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Over 6 Million Google Hits for Adam Lambert & Avicii's "LAY ME DOWN"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, September 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, September 13, 2013


choons said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are you sure that's HITS and not RESULTS...? It says "results." I think that number is just referencing all the possible webpages -- or places on webpages -- where those combinations of words might be found.

I'm no Google expert, so you may be right and I may be wrong, but I always thought that number had to do with the number of results that would be listed if you went through all of them -- not how many people were LOOKING for the pages with those words on them. I thought there was another 'calculator' or page that would measure hits like that.

Anonymous said...

7:55 your explanation sounds correct. I never heard of hits used like that before either. What is the source on this article?

Anonymous said...

Adam's vocals are so dam sexy in this song. He can sing high he can sing low.........he can sing just about anything. As Paula once said listening to Adam makes me feel better than good. What a gift he has been these past 4 years to so many of us.

BTW.......LMD definitely has the potential of being a world wide #1 hit.


Anonymous said...

Thesong is really taking off! BTW, I hope Dr. Bri and Roger are aware of what's happening with LMD. They should be very happy for Adam, esp. since they're performing with him so soon.


Anonymous said...

That no. Was close to nine million before noon today. If you notice the google search is done in query format. If the search was only on words, Adam Lambert Avicii, the search result no. is in much higher no. Cause then google search engine looks for combination of the words. Since it is in query format of, "Adam Lambert" AND "Avicii", the google search engine disregards words that matches and looks specifically for exact same things. That's a very high number results hits. BTW the result no. isn't only in English but all languages around the world.

Anonymous said...

When I first heard LMD, I thought whoa! Adam might have hit the jackpot and seems to me he might actually have. What struck when I first heard it was, all the components of the song come together with Adam's angsty voice striking it out and it got me hooked rather instantly. That made me realise this might be Adam's breakthrough single; if indeed it's made into one; this one is going to last and last, an evergreen.


Anonymous said...

Whatever the case...I can't stop listening to LMD, been listening to it all day and it just makes you feel so good.

Anonymous said...

8:32 that was very interesting, thanks !! I never even gave it a thought what those numbers represented.

Anonymous said...

You can test it with your own name to get a better understanding. Since I'm not famous I don't have that many hit results.

Anonymous said...

For not being released as a single, LMD is doing very well on iTunes charts throughout Europe..True has yet to be released in the U.K., U.S., Canada, and Asia(Japan,China,and Singapore esp.are major Glambert nations) so things are looking good y'all : )

Anonymous said...

Glad it's hitting so big but let's be realistic, most of those sales are to Avicii fans. Glad they are getting to hear LMD is Avicci's favorite.

Anonymous said...

1:48 why would someone not be realistic about that? It's his album.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you right now that the Finland no. 1 for LMD is a mixture of Avicii and Adam. Finland as always loved Adam for himself. Finland is another Glambert country. Adam vocals being on song certainly had something to do with it reaching no.1 without even being a single yet. I think it will do well in Asian countries as well when released.

Anonymous said...

Adam L. Vocals plus Avicii plus Nile's equal remarkable song!

Anonymous said...

3:05, where have you been? Some Adam fans seem to have forgotten this is Avicii's song and think it is going to make Adam a world wide star.

Anonymous said...

LMD is going to be the driving force on this album and Adams vocals rule that song. There is no electronic distortions just his magnificent voice. Gut feeling this is going to be a huge gamechanger for Adam plus bonus having name as co writer so big money too. As a fan fromday1 I couldn't be happier! !!

Anonymous said...

no one has been stingy about mentioning Adam or Nile's name. Avicii and all the articles I have read have been very generous when it comes to this.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a world wide star already.
Plenty of room to grow still, but never the less, world wide star! Stardom comes from not numbers only!!!