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Liam McEwan Trying to Pull an Adam Lambert Look at School ball

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

wow nice job Liam, you pulled it off and then some.

Anonymous said...

He a cutie! The one above him is pretty wow looking too! Sue

Anonymous said...

Mr McEwan, looking so handsome!

Anonymous said...

adorbs and adorkable

Anonymous said...

Very good look for Liam. I wish Adam would revisit this look. I was hoping for Glee,but it doesn't look like he will.

Anonymous said...

Nice Liam, you have a good role model to work with!....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

have a good time at the ball Liam you will shine.

Anonymous said...

Liam, you're looking great, but I think you're rocking a 1970 Brian May look. He was pretty cool back in the Queen Rules days!

Anonymous said...

I like it, Liam. More power to you!

Anonymous said...

That gorgeous Adam hairstyle would look great on Glee.

Anonymous said...

That hairstyle would look very dated on Glee. That boat has sailed. Hair stands up now, haven't you noticed?
He did look great emo.

Anonymous said...

Liam, LOL, love your style, did you get many girls ; )