Adam, from what he has offered in the public domain these last few years (as that is all I can go by as I certainly do not know the man), it seems that one of his goals is to reach a broader audience while still travelling a similar road he has always travelled... while enjoying the same type of humor, music, friendships, pop culture, etc he has always enjoyed. Seems to me as though his idea of post gay might include being able to tweet this vid, that takes a humorous yet pointed turn at something currently in pop culture that most would deem acceptable, with his tweet raising no more eyebrows than perhaps the original video would. 'Ya think that might be part of his intention, other than just the obvious fact of thinking it's hilarious. I am only guessing of course, but I would venture to guess that Adam wants to make it mainstream, capture a broad audience, without having to closet himself in any way, shape or form (while adhering to basic rules of humanity of course, as any citizen of society would have to). Sure there are, for example, entertainers like your Neil Patrick Harris' and Matt Bomers that have made it, but Adam, being more left of center, more OTT, more untraditional than those two entertainers, should be able to entertain a wider audience also without concern that he come off generic and safe at all times. To me Adam has always been the boy next door, just a different kind of boy next door, and thank goodness for it! JMO.

Anonymous said...

da Lambert code, LOL!

I've always been Moonstruck... love staring at the moon, sleep poorly during full moon and so on. Celrbrated the Supermoon in June and now I notice I've been staring at this waning Buck Moon at the same time Adam tweeted about it.. and don't care whether he's sending codes or just stating facts, the Man w the Voice is just so much fun to follow!

Anonymous said...

I take it as Adam has shed his old rack and is now about to grow a bigger and better rack.

tea said...

I'm 3:30 PM. Was trying to post and talk to someone at the same time.

Anonymous said...

1:32 go ask Alice I think she'll know.

Anonymous said...

2:32 and 3:26 TY. Yes, it does make more sense. I misspoke not seeing Robin Thicke's video. I get defensive as an honest thought (ambeit negative) usually gets slammed. Adam is so talented, nothing will stop him from the utmost heights. Thanks again for being gracious. Very intelligent thoughts on your part. Appreciate it very much.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:00 PM
I was assuming you may not have seen the original video and hoped by clarifying the reason/video behind this parody it would be easier to see the humor..and the point it was trying to make as well, via the description they included with the video (also posted at 11:52 AM above...) ... I thought it was successful at both. So I'm really glad you took a look at the original "Blurred Lines" Robin Thicke video...I can see where you may have been wondering "What the heck???" :))))))

I also appreciate and agree with the very thoughtful words of @Anon 3:26 PM. Adam will never be completely "mainstream" (at least I would assume not...), and I can truthfully say that I love him just way he is, a little left of center (because I am least in the way I look at the world..) but there will perhaps come the day when he is respected and appreciated for his talent and contributions as an artist and as a multi-faceted human being... in a "Post-Gay" world.....When being gay is a given for a certain percentage of our population, because they were born that way...and whether more "openly gay" or more "conservatively gay", all will be accepted as such, and gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender or questioning will just be another point on the sexuality spectrum of us humans.... Accepted, acknowledged, and a non-issue. Much like race is moving toward becoming a non-issue, with some ridiculous, and I think, surprising, exceptions (for instance the recent Cheerios commercial with the mixed race family... unbelievable that anyone would complain, much less even NOTICE. I mean REALLY. I know many families that would fit that description. They are "families" to me..not "mixed race". (The same with same sex couples: They are a "family".) I couldn't believe it was a problem to some people...). Progress ISbeing made........let's hope it continues at a steady pace.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your comments. I enjoy reading them. But when the rants go on and on in huge paragraphs...I try but just think blah blah blah and move on. Light and fun puts the smile on my face.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I loved the video. Thought it was fun and made a point. I sometimes think Adam wishes he could be a part of vids like this. Pre-Idol, pre-fame, he probably could have, but not now. He's caught between needing a broader audience for his music acceptance and wanting to be a gay man in every way he might want to be. It's a compromise. I'm sure he must feel frustrated at times. Fame and the need to please a wide range of people can force a person to give up some of what they used to be able to do. There are payoffs, of course, but it still must be hard.

Great comments here tonight, everyone! Thoughtful and respectful. My typos are bad tonight. Kinda distracted with RL going on in the background.


Anonymous said...

It's called the scroll function and a little thing called free will 6:57. What an unpleasant move!

Anonymous said...

Just one more: I know we have buck moon definitions, but Adam's tweet is still a mystery. Maybe he'll explain at some point. Or maybe it's just not that deep.


glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:57 PM
Sorry you consider some people's often well considered thoughts "rants". By all means scroll. Thanks. I like having fun just as much as you do..but also like to hear what others think on a certain subject. Life isn't all fun and games. When more than one commenter is involved, it's called a "conversation"......


Anonymous said...

Slash and Adam should collab. I see it happening on a Rock album.:) Bring out the big boys for the next album Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady always has to have the last word.......

Anonymous said...

Although I'm interested in what others may say, but when I see a big spread of words in one paragraph, I just scroll.
I wish they can break their thoughts with indention or space for another paragraph so my eyes are not crossed reading them.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:58 PM
Well, at least people know that it's me. Good or bad, I take responsibility for my words. If you're going to comment, use a tag. Seems YOU wish to have the last word too. :)))) Be brave. Who knows how many "last words" you've said with no one knowing...Adam owns his words too, whether they're popular or not. Follow his example and "own" yours....

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady, you go girl!!!

funbunn40 said...

@ Glitzylady, Seems like envy when those snarky comments come your way. You have something interesting to say and not everyone has that ability. I'll read your informative words with pleasure anytime! Much more interesting than unpleasant sniping. Keep on keeping on!

Anonymous said...

LOL she couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

Glitzy granny just has so much wisdom to pass on to the ignorant of the world. Lol

Anonymous said...

Sigh........yes and if only they would listen, we'd all benefit!....JAK

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady........I'm jealous......I kinda like Glitzy granny...
classy with zip! It sure beats Ma which is what my grandson stuck me with.......apparently the only part of Grandma his baby ears picked up was Ma. However when he or my two son in laws hug me and say "I love you Ma" I feel all melty and happy......JAK