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Adam Lambert LIKES New Sauli Koskinen Pictures on Instagram

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Anonymous said...

Is this love? Yes.

Anonymous said...

What a wild year they are having in their careers.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they don't eventually get back together, I don't think the love ever completely died.

Anonymous said...

You can see better from a distance... :)

Anonymous said...

Those pictures on Sauli´s Instagram
are soooo good!! I think those eyezz have a dizzying effect atleast on me:)), Adam´s eyes won´t have any cooling effect either...I´m in trouble!:)

Anonymous said...

Adam has a good eye for beauty. These pictures are right up Adam's alley for appreciation. He loves artistic beauty.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again
wanna bet what thread is gonna have the highest comments( between this and LMD as avicii next single?)
leave you to your guess

Anonymous said...

To me that eagle-figure or Rah on Sauli´s face and his eye, is really
intriguing. Maybe it´s the mystique that gets to me, little extra on the beauty.:)

Anonymous said...

8:41 AM
So am I! In trouble. I love them both (and their eyes) so much. I wish happy life for both of them. Beautiful men.

Anonymous said...

Adam is in Chokehold stage.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to come to this thread later because I know how it will turn when the haters wake. So, I'll leave now when the atmosphere is nice.

I love both of these men unconditionally! Separately and/or together.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam and Sauli are secretly dating again.

can't wait to see new pictures of them together holding hands in public. It'll be like last year again.

Anonymous said...

Did Sauli ever liked Adam's pics?

Just wondering because it seems Adam has been liking Sauli's pics every week.

Anonymous said...


lol!!! this thread for sure will get the most comments and will probably be #1 on the Most Popular Posts for a month. The previous Sauli posts were #1 for weeks. People are just obsessed with Adam's love life more than his music career.

Anonymous said...

9:27 AM
He has liked at least Adam's Twitter and Fb pics.

Anonymous said...

9:26 AM

I don't think so. I think they are just good friends as they stated after the break-up, which is great.

Anonymous said...

9:29 AM

You may be right. But much is happening now in Adam's career and there are lots of threads about the LMD and iHeart, so there is something to everyone's interest. Let's enjoy! We are living interesting times.

Anonymous said...

I think it is cute the way, I think, mostly Sauli's fans would love to see Adam back together with Sauli. Adam does like lots of pictures; so don't get your hopes too high. I am pretty sure when Sauli comes back to town, they will probably go out; that is what good friends do, and I am sure he is very fond of Sauli. But, I think they both decided to go their seperate ways and are concentrating on their careers.

But no harm; let people have their dreams. Kinda cute. No one really knows the future. Probably healthier to live in the now. Adam is such a beautiful friend. Wish he was mine.

Anonymous said...

9:29, not sure why his love life is more interesting than the music he is singing but you are right. No private life for the guy.

Anonymous said...

Adam is secretly dating me, not Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Actually it's normal for celebrities' love life to be more "talked about" and gets more interest. it's the same thing for every actor out there.

I mean, most people focus on Angelina and Brad's love life and not their movies.

Anonymous said...

I think the both guys rely on each other´s friendship and when there is a lot happening in both their lives it´s wonderful to have a supporting friend. And ofcourse I wish that was a warm friendship:).

Anonymous said...

Adam is riding high now. So deserving; hope his star continues to rise. He seems so happy now; battling on through all the odds that are sometimes against him.

Such a strong and courageous man. Love him so. By the way, those are nice pictures of Sauli, I can see why he liked them. Most of the pictures Adam likes of people are quite interesting.

Anonymous said...

Looks like this thread is going to overtake "Young Adam Lambert Pictures You May Never Have Seen Before" thread for the Top Spot.

I think Adam likes all the attention regarding him and Sauli. That's why he keeps liking them. Or he's teasing us Saulbert fans.

OR they are really back together.

Don't kill me but I prefer Adam in a relationship. There's more light in his eyes.

Anonymous said...

9:45. NOOOOOO He is dating me!! Or maybe Eli or maybe Bridger or that cute bartender. He is a busy

Anonymous said...

@9:45 AM

I heard that, glad you didn't blow your cover. I certainly won't tell your secret. You will get so much hate piled on you!

Anonymous said...

@9:15 AM

He must be in love now, because I see a lot of light in his eyes. Or maybe it's just the camara position and lighting.

Adam likes lots of pictures of friends, probably would be strange if he did not like pictures of his dear friend Sauli.

Anonymous said...

I am sure everyone would like to be in a nice relationship, but, sometimes it just doesn't always work out for the long term. You are lucky if you cherish the times you had, and move on into a wonderful friendship; as I believe Adam and Sauli has. Two wonderful young men.

Anonymous said...

Avicii said that LMD will probably be the next single vocal by the amazing Mr. Adam Lambert. So great!

Anonymous said...

Adam will be lead singer for Queen this Friday in Vegas. Oh how I wish I could be there. All of you going; have a great time. Hope you get to meet our man. A happy Glamhopper.

Anonymous said...

I used to be bothered about this kinds of threads until i stumbled on an old post( about drake) few years back...same story same comments..i came to a conclusion until adam says he is in a commited relation or we see him with another guy, this fascination on sauli will never stop.
Anon(forgot d no) u are right, threads like this have more comments..its a shame though

Anonymous said...

Why does the administrator consider it news whenever Adam Likes anyone? Why?

There is so much other interesting stuff going on in Adams life now, I really don't understand. I have nothing against it. I just wondered why.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we all post about how much we like Adam and why, and what it means personally to have Adam in your life. Now, that would be interesting. I am serious.

Anonymous said...

at 10:19 AM

There are several other threads where you can celebrate Adam's career. This is about Adam AND Sauli. And I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

To me it has a special kind of different vibe when Adam likes Sauli´s picture compared to liking someone else´s, because Sauli means so much to me as a person, making me feel real good like Adam does too:) I love them both.:)

Anonymous said...

@8:50 Here's my guess, go away if
you don't like the topic on this thread. And the same for you @ the
first 10:19. This thread IS about Adam liking Sauli's pics and I LOVE IT TOO!!! I'm SOOO serious!!!

Anonymous said...

Take it easy, Sauli is in Finland, working from mornings to the evenings. Hope if their relationship continued it is private as possible.

Anonymous said...

I think that is so romantic to think that they will be together when sauli comes back to LA ... true or not. Such a hope bc I believe true love

Anonymous said...

i love them both, too :-)
i think it`s cute that adam keeps liking sauli`s pics, and in my opinion they have started to rebuild their relationship which makes me really happy.
i think all those liking each others pics and pics of them at the same place are pointing toward a happy ending.
i`m keeping my fingers crossed that i`m right :-)

Anonymous said...

@10:46am , I agree with you totally I was just thinking all the fans coming here to praise both Adam and Sauli, that would make this thread the most popular thread of the year, as fast as an eye blink, wouldn´t it?;)

Anonymous said...

still tailgating the koskinen isn't he? looks like someone hasn't moved on yet

Anonymous said...

Lol he likes drakes pictures too. I don't know that it means more than friends, but certainly it's nice they are friends.

Anonymous said...

11.07 AM Why would he? Iam so tired of the word moving-on on this site.Sorry!
Don't you ever reconsider your decisions?

Anonymous said...

at 11:07 AM

Tailgating this? Who can blame him for doing that?

Anonymous said...

Jesss! Thankey for posting that sexy pic of Sauli here!:) That is some smile!:)))

Anonymous said...

Yeess! I think too that there's something going on between these guys and we may will see pictures of them together when sauli going back to LA. :)


Anonymous said...

LOL crystal ball readings from instagram likes again.

Anonymous said...

Well we all know twitter and instagram is truth ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, we are all aware that only Adam and Sauli themselves know the truth concerning the state of their relationship.
Sometimes this kind of things are hard to know even to them concerning.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:46/ 10:59
you must be living a boring life! If Adam liking his ex picture excites you that much.
Quick question have you bought LMD! Gift it out? Told ur peeps about it?
Please do that if you havent and if you have, good! You can go on reading meaning into whatsnot

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see that Sauli and Adam have a lot of young fans too. Keep hope alive. Nothing wrong with fantasizing. Off to work, have a great evening.

Anonymous said...

The tailgating comment was just nasty and stupid; you are no fan of Adam's.

Anonymous said...

Go buy LMD! Make Adam proud. Going to gift some more.

Anonymous said...

1 52
Do you think being rude to other fans is helpful? I think everyone knows the song is for sale and people can buy or not as they choose. It will never get very high on iTunes unless it gets radio play.

Anonymous said...

I bet Adam, Brian and Roger had a happy reunion. They all seem to be so fond of each other. I can't wait until Friday.

Anonymous said...


LMD has a better chance to chart
high if we purchase it. Adam must have thought it would help; he ask his fans to purchase it, and that is what many of us will do. After all, this is Adam's fan blog site. Posting to purchase LMD is what we are doing to help Adam. You sound so negative toward Adam. If you are not here for Adam, then why?

Anonymous said...

This is @2:14

SORRY, I MEAN'T 2:O4 PM Instead of @1:52, sorry.

Anonymous said...

at 1:52 PM

I have!

♫ ♫ Lay me down in darkness
Tell me what you see
Love is where the heart is
Show me I'm the one, tell me I'm the one that you need ♥ ♥

Anonymous said...

Word from Sauli, "Go buy my friend Adam's LMD on ITUNES and Gift some too."

Anonymous said...

"If you get the picture, keep it out of the frame."

Anonymous said...

I think people should buy it because they want to listen to it. Not buy multiple copies in a misguided effort to help adam. Ultimately it is only the casual listener than can propel it to the top of iTunes. It will be a hit or not depending on how well it is received by the general public.

. I object to people bullying other fans into buying things when some of them may not have the money or the brains to see its not necessary.

Anonymous said...

Cheeks wants his fans to please buy his friend Adam's LMD record from ITunes.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if fans knew Sauli hurt Adam badly would they still love him so much. Can't see it being a loyal Adam fan.
All we know is, their time together ran its course.

Anonymous said...

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Love wins over glamour!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Anonymous said...

Where were all these past lovers when Trespassing was released?
Adam And Sauli have been over each other for over a year now. He and brad and drake longer than that.
It's all good. They are mature guys and took care of business well.

Anonymous said...

Just got home from work. Headed to ITunes and early Christmas gifts for everyone. LMD here I come. Anything for my Adam.

Anonymous said...

@2:30 PM #1

Adam ask us to purchase LMD from ITunes, I think I will listen to him, and not you. Please everybody that can afford please try and purchase LMD if you can. People can also gift to others.

Frankly, you sound like a bully. Adam ask and he shall receive.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:00 tailgating can take on many meanings. Super Bowl perhaps? so cheeky monkey

Anonymous said...

I am here for you Adam, off to ITunes baby, will buy, buy, buy; anything for you dear heart.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:16 you invest wayyyyyyy much.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:04
are you really adam lambert's fan? Dont think so
Lets get creative(winks)
adam likes sauli pics; he is reuniting with him. He likes cheeks or drakes' pic; he is seeing his ex. Ooo he likes a drag queen pics; he must playing that on glee
adam likes tommy's pic; WTF! He is in love with tommy.
Poor adam......

Anonymous said...

@ 1:52pm , This is Adam-Sauli -thread!! Why come here insulting posters and have the kicks as being rude and your purpose is sell LMD???
You have bad tactics, niceness gets better results at what you are trying to do. Peace and Sunshine!

Anonymous said...

Just reminding what it says at the top:

Adam Lambert LIKES New Sauli Koskinen Pictures on Instagram

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see the mutual respect that Adam and Sauli still have for each other. I think that Sauli will always have a place in Adam's heart even though they are no longer together.

Anonymous said...

at 2:59 PM

How come you are so sure that they are not? Do you know either of them in person?

I'm not saying they are but I wouldn't bank on that they are not either.

Anonymous said...

Many posters are so nasty here now to Saulberts on a Sauli-Adam-thread that I just have to wonder you are supposed to adore Adam? Do you care for his example at all? Be Nice to each other! We all love Adam!

Anonymous said...

anon 2:46, yes, but we all know what @11:07 was trying to say, and it was not nice toward Adam; read it again, if you did not write it. Nasty stuff. Fact is I think Adam
is moving on in his happy life; and
Sauli is probably doing the same. No one should come on here and try and insult Adam.
Go buy LMD instead. Peace.

Anonymous said...

Those Sauli-pics are just stunning!
Really good photographer! Was it Saara Karhu? Mystic and beautiful pics!:))

Anonymous said...

At 2:59-


Take a break and go visit ITunes; LMD, LMD, LMD. Gift, gift, gift.

Love Adam to pieces.

Anonymous said...

3:21 here, sorry; my response was to

3:05 PM.

Anonymous said...

at 3:21 PM

There are several LMD threads up there. Why are you posting here?

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:16
what do you expect from threads like this? It starts with awww thats nice then name calling, stupid comparisons and the thread becomes filled with hate.
The other time admin posted stuff about Neil, a lot of people were asking if it was newsworthy and why it was posted...hypocrites!
All said, i am imploring us to please go get does matters to adam's career.
Nice pics of sauli BTW..i see why adam will like BIGGIE

Anonymous said...

MTV said they were naming the month of September; "Septem bert" because Adam is having such a great month. If you care to read the article, go to Adam Official/Adam discussion.

Anonymous said...

3:25 PM

At least Neil is Adam's brother, why would anyone complain about that. Adam truly loves his family unconditionally. Better not let Adam hear you talk about his brother.

Off to buy and gift LMD. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

have you gone to read the other threads on LMD?....(it is an innocent queston)
Maybe some of us feel the need to hype it here because some 'fans' do not bother to read threads about adam's career.
Yeah saw the mtv write up on adam...loved it

Anonymous said...

We all know LMD is on iTunes for everyone interested , The poster repeating the same ad ever two minutes is not promoting anything! The purpose seems to be other than that, bullying is not nice!

Anonymous said...

@3:28, Adam's fans are posting everywhere to support Adam's request to purchase LMD, this is Adam Lambert 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody, it's moving on up. Continue to buy. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This thread is about Sauli and Adam so why the heck some of you come here to spoil the joyous speculations as if you really knew something about those two when you don't?

We all know that LMD is out now so there's no need to repeat it over and over again.

Anonymous said...

3:36pm Saulberts read only Adam-related threads too because we are his true fans too so there is no need to bully this thread.

Anonymous said...

Now I really wish Adam would come and find this thread to see what his supposed to be fans are doing ! Adam doesn´t approve bullying and that was not behind his request to purchase LMD. It is not the Sauli-fans or Saulberts that ruin these threads !!!

Anonymous said...

3:40 PM

It would be more productive if you advertised LMD somewhere else and not among fans who have done their share already.

So off you pop now and keep up the good work. Do it for Adam!

Anonymous said...

@3:38 PM

Please don't be hurt because every post on here is not about Adam and Sauli. We have to get the word out about something that is extremely important to Adam right now.

Something he asked us to do. No one is trying to hurt you. You can type anything you want about Sauli and Adam. But there are no restrictions here on Adam's fans.
You will just have to deal with this the best way you can. We will honor Adam's request he made a few hours ago; to help Adam get this to the top of the Itune charts. Buy, buy, buy. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

TAILgating can me "follow". gol gol gol gol****

Anonymous said...

is fine ass TJR promoting LMD? i bet AL is liking that:)

Anonymous said...

tailgating can be taken out of context. Taken things out of contexxxt seems to happen alot lately. AL should tailgate TJR instead:)) rmc

Anonymous said...

What a thread! Anon 3:38- this is adam lambert please dont get mad when the spotlight falls back on the centre of attraction. I mean this is not the first thread on adam liking sauli's pics so please chill when some folks post comment about adam.
To everyone pimping LMD, well done but please be nice...

Anonymous said...

@2:32 PM

Do you know something we don't know about something Sauli did to Adam. Do tell. How did Sauli hurt Adam?

Anonymous said...

at 3:54 PM

And you are wasting your time hanging around here. Everyone who finds this thread reads Adam's tweets and knows what to do. We are doing our best - there's no doubt about that.

You will be more useful posting elsewhere, darling.

Anonymous said...

@4:01 PM

Well said. OK.

Anonymous said...

3:54pm , I´m not hurt Iam just wondering how is bullying one thread going to promote anything ? you are killing this thread and there will not be anyone to read your ads.

Anonymous said...

Why are you begging 3*38? As someone rightly wrote this is ADAM LAMBERT long as we are promoting his music, it should not bother you!..Go to other threads concerning adam's music and compare it to threads about his Ex and his pics with friends, it is kinda painful.
I dont hate sauli why should i? I acknowledge the fact that adam and sauli shared something beautiful, but when i make comment about adam's music on his you should not take offense

Anonymous said...


How rude of you to tell any of Adam's fans where they can and cannot post. I have no dog in this hunt, but you actually sound like the bully. People can post when and wherever they wish; as many times as they wish. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Anonymous said...

For the person that keeps saying everyone is wasting their time talking about buying Adam's record on ITunes, Don't think so; buy, buy if you can. Love Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

"Life is a Dance"

Anonymous said...

at 4:11 PM

Come on, rude? Bully?

When it is so obvious that some of you are only trying to disguise your dislike of Sauli in numerous LMD posts. LOL

Anonymous said...

ouch! You are taking this a lil' bit personal honey. I really appreciate your enthusiasm for adam's music it is cool, but lets not offend other fans with our comments. Okay?

Anonymous said...

4:01pm the centre of attraction is the topic above! We all love to hear about Adam,This harassing posters, who enjoy the topic here, with continuous ads, is bullying.

Anonymous said...

adress to first 4:01pm

Anonymous said...

"Let's keep pushing Lay Me Down up the chart!" - thread alert!!!!

Only 20 comments there - get a move on LMD posters!

Anonymous said...

4:09pm Where is your comment about Adam´s music that you are telling I have taking offense? I have not done such thing ever on this site.

Anonymous said...

I LIKE Sauli Koskinen Pictures but I LOVE Sauli. He is a cutie that brightens up even the rainiest days.

Anonymous said...

That is so TRUE!:) And his pics are wonderful, no wonder Adam liked them.:)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, is this grammer school?

Anonymous said...


LDM poster here. Just got home, off to purchase and gift. Got a few Adam fans on my job to do the same; they love LMD. Thanks for the reminder; fellow Glamhopper!

Anonymous said...

Is this just one person posting all over the place trying to bully Adam's fans to not post about LDM. What is the problem? Can't we just all get along.

Anonymous said...

Another LDM poster here. Getting closer. Have a good evening everyone.

Anonymous said...

I mean LMD.

Anonymous said...

Hello kids, if you can't afford to buy or gift your friends LMD send your and/or your friends US iTunes email address/es to the following fan then she will gift you a copy of LMD to your email address/es:

Anonymous said...

Absolute Whackos.

Anonymous said...

the word tailgating is used and ones mind simply goes straight into the gutterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:35 PM

Just saying: They have not been over each other "for over a year now". They broke up in January 2013 (officially in April)and were very happy on 16th of December 2012 on the Diva's after party (there are lots of pics and posts to prove it). And spent XMas -time with Eber and NYE together in Asia. It's not even December yet!

To be accurate!

Anonymous said...

Funny if you think that i am taking this stuffs personal. i am sorry if my comment on LMD offends anyone, but please personally i feel that ignoring threads about adam's music and then come down to threads about his personal life isn't too fair. Regardless of what some ppl think, adams' career is fast becoming second priority after his relationships!
If adam and his ex reunites, great!

Anonymous said...

@2.46 about my investments> my investments, my profits :)

Anonymous said...

A photo of Sauli smoking is not a good photo imo. It's not cool at all.

OT ...... I've just had a look at Avicii's Wiki page and website. He speaks on his website and his English is excellent. He is only 24.

Wishing Avicii, Adam and Nile all the very best with Avicii's album, True and because I'm a diehard fan of Adam, I wish the ultimate success for Lay Me Down.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I found only three actual comments about LMD first one was at 10:10am, the second about LMD lyrics 2:21pm and the third 2:30pm, which was the only one against asking people to buy LMD. Other posts about LMD were all ads or posts to buy LMD, not comments about Adam´s music. Only one post stated being offended of the post at 2:30pm and that was an ad-poster at2:43pm.So No reason to accuse fans posting on topic or about Adam and Sauli,fair or not fair to somebody.

Anonymous said...

I know the picture of Sauli smoking must be dividing, some don´t like it I think that pic may have been even better without the smoke, just the sensuous smile:)).

Anonymous said...

You who writes that Avicii speaks so good enlish, debends of that in Sweden their start streight to learn english, but in Finland we have to learn first swedish and after that we can choose english, french etc. In Finland everybody must speak swedish and finnish.

Anonymous said...

I find it a bit odd that you comment on Avicii's English...feels like you think it's surprising and you mention even his age...Avicii is a Swede, and in Sweden - like in all Nordic countries - English is taught and learned at an early age, usually it's the first foreign language taught in schools. Many may start even younger (English kindergardens etc). Also people travel a lot, study abroad, plus hang in the net all the time and being fluent in English (both written and spoken) is more or less a requirement when you apply for a job etc.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, but Adam's career at this time, is not taking second priority to anyone. He has all but said that, on the Wendy Williams show; I think it was earlier in the year.
She suggested he was quite young to be thinking about marriage and he agreed. He also said in another interview that he never felt strong enough love for anyone to marry them. I was a litte surprised by that statement. I guess that covered everyone, even Cheeks, which really surprised me. He has said Cheeks was his first love.

I guess people move on; and now he is taking chosing a life partner very seriously. Good for him. I wish him all the happiness in the world. One day that true love will come along.

Anonymous said...

What's the big hoo haa about mentioning LMD here. It's what is very CURRENT in Adam's life, far more current than an ex-boyfriend. Surely we are on this blog to promote & support Adam & his career as best we can. Adam liking photos online is hardly riveting news.

Anonymous said...

I don't like that picture of Sauli smoking at all.

Anonymous said...

Surely you understand that different people want to talk about different things. And spamming a post trying to get them to buy LMD is neither fun, interesting or effective

Anonymous said...

Sorry, no 9:30 on this site, wrong one. So many on here, can't find it now. So to whoever this concerns: 6:55 here.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday's news is spent news.Far more interesting is what Adam is doing now & what is coming up for him in the future.

Anonymous said...

Some of Adam's fans are more OTT obsessed with his personal life than his musical career/journey.

Anonymous said...

Me non-smoker, but love the picture of Sauli with a cigarette. Nice atmosphere.

And I like LMD.

Anonymous said...

7:34 AM

Could it be that the fans care both, his career and his personal life? There is no balance in life if you care only about your career. But that is just my opinion.

I don't smoke too,but I like Sauli's pic. I think it is hot. But I like the Ra-pics too.

And I like LMD.

Anonymous said...

Yes I think the same about the balance of the career AND personal life, both are interesting. It is very easy to notice that MOST of the fandom doesn´t post so much in the threads concerning only Adam´s career. It is a general phenomenon.

Anonymous said...

From @7.34 to @7.55
One of the reasons Adam has so large fan base, I think is precisely, that people are interested both in his career and private life.
There's many great singers and bands I love, but I've never visited any of their fun sites, if they have any.
And I like Sauli as well.
I just would like to squeeze them both.

Anonymous said...

Adam posted a video about a beautiful ram and some stage pyro. Any ideas who he is referring to?

An Aries we all know...?

Anonymous said...

The ram is flashy and he went to Mötley Crüe Show

I think that's about it. No coded mystery.

Anonymous said...

But you never know... about ADAM... for sure... and that's why I simply and utterly adore the guy! He keeps surprising his fans over and over and over again!

Love all those new pics of SAULI, soooo handsome & sexy!!!

Anonymous said...

7:49 AM
Yes, this must be LOVE <3. That's what I think of all the " liking stuff ";)

I allways love seeing Saulis' pics, he looks so gorgeous. Those new pics, oh my god. I mean, Sauli is a God :)
There is something more than friednship, between Adam and Sauli. I still think that Sauli was Adams' soulmate. They fit perfectly to eachother. I so hope they end up together someday :))

Anonymous said...

To everyone that busted this irrelevant 'thread' with relevant stuffs.... Thumps up! takes guts ya know?
Whether you guys like it or that are 'crazy' about adam's music rocks better!

Anonymous said...

Well atleast us Adam-fans and Saulberts in Finland took care of LMD as no1 on iTunes at an early stage so no need to bust anything on this thread in the first place:)))!! Talk about guts???

Anonymous said...

LOL, not only Sauli's pictures on Facebook and IG. I'm sure he watches and downloads every episode of Sauli's TV-programs,too. BTW, there are two of them on the telly today... YAY!

Anonymous said...

This thread is still #1?!!

What is going on here!!

That QUEEN thread needs to surpass this thread to be #1. That thread is more important.

Anonymous said...

@6.34 PM And you just contributed it.:)
Here's several topics of Queen and Adam in Vegas with many comments.

And finally Adam has got the recognition he deserves in his home country.

Anonymous said...

Yes, KUDOS to Finland for making LMD an early #1 - if only these threads with Adam/Sauli news could be kept friendly, no pickering or snarky bitchin, just as friendly and civil as both these beloved guys are!? Any chances for that happening?

They both have their own lives, careers and paths to follow. And I love to follow what happens in their lives and especially watch their gorgeous faces smile - feel no need the compare, compete or fight about anything in their characters, lives and careers (especially this would be totally pointless and stupid). Keep on rocking guys!

Anonymous said...

@3:43am Thankey for the kudos!:) It is a combined effort, which we have to do together, posting only respectful posts. That is a hopeful goal on every thread here on this site, concerning musical career or personal issues. Adam-Sauli threads are often full of love for both the guys and that is why I defend these threads for the right to exist. Some people need to show their hate one way or another.
This time it was a showcase of a couple of people wanting to ruin every joyful discussion here advertizing LMD everysecond minute. They hated fans showing an interest in Adam´s personal issues and brought their "musical comments" here as LMD-ads. I´m a Saulbert from Finland and take care of supporting Adam in more ways than one, buying his music is only one thing I do,I also show an interest in everything he does in his life, careerwise or personalwise. And I do it in a respectful manner, always. Have a nice day fans!:)

Anonymous said...

I was an Adam fan first, but now I follow more Sauli. Xenophobia in the "glamily" was a major turnoff for me.

Anonymous said...


Sauli threads always stay at the top #1 for at least a week. Not even QUEEN can stop Sauli lol.

Anonymous said...

Sauli makes me and admin very happy.

And Adam looks happy, too.

Let There Be Love!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice vid!!:)))Good vibes!:)

Anonymous said...

at 1:58 PM

Adam retweeted the song a while ago.

Anonymous said...

Yay, look who's here:

Marry me, Sauli!

Anonymous said...

@2:53pm, thankey for letting me know,:))) Cant help feeling excited about this, be still my heart...:)

Anonymous said...

@1:46am Great things advancing rapidly now in Finland aswell! I´m sooo happy about making one human right again a reality here. I hope it will happen now.:)

Anonymous said...

I see this is still active.. I like to ask why Sauli don`t like any of Adam`s pics? Was Sauli the one who wanted out of the relationship or did Adam do something bad to him..? Or is it because he just don`t want to or be intersting in.. Does Sauli like some others pics? I know Sauli has always been very quiet about Adam and I did undestand that when they were together but if they are friends now as they say why he isn`t give any support to Adam. Is he a cold person afterall..I don`t think any of his so called american friends likes his pictures anymore. Even Tommy don`t do that nowadays. I think they were so different inthe end of the day. Adam is so driven and hardworking and Sauli is drifting around with no coals. Adam is a theatre people Sauli is movie one. At first it was love and mayby because of language differences it did last so long. But when they really get to know each other the love just died..

Anonymous said...

at 5:31 AM

You don't know whether they call each other on a daily basis or not so there may be no need to LIKE everything Adam does. Besides, Sauli must be fed up with people who claim he is a gold digger or somehow utilizing Adam's publicity.

Actually, you are one of those people who are trying to make him look bad or something he isn't. But I guess you are right there that in comparison to a few people in Adam's circle of friends, Sauli seems to be very diffrent, which isn't necessarily a bad thing at all.

Anonymous said...

I have wondered that liking thing also. But I really think that Sauli doesn`t like pictures on instagram very often. He is fb-person more. Adam`s last tweet mede me a little sad tho. They seemed to be so in love but what do I know. I love them both. And I hope they are still friends. And I hope their mutual friends are that also. What I know Sauli is still coming back to LA so there must be something special to him. I don`t think he is going to live there only b/c of weather. There must be someone special or attleast very good friends. I was hoping Sauli and Ade would have been a couple but mayby they are not.. But you never know. Good luck for everyone and be happy! We only live here once!

Anonymous said...

Hey fellow -fan I must tell you something about the Finnish weather, The Fall is a lot of rain here and when it´s not enough that it´s raining ALL the time, the rain comes down on you somehow the horizontal way!! So the stormy weather doesn´t really attract natives here in Finland. Sunny LA is inviting!:)

Anonymous said...

I just heard about the Finland gay marriage news too.

I'm American but I think Finland is one of the best countries in the world. Very open minded country and a very safe country. And the people there are very beautiful, just like Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Thankey for your compliments:))! I am Finnish and I have been glad to have found very likeminded and heartfelt people here on this site, which makes me very happy. Following Sauli travelling back and forth between LA and Helsinki has made the world seem smaller too. And I do think both the guys Adam and Sauli are the hottest on this globe!:) Have a nice day fellow fan!:)