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Sneak Peek at "Puppet Master!" (Glee 5x07)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 16, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, November 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

I'm wild about the pic in the lower right hand corner.

Anonymous said...

Kurt's puppet has his characteristic smile, mouth closed. Adam's puppet needs to show two rows of straight teeth, which is predominant in his smile. Now, his green puppet representation reminds me a little of a China-man. lol! Okay though, might appeal to China. But I can't feel Adam in the green puppet very much; the eyebrows are okay; nose must be more prominent, that's Adam's distinctive feature. I'm by nature, fastidious. lol!


Anonymous said...

all those puppets are so cute!!

Anonymous said...

From what I understand all the puppets were made before Adam joined Glee. They had to make Adams, before they could show them all. They finally got his done, and then they could show all of them. I love Adams puppet.

Anonymous said...

8:39, where did you read that? Do you have a link?

Anonymous said...

The kids will love this episode of Glee for sure!

Anonymous said...

11:32, this adult is going to love this episode of Glee.

Anonymous said...

Puppet Elliot is telling live Adam to keep his mouth shut. haha

Puppet Becky looks like real Becky's twin.