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Love Wins Over Glamour (Fan made single cover)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 11, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, August 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Wow! Fantastic, this song should be on radio!! It's just as current as anything else out there.

Anonymous said...

@10:02 I agree,it's very radio friendly and Adam's vocals as always are outstanding Glad we got the whole version without the talking and I downloaded it. Maybe Adam was splitting from RCA at that times so they couldn't release it to itunes even.

Anonymous said...

all of Adam's music is every bit as good, and in most cases, better than all the drivel we hear on the radio...he is truly one in a BILLION!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam sounds so fantastic here! There is no other singer as good as Adam! I certainly agree, all Adam's music sounds this good and there is no good reason Adam isn't heard all over the radio today! Hopefully Adam will sign with a record label that appreciates his gift...nanccdruuu2

Anonymous said...

The lyrics just don't make sense to me.........or maybe I don't know the meaning of glamour in this context!


Anonymous said...

the word fu--ing would have to go IF this was released to probably won't be,but it could be a hit,I guess..I understand the lyrics fine..don't know if RCA had anything to do w/this song.If they did,it can't be released to radio( or any other singles from Trespassing,also)

Anonymous said...

I read on one of the other threads that Kate Perry's new single is going to be played on radio every hour, why? she's no where near as good as Adam her songs are so repetitious but she has a way of coming up with hit after hit. I too hope Adam can have a fresh start with a new dynamic label who can help get him the recognition he deserves to have.

Anonymous said...

Oh my Adam Sesame indeed!!....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Katy is played because she's popular.
Adam isn't.
It's a damn shame.
But it's a fact.

Anonymous said...

she's popular because she is played a lot.

Anonymous said...

my heart goes out to Adam..he is always tweeting support for other artists - most recently Katy Perry - yet, I have EVER seen a tweet from her admiring Adam's work..what a consequence, I no longer like KP..

Anonymous said...

would anyone know why I can only listen to a soundcloud once? TYVM

Anonymous said...

don't forget to watch Oprah tonight folks.

Anonymous said...

Not a humble bone in the body of so many of the artists today. It is beneath them to acknowledge other artists' music. But, not our Adam;he doesn't have that egotistical gene in his blood, even though he could easily exhibit such behavior. Adam is a true human being of contrite heart. That is why I can so easily love and stand by him---through it ALL!

Anonymous said...

Too bad the person took all of the color out of that photo. That costume is so striking with all the colors of jewels and embroidery.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see the previous thread but if Katy's new song is initially going to be played every hour it is because her label payed to get it played that often.

Anonymous said...

Most of today's music buying, listening and concert going audience is made up of tweens and teens. It seems that this demographic is just not into Adam's music. Right now the boy groups, hip-hop and the young performers seem to be what is selling. I guess the older, more mature Adam fans just don't have those numbers overall to make him more successful in the music business. It seems that talent doesn't count for much in the music world today. Most of those young performers lip sync and have so much electronica in the background along with the dancing that they can't do a live number the way it comes off on the album. I have never heard anywhere that Adam lip syncs when he performs and he doesn't need a big production number to mask the inadequacies of an untalented singer on stage. Hoping that Adam with the right record label, a new focus in the third album and overall radio play will get the recognition and success he so deserves in the crazy and unpredicatable world of music.

Anonymous said...

this is so true..unless you are Madonna, Lady Gaga, Pink, Cher, Christina, et. al.. hoping that one day, SOON, he will be as popular..I keep hoping that one of the divas will want to do a duet with him in concert..but, not so far..I wonder why??? could it be that he would be likely to show them up??? most probably..I will NEVER cease to be one of his more passionate fans..and I believe his star WILL shine brighter and brighter..he is just so damned beautiful..

Anonymous said...

Adam is beautiful, the reason I warmed to him in the first place is first of all due to his amazing talent, not many singers sound the same or even better when singing alive compared to their recordings but Adam does this so amazingly well. The second thing that I admire about Adam so much, he is so humble and sweet natured, there's nothing artificial about him and I find that very refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Go to Adamtopia, there's a link for HQ download of Love Wins Over Glamour, the whole song without the commentators' quality?
Can't post the link from my phone, sorry!

Anonymous said...

I feel the same as many Adam has been treated very unfairly but I'd also say that he is still doing far more this year than many AI artists, with Nile and Avicii, Queen, and Glee. I'm sure he will pick up another record label, Adam is in the know and he has a natural flair for networking, I think this year will be hard work for him but hopefully it will lead onto bigger and better things for the future.

Anonymous said...

the link on Adamtopia for Love Wins Over Glamour is just fabulous..the best I have heard..clear and beautiful vocals..PLEASE GO TAKE A LISTEN!!!

Anonymous said...

gee Adam, what have you been doing this weekend...I need my Adam fix..of course, hopefully he is enjoying himself...

Anonymous said...

If any of Adam's songs were recorded and released by a tween sensation, they would be hits. Period. It's who is marketed. If a singer gets even ONE big hit, that can get the ball rolling for much greater radio play for their next song. And that momentum can keep going. Many of Adam's songs are as perfectly suited to a younger market as anyone's. Is Adele's market largely teens? Is Josh Groban's? Is Justin Timberlake's? He must seem ancient to the teen market. I'm just brain-storming here. Adam is definately getting respect from established major players in the music business (Nile, Queen, etc., who do not cater to the teen market either. Adam needs a strong hit song that appeals across the board. That's what leads to greater radio play when his next song comes out, etc., etc., etc. Hopefully, Glee will get his name and face out there in front of a large music-buying audience. Adam is appealing in looks and personality. He should catch the Glee audience's attention and with luck they'll buy his new music. Guess that's what we're all hoping for.


Anonymous said...

@1101:AM-The title actually means, "love wins over riches":in other words love has got to be number one, above riches (or glamour), and love is the only key that will open "sesame". A second meaning of the title, to me, also could be that love has won the hearts of wealthy beautiful people to give to charity. It is truly an incredible song and so aptly sung by our rock G-d.

Anonymous said...

I really think if Adam's Avicii song Lay Me Down becomes a single it will break him into the younger crowd. Teen loves Electronic dance music and the song has a great hook. Sometimes it takes a great collaboration like that to get an artist to the top. We'll see what happens but I know Adam will rise to the top,and maybe we will all appreciate it even more than if he had been an overnight sensation,remember longevity is the key!

Anonymous said...

@4:00 - you know, I never thought about it like that..but there is the analogy of the tortoise and the hare to compare Adam's rise to fame..we want him to last and be there until the end..I envision Broadway, TV, Movies, fashion, fragrance, eyewear, and the list goes on, for the products he could and should represent...

Anonymous said...

I love this song!! Adam is so talented. I just want him and us to enjoy the ride that is his career. It will always be a challenge for him, and not for lack of talent or charm. I'm with him all the way!! Always an optimistic Glambert!!

Anonymous said...

4.00 and 404 I totally agree! I was just thinking that slow and steady wins the race theory myself. ad does have quite a few things good happening for him now and he has done very, very well compare to some from idol. He is an international star as few are from there.i think next two years are gonna do well for Adam. Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't treated unfairly - this is how the music industry currently works.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lambert is in the map folks!:)

He is international SUPERSTAR with millions of fans around the world!!:)

I'm very happy because the fans are really in to him and ready to rock with all the time...

No more worries and there are more to come for sure indeed!!!:)


Anonymous said...

I am here to tell it like it is. That song is not a smash hit. Adam needs a song that makes people do more than say I love this song... and I do love this song. However, I am not jumping up and down crying this is a hit. Why? While this song is a good song, it is not a great song. It does not and I quote, have the "WOW FACTOR" Only one commenter on this site appeared really excited about the song. When Adam comes up with such a song, radio will play it!!!

Anonymous said...

6:42, I agree pretty much with you. But it's also true that lots of so-so, not-so-great songs make it to #1. They are not special in any way, but they make to the top due to strong marketing. Listeners will buy music from someone they like, regardless of the quality of the song. Sad but true. Adam needs a really great song that is MARKETED strongly to get it heard. Every struggling singer out there goes through the same scenario. Adam already has higher visibility that most, so at least that helps. This song would be a smash hit for a top-selling singer simply because they are the one singing it. Adam produces quality music with a quality voice. Just needs quality promotion to get it heard.


Anonymous said...

adam lambert has a very very unique voice-one of a kind-iwatch the concert of paul mccarthney in san francisco dont like his voice anymore too old sounds like ordianry now-adma lambeert really a very gifted singer the best voice ive heard.

Anonymous said...

Paul McCartney is an icon in music dating back to his days with the Beatles and then performing on his own. Even at the age of 70/71 people still will go to see him and listen to him perform. He has an entire catalog of music from which to draw. He may not sound as great as he was in the past, but people will still go to see him. He has achieved longevity in a business that is very difficult to sustain, no what the decade. It is true that Adam is so very supertalented. To me, he has the best voice in music today, but if all the other factors don't line up for success, then it's just not going to happen. Hopefully with a new management team, a new record label and then a third album with a radio friendly first single, all the elements will align so Adam gets the recognition and success that he so deserves. I guess the next year or so with Glee, the Queen concert on I Heart radio and any other projects he has will determine the course of his career.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if this has been posted previously but I haven't had such a good laugh in a long time. It's Chunkey_Monkey's take on the news of Adam being Kurt's nemesis.. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

All of us here who are fans and have been from Adam's days on Idol, realize what a stellar vocal talent he is. You can't deny that. But as has been mentioned, there are a number of other factors that make someone a success in the music business today. It's unfortunate that so many untalented, crass, egotistical individuals have the hit singles, sell out concerts and then don't perform live but have to lip sync on stage to an audience of mostly teens and tweens. Yes, there are some good singers out there today for the more mature audiences, and Adam does have a lot of them. But he needs that one single, radio play and guest appearances on the talk shows to let everyone hear him again. Many people don't know what has happened to him careerwise, but Glee should change that. I think he will have longevity in the music business eventually reaching Broadway and other creative outlets where he will brand his name and style. He is much too talented a performer to let sit idly by.

Anonymous said...

8:11pm - nicely said

Anonymous said...

I don't think this song is radio friendly and just doesn't have anything special about it. He had so many other terrific songs from Trespassing and nothing really happened there. I can't wait to see the direction and focus his third album will take. He is just so vocally talented that this next album has to be the one that gets him back on the boards again. I still hear WWFM on the radio every so often and it still is my favorite Adam Lambert song. So let's get all the best writers and producers to put together one amazing album that everyone will want to listen to.

Anonymous said...

This song was written for the Life Ball, nothing else are they would have released it for sale. Someone showed it still went to no. 1 in Brazil week or so ago. It's a good song I really like it a lot. The song very theatrical and was meant for a show like the life ball not radio I do not believe. Very possible that's all Adam wanted them to do with it. Grannie Sue

Anonymous said...

If all our wishes, positive thoughts and comments could make Adam more successful in the world of music, I'd be sending them like crazy to him. Whenever I listen to the radio either at home or in the car, I just can't believe some of the garbage that passes for music today. Then if you watch the vids made for them, it just turns me off completely. It's true I am not part of the younger demographic audience, but I do recognize a good song or performer when I hear one. And Adam is certainly the best of the best.

Anonymous said...

did anyone watch Oprah tonight? I don't get it. @ Sue lol lol

Anonymous said...

WHY is this the first time we hear a great recording of this incredible song?!!?

Anonymous said...

Yes - I watched Oprah, sorry to say, no Adam. That rumor was false.

Anonymous said...

8:41 Thanks I think they showed some clips with Adam in them and we jumped the gun. NO HARM DONE.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts-I live in Scottsdale, AZ, and Oprah's show with the American Idols will be coming on at 10:00 PM tonight. I am 3 hours behind East Coast time. You must understand that Oprah did about 5 or 6 "Where Are They Now" shows and each show features many different stars and other well known people. You must watch the particular one with the Idols which will be shown here in Scottsdale in about 45 minutes. I have been watching all of her back to back "Where Are They Now" shows for the past 4 hours while I am doing a big sewing job. Really fascinating on what has happened to so many famous people. Each show is one hour long. Don't give up-just look at your TV guide to get the show with the former American Idols. I can't wait!!!!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:33 PM
Love Wins Over Glamour, a clear studio version, was not released to the general public, iTunes, etc., because Life Ball decided not to do so. That decision was made immediately after the show itself. Adam said so as well. We've up to now only heard recordings of the live performance, with the commentary of the hosts of the show frequently interrupting the song. (grrr....)....

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:22 PM
I have my DVR set to record Oprah tonight (in like 2 minutes....) but the "word on the street" (twitter, etc..) is that Adam was not featured on the show about Idols and "Where Are They Now"?... Darn.........

Anonymous said...

He was in a commercial before show and showed at the beginning of the show.more than I can say for Chris D. Or PP. nothing showed. Look like a show on the problems some had.they were darn sure trying to convince Adam fans he was in it. Think they asked for info some responded more than Adam and His management didn't they had to get all that info somewhere Ruben S. sure has not been in the lime light as much as Adam. Come on if they advertise a show with someone in the commercial and at beginning show, they were sure trying convince some one he was in it. CU and KC barely in it considering they are the most successful winners. I really just think it was a matter of who responded to them the most to be in the show. Grannie Sue, if you can't beat the nasty ones join in. New name!

Anonymous said...


KC and CU are not included because we know they are topping the charts and very visible.
The title is: "Where are they now?"

Anonymous said...

I'm not crazy about this song. Adam's songs are MUCH BETTER.

Anonymous said...

Beside killer voice ,adam definately need to showcase his creativity to composed his own tune and write memorable lyrics which is simple and easily to follow by younger people.

Anonymous said...

Actually it wad Adam who decided not to release this for sale for charity. If you go back through twitter you will see Life Ball said it was coming until Adam gave the official no. Maybe it didn't quite meet his standards.

Anonymous said...

Can't release a new single under that label when you are planning on leaving it....

Anonymous said...

It's kind of a cheese-y song - I'm sure Adam didn't want it out there for sale. I'm pretty sure only his most passionate fans would have bought it. Not me however. Adam didn't write it - even though he got some credit for writing. That is done even if you only contribute one word or note. Many artists insist on getting writing credit.
Come on now - does that song sound anything like Adam, music or lyrics? Nooooooooooo

Anonymous said...

Awesome stuff from Adam at the Life Ball. This awesome song was written purely for the event so movin' on.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so talented he can alter his route in any direction he chooses and still floor people breathless. He brings it all to the table and with Nile on board expect super greatness for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Why dwell on AI, KP or anyone else come to that. It's all about Adam Lambert and nothing less. Adam Lambert, incredible entertainer, Singer, Queen frontsman,
songwriter, stage and TV actor and that's only just for starters.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam doesn't want to put another single out unless it has full promo. Otherwise radio ignores it.

Anonymous said...

Adam is one of the great vocalist,performer and entertainer.
He needs one hit wonder to break through radio people.
Hopefully his luck will be A3.He is exciting artist to follow.

Anonymous said...

talents will take you to greater heights,but character will keep you there.whether you guys like it or not,this constant clubbing,partying aint good for his image.yes its his life but a lot of us have invested emotionally and financially in his career.But i am not gonna place adam on a pedestal as he is human too.i sincerely wish him all the best in his career.