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Gorgeous Adam Lambert Pictures (Monday Morning Edition)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

What an absolutely beautiful group of pictures,,,each one perfection...Adam is just down right gorgeous

Anonymous said...

Love the one with him in the flannel shirt.......wouldn't you just love sitting across the table from that yummy man? Makes my heart pitter patter out of control. Such a handsome man.....

Anonymous said...

The post is no longer here, where
some fans were asking for the schedule of IHeart program; that does not include Adam Lambert and Queen tonight/Monday; just "Fun and Queen, singing "Somebody to Love" no "Adam" listed for tonight at all. So I thought I would post it here. Hope it helps.

Tuesday night, only listing for Adam, is Fat Bottom Girls with Fun and Queen.

I did get this webb address to the schedule listed and the article from Adam Discussion over at Adam Official under Iheart Reminder post:

The comments of unbelieve and dissapointment are flying in, over at that site.

If this schedule stands; many fans including myself will be very dissapointed. Especially since WWTLF was the talk of the festival. Per Rolling Stone and media all over the Country.

Love Adam, hope he gets treated fairly this time.

Anonymous said...

God stop leaving embarrassing comments on media sites. You just make adam and his fans look like idiots. Anyone with any brains would know the fun songs would be featured over Adams because fun is much more popular.

Anonymous said...

the flannel one is gorg.

Anonymous said...

Not anyone, apparently just you. You appear to be the only Adam fan, (if you are one) that is looking and sounding like an idiot at the moment. Where is your brain when you need it!. Sounds like you protest to much. No one should be featured over the Best Male Singer in the World; Mr. Adam M. Lambert. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

In my TV Guide it says, "Queen and Adam Lambert". Also lists other artists incl. KP and Fun.

I'm praying that at least one song will be Adam and Queen maybe WATC since most people are familiar with that song, also WWRY. I doubt they'll feature Adam's solo WWTLF unfortunately.


Anonymous said...

Good girl . .I was going to write something negative but I thought . . what would Adam do?

Now I will not write that negative post . . just hope to see Queen with Adam tonight >>

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

I had never heard of 'fun' until the iheart show..

Anonymous said...

If the guy in the flannel shirt was sitting across from me..I'd say "come on baby, I'm takin' you home with me"...

Anonymous said...

I simply cannot believe that Adam and Queen will not be include in the IHR broadcast. They got lots of attention. Sure, fun is big, and Nate will get his spot with Queen, no doubt, but something tells me that the schedule list may not be complete. The one I saw on AO didn't have Katy Perry on it either, and she's a major star. So, let's not give up hope. For the amount of attention Adam got with Queen that night, I have to believe he'll get a little TV time. Keep positive.


Anonymous said...

I really am a fan of the eye make-up and more hair and mess it up

Anonymous said...

Love, Love, Love the picture of Adam in the Flannel shirt. Of course the others are beautiful too. But, the Flannel shirt one; oh so sexy.

Hope I can see our man on tonight singing "WWTLF", with Queen!

Anonymous said...

I think the resident troll(s) have come here from the planet #totallyoutoftouchwithreality

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures of memory lane.
Even with the AI tour and Rodger.
Wow, time has gone sooo fast.

Anonymous said...

8:52 - I agree - only just more messy hair..just a little eye liner.God he is just so gosh darn gorgeous..

Anonymous said...

from what i am reading, adam with be on tv tonite and tomorrow..on cw

Anonymous said...

Fun won best new artist and song of the year at the Grammys. Pink features nates vocals on her song give me a reason. If you haven't heard of them then you are completely out of touch with current pop music.

Anonymous said...

i hear alot of pop i went to YT and listened to Nate and realized that i hear these songs all the time, not only that, but i love them..i just hadn't paid any attention to who the artist was..forgive me..i am old..

Anonymous said...

Well it does list Queen plus Adam L. On the list if credits tonight. It list fun by itself. Sure it will show some fun and Queen or AL but will show Queen and Adam too. Adam blew that show away. fun certainly no bigger deal than KP or many other acts and it took them 12 years to get there.

Anonymous said...

I like fun just fine. They just don't blow me away like Adam does. They kind of blend in with a lot of other similar acts. They are just fine, though.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:07 AM
There will be songs featured from each set: fun and Queen included. None of Adam's own songs were sung. Queen is iconic. Fun is popular currently. Has nothing to do with Adam really. He's with Queen. We'll hear him as the frontman for Queen.

Anonymous said...

Since Adam was definitely the most important front man for Queen that night, and Fun was the guest star joining Adam and Queen it does have a lot to do with Adam. As was highly noted by many after the performance of Who Wants To Live Forever; Adam Lambert was much more than a footnote.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:50 AM
My comment above was in response to @Anon 8:07 AM. Please read that person's comment and you will see what I was referring to. You misunderstood what I was saying. Of course Adam was an important part of Queen's performance. Vital actually. And amazing. Just re-read :)) Thanks.

Anonymous said...

@11:58 glitzylady:

Sorry I misunderstood you. You are right. Sorry about my knee jerk reaction. I see your name now, if I had at first; would have never reacted that way; I recognize you as a true fan. Again, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Man, Adam

Anonymous said...

I gringe every time I hear somebody say "I love Adam in a Flunnel shirt..."
You say you love Adam as he is and yet you hope he would be this regular all American country music wgwg...shudder!

I understand Adam wearing flunnel during his freetime & leisure, but I sure hope he never performs in flunnel... He's so unique! Flunnel's not.

PS. Not trying to cause trouble, jmo, but I hope Adam never goes mainstream - as long as the mainstream is what it is in US.

Anonymous said...

I have never "gringed" in my life and I have absolutely no idea what a "flunnel" shirt is, but underneath that's one of the Kardashians...just which one?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:56 PM
Not a problem at all :)) I just wanted to make it clear that I would never ever imply that Adam is is footnote. He's the reason I went to Las Vegas to iHeart of course!! We all have our knee jerk Adam moments sometimes... because we adore him.....