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Random Cute Adam Lambert Pictures (Tuesday Night Edition)

Filed Under () by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

luv them all.

Anonymous said...

Adam's mouth/lips look different in these two top photos.

Anonymous said...

I like this set of pictures which I've saved; those meticulously taken close-ups by Japanese photographers. Ahh but I recognise Anisa Hassan, Channel News Asia reporter and also owner of 'It's Just Lunch'; a sort of dating/meeting franchise, American origin. She has taken it worldwide. Very kind beautiful lady who also loves children, having two daughters of her own; she works as a kind of social-worker as well, with children especially those in dire straits poverty. Anisa interviewed Adam on his first visit to Singapore. Yes Adam would remember her well, very gentle empathetic lady.


Anonymous said...

I always love the pictures from InRock magazine.

Looks like it's dropping on the charts.
Barbara ‏@barbls23 11m
@adamlambert Plz RT Avicii - #LayMeDown Now #7 on iTunes U.S. Dance Chart and #56 Top Songs Chart - #iTunes

Anonymous said...

Lmd is not going to zoom anywhere unless it is a single.

Anonymous said...

The ones with the fur collar look pretty fierce.
He truly is a photographer's dream.

Speaking of dreams, I'm gonna go 'LMD'. I've been up 20 hours...........G'nite.......JAK

Anonymous said...

I remember that crazy appearance when Adam was on that British guy's show (10 of the pics shown). It was hilarious and the interviewer was very raunchy. Adam seemed to have so much fun and it was a memorable appearance. I might have to look it up again on YouTube. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my glory!! DELISH!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this set of pictures is preparing us for Adam's grand entry on Glee as handsome Henry or handsome teacher Roderick. Either way it's handsome. lol! It seems he starts filming next week; so we shall soon find out... :)


Anonymous said...

Adam is just the freakin' bomb! His face is ethereal-had to have been hand made by a Higher Power.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that I remember most of these pics having seen most of them during these last 4 years. Yea, I remember that stint on the British talk show...that guy really liked Adam and Adam had a really good time. I loved seeing all these pics again.


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, do you know admin is picking pictures? What would that have to do with Glee?

daydreamin said...


Anonymous said...

The green pictures are stunning. I love Adam's stunning!

Anonymous said...

What a way to start the morning with these gorgeous pictures of Adam. His looks and style are constantly changing . We may not always like those looks, but Adam Lambert is never boring or uninteresting. I can't wait to see what he will be wearing for his performance with Queen and then his appearances on Glee. These are two exciting things to look forward to in the next few weeks.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for posting!!! Roaar!!!! The wolf is still alive ;)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where the picture above the fireman was taken? The one with the outside/trees as background.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:06....I'm pretty sure that was from the Summerthing concert in San Francisco......shamefully I admit I memorize what he wears (don't laugh I was a dressmaker's daughter!'s genetic). If I could see if he was wearing the black knit leggings with white spatters I could be certain!.......JAK : )

Anonymous said...

6:16, it's from the 96.5 Spring Fling concert.
(JAK, wrong bracelets for it to be Summerthing.)

Anonymous said...

6:16, it's from the 96.5 Spring Fling concert.
(JAK, wrong bracelets for it to be Summerthing.)

Anonymous said...

6:16, it's from the 96.5 Spring Fling concert.
(JAK, wrong bracelets for it to be Summerthing.)

Anonymous said...

I swear I only clicked once. I don't know why it posted three times. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:39.... JAK are exactly right. Now I see that it's not an all black shirt, it's the shirt with yellow dollar signs.
Def Spring Fling concert.....that's when he wore the jeans cut off at the knee and clunky boots.....right? Same vest.
I like the way he dresses at these casual performances more than his fancy duds!

Anonymous said...

Lammy @ 9:47 Do you know how consistantly off topic you are. Who TF cares who took the pics, just let us enjoy the subject.