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Dream Bed!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 16, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, November 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Dee, get on that production girl! Many folks want that bed.
Where did it come from?
Would be quite nice to put your head right next to that face!

Anonymous said...

Yea quite a dream-bed...not sure if it helps me sleep or keeps me wide awake. lol! But nice bed spread, pillow etc.


Anonymous said...


xo laura

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, I agree with you. I don't know if this bed would help me sleep or keep me awake all nigiht. Either way, I'd be dreaming of Adam.


Anonymous said...

Not sure about your reasons; mine is I don't want to mess up the bedspread or worse still, put my feet accidentally on his face. lol! Pillow, okay, closeness. lwl!


Anonymous said...

I have AL pillow cases and shower curtain now I need this spread.

Anonymous said...

@ DRG .........Don't even think about it....your husband would have you committed !.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Creepy weird.

Anonymous said...

Not a bit wired, not at all. The bed spread is so cool. Love it.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I can understand the urge....long ago there was a young blond actor who had all we high school girls hearts a flutter .... circa 1953. The local theater had a life size heavy cardboard cut out of the star in the best friend and I went to see the movie for three days straight and sat thru it twice each time. We begged the theater manager for the cut out.....he finally gave in and let us have it. And that's how Tab Hunter came to live one week at a time shuttled between my friend's house and mine, till he got bent and ragged in his cut off jeans and shirtless.

At the time I didn't realize that Tab wouldn't have given either my friend or I a second glance.....he was the first gay guy I "loved". The really awful movie was called Island of Desire. Anyone remember that film?

Anonymous said...

That's kind of the point. Bedding with some celebrity on it is for middle school girls who kiss a poster good night, not for adult women.

Anonymous said...

Ok everybody stop pressuring 10:32 to buy an AL bedspread.

Anonymous said...

What about this one 10:32

Anonymous said...

JAK: So much of what you write is familiar to me because I am also one of Adam's more mature fans. I was in love with Tab Hunter and wonder if he is still around. Do you remember his song "Young Love"? I was also a big Elvis fan as a teen and now in my later years have been mesmerized by Adam Lambert, his voice and his amazing stage presence. In the crazy, unpredictable world of music today with so many untalented, crass performers, Adam is a diamond who sparkles brightly among all the cubic zirconia out there.

Rebecca said...

showed this to hubby and he said he wouldn't mind waking up to this is it meant i'd get rid of my Johnny Depp pillow

Anonymous said...

My son in law got my daughter a life size cardboard cut out of the guy from Bones ... Aka ... Angel... Damn things scares me ever time I visit .... Rose petal

Anonymous said...

@ TSC......Tab is still around....he is (Gasp) 82. I know he lived on a ranch for many years, and his partner of 30 years died some time ago. He has over the years made a few movies and worked on the stage. He spoke about the double life the studio insisted he live.....escorting Debbie Reynolds and Natalie Wood around to ward off the rumors...........times have changed, but very slowly....JAK

Anonymous said...

5:23 AM
Adam is gorgeous but that really is creepy.

Anonymous said...

Tab Hunter and his lover for many years, Van Johnson, were spotted by this poster in the San Francisco airport many years ago. We exchanged a few words in the TWA vip lounge. Van Johnson joked that they wanted to fly United but the airline didn't allow that. They were a little tipsy.