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Adam Lambert Promotes Ultra Nocturne Portrait Website on Twitter

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

LOL. Some good looking guys there though.

Anonymous said...

Shady Adam. Hanging with Bridger and friends. Very obvious since he is known to photograph male porn. Good luck trying to increase a wider mainstream audience. So glad Sauli has moved on.

Anonymous said...

Good way to weed out some of his fans.

Anonymous said...


Adam doesn't need u lol. He has millions of fans.

Anonymous said...

@7:35 AM Reality check, Adam doesn't need you either.

Anonymous said...

Never seen this featured pic. I like!

Anonymous said...

Adam is just promoting another friend. If you don't like it don't look at it.

7:30, you are missing the current definition of shady. Time for you to move on too, troll?

Anonymous said...

@7:40 AM Did God die and leave you in charge?

Anonymous said...


Why are u such a debbie downer? Are you even a fan of Adam? Stop spewing trash please.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone been keeping track of the Popular Posts? Sauli and Neil are both Hot Topics lol. All of Sauli's posts have stayed at the Top for a week already!

I thought I was the only one fascinated by Sauli. <33 Him.

Anonymous said...

7:30 AM

All this talk about, glad Sauli moved on. Maybe Adam moved on, think they both moved on. You don't know what Sauli is doing or his friends. There was rag talk in magazine in Finland earlier in the year, that he denied. Do your research and you guys only bring the good stuff about Sauli here. Adam is a wonderful man and supports his friends and is not judgemental unlike some of the hypocrites on this site. You don't know anything about sauli's or Adam's personal life; sometimes the one you think is the angel may just be the devil. Or maybe a little bit of angel and devil in both. Surprise! Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Could all of you just consider getting your minds and asses to the modern times we are living. Anybody who has an open and at least somewhat educated mind cannot but roll eyes to these homophobic comments!!!

Adam is gay. Sauli is gay (and knows the real meaning feeling shady...Extra note to you @7:30!). Ain't nothing you can do about it. It ain't contagiuos, so you don't need to worry, lol! The fact that they are gay has nothing to do with any of you or your daily lives. Only the things they do to professionally matter and both of these guys do it perfectly, they bring joy and happiness, they are talented and gorgeous to look at.
If you choose NOT to accept Adam or Sauli or any gay person as they are, consider it your loss. So fuckin tired of this bs here.

Anonymous said...

7:30 -- Jealousy is SO unbecoming! That is what is known as TRUE art. Why don't you go in museums and art galleries from time to time and experience it. BTW, Adam Lambert already has a wide mainstream audience. You're just not in it!!! Bye...

Anonymous said...

I see what this thread is going to be like today. Running away fast!

Anonymous said...

7:29 -- And girls too!

Anonymous said...

7:54 why in the world would you think you are the only person fascinated by Sauli, go to his site and I bet most people there will be in love with him. Just like the people here on ADAM'S BLOG FAN SITE are fascinated by him. Although, people here will talk about Adam's ex's now and then. You will find more adamiration on a person's own site. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

it is blatenly obvious that Adam doesn't care what any of us think of his appreciation of this type of art..I, in fact, thought it kinda amusing (in a sexy sorta way) Adam has always been up front and honest about his sexual orientation and the fact that he is left of won't bring him into the main stream more, and there is the potential of harming his career..but, hey, I accept Adam for the man he is..he is a gorgeous man who appreciates other gorgeous men (even cross dressers)..and alot of people do..they just don't talk about it..

Anonymous said...

So it looks like our resident troll bashing Adam, his family, friends, and fans isn't an Adam fan but the ex bf fan. What should Glamberts do to exterminate this troll from house of Adam? Cause personally I had enough of this pest.

Anonymous said...

Good looking guys - YES!

Anonymous said...

This is why no body will know anymore who Adam really cares about in his personal life now. They abused the privilege now he will only let you in on the friendships. However I do not believe their anyone special yet but there may be who knows!

Anonymous said...

Dang that picture is hectic. Some of those guys have great bodies.

Anonymous said...

Dante's Inferno -modern version.

Anonymous said...

Adam is obviously not in town, and it seems he has a lot of time on his hands, going thru IG's and other pics. We don't know what time he liked them, we just see when they were posted. He hasn't been caught at parties, clubs, shopping for groceries, or clothes. He hasn't been seen at Blonds. These are all places we see him every week. My guess is that he is in UK rehearsing, and or vacationing, under cover. He might be collaborating with Roger and Brian, they are planning two more songs, that have never been released, and Adam might be involved. I wish! Might be doing a duet with Susan Boyle, ha ha. He might be on an island with some friends just to get away from his loving fans for a while. OT Sauli will be back for sure in November, as he said in his last interview, the other day.

Anonymous said...

Sauli may be In London for a few days! ^_^ **********

Anonymous said...

go to the link Adam gives in the tweet, enter the site and browse the menu. Not my cup of tea but interesting. I don't like boring people. LOL

Anonymous said...

BTW did you pick out Adam in the pic. My guess is the one in the open blue jacket, with red lines on his face, sorta leaning back.Just show shadows on his abs, showing he is not muscular like the others.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is not with Adam, he is up to his eye balls doing his skating rehearsals every day. He won't come up for air until how ever he lasts on the show, which starts at the end of this month, and goes thru Oct.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Adam want muscle definition? Too bad he has such a masculine jawline, since he obviously wants to look more fem.
Take a look at some of those gay men in the photo Adam. That thing they are holding is called a barbell. You should try it sometimes. You'd look really hot with some mustle definition. I've seen girls with more.

Anonymous said...

Adam may be in the UK as we suspect. Jodie is a Dj, producer, record label boss and promoter of RoomServiceClub based in London and a drag queen.

Anonymous said...

OMG, the crazy speculations!

Anonymous said...

Adam is promoting a collection of vain, self-centered bodies. Nothing new, nothing fresh to look at, just a bunch of people trying to look special.

...he should get out and go for a run and get some fresh air instead...

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, it's full on crazy for commenters today.

Anonymous said...

9:59 AM, you really should get a life, do not agree with anything you said about Adam. In fact most of his real fans think he has a beautiful body, and looks very good in his clothes. He is gorgeous. You sound like a jealous witch. I don't think you are really a fan. Adam is beautiful just the way he is, deal with it. Oh, you must have a perfect body. By the way the think that is sitting in your head is called a brain, use it.

Anonymous said...

Omg there is no reason to think adam is anywhere other than at home.

Anonymous said...

10:18 AM

It may not be nothing new to you, since it seems to be a part of your life, I guess; but, it may be of interest to many. Adam always introduces us to new things. If not your interest, move on. Stop with the judgment. You sound like a vain self centered person. You know nothing about these people. I bet they are great people. Please don't hate them because they are beautiful.

You go out and pull yourself away
from your computer. Stop trying to tell this grown man what to do. He probably gets more exercise than you. He is not listening. You sound like you are in need of serious help; with your condescending self. Get well soon.

Anonymous said...

10:10 AM

I Totally agree with you. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

If he is at home, he is not alone, he hates being alone, as he has said many times. Could be staying with his mother, while he is writing some new songs, but I doubt it. Adam missing, time to put his picture on a milk carton.

Anonymous said...

10:38 AM

Your are absolutely right. Like that ad; do you know where your children are? Just keep on guessing people, have fun.

Anonymous said...

Adam has shaved his head, and is waiting for it to grow back to its natural color. His hair grows very quickly.

Anonymous said...

Oh hilarious. Adam staying with his mom and writing songs? he just started following a young burlesque dancer who is new to hollywood and posts lots of nice bare ass shots. He is probably holed up with him trying to forget his career problems

Anonymous said...

10:47 AM

You know nothing. There are times people may feel that way, and then again, according to what people go through; they may cherish being alone. Please stop the crazy speculation. I heard him say he enjoys being alone sometimes, when asked. People change every day. He is a big boy, he will adjust. You know nothing.

Anonymous said...

10:53 AM

Stop lying about who Adam is with, you know nothing. But, if that were the case, more power to him. He is grown, he can be with who he wants to be with and admire pictures of anyone he wants. None of your business; jealous much.

Anonymous said...

I never said there was anything wrong with it. I just think its a better guess as to what adam is really doing these days.

Anonymous said...

10:53 AM

Adam has no career problems, I think he is doing well considering. Oh, you mean the problem of being a new cast member on Glee. Oh, probably you mean the Niles, Avicii collaboration; or maybe presenting at the MTV Awards. Oh, maybe you mean the upcoming Queen event. You might mean reaching over 2 million followers on twitter. Or maybe all thet accolades he is getting from artist all over the world. Or maybe the fact that he is an international superstar. As you say, so many career problems, NOT.

Anonymous said...

7:30 AM

You have a major Bridger/Sauli jealousy complex. You don't know anything; and nothing you say will ever change anything. The thing they have in common that we know of is, they are both fortunate enough to have met Adam Lambert, the most beautiful person in the world, and have him as a friend.
Get over yourself. Please get your own life.

Anonymous said...


No it's not!

Anonymous said...

11 11

Are you really that clueless?

I mean having a failed album, getting dropped by his label, apparently having no one interested in signing him.

I mean that despite being announced as a cast member for glee he has not seen a script, Demi lovAto was signed long after him and worked into the second episode already. She will have a song on the new glee cd featuring Beatles songs and adam will not. So apparently they weren't that excited about his role.

His career seems to be pretty much over as far as I can tell. He probably got the MTV presenter gig as a consolation prize from the Idol producers who run both shows, since they didn't hire him.

Anonymous said...

everybody getting excited for Glee? I am. Omg this place will be troll Grand Central Station when that starts. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

11:22, why are you here then? I'd seriously like to know why.

Anonymous said...

11:22, why are you here then? I'd seriously like to know why.

Anonymous said...

hey!! let's stop the arguing with Demi and Adam's management team on here. lol

Anonymous said...

If you guys are so desperate to be little monsters, then go join lady ga ga's fans.7.30AM If you love Sauli so much and think that Adam is such a bad person, then why the fuck are you here? Maybe you need GPS to find Sauli's site. 9.07AM Why should he care, there are things that one person might like but the whole world doesnt have to agree with it.

Anonymous said...

THIS IS 10:55 AM,
correction, my remarks were for 10:46 AM. Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

Yet another thread gone to the dogs and Sauli. He is the perfect little angel and can do absolutely nothing wrong. As for Adam, alcohlic, relationship ruining, bad taste whore.

Anonymous said...

@11:22am Then why don't you just follow your own loser idol and leave this blog?! We had enough of your negative rants bashing Adam, his family members, friends, and fans.

Anonymous said...

11.22AM Why would you come to Adam's site if you dont like him and think he is a failure?? Maybe you need to see a shrink or something.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand this one person writing negative crap comments. Doesn't Sauli have his own fansite? Go there troll. Why don't you?

Anonymous said...

I do like adam, but I see him for who he really is. Facts are facts. I would be happy if he had some career success in the future

And FYI I have never said anything about sauli. . You are mixing up a bunch of different posters.

Anonymous said...

11:22, 11:11 - Label did not drop him, he left the label to make the kind of music he wants. Everything you said are lies and speculations. Don't have time to rebuke everything right now. Have to go, deal with your lies later. You are no fan; I guess you don't pretend to be. You so jealous and resentful of Adam and it shows. What did he do to you? That's all I have to say to you. I think people see you for who you really are. It's not good.

Anonymous said...

This is 12:02 AM and 11:11AM/ my post was to the non-fan at ll:22 AM

Anonymous said...

#1-12:02 PM

I see you for who you really. You don't like Adam, so stop pretending. He has career success,
just not good enough for you. He is doing wonderful. If not fast enough for you. Why don't you stop following him, if you see him for who he really is. The implications is you don't like what you see. Goodbye, he does not need the a fan like you.

Anonymous said...

12 02

Oh girl. Don't be dumb. He got dropped. Lol even nile said in an interview that adam got dropped

12 15

No he isn't doing wonderful. Honestly you can like him and acknowledge that.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see Adam at the huge Vegas festival with the Icons Queen what a career plus that gonna be. If you nasty fools think it will not be your dead wrong. He will be on glee in just as big s part as Demi L. Just because it maybe after break does not mean a thing. He also will be on some songs from Glee. Adam career is doing quite well thank you and is in no way over by a long shot. 11.22 as the rest of you nasties can take hike over to another failed Idol non site because Adam just fine!

elizie said...

Does anyone here know when the Glee episodes featuring Adam will be shown on TV? I've heard different times. I'm not talking about the filming, but the actual broadcast. One I've heard is December.

Anonymous said...

@11:22am I really don't get your obsession. Why are you so obsessed with Adam? What do you think you'll get out of it? Don't you have a life of your own? Not in a million years I'll waste my time on someone I don't like as an artist. Whoever your fav. artist is go promote him/her.

Anonymous said...

Dear lord!
I knew it would come to this. Sauli's career / adam's career.when the focus starts to move away from the star and promotes unneccessary attachments, this is the result.
Adam's career whether you like it or not is not over.I choose to believe in positivity...please for sauli's supporters go find his fansite..go away with your hate

Anonymous said...

Nile's loves Adam only thing I heard him say is Adam is a genius. Looking forward to Vegas televised big show and Glee which Adam will be on. 11.22 your looser self will not be on anything will it neither will I but I do not run greatly talented people like Adam down make myself feel better.

Anonymous said...

where art thou O Adam?

Anonymous said...

12:35 I doubt there are many Sauli fans on here today they are unstable fans of another idol that watch Adam with a fine tooth comb and pray for the worse, very bizarre group of people.

Anonymous said...

Admin. should delete this person's IP address. It's not too hard to do. Please 24/7 Admin. We as Adam fans want to see a happy place to promote Adam.

Anonymous said...

Lol I don't think there are any fans of another idol here. Kris and cook barely have any fans left, just like adam. They are all in the same situation these days.

Anonymous said...

12:47 I know I just consider the sourse.

Anonymous said...

12.35 probably true Adam very worst year has been 100 percent better than their idols best. There in for bad news because Adams career is taking a turn upward whether they like it or not.if I wanted to be nasty I could tell you about the outlet mall I saw one of their Idols at.

Anonymous said...

@12:47PM since this website is an open forum for the sake of freedom of expression to take away freedom from others and bash everything Adam, it attracts haters or fans of others. I'm sad to see that this website bears Adam Lambert's name is turning into look like gossip websites.

Anonymous said...

12:53 they are not Kris or David cook fans either.

Anonymous said...

What was that email address for Admin again? Time to bring this to her attention.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen pics like these before but I think they are not too bad!:)Instead some of them were quite beautiful, I´m a Sauli fan but I love Adam too.:)

Anonymous said...

whomever fans they are I feel sorry for their pathetic low lives!

Anonymous said...

This is 1:11PM and my comment is for fans of others.

Anonymous said...

at 11:40 AM

Sauli is the perfect little angel. He is a genuinly nice wild child and a down-to-earth and happy-go-lucky type of guy. Adam too is a gorgeous man but sometimes it seems like that careerwise he has lost the plot completely.

His reckless tweets and party photographs with people he shouldn't be taken pics with have alianated the suits that make all the important decisions in the music business. It is not fair but life seldom is and I honestly hope his collaboration with Nile and Avicii will bring about a change in his career.

Anonymous said...

This is my second post on this thread Now I´m going to sleep in my corner of the world and come back to this site tomorrow.:) @1:08pm

Anonymous said...

Please get rid of that lol troll she is pathetic ! Sauli maybe happy go lucky but he no where near the star Adam is and probably never will be.he should thank Adam for the tv show he just shot. Adam no matter what anyone here says is an international star. Right after the VMA's he was on international magazine covers. Did not live with someone to get there.

Anonymous said...

@1:08PM I agree with you. The lighting and colors are phenomenal. All of the pictures on this portrait gallery is like paintings. Something Lee Cherry should take notice. He is a good photographer showing essence of the subjects but his pictures don't a WOW factor like pictures in this link Adam posted on his tweet.

Anonymous said...

at 1:23 PM

I guess you were referring to my post above but you are in the wrong assuming that I have posted several comments on this thread. And I certainly wasn't making any comparisons.

Play nice.

Anonymous said...

Sauli fans calling Adam a whore on Adam's fan site. Guess what, the only whore is Sauli cause he got a huge pay out at the end.

Anonymous said...

1 23

You don't seem to know the difference between facts and bashing. If adam was truly a big international star he would have a record label. He would be working with well known collaborators on his own music, not being hired out as a singer for someone else's album. Those are facts. You are crazy. That is also a fact.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your assessment. Adam can be his own worst enemy. He is so talented but he is reckless in personal behaviour. He chases young twinks, burlesque dancers, porn photographers, smokes weed and tweets a site with bare asses and porn stars. He was so in love with Sauli and jeopordized it by his actions in New York. Think about it - no news of label signing, no mentoring or judging offers for any talent shows. Demi is already on Glee set. No information on his Glee role. I hope LMD is chosen as a single. But for now it looks like there is a lot of down time.

Anonymous said...

at 1:36 PM

Play nice. Do not spread lies.

Anonymous said...

Adam and sauli were already broken up before Adams birthday and before the trip to NYC. No one has a clue what happened between them other than apparently they both just wanted to date others.

Anonymous said...

Sauli an angel?
O my God! How naïve can people be? How can you know a people you have never lived with?.I don't hate or dislike sauli, but it hurts me to see this bashing on adam and sauli comes as the good man, the sunshine(my ass).
Adam's career is not over,like a peep said, I choose to belive positive not negative.
My advise for adam; work your butt out,be more secretive(doesn't hurt) no one needs to know who you are fucking or dating.
For those of you who thinks adam's career is over; thank you, you can leave us while we keep supporting him

Anonymous said...

at 1:58 PM

How come you get so upset if someone says something nice about Sauli? Feel free to call Adam an angel if you like, I will not be attacking you for saying so. lol

Anonymous said...

M lost, what happened in nyc (between adam and his ex)

elizie said...

May I interrupt the arguing ask again if anyone knows when Adam will be featured on Glee?
Or should I take my question to a less contentious thread?

Anonymous said...

Sauli was a great support to Adam and his career. Adam has stated that and there were positive tweets from Adam in January about Sauli. All appeared to be okay in January aside from the fact that Sauli started work on his new show. You do not have any evidence that they had broken up in January. The breakup, as it appears, occurred when Adam returned from New York as there were many tweets sent to Sauli about Adam kissing young twinks at New York bar as reported by several who had witnessed Adam. Things fell a part when Adam returned. Sauli was committed and values trust.

Anonymous said...

Anon2:04; can you read?..never called adam an angel because IMO no one is perfect!.now you have messed 'l o l' for me.

Anonymous said...

All we know is he is not in the first three episodes. After that there is a hiatus and they return sometime in November for I think five weeks, and then take a break until the following spring. So I assume, but don't know for sure, that he will be in the November or December episodes.

Anonymous said...

2 14

And I think that is bullshit. I think they broke up the night in Mid January when adam tweeted liberation day in the early hours of the morning. They had been out at a club together that night, probably came home and had a fight and broke up. After that night they were not seen out together except for Adams birthday party. Adam started going out every night with other people including on his birthday when he was seen out shopping with friends. Sauli also stopped his blog at that time.

Anonymous said...

at 2:15 PM

I never said you did but you can if you like. You don't need to get a permission from me.

Anonymous said...

@2:24pm. For someone who hates Adam, sure you know a lot about him. You even know the exact timing of his tweets. I'm sick to my stomach.

Anonymous said...

I don't hate adam you moron. You might notice i am supporting him, and saying he wasnt cheating.

Anonymous said...

2:24pm I have a same feeling with you, something happend that night in january and change things:(

Anonymous said...

I thought the "liberation day" was about some of Adam´s committments between his label and his music coming to an end at the time. About personal issues we know nothing of and that is only good.

Anonymous said...

Lol to the person that only knows how to pen the word "jealous" on someone they don't agree with.
This site is full of rejects.
Deal with reality bitches.

Anonymous said...

The vultures are swarming...

Jadam said...

Give up for now Abigail, there are mostly nutters on this thread all anon you will notice. I cant help you but maybe some one can.

Anonymous said...

The "liberation day" tweet had something to do with ending the 19 recordings commitment. Sauli was busy with filming episodes during the end of January and Adam appeared happy until after returning from New York. Then he went into rehearsal for the WAG tour - remember Adam singing Stay during rehearsal. That was an emotional message to Sauli.

Anonymous said...

@3:16pm. You write a lot about reality yet you are hiding with your venemous comments bashing Adam in his home fan page under anony. Why should anyone believe an obsessed Adam hater that you admitted in one of your above comments?

Anonymous said...

There is no reason at all to think the tweet had anything to do with 19 recordings. if you look at the lyrics to the song it's about lovers who can't work it out. Immediately after that adam and sauli were going out every night with other people. Sauli didn't start filming his show until April.

Anonymous said...

@3:16pm you should know the meaning of "supporting". Supporting Adam doesn't mean to have your his into his GB or basing him, his family, friends, and fans. If that's the meaning of supporting to you then I feel deeply sorry for you. I'm done with this troll. I have to go see my cousin visiting from Europe.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

JAK here......what a mess of a thread. Adam's missing?
Let's assume he's in the UK countryside, rehearsing with Brian and Roger and in his spare time saving badgers and foxes with Brian. It's peaceful and beautiful and he's enjoying himself. Queen + Bert will wing their way to Vegas in their private jet and will put on a smashing show. There....all is well.

lorraine said...

Adam makes me happy. This blog site {with the exception of a few} makes me sad. It's as simple as that.

I will put on Adam's music again to get back to that special, joyful place that drew me here 4 years ago....

tess4ADAM said...

I keep coming back here hoping to find the old 24/7 that was all about SUPPORTING **ADAM** ... not ... bashing him & saying such mean & vile things about him!! I guess I'll try again on another thread ... this one makes me physically ill!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Some people on this thread (trolls) seem to know excatly what Adam is doing all the time, where his career is, what boyfriends he has and they seem to be so knowledgeable (according to them of course). Maybe they could take these special powers and find out if Syria will actually be turning their chemical weapons over to the UN or not. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Holy s**t! I just read all the comments in this thread. Adam's "fandom" is really weird. And all started b/c of Adam's tweet.

Be nice people. I adore Adam and Sauli. They are both awesome guys, maybe they just like a different things and that's why they broke up. Let the men be! You don't always have to start calling names and insulting and comparing if you don't like
someone. They seem like they don't care a s**t what people say but they are not made of steel, they are human, they have feelings, they have hearts. They must feel sad and bad sometimes when/if they see such crazy speculations and comments.

Peace and love!

Anonymous said...

@JAK, @Lorraine, @Tess and @the last 2 Anons

OOFTA to you all - and that's my version of this word, way to go gals!


Anonymous said...

Anon 2:14 and the other anons that 'knows' what happened btw adam and sauli, you could get a job as a scriptwriter, you are too creative!

Anonymous said...

Tommy has the trolls as fans.

Anonymous said...

at 9:47PM
I agree with you.

Adam and Sauli are interested in totally differend things and have quite differend personalities. What they have in common is their sense of humor and background in reality-tv. The relationship would`ve had no future. The decision to break-up must have been hard but it was the right one. Can`t we just accept the break-up and wish them both a happy life?

Anonymous said...

at 10:18 AM

And what do YOU know about anything concerning those two? Stop analyzing other people's lives. You sound like my mother-in-law.

Anonymous said...

You are going too far with your analysis and conclusions UNLESS you really know both guys and they or either one of them has confided in you, which I seriously doubt (not to be mean, jmo).

I will always be happy I saw their love affair develop & blossom (from far and what you could see from live footage, vids and photos), I was sad when it ended, felt like good friends of mine split. Took some time to get used to them not being together...
Adams talent and career, his VOICE and mesmerizing persona is my #1 interest and I continue loving him (as the avid fan I have been over 4,5 years). However, I love reading news of them both and hope they are friends for life. Both guys make me smile every day I see their smiley faces! Wish them both the best!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 1:46pm, I agree with you and feel the same way about the magic of a smile, especially on Adam´s and Sauli´s faces. That is contagious!!:)