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Adam Lambert Liked Two Pictures Tonight

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 14, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, September 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

.????. JAK here.....Well, it's King Tutankhamen's death mask but what's superimposed? His ghost?
I have no idea who the guys are. Tis a puzzlement!

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Adam likes these photos. What is so special about them? Part of King Tut's mask or very ugly photo of Bruno Mars?

Anonymous said...

Oh, is that Bruno? .... JAK

Anonymous said...

Is he Las Vegas? Maybe he is at Luxor hotel!

Anonymous said...

He liked this:

And this:

Terrence posted the last pic. on IG commenting Brian London and Mars at SNL years ago.

For the first picture, King Tut face is obscured by Crystal Quartz which in ancient times was used to capture certain emotion, feelings, and prayers and it is available at Spell Bound Sky in LA.

Anonymous said...

The minute I saw King Tut's mask, I immediately thought that he was sending us a message that he is already in Las Vegas, perhaps at the Luxor Hotel or he was out walking the streets and took a picture of their famous sign. He loves to do things by signs and signals.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...while we're talking weird stuff, did you know that Tim Bergling's stage name Avicii means the lowest level of Buddhist hell? That would be 7th level ! Strange.....

I'm going to bed and hope for happy dreams, it's already tomorrow here in Florida....have a nice Sunday.

Anonymous said...

@JAK maybe it means something else in his home country Sweden. He is a cutie.

Anonymous said...

A. is for acquaintance, the many friends you know.
V. is for versatile, your changeable nature.
I. is for ideals, no higher!
C. is for confident, no doubts here!
I. is for inspire, others seek your guidance.
I. is for interest, you show in others.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:39 .... Nope he chose it after a friend suggested it !
...... Oh well, he's young! JAK

Anonymous said...

Out of subject. This performance is brilliant!Love you, Adam


Anonymous said...

@JAK. yes, young kids go through this phase of liking weird things. Though I love that Quartz Crystal that Adam liked on IG. I certainly don't believe there is any power in it cause it is just a mineral. But like the look of it.

Anonymous said...

A is for advance, ahead of his time
D is for dedication, shine when you wanna shine
A is for achievements and all is love
M is for mammoth but gentle as a dove


Anonymous said...

@9:31PM Correction! Tim's stage name is Avicci but not Avicii!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my mistake:)

glitzylady said...

It's Avicii


Anonymous said...

In interviews Tim has said a friend told him about Buddhism and avici, the lowest level of hell. The name was already taken when he went to use it on Myspace so he added another "i" and the name stuck, Avicii.

8:46, he is liking friends photos like you probably do on Facebook or Instagram.

BTW if we went by instagram likes as secret clues, I'd be golfing on my first day of school. In Hawaii. Don't I wish the Hawaii part was true.

Anonymous said...

Hi HAL long time no hear from or maybe I have been missing your posts.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my short but wonderful to the point poem.

Anonymous said...

@9:31 PM I was aware of that from the start of their collaboration, but I just assumed it was for shock value and wanting to be the ultimate at something/anything.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised to find out Buddhism had hell. I thought it was a philosophy, not a religion.

Anonymous said...

Some of you need to get out more.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! I also like the 9:48 Avicii poem.
Here's the continuation of the Adam poem:

L is his love for everyone he meets
A for articulation, sincere and sweet
M is for the millions fans around the world
B is the best tenor leggiero
E is everything he does in unique style
R is for risks, tribulations and trials
T means thank you to his faithful fans with a heartfelt smile


Anonymous said...

I'm with you. It is shocking that Buddhism has hell when, I agree, it is not religion to me, but a philosophy, a way of life.
And how can there be hell when their belief is repeat reincarnation?

Anonymous said...

Of course Buddhism is a religion - to over 300 million people. This religion includes a moral code quite similar to other world religions. There are Buddhist monks and nuns and different versions or traditions of practice as in any other world religion. to very briefly explain how there is a hell, Buddhists believe there are many levels in the cycle of rebirth and attaining Enlightenment. You alone are responsible for your actions and karma and those with the worst wrong acts and wrong thoughts may find themselves at this lowest level.

It's easy to find out about other religions either through reading books or even google.

Anonymous said...

I've had friends from Baptist to Catholic backgrounds choose Buddhism attracted by the statement above "you and you alone are responsible for your actions". Only you and God decide your fate. No earthly man or woman is your master or judge. I've assembled a faith that suits me and brings me peace from a dozen different religions...JAK