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Avicii Live at iTunes Festival 2013 (Full Show, 1080p HD)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, September 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, September 13, 2013

WATCH "LAY ME DOWN" at the very end of this video.


Anonymous said...

Adam not there?

Anonymous said...

Avicii is on a tour, with his album.

Anonymous said...

Good morning from Finland!

I love adam (since 2009), I love Sauli and now I love Avicii (cute guy)! Oops quite young.. ok.. Brian May also!! ; )

LMD hit the world!
Drinking my morning coffee and loving this lovable dancing song!


Anonymous said...

Avicii is the only one there. It's like a light show, with music. Adam or other singers, or musicians , don't have to be there. It's a new concept of music, and crowds seem to love it.

Anonymous said...

12:10am. It is what it is and Adam is trying to tap into this market instead of PBS. There is a high demand for this type of art as it is showcased by Apple iTunes. Apple is a huge company. Estimated sales of new iPhone in its first month of sales predicted at 800 million units and that's only for its one product line. Huge company showcasing EDM translates to $$$$$ for involved artists.

daydreamin said...

Its great to see that young crowd smiling and dancing. They seemed to love the song. I'm so thrilled he saved the best song for last!!

Anonymous said...

If Avicii tours all over the world to promote his album and sells millions of his albums that's a good income for Adam without having to deal with hussel of promoting his album and dealing with radio people and traveling with ramifications of jet lag and what not. I remember Mariah Carry told Angie on AI that if you write songs for artists you have it made. Friend of mine had contract with Victoria Secret to design for the company for five years. All her designs had VS tag and not her name. She made tons of money. Now she has her own design company and she is so busy with traveling to fashion shows. She has to deal with crazy side of fashion business doesn't have any time for herself and makes less than when she was with VS.

I see Adam's collaboration with Avicii very lucrative and less stressful. Hope he does more works like this for his own sanity.

Anonymous said...

12:34, obviously Apple sees a ton of money in this genre of music and Avicii fans. Great demographic for Adam too. But it is not the PBS crowd, it is the HSN crowd he is not targeting.

Anonymous said...

I am now an Avicii fan too. Interesting man.

Anonymous said...

I watched the front and the LMD portion of the video. Avicii is quite the Dj; very vibrant sound, perfect speakers. He's expert at manipulating sound effects. He kept LMD to the last and Adam blasted it out full steam. If Avicii takes LMD to such huge audiences like the one in the video, yea that's really lucrative business. Adam reaps a pretty hefty sum from this joint venture; and without doing anything, his voice is heard/publicised far and wide at these huge jam sessions. Will definitely boost his 3rd album sales. And if released as Avicii's third single, Adam is in for a bumper crop harvest. lwl!


Anonymous said...

M, keep us up to date on Sauli's skating competition. Sounds like it will be a riot. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Yea bring Sauli's skating video here, will be interesting. He's so strong, he can heave up the girl. :)


Lily said...

Wow! Just wow! Adam, adam, what can I say! Am speechless! So so very good!

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice lifts me up and makes me give a damm! It's a good gig! Wish I thought of it! Go Adam!>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice echoed!!!!:)

Last night my speakers were in full forced and LMD was the bomb he!he!


Anonymous said...

I´ll do my best and try to tell about Sauli`s skate and the best friend program, actually the first part tonight on channel Fox 9PM :))
..and Avicii`s radio play.

It is lovely, sunny, warm day here,
nature is still green,
have a nice weekend all of you,

Great sound of Nile also on LMD!


Anonymous said...

Well I am now absolutely sure LMD will be a success because after listening to it a few times yesterday I went to bed with Aadm's sexy voice in my head and woke up early with...........Lay me down in darkness tell me what you seeeeeee........


Anonymous said...

I see The Big Bad Wolf has taken the video away. Oh well. LMD is already burned into my brain.......JAK : )

Anonymous said...

Got here too late.Now the video has been removed..):...anybody know where to play a clear version of "Lay me Down"? that hasn't been removed?I noticed some other places that had just that one song are also gone..darn!!

Anonymous said...

@5:52 go to Adam's official site, then to Adam discussion. They have site information where you can hear it. Check the post that mentions it.

Anonymous said...


You mentioned everybody by name, except my main man; Mr. Adam Lambert, the golden voice.

Anonymous said...

Excuse my ignorance but what do PBS and HSN stand for?

Anonymous said...

Video gone (why??) but I've heard Lay Me Down elsewhere.

I don't know what PBS & HSN stand for. Can someone please explain.

Anonymous said...

Only PBS and HSN I know of are Public Broadcasting System and Home Shopping Network.......?........JAK

Anonymous said...

People who ask for sauli news Why don't you change the blog topic to sauli 24/7 ? seems like Adam news are boring now !!

Anonymous said...

Article dated today. (Saturday) Not much new but a nice recap of what we are aware of.

Avicii excited to work with Adam Lambert who is set to appear on Glee?

Anonymous said...

@6:54 A.M. Feeling a little snippy?

elizie said...

I couldn't see where any version of LMD is on avicii's vevo channel. Maybe there will be one when it's released 9/17. What you can do is give it as many views as possible. His hit "Levels" has over 73 million views.
I hope this song brings some recognition to Adam from other people, not just glamberts.
Swedish House Mafia had a huge EDM hit with "Don't You Worry Child", with over 100 million views and a grammy nom. I didn't know who the singer was, but I was so impressed with his voice that I looked him up. His name is John Martin, btw. It would be great if Adam inspired others to do the same.

Anonymous said...

@JAK ..... many thanks. Somehow I think both initials mean something else(??) so hopefully, someone will enlighten us.

Anonymous said...

8:06 i suppose you are sauli fan , well get the hell out from here you Pathetic

Anonymous said...

Some musicians sell their music through specials on PBS/Public broadcasting system or on shopping networks like HSN/Home Shopping Network. Obviously three very different demographics between those two and an iTunes concert.

Anonymous said...

Let's all stay positive. I can't wait to buy this track to promote it on 9/17. It's a gorgeous day here in LA and I'm gonna go out to have tons of fun.

Anonymous said...

All the reviews of Avicii's True album love LMD and say it is the outstanding track and rave about Adam's vocals on it. One even said if it's a single it is Grammy worthy.

Anonymous said...

Avicii seems to be giving LMD a special spot by using it to close the show. He must really love the song. Hope Adam works with him some more. There are so many new innovative ways to promote and sell music now. We have to be open to the newest technology and change with the times. Adam seems right on board with him. The more exposure, the better.

I'm open to all things Adam-related on this site, including Sauli, who I love. So, bring it on, as far as I'm concerned! Spread the love, spread the fun.


Anonymous said...

This Adam fan blog has a thread for Sauli news:

Their Adam news threads are one of a kind. Adam fans are the best.

Anonymous said...

I saw tons of positive articles about LMD. Stars are lining up for Adam. I'm so excited. I ordered two CDs of True from Amazon and I'll help to chart LMD on US iTunes this Tuesday. I think Avicii maybe trying to get into producing music for artists. Like Red One and others who started by DJing and then got recognition. Is this going to be Adam's platform to hit it big? We just have to support him by staying positive and wait to see what will happen.

Anonymous said...

I watched the concert last night before it was taken down and there were a number of great songs I'd like to have. But Lay Me Down was clearly the best, in my opinion. That song's has got me heart and soul. This was a genius collaboration. Adam's VOICE ...aahhhhhh!

What surprised me is the venue. A DJ alone on the stage playing music in front of a huge crowd, all focused on him, mimicking every hand gesture. Avicii - DJ/musician/ring-leader all in one.

But to see all those eyes bathed in near constant, powerful strobe light effects was, well, hypnotic? Weird? A person with epilepsy wouldn't stand a chance. Maybe it was more like a rave, because you'd have to be high to take a whole concert like this. But at raves folks are actually dancing, alone or with each other. And it's colorful! This looked like a quietly smiling audience being programmed by some alien force. Jumping up and down ... with one arm in the air the whole time for hand gesturing. Those lights ... Yikes!

Any thoughts from those of you that saw this? Is this what an EDM concert looks like? Should I have deleted this whole post and lived with the fact that this type of concert is not my thing? haha...

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Please ignore the trolls they just can't stand a nice thread.

Anonymous said...

laura, watch some other EDM concerts on Youtube. Try more Avicii or Skrillex, Tiesto or Hardwell at Tommorowland. Yes, that is what they are like. Masses of people watching the dj and jumping up and down.

Anne Marie said...

For those of you who are Sauli fans, as I am, there is a good site called Sauli Central on Adamtopia. You will find all his news. His TV show is on today, Finland time of course.
Seems like Avicii has to do all the work, and Adam will have time for his album now. But I would think his album would have to be very upbeat after Lay me Down.

Anne Marie said...

Also Sauliforever is a good site, has Adam and Sauli news.
OT Kris Allen put his first album on Home shopping Network. He did sell quite a few, but I don't think Adam will ever have to do that. :)

Anonymous said...

@laura I watched Avicci's set and another DJ before him. Avicii's set by miles was better than the other guy. Best thing about Avicii is that he appreciates singers and doesn't cover vocal talents with EDM. Rather to make it up front and blend it with EDM. I really enjoyed his set and to end his set with LMD was out of this world for me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 10:29am and 11:02am. I guess I am really not familiar with EDM concerts.
But it was the constant strobe light in the kids eyes that stunned me. I loved most of the songs and I think Avicii is really something special. I wonder if I were 18 again would I be into this type of show? I don't know. Too much strobe pounding into my little brain.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Clay Aikens put his first album on home shopping. That's why he sold so well. I do not believe it was KA. kA did not sale any where near what Adam sold on his first album.

Anonymous said...

@6:54 & @8:46
We've been through this a million times, this site is free for everyone and people post what they like to post, also personal and other OT things.

There are some rude posters like you, who try to rule out posts re one person, Sauli. You are being totally disrespectful and a bully trying to drive away people who post about Sauli.

Get this through your skull, posts about Sauli deserve to be here as much as any other Adam related or off topic subject!!! Deal with it!

Reading news and seeing pics about Sauli is much more enjoyable than your rude posts or some other OT posts. SUNSHINE is so needed on this site and that's what Sauli news are about, happy & positive things.

And just FYI
- this is the only Adam fan site where this Sauli bullying takes place!
- I'll keep on commenting about Sauli whenever I feel like it, you don't need to read them, scroll troll!!!

Anonymous said...

@ xo laura.......JAK here.....I saw my first EDM concert video about a year ago when grandson was trying to convert me to Skrillex . The lights would destroy anyone who gets migraines! When I was still able to go to concerts and they broke out the lasers I had a black bandana I used to cover my eyes and since I usually had wads of tissue
In my ears I was a weird sight. Couldn't take the lights or the speakers but I still had fun!!

Anonymous said...

@2:38pm , Thankey for your post and for DRG too, for a little info about Sauli might surprise someone with joyful and happy thoughts! And that doesn´t hurt anyone.:) So Happy for LMD´s success!

Anonymous said...

I guess it may be a little hard for some people to let go of the Adam Sauli connection and move on as the two young men have. Adam is a sweetheart and remains friends with all his former boyfriends. I guess this leaves it open for any of his former boyfriend's fans to bring their information here also. Sooner or later, their information will become less Adam related. Then it will probably be less need to bring it to Adam's fan blog.

My understanding is this is an Adam based fan blog; about Adam and his fans connection with him and each other.

I don't think that it should become a hostile place as long as someone wants to post a little something of interest about Adam's family, friends, former boyfriends, ect.; as long as does not go to far and becomes a shared fan base thing. With an individual Adam no longer dates.

Each person probably has their own fan base; and fans can go visit that fan blog.

Be happy Glamhoppers. Everyone loves our beautiful man; hard to let go of that connection. Peace.

Oh by the way, we do have sunshine on this site. Adam Lambert is a whole lot of Sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Ha, JAK! I'm picturing you at a concert, with your bandana eye shade and tissue in your ears. Too funny!

I get migraines, too,(fun, huh?!) but they're not so much light induced. The OVERWHELMING strobe effect at this concert was something I've never seen before. That's why I said someone with epilepsy wouldn't stand a chance. And I LIKE strobe lights, and dancing in them.

I was curious as to other's impressions. So different than any concert I've experienced or seen on YouTube. Did you get a chance to see the video before they took it down? Some friends upthread said this is what an EDM concert is like.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@4:00pm I think "the connection" will be there for a longer time than some people may wish for because Adam and Sauli are still good friends. I admire and respect that. Peace to all and sunshine.

Anonymous said...

@4:00 PM

Nice, and so eloquently put. Thanks. Things can be said in a nice way without people being so hostile. Adam wants his fans to get along. He is my sunshine.

Anonymous said...


you are probably right; and that is a good thing. Adam is still friends with many of his former boyfriends. Many will probably be friends for life. But, that really does not have anything to do with this site.

It is really not anyone's business who Adam remains friends with. You should not worry about what other people think; just enjoy the people you enjoy and ignore the rest. Don't sweat the small things. Sauli and Adam both bring sunshine to their fans lives; it's ok to like them both.

Have a good evening.

Anonymous said...

5:04 your comment didn't make much sense to me, but who am I?

Anonymous said...

I don't know; You will have to figure that out.

Anonymous said...

Ok, @2:28 here,
just want to make it clear that it is totally possible to be a true, avid Adam fan and love Sauli, too - even when they are not together.Just don't get why some people seem to think that if you mention Sauli, you are not Adam fan?! I have a big heart, actually Adam has made it bigger, so there's plenty of room for this sexy little Finnish Sunshine, too!
Love & Acceptance!

Anonymous said...

Yeah love and acceptance!...but we have a lot of sick people here who likes the constant (irrelevant) comparing of the 2 men.
Someone(cant remember the tag)said sauli stuffs has the right to be posted here; not true, he is for those who love sauli,you can go admire him and the rest that do not care can skip the thread altogether.