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Executive Producer at Sirius XM radio says "Lay Me Down" is Disco Fire! He Loves It!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, September 14, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, September 14, 2013

Larry Flick is a music/talk-host and executive producer at Sirius XM radio.


Anonymous said...

I remember an interview he did with Adam in 2009 and it was sooo obvious he was a real Glambert.....uhhh correction: that would be Glamhopper these days!


Anonymous said...

Adam is all things 'Glam" and all things sexy too..Dear God..I hope this track brings him more recognition and more money..

Anonymous said...

LOL disco fire.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that maybe Adam has met someone (new lover) and that is why we aren't getting pics from clubs, etc...

Anonymous said...

I also hope this track brings Adam more recognition and gets people talking about him and his music. And more money isn't such a bad idea either.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know if Adam wrote the lyrics to LMD??? I hope he did..

Anonymous said...

10:02, I think Nile wrote them and then reworked them a little with Adam when Adam came in to sing the song.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking we haven't seen Adam because he is working on his new music.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking we haven't seen Adam because he is working on his new music.

Anonymous said...

Adam is busy with his work schedule.

Anonymous said...

I have always admired Mr. Flick since his interview with Adam ages ago. Yes I thought he was a lil Glamhopper at the time.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Adam was seen at a dance club Thursday night

Anonymous said...

Larry did some of the BEST interviews with Adam about three years back. It's worth looking them up on YouTube. Very thoughtful and fun, Adam at his best. And he looks amazing. Great to re-watch.

xo laura

Urethra_Franklin said...

Larry is on my very short list of "The Only People Who Should Ever Be Allowed To Interview Adam."

Love the dude.

Anonymous said...

#NP LMD @Energy Music Radio.

Anonymous said...

Hell that LMD gets better every time I hear it. I was tuned into EMR when it was playing a few minutes ago.

Anonymous said...

A Disco club probably playing LMD by bow. Guess they can play before released. Not long now tho.we definitely know Adam recorded song yesterday with the producer who said Adam voice gave him goosebumps.may be for Glee or whatever we know he been working. Imagine they will start shooting Adam in October. May be doing some pre taping ground work.

Anonymous said...

Vegas coming up, hope its on radio around here got to fire up radio next week cannot wait! Adam will be fantastic to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Adam has writing credits along with Nile On LMD. Just love the song and all the positive buzz it's getting!

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra_Franklin.......just wondering if Byron Cooke makes your list?............he and Adam seem to click!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Mr. Flick has the hots for Adam..but, honestly..what gay man wouldn't?? or even some straight men??? LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes, Larry would definitely like to Glam Hop on Adam...

Anonymous said...

I liked Michael Slezak's interview with Adam.

Anonymous said...


Adam was also seen in Las Vegas, reports of him in China; Singapore and Russia;
and this was all on Thursday night. PICTURES ANYONE!

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad they didn't check my bedroom.

Anonymous said...

JAK, is that you?!!

Anonymous said...

Damn 6:09 you're good! Am I that transparent?
You make it impossible for me to hit & run!

Urethra_Franklin said...

3:02 No. He's a good fan but I find his interviews to fall into the awkward category.

Anonymous said...

@JAK 12:02
No you're not. I just get the vibe... Love your sense of humour!
Had you not beat me to it, I would have claimed Adam's in my bedroom... :-D :-D :-D

Anonymous said...

@ :-D......when you catch me please leave an identifying mark of some kind so I'll know it's you. I don't want to think everyone knows me when I'm being naughty.