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British DJ Pete Tong says LAY ME DOWN is his favorite track from "True" album

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, September 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, September 13, 2013

Peter "Pete" Tong is a popular English DJ who works for BBC Radio 1.


Anonymous said...

A miracle! This is amazing they never played Adam not even WWFM. Now hopefully it will be the third single and blow up the charts and radio. Adam so deserves that!

Anonymous said...

#NP on EMR Lay Me Down by Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

7:55 I didn't realize they didn't even play WWFM. Maybe this song will win them over. Fingers X'd.

Anonymous said...

7:55 I didn't realize they didn't even play WWFM. Maybe this song will win them over. Fingers X'd.

Anonymous said...

After this phenom of LMD, let's hope Tong "re-discovers" Adam and plays some songs from his albums. Adam certainly has Brit fans, but as a whole, UK radio hasn't played him much.


Anonymous said...

oh em gee I just googled my name and my FB picture is on it and someone with my name was murdered a long time ago. The number was 750,000.

Anonymous said...

Pete is cute.

Anonymous said...

@9:33pm can you show us the link to your name search? Did you do a general search or query search in order to narrow down search result no. to your name only just like the way it's done for this topic thread?

Anonymous said...

OMG! Thank GOD!

Anonymous said...

Stardom, stardom and endless stardom!
Yah, ADAM we love you!

Anonymous said...

They are not playing adam, they are playing avicii. Adam is not avicii. His music doesn't sound like avicii.

Anonymous said...

9:33 I just typed in my first and last name under google and there were about 5 others with the same name on my page. I was shocked to see my picture.

Anonymous said...

ok LMD by Avicii ft Adam Lambert and Nile.

Anonymous said...

What the hay does it matter if they are playing Avicii - It is Adam Lambert singing! People are not dumb and they will want to hear more Adam and Adam will finally be heard by the entire world! It matters not how Adam gets there, just that he has finally arrived! Life is a journey and evidently this is the route to his path for sucess. I love Adam more each day I hear him!..nancdruuu2

jackie said...

1:50. Adams voice is load and clear without electronic distortion. People will go on youtube Itunes etc to see who this singer is. Best thing that happened for Adam best promotion all over the world. Critics raving about Adams voice not Aviccis. Best of all Adams down as co-writing so big bucks coming his way. And he deserves everything he has worked so hard for dealing with much adversity such as people like you who try to put him down at every turn. It must burn your arse seeing how well he is doing!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jackie again I meant loud and clear.

Anonymous said...

7:31, Avicii fans know he never sings. He always uses other vocalists.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:11 A.M.....JAK here....OT def.

Your comment made me realize I've never goggled my name...(I was a late convert, only bought a computer after Adam was on Idol) :))

Anyway, goggled and have spent a half hour reading about myself and seeing numerous photos, some I'd never seen! I checked maiden name and married name. Photos of high school from newspaper and college from sorority and year books. I never have a problem finding myself in group photos....back row center...I'm 5'11 !!!

I'd be easy to trace if I took up a life of knows much too much about me and my family....though there is a added family member. Virginia ? I asked my husband if he had a first wife I didn't know about...he said "are you nuts, we've been together since I (he) was 18!

About 3 years ago someone on this blog said she had goggled my tag
JAK adam lambert 24/7 and found me.
It shook me up...but it's just occasional threads from the site and some of my silly poems. The only alarming thing is I'm not the only JAK and that worries me, that people might confuse of them is kind of shady!

Anyway it's been fun googling! :)))