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New Pictures from Instagram! #Artpop

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 16, 2013

Adam posted these pictures on Instagram with the tag #Artpop


Anonymous said...

LOL he is so funny and cute :)

Anonymous said...

Oh oh, Adam's getting new ideas.

Anonymous said...

Is this his Glee look?

Anonymous said...

the beard and mustache complete the look. OMG really crazy gurl

Anonymous said...

Maybe will play drag queen in Glee!!

Anonymous said...

That looks like same wig as Lady GaGa wore on Bravo channel the other night. Maybe will wear it singing Applause on Glee

Anonymous said...

That looks like same wig as Lady GaGa wore on Bravo channel the other night. Maybe will wear it singing Applause on Glee

Anonymous said...

I think that except for Melvin, he's channeling Beyonce, before her recent haircut!.....JAK
He looks purty!

Anonymous said...

Crazy man. Gotta love him.

Anonymous said...

I love his sense of humour, he is very funny but I don't like long hair on Adam his much more handsome with it short.

Anonymous said...

I love his sense of humour, he is very funny but I don't like long hair on Adam his much more handsome with it short.

Anonymous said...

what the hell landed on the Glam coif?

Anonymous said...

An alien fungus?
Sherrie Shepherd's entire collection of wigs?........JAK

Anonymous said...

Funny. A few days ago he was calling us Glamhoppers in a paternal way and now these pics scream "I'm 3 years old, look at me!" ^_^

Yes, Adam, I'm looking and always will, you're my #1 very Favorite!

Anonymous said...

Glee's drag queen ? As it has been rumored before...Axel...

Anonymous said...

Only AFL can look cute and sexy in a beard, mustache and big curly wig. He looks so boyish and fun huggable. I love him from his bushy hair to his nail-painted toes.


Anonymous said...

This is why I follow this man! Not just the voice but his personality he is so funny and refreshing. Always puts a smile on my face!

Anonymous said...

Bad ass Adam!,love the goofy silly pics.he looks relaxed and happy; enjoy yourself adam

Anonymous said...

This looks just like something he would do. I think he has this thing for drag queens. Maybe he wants to be like Raja.

Anonymous said...

That beautiful face; oh my, to die for.

Anonymous said...

Adam has friends that are drag queens, he has friends that are straight; Does that mean he wants to be straight. He can't be his good friend Raja because, where would Raja go? Please don't be so silly.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, you said like his good friend Raja. The rest of my statement goes.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so crazy funny. SNL needs him!

Anonymous said...

Are these wigs or photo-shopped?

Anonymous said...

This might be how he is getting into clubs without the paps noticing him. He just has to put a hand up to his face, a small purse, and voila, no Adam. LOL I am sure he as access to many kinds of wigs, that would change his looks.

Anonymous said...

This might be how he is getting into clubs without the paps noticing him. He just has to put a hand up to his face, a small purse, and voila, no Adam. LOL I am sure he as access to many kinds of wigs, that would change his looks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9:59, looks like Adam was playing with a friend's wig to me.

Anonymous said...

i thought of Ronald Mcdonald for a brief second:) he needs the red lips:)) haha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is this an old pic? That arm with tattoo looks like Sauli's.

Anonymous said...

I love that hair!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering that shoulder too

Anonymous said...

i think that it could be sauli`s shoulder as well...
Adam and sauli seem to play cat and mouse with us, there are so many little clues ....i find it quite amusing :-)
sauli`s coming back to LA in november, i`m sure they will announce their reunion when he`s back :-)

Anonymous said...

12 49 Dream On

Anonymous said...

12.49pm that's wishful would be nice if it were true. :-)

Anonymous said...

Sauli doesn't have a tattoo of a person on his shoulder/arm so it's not Sauli. It's crazy to think everything Adam does on twitter and instagram is a clue.

Anonymous said...

Raja's shoulder...

Anonymous said...

@10:11 AM

Does Adam always have to be accused of being drunk every time he does something fun and playful for his fans. Take a chill pill let the young man enjoy his life; and his true fans.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Adam will do a great job on Glee; whichever role they may give him. I don't know if they will give him a sensitive role s to play. He may not have a choice of picking his role; or be able to refuse a certain part. No matter what role they give him; someone will complain and try to make him look bad. I say, if that is the case; be damn the critics.

As a fan I will be proud and defend him and his art. He will play the hell out of any part they give him. The rumors have already started.

Anonymous said...

Who knows what they are thinking about for Adam to play. I hope it is part that he is comfortable with.

Anonymous said...

It's ok if Sauli's fans still want them to get back together. Fans wanted Adam and Cheeks, the man he said was his first love; to get back together for years; I think some still do. It really is a nice compliment for Adam. He seems to be fond and stays friends with most of the few boyfriends he has had. Adam is a great guy. What's not to love. I love him; never going to let him go!

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam was my best friend; I would take him to my Senior prom next year. I would be the envy of my school. I would tell them they can look, but they had better not touch. (Smile) I wish.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I've never been drunk and I've been silly for over 70 years, the two don't necessarily go hand in hand......first I was a kid, then I had kids, then I taught kids...that might have something to do with and silly do go hand in hand.

Anonymous said...

Damn it Adam!!!:) You are so freaking funny and adorable indeed!!

I would like to pinch your face!!!!!:)

You made me laughed so much with your funny expressions!!!:)


Anonymous said...

@2:55 PM Write to him and ask.

Adam Lambert
8332 Melrose Ave. 2nd floor
Los Angeles, CA 90069

Anonymous said...

The wig belongs to drag queen Vicky Vox. You can see it in her instagram photos and she just tweeted adam about it. She goes by TheVickyVox.

Anonymous said...

Did you forget to sign this post, JAK?!

@JAK 2:57
I've lost count how many times you've made me smile during the last couple of days... You're an international treasure, just like Adam!

Anonymous said...

@ : )))))) .....nope, not guilty.....wouldn't it be great if this post was genuine? Imagine the chaos! I'd like to chaperone that prom....

I'm glad I've made you smile, I've been a Chatty Cathy for the last week, it's either that or write poems and then I hole up and disappear for a week. That's as long as I can stay quiet, this might be a good time to take a break I have Dan Brown's 400+ page Inferno to read and homework for my class I'm taking........JAK ...see ya!

Anonymous said...

No disappearing acts NOW, too many good things happening to our dear Adam! We need you on this site!!!
You're a Glamhopper, hopp a few pages (Dan does not have to know), skip/hopp the homework (you're so learned, wise & sophisticated already, you can tackle any task without studying) and I'm sure in a couple of days Adam brings so much fuel to your poem writing that you're burning, burning with desire... - and it's all because of you, our Dear Mr. Lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

These pics are hilarious .... in a good way. :-D Love the wigs. Adam looks a lot like Neil in the 1st pic.

Anonymous said...

At 3:12 PM

Thank you for the address to Adam, my Mom said I should do it.

Will let you know if I get the nerve; I would pass out if he actually answered me. I will definitely write to him now. Made up my mind; My sister is going to help me with it, so I don't sound like a scary stalker. My second post, you all are so nice on here. Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...Go for it! I'm sure you'll get an answer, a yes would probably be a miracle with the kind of schedule Adam must have, but he'll be flattered and if a few prayers sent on your behalf would do any good I'm sure there are a lot here who would send them heavenward. Besides the idea is fun! Do it! Let us know if you get a response and thanks for the nice compliment...sometimes we are prickly but we all have hearts!